Introduction To UML: Shiyuan Jin

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Introduction to UML

Shiyuan Jin
Fall, 2006

What is UML? A brief history of UML and its origins. Understanding the basics of UML. UML diagrams UML Modeling tools

What is UML?
UML: Unified Modeling Language An industry-standard graphical language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the OO analysis and design of software projects. Simplifies the complex process of software design

Why UML for Modeling?

A diagram/picture = thousands words Uses graphical notation to communicate more clearly than natural language (imprecise) and code(too detailed). Makes it easier for programmers and software architects to communicate. Helps acquire an overall view of a system. UML is not dependent on any one language or technology. UML moves us from fragmentation to standardization.


Year Version
2003: 2001: 1999: 1997: 1996: 1995: UML 2.0 UML 1.4 UML 1.3 UML 1.0, 1.1 UML 0.9 & 0.91 Unified Method 0.8

Booch 93 Other methods Booch 91

OMT - 2

OMT - 1

Types of UML Diagrams

Use Case Diagram: capture requirements. Clarify exactly

what the system is supposed to do Displays the relationship among actors and use cases. Different from traditional flow chart.
Class Diagram: static relationships between classes. Describe the types of objects in the system and various kinds of static relationship that exist among them. Sequence Diagram: Displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the interaction.

Types of UML Diagrams (Cont.)

Collaboration Diagram
Displays an interaction organized around the objects and their links to one another.

State Diagram
Displays the sequences of states that an object of an interaction goes through during its life in response to received stimuli, together with its responses and actions.

Component Diagram

Illustrate the organizations and dependencies of the physical components in a system. A higher level than class diagrams.

Use Case Diagrams

Boundary Actor
Library System

Use Case




Order Title

Fine Remittance


A generalized description of how a system will be used. Provides an overview of the intended functionality of the system

Use Case Diagram(core components)

Actors: A role that a user plays with respect to the

system,including human users and other systems. e.g.,inanimate physical objects (e.g. robot); an external system that needs some information from the current system.

Use case: A set of scenarios that describing an interaction

between a user and a system.

Use Case Diagram (core components)

A use case is a single unit of meaningful work. E.g. login, register, place an order, etc. Each Use Case has a description which describes the functionality that will be built in the proposed system. E.g. for use case order title , a brief description: This use case receives orders from employee or supervisor, then return the ordered title. System boundary: a rectangle diagram representing the boundary between the actors and the system.

Use Case Diagram(core relationship) Association: communication between an actor and a use case; represented by a solid line.

Generalization: relationship between one general use case and one specific use case. Represented by a line with a triangular arrow head toward the parent use case, the more general modeling element.



Use Case Diagram(core relationship)

Include: a dotted line labeled <<include>> beginning at

base use case and ending with an arrows pointing to the include use case. An Include relationship is used to indicate that a particular Use Case must include another use case to perform its function. <<include>>

or in MS Visio A Use Case may be included by one or more Use Cases, so it reduces duplication of functionality. Example: the <list orders> Use Case may be included every time when the <modify order> Use Case is run.

Use Case Diagram (core relationship)

Extend: a dotted line labeled <<extend>>

with an arrow toward the base case. The extending use case may add behavior to the base use case. The base class declares extension points. <<extend>>

Used when exceptional circumstances are encountered. For example, the <get approval> Use Case may optionally extend the regular <modify order> Use Case. Note: other expressions. For example, in MS Visio


Use Case Diagrams(cont.)

(TogetherSoft, Inc)

Use Case Diagrams(cont.)

