Doubly Reinforeced Beam

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Concrete has very good compressive strength and almost negligible tensile strength. Hence, steel reinforcement is used on the tensile side of concrete. Thus, singly reinforced beams reinforced on the tensile face are good both in compression and tension. However, these beams have their respective limiting moments of resistance with specified width, depth and grades of concrete and steel. The amount of steel reinforcement needed is known as Ast,lim. Problem will arise, therefore, if such a section is subjected to bending moment greater than its limiting moment of resistance as a singly reinforced section. There are two ways to solve the problem. First, we may increase the depth of the beam, which may not be feasible in many situations. In those cases, it is possible to increase both the compressive and tensile forces of the beam by providing steel reinforcement in compression face and additional reinforcement in tension face of the beam without increasing the depth (Fig. 1). The total compressive force of such beams comprises (i) force due to concrete in compression and (ii) force due to steel in compression. The tensile force also has two components: (i) the first provided by Ast,lim which is equal to the compressive force of concrete in compression. (ii) The second part is due to the additional steel in tension - its force will be equal to the compressive force of steel in compression. Such reinforced concrete beams having steel reinforcement both on tensile and compressive faces are known as doubly reinforced beams. Doubly reinforced beams, therefore, have moment of resistance more than the singly reinforced beams of the same depth for particular grades of steel and concrete. In many practical situations, architectural or functional requirements may restrict the overall depth of the beams.

It may be noted that even in so called singly reinforced beams there would be longitudinal hanger bars in compression zone for locating and fixing stirrups. Hanger bars of nominal diameter, used for the purpose of holding stirrups, do not normally qualify as compression reinforcement unless the area of such bars is significant (greater than 0.2 percent). Other than in doubly reinforced beams compression steel reinforcement is provided when: (i) some sections of a continuous beam with moving loads undergo change of sign of the bending moment which makes compression zone as tension zone or vice versa. (ii) the ductility requirement has to be followed. (iii) the reduction of long term deflection is needed.


the moment of resistance Mu of the doubly reinforced beam consists of (i) M Mulim of singly reinforced beam and (ii) Mu2 because of equal and opposite compression and tension forces (C2 and T2) due to additional steel reinforcement on compression and tension faces of the beam (Figs. 1 and 2).Since total compression should be equal to total tension , so additional reinforcement has to be provided in tension zone Thus, the moment of resistance Mu of a doubly reinforced beam is

The additional moment Mu2 can be expressed in two ways (Fig. 2): considering (i) the compressive force C2 due to compression steel and (ii) the tensile force T2 due to additional steel on tension face. In both the equations, the lever arm is (d - d'). Thus, we have

The term fcc. Asc being very small , we can ignore this term as is done in ANNEXURE G!.2/P.96

As per IS:456-2000, annexure g.1.2/p.96

The stress in compression steel fsc is corresponding to the strain sc of Eq. 9 and is determined for (a) mild steel and (b) cold worked bars Fe 415 and 500 as given below: (a) Mild steel Fe 250 The strain at the design yield stress of 217.39 N/mm2 (fd = 0.87 fy ) is 0.0010869 (= 217.39/Es). The fsc is determined from the idealized stress-strain diagram of mild steel (Fig. Fig. 23B of IS 456) after computing the value of sc from Eq. 9 as follows: (i) If the computed value of sc 0.0010869, fsc = sc Es = 2 (105) sc (ii) If the computed value of sc > 0.0010869, fsc = 217.39 N/mm2. For calculation 0.001869 is taken ~0.002

Cold worked bars Fe 415 and Fe 500 The stress-strain diagram of these bars is given in in Fig. 23A of IS 456. It shows that stress is proportional to strain up to a stress of 0.8 fy The stress-strain curve for the design purpose is obtained by substituting fyd ,for fy in the figure up to 0.8 fyd. Thereafter, from 0.8 fyd to fyd, Table -1,gives the values of total strains and design stresses for Fe 415 and Fe 500. Table 1 presents these values as a ready reference here.

The above procedure has been much simplified for the cold worked bars by presenting the values of fsc of compression steel in doubly reinforced beams for different values of d'/d only taking the practical aspects into consideration. In most of the doubly reinforced beams, d'/d has been found to be between 0.05 and 0.2. Accordingly, values of fsc can be computed from Table after determining the value of sc from Eq. 9 for known values of d'/d as 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.2. Table 2 presents these values of fsc for four values of d'/d (0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.2) of Fe 250 ,Fe 415 and Fe 500.

Why strength of compression steel is not fully utilised

Determine the ultimate moment capacity of a doubly reinforced beam with b=350mm. d=60mm,d=550mm,Asc=1690mm2, Ast=4310mm2 fck=30N/mm2, fy=415N/mm2
1. Mu1 for concrete failure=0.138fck.b.d2=0.138X30X350X(550)2= 438kN-m 2. Area of steel for balanced section=(ptlim.=0.414Xfck/fy.xumax./d)=0.414X30/415X0.48 =0.143 So Area of steel=Ast1=0.143X350X550X100=2753 mm2 3. Compression in steel: d/d=60/550=0.11 from table 2 , fsc=351N/mm2 so Cu=fscXAsc=351X1690X10-3=593.2kN 4. Mu2 due to compression failure =Cu(d-d)=593.2(550-50)X10-3=291kN-m 5. Total Mu=438+291=729kN-m 6. Additional tension steel availableAst2=4310-2753=1557mm2 7. Moment capacity for steel failure=Mu=Mu1+Ast2(0.87fy)(d-d) = 438+1557X0.87X415(550-60X10-6=714 kN-m

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