Lecture 18

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Project Planning (IV)

Lec 18 VU June 14

2 30 pm Final rechkd 22 aug

Contents of Lec 18
Proj Policy,Procedures & Stnadrad Syst Integration (perf, Cost & Effectiveness) Value Analysis Sorting Out Project Hierachical Planning Sys

Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it. Plan more than you can do, then do it.

A Goal without a Plan is just a wish.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900 - 1944)

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood. Make Big Plans, Aim high in Hope & Work.
Daniel H. Burnham (1846 - 1912)

In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but Planning is indispensable.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 - 1969)

A good Plan, violently executed now, is better than a Perfect Plan next week.
George S. Patton (1885 - 1945)

Plans are only Good Intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.
Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005)

Project Planning

Planning is determining, what Needs to be done, by whom, & when, in order to fulfill one's assigned responsibility.

Planning is a required Management Function to facilitate comprehension of complex problems involving interacting factors.

Planning Function of selling Enterprise Objectives & Establishing: A)Policies B)Procedures C)Programs nec for achieving them.

Planning in a Project Environment Establishing : Predetermined course of action within a Forecasted Environment. Project Required set and Major Milestones: Line managers hope -they can meet them.

Most important Responsibilities of a Project Manager Planning, Integrating, & Executing Plans. All Projects are:
Relatively Short Duration Often Prioritized Control of Resources Require Formal, Detailed Planning.

Integration of Plan Activities is Necessary Because each Functional Unit

Divides its Own Planning Document With Little Regard for Other Functional Units.

Project Manager -Key to successful ProjectPlanning. Desirable- Project Manager be involved from:
Project- Conception Through Execution.

Project Planning must be:

Flexible -handle unique activities. Disciplined through Reviews & Controls. Capable of accepting Multifunctional Inputs.

Project Planning - Iterative process Performed through-out Life of Project. Objectives of Project Planning: To Completely Define all work required through: DocumentedProjectPlan Readily identifiable to Proj Participant.

Basic Reasons for Project Planning to:

Eliminate or reduce uncertainty. Improve efficiency of Operations. Better understanding of objectives. Basis for monitoring & controlling (M & C ) work.

Project Plan Elements Nine Elements Constitute Project Plan basis for: A) More detailed Planning of Budgets. b) Schedules. c) Work plan. d) General management of Project. Once this Basic Plan is developed & approved, it is disseminated to all interested parties.

Policy: General guideline for decision making & individual actions. Procedure: Detailed method for carrying out a Policy. Standard: Level of individual/group Performance defined as AdequateorAcceptable. Planning Categories: Strategic, Tactical, or Operational.
Strategic/Planning 5 years or more. Tactical 1-5 years. Operational 6 months to 1 Year.

Most Project- Operational, can be Strategic: If spin-offs or follow-up work is promising. If Project Planning Operational- Planning clearly definable. If Strategic or Linear Planning is Necessary Future Economic outlook Varies from year to year, (geo-political & Socio Economic Imperative to RePlanning -Regular intervals.

Policies, Procedures, & Standards, vary from Project to Project due to Uniqueness. Each Project Manager Can Establish Project Policies, within Broad Limits Set by Top Management. Policies: Predetermined general courses/guides based on five Principles: a) Subordinate Policies supplementary to Superior projects. b) Based on Known Principles in Operative Areas. c) Policies should be: Definable Understandable In writing d) Flexible & Stable.

Project Policies to Conform Organizational Policies, Similar in Nature from Project to Project. Procedures: Drastically different from Project to Project even if same activity is performed. For instance: Signing off of Manufacturing Plans may require different signatures on two selected Projects even though same end-item is produced.

System Integration/engineering includes any Technical specialist in science/art of Project, Performing Role of Integrating Technological Discipline to achieve:
a) Customers objectives. b) Integrating project into customers system.

Plays major role in success/failure of any project.

Two Approaches in System Integration: 1.Risky approach of System Integration- Delay project. 2.Conservative Approach-Forego opportunities: a) for enhanced Project capabilities. b) Advantageous project economies.

Major Objectives of System Integration

1.Performance: is what system does. It Includes: System design Reliability Quality Maintainability Repair ability -Not separate, independent elements of system. -highly interrelated. System Performance Characteristicssubject to over/under design.

