Primary Health Care: Dr. Ariful Bari Chowdhury

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Primary Health Care

Dr. Ariful Bari Chowdhury


PHC is an essential health care that is a socially appropriate, universally accessible, scientifically sound first level care provided by a suitably trained workforce supported by integrated referral systems and in a way that gives priority to those most in need, maximises community and individual self-reliance and participation and involves collaboration with other sectors.

What is primary health care?

Primary health care refers to health care services that are provided outside the hospital.

A general practitioner is a primary health care provider, as are nurses, pharmacists and allied health providers dentists, podiatrists and so on.

Secondary health care refers to care received in non-teaching hospitals. Tertiary health care refers to care received in teaching hospitals provided by specialist doctors, such as cardiologists, urologists and orthopaedic surgeons.

In order to achieve equitable, seamless health care services, it is essential to efficiently link all three tiers of health care.

Why is primary health care so important?

Around the world, primary health care is regarded as a major contributing factor underlying population health. In fact, the World Health Organization has declared that the ultimate goal of primary health care is better health for all. International research has shown that countries with strong primary health services are recording lower rates of hospitalisation, lower mortality, and better health outcomes generally.

An accessible primary health care service can provide more equitable referral systems that prioritize those most in need. It can foster greater collaboration across other health sectors.

A comprehensive system of primary health care encompasses health promotion and illness prevention as well as treatment and rehabilitation. It helps communities and individuals take greater responsibility for their health outcomes

Elements of PHC

Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition Monitoring an adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation Maternal and child health care, including family planning Immunization against the major infectious diseases

Elements of PHC (cont.)

Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries Basic laboratory services and provision of essential drugs. Training of health guides, health workers and health assistants. Referral services

Elements of PHC (cont.)

Mental health Physical handicaps Health and social care of the elderly

Primary Health Care

Preventive services

Curative services
Outpatient clinic (referral)

General services

Care of vulnerable groups Maternal &child health s. School health services Geriatric health services Occupational health services

Laboratory services Dispensary First aid and emergency services

Health education Monitoring of environment

Prev.&control of endemic diseases

Health office services

Maternal and Child Health

Mothers and children are both vulnerable groups of the community. Women in the childbearing period (15-49 years) constitute about 25% of the population. Children on the other hand constitute about 40% to 45% of the population in developing countries. This group is characterized by relative high mortality and morbidity rates.

Maternal Health

According to 2000 WHO estimations it was concluded that:

From every 210 pregnant women who annually get pregnant, 8 suffer from life threatening complications. More than half a million (529,000) women died during pregnancy MMR globally was500/100,000 LB, ranging from2.4 in Scandinavia and Switzerland to 1200 in Yemen 50,000,000 women are left with chronic debilitating diseases annually.

Maternal Mortality

Nearly 2/3rds of maternal deaths worldwide results from five causes: Hemorrhage (24%) Obstructed labor (8%) Eclampsia (pregnancy induced hypertension) (12%) Sepsis (15%) Unsafe abortion (13%)

The other 1/3rd of maternal deaths worldwide results from indirect causes or an existing medical condition made worse by pregnancy or delivery: Malaria Anemia Hepatitis AIDS Tuberculosis Malnutrition

Some Factors that Contribute to Maternal Mortality and Morbidity

The 4 toos of pregnancy:

Too young Too old Too many Too soon

In other words: young or old age of pregnancy, short intervals between pregnancies, and high parity. Other factors include low socioeconomic status and inadequate maternal care.


In the 8 Millennium Development Goals, 3 of them are directed to MCH:

Improve maternal health Reduce infant and child mortality Combat HIV, malaria, TB and other conditions.

Objective of MCH

To improve the health status of the largest and most vulnerable sector of the population by providing the best health care available.

Maternal Health Care


Preconceptional Care

Antenatal Care

Intra-natal Care

Postnatal Care

Including Premarital Care

Preconceptional Care

It is a care of female before conception. It is continued care from birth, through stages of growth and development, and until the time of conception and pregnancy, so as to prepare the female for normal child bearing and delivery in the future.

Components of Preconceptional Care:

Health promotion and prevention of health hazards specially those of particular risk to pregnancy. Regular health appraisal for early case detection and management, and prevention of sequelae or complications. Health education of young girls e.g. determinants and requirement of health, family health, family planning.. Premarital care (for both partners).

Premarital Care
It includes: Premarital counseling Premarital immunization Premarital examination:
History taking Genetic counseling Systemic medical examination Investigations

Antenatal (Prenatal) Care

General objective: The general objective of antenatal (prenatal) care is to prepare the mother both physically and psychologically to give birth to a healthy newborn (favorable outcome of pregnancy) and to be able to care for it.

