BRM chp10

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Types of research reports Components of research reports Written presentation Oral presentations Visual aids


Market researchers and decision makers conduct research on various problems/opportunities and base their future decisions on the findings of the research Research results thus, have to be properly communicated in the reports, so that, managers can take valid and effective decisions A business research report contains many items including findings, analysis, interpretations, conclusions, and at times, recommendations They can be presented to the management either in a written form or communicated orally


Short Reports

Long Reports

The Technical Report

The Management Report

Short research reports usually run into 4-5 pages and are prepared for those researches, which have a well defined problem, limited scope, and employ a clear-cut methodology These reports start with a concise statement regarding the approval for the study, followed by the objective of the study, i.e. the problem definition and the research overview, which contains concisely, the main part of the research, such as the methodology used This is followed by conclusions based on the findings and recommendations, if any

The Technical Report (TR):

Based on the objectives of the researchers and the end users, long reports are subdivided into-

A technical report should focus on a specific topic logically pertaining to the research objective. The report should include the following: A descriptive title, authors name and information, date, list of keywords, informative abstract, body, acknowledgements, list of references, and appendices The body should consist of sources of data, research procedures, sampling design, and data collection methods, instruments used, and data analysis arranged into a standard format under motivation, methods, results, and discussion

The Management Report (MR):

The management reports are meant for a non-technical audience, so there should be very less use of technical jargon and if used, they should be explained using a footnote or in the appendices The language of the management report should be such that it is easy to understand. Some other features of a good management report are: Short and direct statements Underlining relevant parts for better emphasis Pictures and graphs accompanying tables Graphics and animations accompanying the presentation of the report


Prefatory information



Findings Conclusions Appendices and Recommendations


Sampling Design

Research Design

Data Collection

Data Analysis


Problem Statement

Research Objectives


Letter of Transmittal

Title Page

Authorization Statement

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

Prefatory Information
Letter of TransmittalIt is a sort of authorization by the client organization, citing approval for the project. A transmittal letter consists of a salutation of the person who commissioned the report, the objectivity of the letter, a brief synopsis of the report, acknowledgements, and follow-up action expected of the reader. Title PageIt should include the following: The title of the report The date Name of the client Name of the organization and the researchers The nature of the project in a precise and succinct manner. The title should incorporate the following elements: the variables taken into account in the study, the type of relationship between the variables included in the study, and the target population for whom the results can be useful. contd..

Authorization Statement It is a letter from the client to the researcher

approving the project and specifying some of the details Such letters usually accompany the research reports to federal and state governments where detailed information about authorization factors is required At times, a reference to the letter of authorization in the letter of transmittal is deemed enough The letter not only helps in identifying the sponsorer, but also outlines the original request

Executive Summary

This functions as a miniature report. The key findings are concisely presented in the executive summary running into 100-200 words or a maximum of two pages. contd.

The major thrust should be on highlighting the objectives, salient features, and analysis of the results including the recommendations Recommendations should be given if client wants them It is framed only after the report is completed Conclusions should be supported later and graphics should be used if necessary

Table of Contents It lists the divisions and sub-divisions of the report

with appropriate page numbers Shorter reports can suffice with the main headings only A linking row of dots should connect the topics with the page number The list of tables, charts, and graphs follow the table of contents

The introduction gives an overview of the report. It lays down the plan for the development of the project.

Problem Statement-

It explains the reason why the research is being conducted and is usually followed by a set of objectives.

Research Objectives-

They address the purpose of the project. The general and specific objectives should be stated. They can take the form of questions and statements. The objectives influence the choice of research methodology and the basic structure used to report the findings.


It may include the review of the previous research or descriptions of conditions that caused the project to be authorized. The references from secondary data, definitions, and assumptions are included in this section.

