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Instructional Design Model


A Analyse

S State

S Select

U Utilise

R Require

E Evaluate

The ASSURE model can be used as a guideline for planning the media involved in instructional design.

It is a classroom-based design model.

This model is pioneered by Heinich et. Al (Wah

Wan Ali et al.2008). It gets its name from the initial letter acronym A.S.S.U.R.E.

It aims to provide guideline in planning and

organizing media used in teaching and learning.

1. Analyse learner 2. State objectives 3. Select technology, strategies, media and materials

4. Utilise technology, media and materials

5. Require learner participation

6. Evaluate and revise

Teachers need to know the general characteristics

of the students:
Age Gender Background Socio-economic Learning



Learning style refers to the psychological traits of

students in processing and interpreting


This allows teachers to conduct classes/teaching and learning more effectively and successfully.

The learning objectives may be obtained from

syllabus, curriculum specification or text books.

Statement of learning objectives should be based on skills that can be achieved by the students.

It should be measurable and written in explicit and

clear manner.

Example of learning objective:

When given a 200-word newspaper article,

students are able to read the article clearly and fluently.

The media and materials chosen should be based

on students ability and the learning objectives.

Below are the criteria in selecting appropriate media and materials:

1. 2.

Tally with curriculum

Accurate and up-to-date information

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Clear and accurate language used

Interesting and motivates students to learn Promote students active participant Good technical quality Proof of its effectiveness Neutral/unbiased With complete guide

Things to do before using the resource materials:


the resource material before using.

place for students to learn. (class, laboratory)

provide prepare provide prepare provide

materials for use in the classroom.

environment for optimal use. students emotionally and physically. learning experiences for students.

Make sure students are actively involved in the

learning process.

Example of activities that can be carried out:

Exercise/Worksheet Discussion Quiz Project

Reinforcement activities should be given to the

students when they perform desired behaviour. (Skinner, 1954)

After the teaching-learning process, evaluation should be carried out to determine the strength and effectiveness of the material and media used.

Questions to ponder while evaluating:


Is the learning objective achieved?


Did the media and materials help in the teaching-learning process?


Did every student used the media and

materials correctly?
4. 5.

Is the learning environment conducive? Is there any individual attention given?

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