Pertemuan Ke I Mengenal Panas Bumi

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Geothermal energy is the natural heat of the Earth. 2

Heat flows outward from Earth's interior. The crust insulates us from Earth's interior heat. The mantle is semi-molten, the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid. 3

The deeper you go, the hotter it gets (in Celsius and kilometers). 5

Earth's crust is broken into huge plates that move apart or push together at about the rate our fingernails grow. Convection of semi-molten rock in the upper mantle helps drive plate tectonics. 6

New crust forms along mid-ocean spreading centers and continental rift zones. When plates meet, one can slide beneath another. Plumes of magma rise from the edges of sinking plates. 7

Thinned or fractured crust allows magma to rise to the surface as lava. Most magma doesn't reach the surface but heats large regions of underground rock. 8

Rainwater can seep down faults and fractured rocks for miles. After being heated, it can return to the surface as steam or hot water. 9

This steaming ground is in the Philippines. 10

When hot water and steam reach the surface, they can form fumaroles, hot springs, mud pots and other interesting phenomena. 11

When the rising hot water and steam is trapped in permeable and porous rocks under a layer of impermeable rock, it can form a geothermal reservoir. 12

A geothermal reservoir is a powerful source of energy! 13


Many areas have accessible geothermal resources, especially countries along the circum-Pacific "Ring of Fire," spreading centers, continental rift zones and other hot spots. 15

These and other methods are used. 16

Exploration commonly begins with analysis of satellite images and aerial photographs 17

Volcanoes are obvious indications of underground heat, this volcano, Mt. Mayon in the Albay province of the Philippines erupted in 1999. 18

Geologists explore volcanic regions to find the most likely areas for further study, like this steaming hillside in El Hoyo, Nicaragua. 1`9

Geologic landforms and fault structures are mapped in the region. This view overlooks Basin and Range terrain East of the Sierra Nevadas. 20

Geologic maps like this one are created, showing rock type and ages in different colors. 22

Data from electrical, magnetic, chemical and seismic surveys is gathered in the field. 23

The data obtained in the field are displayed in various ways and analyzed. 24

Geothermal power plants are clean and are operating successfully in sensitive environments. 46

These geothermal plants are operating successfully in a Philippine cornfield, at Mammoth Lakes, Calif., in the Mojave Desert of California, and in a tropical forest, at Mt. Apo, Philippines. 47


This small binary power plant is in Fang, Thailand.64

Geothermal power has many local and global benefits. 66

The fastest growth in US geothermal capacity was from 1980 to 1990, following enactment of federal laws that compelled utilities to purchase electricity from independent power producers. 66



People who live in these areas are receiving electricity from geothermal power plants. 69

Geothermal power could serve 100% of the electrical needs of 39 countries (over 620,000,000 people) in Africa, Central/ South America and the Pacific. See: 70



This historical drawing depicts Native Americans using hot springs at what is now Calistoga, California. Some tribes considered hot springs to be neutral territory where no wars were allowed. 74

Use of hot springs by Maoris of New Zealand for cooking and other purposes extends into modern times. 75

Modern day Beppu Japan uses geothermal water and heat in buildings and factories and has 4,000 hot springs and bathing facilities that attract 12 million tourists a year. 76

Bathing in hot pools like these at Hot Creek, Mammoth Lakes, California, has been practiced throughout history. Be careful -people and animals have been burned badly in unfamiliar pools. 77

Since Roman times, we have piped the hot water into pools to better control the temperature. These are photos of outdoor and indoor pool and spa bathing in Japan, the US, and Europe. 78

This small greenhouse is heated with geothermal water. Plants grow faster and larger when they have additional heat available. 79

In several western US states, many long greenhouses are built and heated with geothermal water. This one is in New Mexico. 80

Peppers, tomatoes, and flowers are commonly grown in geothermally heated greenhouses. 81

Geothermal water is also used to speed the growth of fish. These are growing in a geothermally heated hatchery at Mammoth Lakes, California. 82

This net full of fish was grown in geothermally heated waters in California's Imperial Valley. 83

Closeup of individual fish from a geothermal fish farm. 84

Closeup of individual fish from a geothermal fish farm. 85

These alligators are grown in geothermally heated water in Idaho. 86

Geothermal water is also used for industrial uses, like drying lumber or food products. This plant in Brady, Nevada, provides dried onions to Burger King. 87

Pipes of geothermal water can be installed under sidewalks and roads to keep them from icing over in winter, like this sidewalk in Klamath Falls, Oregon. 88

In some places, geothermal water is piped from wells to heat single homes or whole residential or commercial districts. This truck-mounted drill rig is drilling a well for use in Klamath Falls, Oregon. 89

Hot water from one or more geothermal wells is piped through a heat exchanger plant to heat city water in separate pipes. Hot city water is piped to heat exchangers in buildings to warm the air. 90

The geothermal water never mixes with the city water. Once its heat is transferred to the city water, the geothermal water is injected back into the reservoir to be reheated and recycled. 91