In the case of a technical report, methodology needs to be explained as an independent section, and includes the following:

Sampling Design

The researcher in this section defines the target population and the sampling methods put to use. This section contains other necessary information such as: Type of sampling (probability or non-probability) used Type of probability sampling (simple random or complex random) or non-probability sampling (quota sampling or snowball sampling) used The factors that influenced the determination of sample size and selection of the sampling elements The levels of confidence and the margin of acceptable error.


Research DesignIt has to be custom-made to the research purpose and should contain information on:

Nature of the research design Design of questionnaires Questionnaire development and pre-testing Data that was gathered Definition of interview and type of interviewers Sources (both primary and secondary) from which data was collected Scales and instruments used Designs of sampling, coding, and method of data inputs Strengths and weaknesses

Data Collection It pertains to the information about: Time of data collection Field conditions during data collection The number of field workers and supervisors The training aspects of supervisors and workers Handling of irregularities, if any Subject assignments to various groups Administration of tests and questionnaires Manipulation of variables In case any secondary data was used, then the relevance of that data should be given. contd..

Data AnalysisThis section provides information on the different methods used to analyze the data and the justification for choosing the methods. It provides details on: Data handling Groundwork analysis Rational statistical tests and analysis

LimitationsThere should be a tactful combination of reference and explanation of the various methodologies and their limitations or implementation problems. The limitations help the reader in acknowledging its honesty and validity.


It presents all the relevant data but makes no attempt to draw any inferences The section attempts to bring to the fore any pattern in the industry Charts, graphs, and tables are generally used to present quantitative data It is better to report one finding per page and support it with quantitative data


Conclusions should be directly related to the research objectives or hypotheses. Conclusions are inferences drawn from the findings Recommendations are a few corrective actions presented by the researcher. They highlight the actions the report calls for as per the researcher. They should be in line with the results of the report and should be explicit. However, recommendations ought to be given only if the client is interested

Appendices are optional. They should be used to present details that were part of the research but were not necessary to the presentation of the findings or conclusions It includes raw data, calculations, graphs, copies of forms and questionnaires, complex tables, instructions to field workers, and other quantitative material that would look inappropriate in the main text

A list of citations or references to books or periodical articles on a particular topic is known as a bibliography It contains all the works consulted in the preparation of the report, not just those referred to in the text A consistent reference format should be used all through the section

Prewriting Concerns
A good researcher spends a significant amount of time in designing the initial section wherein he tries to relate the purpose of the report, the audience it is meant for, the technical background, and the limitations under which the report is written Customizing report to the tastes of different audience is necessary The report should be written in a simple manner with less technical jargons. It would enable the readers to understand the theme of the project and relate the conclusions to the specific objectives outlined in the report

contd. All parts of the report should coherently pursue the research problem The unified structure assists the reader to understand how the research problem was probed into and how the project was accomplished Thus, prewriting plays an important role in designing the research report Prewriting entails the following sections: Outline Bibliography

This stage concentrates on how the report should be presented to make an impact on the readers. In trying to establish the relation among the various parts, the outline should introduce the complete scope of the report It should contain the main headings of the various sections along with their sub-headings and sub sub-headings Among the two types of outlines identified, the topic outline includes a key word or phrase that reminds the writer of the nature of the argument represented by the keyword The sentence outline on the other hand gives a description of the ideas associated with the specific topic contd..


It is a list of citations or references to books or periodicals on a particular topic It is necessary to provide the details of the secondary sources used to prepare the technical or long report Special software can help in searching, sorting, indexing, and formatting bibliographies into any required style The software helps to cite the references from online sources and translate them into database records, which can be used for future referrals

Writing the Draft

The quality of the report depends upon the following:

Readability and Comprehensibility Tone Final proof

Readability and Comprehensibility:

The following points are noted in this context:

It is necessary to avoid ambiguous statements The report should be checked for grammar As far as possible, simple words that convey the meaning clearly should be used Sentences should be reviewed and edited to ensure a flow from one statement to another Larger units of text should be broken down into smaller ones without altering original meaning contd..