Components Antenatal (Prenatal) Care

Registration: During the booking visit, and record keeping Medical examination and investigations; for both the booking visit and continuing visits. Health education Immunization Supplementations Clinical services Social services (outreach services).

Intra-natal Care
Normal delivery is defined as a process of delivery of a single fetus and other products of conception within 24 hours, through the normal birth canal and without complications. Objectives of intra-natal care: safety of mother and fetus, by helping the pregnant to have a normal delivery, and providing emergency services when needed. Determination of place of birth, with a well-organized back up system.

High Risk Deliveries

Mother Toxemia of pregnancy Delivery Prolonged labor Fetus Prematurity

Diabetes mellitus Breech presentation

Age < 20 yrs Age > 35 yrs

Parity 5 +

Cord prolapse Multiple pregnancy

Premature rupture of membranes

Fetal distress Meconium stained liquor amnii

Postnatal Care

Care of mother after delivery. Its components are:

Postpartum examination Medical care Follow up Health education Family planning services Psychological and social support

Why tackle child health? The global equity gap in health is largest among children, and is concentrated in communicable diseases. Children under five years of age account for more than 50% of the global gap in mortality between the poorest and richest quintiles of the world's population. Children under five bear 30% of the total burden of disease in poor countries. Almost all (99%) of the 10.9 million children under five who died in 2000 were from developing countries. Of these children, 36% died in Asia, 33%

Perinatal mortality accounted for more than 20% of deaths in children under five years of age, in 2000 and includes birth asphyxia, trauma, and low birth weight.

Infant and child priorities (UNICEF)




Reduction of infant and under 5 mortality rate Reduction of moderate and severe malnutrition Universal access to safe drinking water Access to all couples to information and services to prevent pregnancies that are too early, too closely spaced, too late or too many.

Infant and child priorities (UNICEF) cont.

6. Reduction of low birth weight babies 7. Elimination of iodine deficiency 8. Elimination of vitamin A deficiency 9. Encouragement of women to breast feed their children exclusively 10. Growth promotion and monitoring 11. Eradication of poliomyelitis 12. Elimination of neonatal tetanus 13. Reduction of measles death

Infant and child priorities (UNICEF) cont.

14. Maintenance of a high level of immunization coverage. 15. Reduction of deathes due to diarrheal diseases 16. Reduction of deaths due to ARIs 17. Increased acquisition of knowledge, skills and values required for better living by all families.

What can be done to improve child health?

Child Health Service (Program)

The MCH center provides child care that starts before birth and continues through out childhood.
Functions of MCH centers for child care: Maternal care (prenatal and natal) Neonatal care Adequate nutrition of infants and children Health appraisal (assessment) Prevention and control of communicable diseases including immunization. Clinical (curative services) Social services.

The Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

IMCI is a broad strategy to improve child health outcomes developed by WHO and UNICEF. IMCI encompasses interventions at home, in the community and in the health system. The aims are to reduce childhood deaths, illnesses, and disability and to improve children's growth and development, with a particular focus on the poorest and most disadvantaged children. IMCI has three main components: Improve family and community practices related to child health and nutrition; Improve the health system for effective management of childhood illness; Improve health workers' skills.

Improve family and community practices related to child health and nutrition;

Counseling on child feeding including exclusive breast feeding Adequate amount of micronutrient or supplementation Complete full course of immunization for children Promote safe disposal of waste and hand washing before preparing meals and feeding children Provide adequate care to sick children Promote mental and social development by responding to children's needs for care, Provide adequate prenatal care to every pregnant woman

Improve the health system for effective management of childhood illness;

Ensure drugs and supplies for treating major childhood illnesses are available in health facilities Improve quality of care provided at health facilities and organization of work Improve referral pathways Identify and develop methods for sustainable financing and equity of access

Improve health workers' skills.

Develop and adapt case management guidelines and standards for major childhood illnesses in the country Train health providers at first level health facilities and referral level in standard case management Improve and maintain health workers' performance through follow-up after training and periodic supervision

A combination of integrated curative and preventive interventions is required to address the immediate and underlying determinants of child health. Maternal determinants and risk factors associated with pregnancy and childbirth are especially important. Simple, cost-effective interventions delivered at the community level can save most newborn and children lives in developing countries.

To summarize
Optimum child health is achieved through: Adequate maternal care Periodic follow up of the healthy child Breast feeding and proper child nutrition Immunization Early detection and proper management A sanitary and safe environment Health education of parents.

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