Pay Bill is a parent use case and Bill Insurance is the child use case. (generalization) Both Make Appointment and Request Medication include Check Patient Record as a subtask.(include) The extension point is written inside the base case Pay bill; the extending class Defer payment adds the behavior of this extension point. (extend)

Class Diagram
Each class is represented by a rectangle subdivided into three compartments Name Attributes Operations Modifiers are used to indicate visibility of attributes and operations. + is used to denote Public visibility (everyone) # is used to denote Protected visibility (friends and derived) - is used to denote Private visibility (no one) By default, attributes are hidden and operations are visible. The last two compartments may be omitted to simplify the class diagrams

An example of Class

Account_Name - Custom_Name - Balance +AddFunds( ) +WithDraw( ) +Transfer( )

Name Attributes


C++ Class Example

class Checking { private: char Customer_name[20]; float Balance; public: AddFunds(float); WithDraw(float); Transfer(float); set_name(string); get_name(); set_balance(float); get_balance(); };

Notation of Class Diagram: association

Associations represent relationships between instances of classes . An association is a link connecting two classes. Bi-directional association Associations are assumed to be bi-directional e.g. Flight and plane notation: Uni-directional association

e.g. Order and item


Association: Multiplicity and Roles

student 1 University 0..1 employer
Symbol 1 0..1 M..N * 0..* 1..* Meaning One and only one Zero or one From M to N (natural language) From zero to any positive integer From zero to any positive integer From one to any positive integer

* Person * teacher Role Role

A given university groups many people; some act as students, others as teachers. A given student belongs to a single university; a given teacher may or may not be working for the university at a particular time.

Notation of Class Diagram: Generalization




Regular Customer

Loyalty Customer




Generalization expresses a relationship among related classes. It is a class that includes its subclasses.

Regular Customer

Loyalty Customer

Notation of Class Diagram: Composition

COMPOSITION Whole Class Class W Composition: expresses a relationship among instances of related classes. It is a specific kind of Whole-Part relationship. It expresses a relationship where an instance of the Whole-class has the responsibility to create and initialize instances of each Part-class. Class P1 Class P2 It may also be used to express a relationship where instances of the Part-classes have privileged access or visibility to certain attributes and/or behaviors defined by the Whole-class. Composition should also be used to express relationship where instances of the Whole-class have exclusive access to and control of instances of the Part-classes. Automobile Composition should be used to express a relationship where the behavior of Part instances is undefined without being related to an instance of the Whole. And, conversely, the behavior of the Whole is ill-defined or incomplete if one or more of the Part instances are undefined.

Part Classes




[From Dr.David A. Workman]

Notation of Class Diagram: Aggregation

Container Class Class C AGGREGATION Aggregation: expresses a relationship among instances of related classes. It is a specific kind of ContainerContainee relationship. It expresses a relationship where an instance of the Container-class has the responsibility to hold and maintain instances of each Containee-class that have been created outside the auspices of the Container-class. Aggregation should be used to express a more informal relationship than composition expresses. That is, it is an appropriate relationship where the Container and its Containees can be manipulated independently. Aggregation is appropriate when Container and Containees have no special access privileges to each other.

Class E1

Class E2

Containee Classes





[From Dr.David A. Workman]

Aggregation vs. Composition

Composition is really a strong form of aggregation components have only one owner components cannot exist independent of their owner; both have coincident lifetimes components live or die with their owner e.g. (1)Each car has an engine that can not be shared with other cars. (2) If the polygon is destroyed, so are the points. Aggregations may form "part of" the aggregate, but may not be essential to it. They may also exist independent of the aggregate. Less rigorous than a composition. e.g. (1)Apples may exist independent of the bag. (2)An order is made up of several products, but the products are still there even if an order is cancelled.

Class Diagram example

Name Attributes
-dateReceived -isPrepaid -number :String -price : Money +dispatch() +close()

Multiplicity: mandatory

-name -address
+creditRating() : String()



{if Order.customer.creditRating is "poor", then Order.isPrepaid must be true }


Corporate Customer

Personal Customer

Constraint Multiplicity: Many value (inside braces{}}

-contactName -creditRating -creditLimit +remind() +billForMonth(Integer)

Multiplicity: optional

0..1 Employee

-quantity: Integer -price: Money -isSatisfied: Boolean


[from UML Distilled

Third Edition]

Sequence Diagram: Object interaction

A B Synchronous

Self-Call: A message that an Object sends to itself. Condition: indicates when a message is sent. The message is sent only if the condition is true. Condition

Asynchronous Transmission delayed [condition] remove() *[for each] remove()


Sequence Diagrams Object Life Spans

Lifelines The dotted line that extends down the vertical axis from the base of each object.

