Min Yo

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Min Yo Garment Company





Click to add title in here NIKEN DYAH K. DEWI

1. You will start by specifying the production schedule for week 1, based on the forecasts for week 1 in the case narrative for Muscle Shirts and additional information on new and existing orders for the customized shirts. This decision is to be made in collaboration with your executive committee colleagues in class.

2. When all the teams have finalized their production plans for week 1, the instructor will supply the actual demands for Muscle Shirts in week 1. At this point, one of the members of the executive committee is to complete the P&L statement for week 1, assuming that the production schedule for week 1 has been completed. Blank copies of Table C1.2 will be provided.

3. While the P&L statement for week 1 is being completed, the instructor will announce the new order requests for Thunder Shirts and Dragon Shirts to be shipped in week 2 and the weeks beyond. 4. You should look at your order requests, accept those that you want, and reject the rest. Add those that you accept for delivery in future periods to your open-order file (blank copies will be provided). You are then irrevocably committed to them and their consequences. 5. You should then make out a new production schedule, specifying at least what you want your garment maker process to do in the next week (it will be for week 2 at that time). 6. The instructor will impose a time limit for each period of the simulation. When the time limit for one period has been reached, the simulation will proceed to the next week.

Demand of Muscle

Notes !!!
The past due quantity of shirt not shipped as promised, and appear as a negative number in the end Inv column Available = Beginning Inventory + Production Sales = Demand x Price when demand < available = available x price otherwise Inventory cost = $ 0.10 times number of shirts in inventory. Past deu cost equals past due quantity times the penalty ($1 for thunder shirts, $2 for dragon shirts)



Untuk rincian production schedule per minggu dapat dilihat pada lampiran dalam bentuk excel


Pada tabel diatas menunjukkan schedule produksi yang optimal dari perusahaan garmen min yo, untuk menghindari adanya denda akibat dari keterlambatan pengiriman maka perusahaan garmen min yo memproduksi tshirt muscle setiap minggu, sedangkan untuk tshirt thunder 2 minggu diproduksi dan 1 minggu nya tidak diproduksi, untuk mengoptimalkan jam kerja karyawan, pada saat tidak memproduksi tshirt thunder digunakan untuk memproduksi tshirt dragon. Sehingga keuntungan perusahaan dapat dicapai secara optimum.



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