Desgin withindesignparameters ofclient. May give client more than specs already Designed to some capability Better if client get design System Faster & Less expensive than Specs.

Essthetic Qualities Specified, through Required Appearance of System Must be acceptable to clients.

Effectiveness Objective is to Design Individual components of system to achieve DesiredPerformanceinoptimal manner.

Accomplished through - Guidelines:

Design components to Optimize system Performance, not Performance of Subsystems. Every component Requirement traceable to one/more system requirements. Requires no component Performance

Cost: In System Integration cost to design parameter Can be Accumulated in several areas. Added Design Cost: a) Decrease component costs,- leaving Performance & effectiveness otherwise unchanged. b) Yield Decreased Production Costs (P/C) c) Production Cost Trade Off (T/O) against u/cost for materials. Value Engineering Examines: a) These Cost Trade Offs (T/O). b) Is an important aspect of System Integration. Used in Projects for estimation of relevant cost Trade off. Value Engineering : Simply consistent & thorough Use of Cost/Effectiveness Analysis.

Systems Integration

A Good Design will take all Trade offs in InitialStageofTechnicalApproach. Avoid Locking Project_ Into Rigid Solution with Less flexibility or Adaptability - in two situations: 1)If Problems occur later on. 2).Changes in Environment Require Changes in Project Performance/effectiveness.

Not unusual for clients to violate any or all of these seemingly logical dicta.

Sorting Out Project

We move into consideration of details of Projects. Need to know exactly: a) What is to be done b) by Whom c) When

All activities required to complete project must be precisely: - Delineated & - coordinated.
Necessary resources must be availed:
when & where needed correct amounts Some activities sequentially Some simultaneously

In large projects on time & within cost: Great many things to happen When & how they supposed to happen. We Propose conceptually simple methodtoassistinsortingout& planning all this detail.

To accomplish any project several Major activities (MA) are completed

1-List Major Activities in general order normally occur.

Reasonable number is 2- 20. Break it into 2-20 subtasks. Noting sacred about limits. Comfortably Sorted/scheduled-given Level of Task aggregation.

2- Prepare network from this information Difficult, if number of Major Activities significantly are greater than 20.

All items roughly same Level of Task Generality. Book chapters: same level of Generality, Individual chapters are divided - Finer Detail. Sub division of chapter - divided into Finer Details still. DifficulttoOverstateSignificanceof SimpleDictum. Central to Preparation of most of Planning Documents.

Problem When Planning Some managers think: -Outcomes (Event). -Specific Tasks (Activities). -Many mix two. Problem - develop list of both activities & outcomes which: -Represent Exhaustive -Non-redundant set of results to be accomplished (outcomes) & Work to be done (activities) IOT complete project.

Procedure-Hierarchical Planning System (HPS)_ First, Goals are specified. Aid planner in identification of set of required activities for:
Goals to be Met- Project Action Plan (PAP). Each Activity has Outcome (event). sub-activities & sub-events, are sub divided again.

These activities & events (A & E) Project Plan (PP)- Set of these Action Plans. Advantage of PP:
contains all Planning information in one Document.

Project- Install large mating Center in Existing Plant.

In hierarchy of work Tasks: a) Develop Plan for preparation of Fl site b) Develop Plan to Maintain Plant output during Installation & Test Period. These tasks-too larger set of jobs to be done. Task Preparation of Fl Site Sub divide elemental parts. Get specifics on m/c Center mounting points. Constructing specifics on Plant Fl. Present final plan for Fl Preparation for approval.

A Form to Assist Hierarchical Planning. Additional information in this form added later at B & S stage.

Partial Action Plan for VU Talent Hunt Day

Steps 1. Contact Organizations Responsibility Time (Weeks) Prec. Resources

a. Print forms
b. Contact org c. collect display information d. Gather Universitys particulars

Program Manager Office Manager Secretary

15 4 4

1.A 1.B 1.B

Print shop
Word processing

e. Print programs
f. Print participants certificates

Graduate Assistant



Print shop

Partial Action Plan for VU Talent Hunt Day

Steps Responsibility Time Prec. (Weeks) Resources

2. Banquet & Refreshments

a. Select guest speaker b. Organize food c. Organize Gifts and University Memento d. Organize refreshment Program Manager Program Manager Director Graduate Assistant 14 3 10 7 1.b 1.b 1.b Caterer Refreshment Dept Purchasing

