Shadow Self

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Healing the Shadow Self

Phil Mollon PhD

Healing the shadow may be the key to overcoming selfsabotage A profound source of psychological reversal


Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy

Exploring the dynamics of the psyche as expressed in the energy fields of the body

Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy

Inspired by Thought Field Therapy, EFT, TAT, and Seemorg Matrix [Karnac. London. 2008]

Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy [PEP]

The traumas and conflicts within the psyche are also expressed as information within the energy fields of the body

The synergy of psyche and energy field

By addressing the psyche and the body's energy fields at the same time, we create a powerful therapeutic synergy that allows easy and speedy movement

The core of Thought Field Therapy

Perturbations the cause of psychological disturbance are precise constellations of information expressed as sequences of meridian and chakra coding, (approximately) analogous to software code. A core discovery of Dr Roger Callahan.

Moving between levels and parts of the mind-body-energy system

The chakras are a deeper part of the energy system than the meridians When we have cleared perturbations from the meridians we may need to go back to the chakras to clear the residues that have lodged there There are many other potential parts of the mind-body-energy system where perturbations may be located all can be muscle tested.

All distress is energetically encoded

The principle of energetic encoding of perturbations applies to all states of psychological and physical distress Including traumas and pain that are not consciously accessible Such as birth and intrauterine trauma, other lifetimes etc As well as the traumas of dissociative parts and the shadow self

The info-energetic system

Traffic lights analogy Traffic lights control the flow of traffic not by their direct energetic power, but by their signals. Dysfunctional traffic lights, out of phase, or reversed, will cause traffic blockages and accidents and overflow of traffic down other routes Traffic may also be blocked by physical obstacles in the road

Reversals are the key to the deeper issues

Goal or problem Reversals Safety Deservedness Identity

SHADOW SELF Repudiated aspects Intense pain Rage Chaos

Core issues and traumas Childhood experiences Core beliefs

What is the shadow?

Archetype Disowned parts of Self An energetic structure

Content of the shadow

a vessel for all that is repudiated from the main personality including all the 'dark' aspects of the psyche, but also all that is overwhelming, terrifying, and chaotic. Black hole phenomena

Religions may intensify shadow

Some religions may intensify shadow phenomena by repressing natural aspects of human life and desire.

May take the form of something ugly, demonic, angry, and destructive.

When healed, it can appear very beautiful

Shadow self as container of dangerous psychic contents

The shadow is a necessary vessel to contain potentially dangerous aspects of the psyche that cannot yet be integrated.

The other as mirror

The Shadow may contain what is most repellent to the conscious personality/Self. It may be located, through projective identification, in an other person in the subject's life. Muscle test: "there is a part of me that is like that person".

Shadow as energetic structure

Distinguish from dissociative parts that have left the body during trauma (located through testing all parts of me are in my body)

The shadow self is a distinct energetic structure with its own chakra system but not linked to the higher dimensions and frequencies

Parasitic aspects of the shadow

The shadow is parasitic on the main personality but pursues its own destructive agenda (when unhealed),

Reversed energy
The shadow self exists in a reversed parallel dimension it is a major source of energetic reversals exerts a pull towards death.

Energetic blockages
In addition to its accumulation of repudiated psychological content, the shadow may also be fed by energetic blockages and inherited miasms etc.

Hidden in the shadows

Not available through introspection it is not the repressed unconscious In essence, the shadow is inherently unconscious

Muscle test for shadow self

Can be revealed through muscle testing Test: There is a part of me that wants to sabotage my life

Intrusion of the unhealed shadow

If the unhealed shadow self intrudes before it can be integrated, various destructive consequences may ensue: obsessive thoughts hallucinations malign personality changes.

The shadow is left out of the therapy

The shadow self will not participate in the energy healing of the main personality, unless it is specifically targeted.

Healing the shadow self

Identify the shadow Ascertain whether it is willing to be healed Apologise (for using it as a dump) and appreciate (what it has carried) Work with meridians and chakras to heal the traumas, pains, and injuries of the shadow self.

Alternative ways of healing the shadow self

Tap to all the traumas and pains of my shadow self, working with both meridians and chakras. Activate higher chakras, using intention and visualisation command, or intend, or visualise healing of the shadow self

Work from higher energetic frequencies

As we activate and engage with higher energetic frequencies, it becomes easy to reset the patterning at lower levels

The shadow becomes a resource

When healed, the shadow can be integrated becoming a friend and ally the disowned parts of the self become new strengths and resources

15 dimensional repatterning
Activate all 15 chakras (and optionally those of the shadow) Create spontaneous image for healing or achieving goal Insert image into each chakra

Dreams and muscle testing

For the psychoanalyst Dreams are the Royal Road to the unconscious [Freud] For the energy psychologist, muscle testing provides another rather precise window to the unconscious [John Diamond] allowing the body to talk.

Body as mind
The brain descends down the brainstem and into the body The deeper parts of the mind are the body Body and brain form one mind. Muscle testing allows us to access these deeper parts of the body-mind

The deep energetic structure of psychological disturbance

Using these methods allows us to access and work with the deep energetic structure underlying the psychodynamic, emotional and cognitive content.
Addressing both content and energetic structure in a potent synergistic combination.

Listening and reflecting energetically

At the emotional level we listen/receive, process and give back, as reflective comment or interpretation. At the energetic level we sense/receive, process and give back, as an informational energy sequence. Combining the emotional and the energetic words and tapping.

The unconscious as transmitting and receiving organ

[the analyst] must turn his own unconscious like a receptive organ towards the transmitting unconscious of the patient. He must adjust himself to the patient as a telephone receiver is adjusted to the transmitting microphone. Freud 1912

The various sources of information

Verbal-emotional Body language Conventional countertransference Muscle testing often quite precise data Meridian sequence (or chakras) Therapists own energy system resonance and entrainment with the clients system. [energy countertransference]

Moving fluidly between these

Listening to words, emotions, to conscious and unconscious levels and listening energetically. As we begin to intervene energetically we listen/look/observe the response. What comes to mind?

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