Visual aids should be provided wherever required for better understanding Visual aids should not be inserted at the end of a section. They should be placed within the section for better comprehensibility Each paragraph should contain only one idea. Underlining and capitalization should be used to emphasize and differentiate the important ideas from the secondary and subordinate ideas Technical terms and jargons should be avoided wherever possible. Wherever unavoidable, they should find a reference in the footnotes Each reference should include the name of the author, article title, journal title, volume, page numbers, and year. Journal titles and book titles should be in italics. Book references should also include the publishers name Symbols, abbreviations, diagrams and statistics should find a reference if necessary

Tone: Proper use of tone is essential for better

reading effects. The report should make tactful use of details and generalizations. It should focus on facts and not the opinions of the writer. The report should make use of passive voice as far as possible and should avoid the use of first person.

Final proof: Final editing of the draft should

be taken up after a gap of at least a day. This helps in identifying the mistakes, if any, better and correcting the mistakes. Final editing requires various questions to be answered pertaining to the organization, contextual, and layout of the final report. The executive summary follows the final stage of editing.

Presentation of the Research Report

Reports should be typed or printed using an ink-jet, laser, or color printer The report should have a uniform font The findings of the research study should be placed under appropriate headings and sub-headings Leave ample space between the lines and on all sides for better reading. Overcrowding creates problems and is stressful for the eyes Split larger text paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. Use bullet points to list specific points Ensure that appropriate labels are assigned to every table, figure, and graph that appears in the report
The findings should be presented in a professional manner. The following aspects should be considered for presenting a report:

Such presentations are made to a small group of people (decisionmakers/managers) who are more interested in the critical findings of the report. Thus, oral presentations are only briefings. They are known to continue for 20-30 minutes Such sessions are interactive where the audience clarifies their doubts at the end of the presentation

Initial Planning
The type of speech expected of him/her. Whether the interaction will be an informal chat or a formal discussion Whether the audience will consist of general or specialist clients and their numbers Whether the time allotted will be sufficient for an exploratory presentation or whether the presentation will have to be a short one consisting of only the major points The expected content of the presentation. This is to have an idea of what the audience expects of the presentation, so as to get prepared in advance The type of audio-visuals to be used to facilitate the presentation Whether a memorized speech or an extemporaneous presentation will create a better impact
The speaker gets in touch with the organizers to determine the following for better presentation:

The preparation should include framing a time bound outline and a proper homework of the content in advance. The following points need to be taken into account: The content collected should be jotted down in big, bold letters highlighting the problem, its importance and steps to be taken The outline of the presentation should be such that it keeps the interest of the audience alive throughout the presentation

Sentences should be short and appropriately arranged to follow a logical sequence Determine the content that has to be supported by visual aids The presenter should get the feel of the room and the equipment, if possible one day in advance The presenter should do a thorough rehearsal of the presentation. This can be done in the presence of colleagues to get their feedback and make corrections if necessary

Making the Presentation

It should start with a warm welcome or a greeting to the audience. The execution of the presentation would consist of:

It should be as brief as possible. It should provide an overview of the entire presentation. It is necessary to start the presentation with a startling fact, a pertinent question, or an interesting statistical figure to grab the attention of the audience. contd..

Findings and Conclusions:

They should immediately follow and it should be ensured that each conclusion is in line with the research objectives. The speaker should spend 60% of the allotted time in explaining the details of this section.

It should appropriately follow the conclusions thus maintaining the flow of the presentation. After the presentation is over, it can be thrown open to the audience for questions.

The following points need to be taken into account during the presentation:

Be ready with the opening statement when being introduced by the host Use a natural, moderate rate of speech and use automatic gestures While using laser pointers, remember not to point them at the audience contd.

