Longitudinal Stability

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LONGITUDINAL STABILITY (1) Trim Is the difference in cms between the forward and aft draughts, as measured at the

forward and aft perpendiculars respectively.

The ship above has draughts F 2.20 m A 2.68 m. The trim of the ship is: 2.68 2.20 0.48 m by the stern; 48 cms by the stern.

The ship above has draughts F 2.70 m A 2.32 m. The trim of the ship is: 2.70 2.32 0.38 m by the head; 38 cms by the head.
Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01) 1

Longitudinal centre of gravity (LCG) Is the position of the ships centre of gravity relative to the length of the ship. Termed GL in diagrams.

Longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB) Is the position of the ships centre of buoyancy relative to the length of the ship. Is termed BL in diagrams.
Longitudinal Metacentre Is the point of intersection of the lines of action of buoyancy force acting through the LCB when the ship is in the initial even keel condition and subsequently trimmed conditions. Is termed ML in diagrams. Longitudinal Metacentric height (GML) Is the vertical difference between the centre of gravity and the longitudinal metacentre. Termed GML in diagrams.

Consider the ship shown.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)


w d




Consider a ship initially on even keel. A weight already on board is moved aft through d metres. This causes GL to move to GL1. GLGL1 = w d W
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Rearranging this gives:

GLGL1 W = w d

Trimming moment = GLGL1 W = w d

The ship trims until both LCB and LCG are in the same vertical again.

Change of trim (COT) Is the difference in cms between the trim in the initial condition and the trim in the final condition.

SAQ A ship has the following initial draughts: F 6.00 m A 5.86 m and final draughts: F 5.66 m A 6.20 m after cargo on board is shifted. Calculate the change of trim that has occurred.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Answer Initial draughts: F 6.00 m A 5.86 m: Trim = 0.14 m by HEAD Final draughts: F 5.66 m A 6.20 m: Trim = 0.54 m by STERN Therefore: Change of trim = 0.68 m by STERN = 68 cms by STERN Moment to change trim by one centimetre (MCTC) This is the trimming moment (w d) required to change the ships trim by exactly 1 cm. It is tabulated in the ships hydrostatic particulars and used to determine the change in trim when cargo is either shifted, loaded or discharged. COT (cms) = w d = MCTC Trimming moment MCTC

SAQ A weight of 150 tonnes is moved aft by a distance of 20 m. If the MCTC for the current draught is 250 t-m determine the final trim of the ship if the initial trim was 0.20 m by the stern.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Answer COT (cms) = w d MCTC COT = 0.120 m Initial trim: COT: FINAL TRIM 0.200 m by STERN 0.120 m further by the STERN 0.320 m by STERN = 150 20 250 = 12 cms

Longitudinal centre of flotation (LCF or F) Is the geometric centre of the ships water-plane area at a particular draught and is the point about which the ship will trim. Its position will change with draught.

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The position of the LCF determines how the change of trim (COT) will be apportioned between the forward and aft draughts. Ship with LCF amidships

F Ta


)( If LCF amidships then: where: Ta = Tf = COT 2 Ta = change of draught aft due to trim; and Tf = change of draught forward due to trim.

SAQ A ship floats at draughts F 6.50 m and A 6.80 m. Determine the final draughts if 25 tonnes is moved 45 m forward given that MCTC is 112.5 t-m and the LCF is amidships.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Answer COT = w d = 25 45 MCTC 112.5

=10 cms = 0.100 m

Ta = Tf = 0.100 = +/- 0.050 m 2 Weight is moved forward so the ship will trim by the HEAD. Initial draughts Trim FINAL F 6.500 + 0.050 F 6.550 m A 6.800 - 0.050 A 6.750 m

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Ship with LCF not amidships In this case the change of trim (COT) will have to be apportioned to the forward and aft draughts according to the position of the LCF within the ships length.
AP a f FP

F Ta




If the similar triangles are considered then: a = f and Ta + Tf = COT Ta Tf Therefore: Ta = a COT and LBP Tf = f COT LBP