Partial Action Plan for VU Talent Hunt Day


Steps 3. Publicity & Promotion a. Send invitations b. Organize certificates c. Arrange banners d. Contact faculty e. Advertise in university web /news paper f. Class announcements g. Organize posters


Time Prec. (Weeks) 2 5.5 5 1.5 5 1 4.5 1.d 1.d 1.d 3.d 1.d


Graduate Assistant Graduate Assistant Graduate Assistant Program Manager Secretary Graduate Assistant Secretary

World processing

Print shop Word processing Newspaper Registrars office Print shop

Partial Action Plan for VU Talent Hunt Day

Objective: Career Day

4. Facilities a. Arrange facility for event


Time Prec. (Weeks)

2.5 1.c


Program Manager

b. Transport materials

Office Manager




Trees diagram rep HPS. type of diagram Gozinto chart -Professor Gozinto,

Gozinto Chart ( Sorting Out the Proj)

Level 0 00057 Toy car(case lot)

Level 1

10002 Case label

10157 Toy car package

10001 Packing case

Level 2

20003 Bus box

20289 Toy bus

Level 3

30089 Body

30077 Wheel/axle

Level 4

400337 Plastic dye-blue

50317 Plastic powder

40050 Axle

40039 Wheel

Level 5

50317 Plastic powder

50702 Plastic dye-black

Action Plan for AjaxInstat merger in Memo Forms

Tabular Action Plan for Ajax-Instat merger based on Memo

Objective: Merger of Ajax Hardware into Instat Corp. by Apr 1,2006 Steps 1. 2. Ajax mgt advised of changes Begin preparing Instat sales dept to sell Ajax consumer Division products effective 1/1/96 Prepare to create two sales groups: (1) Instat (2) Ajax Builder Group eff. 1/1/06 Advise Instat regional managers of sales division changes Due Date September 24 September 24 Responsibil Precede ity nt Bob Carl, Van Baker Bob Carl 1


October 15

Bob Carl


October 15

Bob Carl


Objective: Merger of Ajax Hardware into Instat Corp. by Apr 1,2006 Steps Due Date Responsibility Precedent


Advise Ajax regional managers of sales division changes

Visit Ajax management & plan to discuss merger of operations Advise Ajax sales personnel & agents Visit Instat to coordinate changeover Interview Ajax sales personnel for possible positions

October 15

Van Baker



October 15

7. 8. 9.

October 22 October 24 October 29

Bob Carl, Van Baker, Val Walters Van Baker Brent Sharp, Ken Roadway Instat regional managers


6 6 7

Objective: Merger of Ajax Hardware into Instat Corp. by Apr 1,2006

Steps 10. Sales training sessions for Ajax products Visit Ajax again

Due Date November 5

Responsibility Instat regional managers Val Walters

Precedent 9


November 26



Request DP tapes from Bob Cawley for conversion Offer Norwood warehouse for sublease

November 30

Morrie Reddish, Sam Newman


December 3

Val Walters


Objective: Merger of Ajax Hardware into Instat Corp. by Apr 1,2006 Steps 14. 15. 16. Write order procedures Sales meeting (instruction product line & procedures) DP tapes due for master inventory file, bill of materials, structure file . . . . . . . . . Tabular Action Plan for Ajax-Instat Merger Due Date December 3 December 3 December 14 Responsibility Precedent Doug Crutchfield Fred Abbott, Doug Bob Cawley 10 14 12

WBS & Linear Responsibility Charts

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) not one thing. It can take wide variety of forms, Serve wide variety of purposes. Pictures project subdivided into hierarchical units of:
Tasks subtasks work packages, etc.

as type of Gozinto Chart or Tree constructed directly from Project Action Plans. Many of project management software packages actually create WBSs automatically, given that action plans have been input. These WBSs are usually in form of outlines with first level tasks at left, & successive levels appropriately in dented.

Work Breakdown Structure & Linear Responsibility Charts

1. Similarly, schedule information & milestone (significant) events can be aggregated into project master schedule. Master schedule integrates many different schedules relevant to various parts of project. It is comprehensive & may include contractual commitments, key interfaces & sequencing, milestones events & progress reports. In additional time contingency reserve for unforeseeable delays might be included.

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