Messages Labeled as arrows, with the arrowhead indicating the direction of the call.
Activation bar The long, thin boxes on the lifelines are method-invocation boxes indicting that indicate processing is being performed by the target object/class to fulfill a message. Activation bar Rectangle also denotes when object is deactivated. Deletion Placing an X on lifeline Objects life ends at that point




Sequence Diagram

1: look up () 2: title data ()



3: [not available] reserve title ()

4 : title returned () 5: hold title () 5 : title available () 6 : borrow title ()

6 : remove reservation ()

Sequence diagrams demonstrate the behavior of objects in a use case by describing the objects and the messages they pass. The horizontal dimension shows the objects participating in the interaction. The vertical arrangement of messages indicates their order. The labels may contain the seq. # to indicate concurrency.

Interaction Diagrams: Collaboration diagrams

Shows the relationship between objects and the order of messages passed between them. The objects are listed as rectangles and arrows indicate the messages being passed.

The numbers next to the messages are called sequence numbers. They show the sequence of the messages as they are passed between the objects.
Convey the same information as sequence diagrams, but focus on object roles instead of the time sequence.

Interaction Diagrams: Collaboration diagrams (cont.)


6: remove reservation 3 : [not available] reserve title User 6 : borrow title 2: title data 1: look up 5: title available Reservations

4 : title returned Catalog 5 : hold title

CRC Card
A collection of standard index cards, each of which is divided into three sections; can be printed or hand-written. Benefits: It is easy to describe how classes work by moving cards around; allows to quickly consider alternatives.

Catalog User session

Responsibility Keep list of reserved titles Handle reservation

How to create CRC cards?

Find classes
Look for main classes first, then find relevant classes.

Find responsibilities
Know what a class does; what information you wish to maintain about it.

Define collaborators
A class often needs to collaborate with other classes to get the job done. Collaboration diagram is an example to show class relationship.

Move cards around

Cards that collaborate with one another should be placed close together, whereas cards that dont collaborate should be placed far apart.

State Diagrams
(Billing Example)

State Diagrams show the sequences of states an object goes through during its life cycle in response to stimuli, together with its responses and actions; an abstraction of all possible behaviors.
Invoice created paying

Invoice destroying

Basic rules for State Diagrams

Draw only one object's chart at a time.

A state is drawn as a box with rounded corners.

From each state draw an arrow to another state if the object can change from one to the other in one step. Label the arrow with the event that causes it.

Show the initial state by drawing an arrow from a black filled circle to the initial state.
Show the end state by drawing an arrow to a circle with a filled circle inside it.

State Diagrams
(Traffic light example) Traffic Light


State Transition Red Yellow Green


Component Diagram
Illustrate the organizations and dependencies of the physical components in a system. Has a higher level of abstraction than a Class diagram - usually implemented by one or more classes. Symbols and Notations
Components a large rectangle with two smaller rectangles on the side.

Component Diagram (cont.)

Interface An interface describes a group of operations used or created by components. It represents a declaration of a set of coherent public features and obligations, similar to a contract.

dashed arrows.

Component Diagram (cont.)




Order provides a component interface, which is a collection of one or more methods with or without attributes. Account and customer components are dependent upon the interface of the order.

UML Modeling Tools

Rational Rose ( by IBM UML Studio 7.1 ( by Pragsoft Corporation Capable of handling very large models (tens of thousands of classes). Educational License US$ 125.00; Freeware version. Microsoft Visio Dia: open source, much like visio. ( ArgoUML (Open Source; written in java ) ( tools/argouml.html ) Others ( pany.html )

Microsoft Visio

UML studio 7.1

Poor Design, need more heuristics!

(Radu Marinescu[5])

A cleaner design

(Radu Marinescu[5])

1. UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott

2. Practical UML --- A Hands-On Introduction for Developers

3. OO Concepts in UML. Dr. David A. Workman, School of EE and CS.


4. Software Engineering Principles and Practice. Second Edition;

Hans van Vliet.


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