SAQ A ship has initial draughts F 10.25 m and A 10.15 m. A weight of 95 tonnes is moved aft through a distance of 42 m. Calculate the final draughts given that LBP is 100 m, LCF is 48 m foap and MCTC is 285 t-m.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Answer COT = w d = 95 42 = 14 cms MCTC 285 Ta = 48 14 = 6.7 cms = 0.067 m 100 Tf = 52 14 = 7.3 cms = 0.073 m 100 Weight is moved aft so the ship will trim by the STERN. Initial draughts Trim FINAL F 10.250 - 0. 073 F 10.177 m A 10.150 + 0.067 A 10.217 m

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)


The effect of loading and discharging weights The effect of bodily sinkage/rise must be taken into account: Sinkage/Rise cms = w TPC The following procedure should be followed: 1. Load/discharge the weight from the LCF, calculating the sinkage/rise using the TPC value given. 2. Calculate the COT by moving the weight from the LCF position to its actual loaded/discharged position. 3. Find Ta/Tf by apportioning the COT according to the position of the LCF. 4. Apply both the sinkage/rise and Ta/Tf to the initial draughts to determine the final draughts.

SAQ A ship 100 m in length floats at draughts F 7.00 m and A 6.80 m. Calculate the final draughts if 150 t is loaded 20 m foap given that TPC is 15 and MCTC is 150 t-m and LCF is 45 m foap. TIP Always draw a sketch to help you picture what is happening!
Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01) 11

45 m AP 150 t 20 m F FP

)( Answer Sinkage = w TPC COT = w d MCTC

= 150 15

= 10 cms = 0.100 m

= 150 (45 - 20) 150

= 25 cms

Ta = 45 25 = 11.25 cms = 0.113 m 100 Tf = 55 25 = 13.75 cms = 0.137 m 100 Weight is loaded aft of the LCF so the ship will trim by the STERN. Initial draughts Sinkage Trim FINAL F 7.000 + 0.100 7.100 - 0.137 F 6.963 m A 6.800 + 0.100 6.900 + 0.113 A 7.013 m

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)

Loading/discharging multiple weights A tabular approach needs to be adopted where moments are taken about the LCF. Consider the following example: A ship 120 m in length floats at draughts F 6.24 m and A 6.36 m. LCF is 54 m foap, TPC 14.2 and MCTC 116 t-m. The following cargo is worked: Load 120 t lcg 10.0 m foap; Load 68 t lcg 86 m foap; Discharge 36 t lcg 22 m foap; Discharge 48 t lcg 60 m foap. Calculate the final draughts.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)


TRIM - MULTIPLE WEIGHTS Enter data LBP = LCF = TPC MCTC 120 54 14.2 116 m m foap t-m


Weight (t) Weight (t) 120 120 68 68 -36 36 -48 48 104

Dist from LCF 44 32 32 6

HEAD 2176 1152 3328

STERN 5280

288 5568 2240


Sinkage =

w TPC cms m Using: COT = Trimming moment MCTC cms x COT x COT

Sinkage = =

7.3 0.073

COT = Apportion the COT using: Ta = Tf =

19.3 a LBP f LBP 0.087 0.106

Ta = Tf =

8.7 10.6

cms cms

= =

m m

Find final draughts Fwd 6.240 0.073 6.313 -0.106 6.207 Aft 6.360 0.073 6.433 0.087 6.520

Initial Sinkage Trim FINAL DRAUGHTS

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)


Most trim problems are straight forward provided that you understand the information that is being given and can recognise the formula to which it belongs. Sinkage/Rise cms = w TPC

COT cms = w d = Trimming moment MCTC MCTC

Apportion COT to forward and aft draughts using: Ta = a COT and Tf = f COT LBP LBP

NOTE In practice, the mean value of TPC must be used to determine the sinkage/rise of the ship. Similarly, the mean values of MCTC and LCF must be used when calculating the change of trim. The change of trim is then apportioned to the final waterline using the final LCF. If a hydrostatic particulars table is not given, then it has to be assumed that the values of TPC, MCTC and LCF position do not significantly change i.e. they remain constant for the range of draughts concerned.

Longitudinal Stability (MAR Rev 03/01/01)


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