Mustang 13: Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Department Of Mechanical Engineering

PRESENTATION BY M.Karthik R.Elango & P.Karuppasamy Karpagam Institute Of Technology

The currently all the operations are done manually by an experienced operator who has an understanding of the sensing and processing technology. While the scope of sensors and actuators is quite broad, three main sub-programs have been identified Inspection Monitoring and Evaluation Miniature Sensor and Actuator Smart Structure

Smart Structure: A structure capable of sensing and/or adapting to changes in its Environment Smart Material: A material which can sense a change in its environment, produce a change in response to an external stimulus or both, I.e. it can sense and actuate Smart System: A system comprising a smart material, a smart structure and intelligent processing

Four materials are star-performers, so far as their applications in existing smart structures and systems are concerned: PZT (lead zirconate titanate) PMN (lead magnesium niobate) Terfenol-D (Tb1xDyxFe2)

Development of the research and technology base in Sensors and Actuator requires a basic understanding of the principles and mechanics of the components. Programs identified within the Sensors and Actuators SRP, include Optical Sensors and Digital Imaging Smart Materials and Structures Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation Bio-chemical Sensors Other related programmes

Optical Sensors offer some advantages over electrical sensors, such as use of passive dielectric and insulating components. No electrical power at the measurement point is required, thus no heat generation, electrical shorting and fire hazard problems The cost of these components is competitive and various off-the-shelf systems are becoming available.

The sensor implanted humanoid has to survey the construction and, if possible, the whole life span of the structure. Chemical aggression has to be taken into account since concrete can be particularly aggressive because of its high alkalinity. Finally, the sensor must be easy to use by humanoid and has to be installed rapidly without major disturbance to the building yard schedule respond to all these requirements. Humanoids may be embedded with all these requirements so that the sensors can either be embedded into concrete, installed on the surface of an existing structure or secured inside a borehole by grouting.

In order to achieve the aim, the tasks of research may include the following Rigorous study of flexible-bodies and smart materials (feasibility study). Modelling of the flexible body controlled via smart materials. Model reduction will be considered to reduce the complexity of the model. Development of appropriate control strategies.

Demonstration, evaluation and validation The idea of incorporating humanoid enabled smart materials into flexible structures to achieve improved performance of the flexible structure with application to railway flexible bodies.

This technique also helps in monitoring of structures during their service and indicates the defects, damages occur in their use in the form of cracks, delaminations, deformations etc.
Electrorheological fluids in active suspension systems, applications in telematics and traffic management Structural health monitoring The vibration control in Aerospace and Construction application.


Research and Development projects to incorporate Humanoids in the following application areas include Modern Built-Environment Environmentally Friendly Transport Sustainable Production and Consumption Some of the Fibre Optic Sensors are SOFO displacement sensor Bragg grating strain sensor Micro bending displacement sensor Fabry perot strain sensor


"Smart" wings, which incorporate shape memory alloys, involve a more compact and efficient layout, in that the shape memory wires only require an electric current for movement.

By removing the hydraulic system, aircraft weight, maintenance costs, and repair time are all reduced

Bone plates are surgical tools, which are used to assist in the healing of broken and fractured bones. Bone plates can be fabricated in titanium and steel, but also using shape memory alloys, in particular nickel titanium.

The current investigations on the fiber optics are: Studying the feasibility of using a fiber optic sensor for measuring strain. Experimentally determining the sensibility of fiber optic soil strains sensors. The Disadvantages that counts includes, Sensors should be handled with care and Fibre optic sensors are still more expensive. Special skills are needed while installing the sensors.

Sensors are playing a vital role in all sorts of sciences.

Instead of placing various sensors at variable places in various application areas, it may be better to embed these sensors in humanoids and it could be effectively used in detecting, monitoring, message conveying, repairing etc., Smart structure techniques are being increasingly applied to civil engineering structures for health monitoring of buildings with strain and corrosion sensors.

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