Depreciation: Salient Features
Depreciation: Salient Features
Depreciation: Salient Features
The other related word with the depreciation:Depletion: Depletion is used in respect of the extraction of natural resources like quarries, mines, etc., that reduces the availability of quantity of the material or asset.
Obsolescence: Obsolescence refers to decrease in usefulness caused on account of the asset becoming out of date, old fashioned, etc. The fact remains that obsolescence is regarded as one of the causes of Depreciation Amortization: It refers to writing off the proportionate value of the intangible such as goodwill, copyright, patents, etc.
2. Depreciation = 1-n Net Residual Value Acquisition Cost
Valuation of Inventory
Value of Inventory is the value lower of the two
Cost (Purchase Price + Freight Duties + Other Expenditure) ADD Cost of Conversion (Direct Labour + Variable Production Overheads + Allocated Fixed Overhead) ADD Other cost in bringing the inventory to their present condition
Estimated Selling Price in the ordinary course of business LESS Estimated cost of Completion LESS Estimated cost necessary to make the sale
Method of Valuation