If lights need to be turned off, do it but not completely and for long Try to interact with the audience and maintain eye contact Try to have an impressive and memorable summary While doing all this, keep a strict eye on the time factor. It is good to finish before time; never overshoot the time limits

The dress, speed of speech, and tone and pitch of voice of the speaker play an important role in the success of a presentation. The following problems should be taken care of:

Vocal problems:
Try to speak loud enough to be heard by the audience Avoid speaking too fast and give a pause after every sentence, but not a long one Vary the volume, tone according to the content. Use appropriate language. For example, get the right level of formality/informality Watch out for too much uh, you know, okay and other kinds of nervous verbal habits

Physical behavior:
Avoid habitual behavior Use hands to emphasize points but dont indulge in too much hand waving Do not turn your back to the audience and neither keep looking at a single individual. Try to maintain eye contact with all Avoid being a barrier between the audience and the OHP or the display screen Do not fumble with visuals. Arrange them in order, in advance

Handling Questions
This session evaluates the interaction abilities of the speaker. A few points are worth considering in this regard

Postpone questions aimed at resolving specific problems The presenter should repeat the question so that the entire audience knows about the question and the presenter gets time to understand the question

The presenter should not interrupt the questioner in the middle and try to answer. He should wait for the question to be complete Take a pause before starting to answer. If the presenter is not able to answer the question, he should say so The presenter can offer to research an answer, then get back to the questioner later or ask for suggestions from the audience The presenter should avoid prolonged discussions with one person, extended answers, and especially arguments

A better way of representing quantitative findings is to make use of tables to present the statistics Data in the form of tables is a vital part of the report and makes the comparisons of quantitative data easier Tables are of two types: general and summary, based on their nature. General tables are large, complex, and exhaustive Summary tables are concise and contain data that is closely associated to an explicit finding

A table should have the following featuresTitle and Number: The title should be brief and yet all-inclusive

of the information provided. It may also include the sub-title, if required. All tables in a report should be numbered and a reference for each should be given in the text.

Banner heads and Stubheads: Banner heads specify the contents of the

columns, that is, what data the column holds. Stubheads perform the same function for the contents of the rows.

Any special reference to or explanation that cannot be incorporated in the table is given in the form of footnotes. Letters and asterisks instead of numbers are used to spot footnotes. They are also used to explain unfamiliar abbreviations to the reader


Tables should bear a source note that acknowledges the table to the original source. A source can be anything from a published or printed material to company websites. The source is generally given at the bottom of the table

Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs tend to translate numerical information into visual form for better understanding of the subject matter They also have a number and a title, labels for parts of the figure, and sources and footnotes Charts and graphs which depict a general trend are accompanied by a statement as not to scale to avoid any confusions Charts can be of the following types: Line Graphs Pie Charts Bar Charts

Line Graphs
A type of graph that highlights trends by drawing connecting lines between data points is known as a line graph. This presents an eyecatching way to illustrate trends and changes over long, continuous intervals A line graphs takes statistical data presented in tables and represents them in rising and falling lines, steep or gentle curves Line graphs represent data that changes with time, such as cycles, fluctuations, trends, distributions, increases and decreases in profits, employment, energy levels and temperatures A line graph shows trends in data clearly and hence it is possible to predict the future trends for which data has not been collected contd..

Pie Charts

A type of presentation graphic in which percentage values are represented as proportionally sized slices of a pie is known as a pie chart. These charts are used to display the sizes of parts of some total quantity at a particular time. They can be used to compare different parts among themselves or with the whole. Therefore, they are represented in percentages. The sum of different parts should total to 100, because the pie chart is a circle. Different parts in the pie are shaded with different colors for better identification.

Bar Charts
A bar graph demonstrates the magnitude, sizes of several items, or emphasizes the difference at equal intervals of time. Each bar represents a separate quantity, and multiple bars may be grouped and displayed horizontally or vertically. Use of bar graphs makes it easier to point out differences among several items in a chart with multiple variables, over a time period. Bar charts are of various types like pictogram/histogram, grouped bar charts, segmented bars, or deviation bar charts.

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