This is a "plate type" heat exchanger which passes hot geothermal water past many layers of metal plates, transferring the heat to other water passing through the other side of each plate. 92

These pumps are used to pump the heated water to buildings in a district heating system, after it has passed through the heat exchanger. 93

This photo of Reykjavik, Iceland, was taken in 1932, when buildings were all heated by burning of (imported) fossil fuels. 94

Today, about 95% of the buildings in Reykjavik are heated with geothermal water. Reykjavik is now one of the cleanest cities in the world. 95

The first geothermal district heating system in the US was built in Boise, Idaho. Today, Boise's capital and city buildings are heated with a geothermal district heating system. 96





Geothermal heat pumps can be used almost everywhere in the world, without a geothermal reservoir. The insulating properties of the earth, just below our feet, can keep us warm or cool. 101



Different styles of pipes are installed beside a building. A liquid is piped through the pipes to pick up the heat FROM the ground or (in the summer) to bring heat from the building TO the ground. 104

In a poll, over 95% of people who had installed a geothermal heat pump said they would recommend it and would do it again. 105



The entire U.S. (and most other areas of the world) are suitable for geothermal heat pumps. In the U.S., geothermal reservoirs occur primarily in western states. 108

It is of critical importance that we use energy sources that are easy on the environment 109

Our modern world relies more and more on electricity -- to run our simplest household appliances, to keep businesses humming, to operate our computers and to light the night. 110

We rely on abundant, affordable energy. We must conserve, use energy more efficiently, and diversify our energy resource base. 111

Today, coal provides 55% of the U.S. electricity supply and the U.S. imports more than half of the oil it consumes. The burning of fossil fuels cannot be sustained. 112


Currently we are using primarily fossil fuels 115

What will be the consequences if our growing energy needs are also met by fossil fuels? 116





You can choose clean renewable energy from wind, solar, small hydropower and geothermal resources. 121

Geothermal Education Office 1-800-866-4436 122

Geothermal power plant in the Imperial Valley, California. There are three geothermal power plant technologies being used to convert hydrothermal fluids to electricity. The conversion technologies are dry steam, flash, and binary cycle. The type of conversion used depends on the state of the fluid (whether steam or water) and its temperature. Dry steam power plants systems were the first type of geothermal power generation plants built. They use the steam from the geothermal reservoir as it comes from wells, and route it directly through turbine/generator units to produce electricity. Flash steam plants are the most common type of geothermal power generation plants in operation today. They use water at temperatures greater than 360 F (182 C) that is pumped under high pressure to the generation equipment at the surface. Binary cycle geothermal power generation plants differ from Dry Steam and Flash Steam systems in that the water or steam from the geothermal reservoir never comes in contact with the turbine/generator units.

Dry Steam Power Plants.

Dry steam power plants at The Geysers in California.

Steam plants use hydrothermal fluids that are primarily steam. The steam goes directly to a turbine, which drives a generator that produces electricity. The steam eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels to run the turbine. (Also eliminating the need to transport and store fuels!) This is the oldest type of geothermal power plant. It was first used at Lardarello in Italy in 1904, and is still very effective. Steam technology is used today at The Geysers in northern California, the world's largest single source of geothermal power. These plants emit only excess steam and very minor amounts of gases.

Flash Steam Power Plants Hydrothermal fluids above 360F (182C) can be used in flash plants to make electricity. Fluid is sprayed into a tank held at a much lower pressure than the fluid, causing some of the fluid to rapidly vaporize, or "flash." The vapor then drives a turbine, which drives a generator. If any liquid remains in the tank, it can be flashed again in a second tank to extract even more energy.

Binary-Cycle Power Plants. Most geothermal areas contain moderate-temperature water (below 400 degrees F). Energy is extracted from these fluids in binary-cycle power plants. Hot geothermal fluid and a secondary (hence, "binary") fluid with a much lower boiling point than water pass through a heat exchanger. Heat from the geothermal fluid causes the secondary fluid to flash to vapor, which then drives the turbines. Because this is a closedloop system, virtually nothing is emitted to the atmosphere. Moderate-temperature water is by far the more common geothermal resource, and most geothermal power plants in the future will be binary-cycle plants.

The Future of Geothermal Electricity Steam and hot water reservoirs are just a small part of the geothermal resource. The Earth's magma and hot dry rock will provide cheap, clean, and almost unlimited energy as soon as we develop the technology to use them. In the meantime, because they're so abundant, moderate-temperature sites running binary-cycle power plants will be the most common electricity producers. Before geothermal electricity can be considered a key element of the U.S. energy infrastructure, it must become cost-competitive with traditional forms of energy. The U.S. Department of Energy is working with the geothermal industry to achieve $0.03 to $0.05 per kilowatt-hour. We believe the result will be about 15,000 megawatts of new capacity within the next decade.

The deeper you go, the hotter it gets (in Fahrenheit and miles). 4

Geothermal Power Plants

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