Introduction To Reproductive Health-1-1

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Introduction to

Reproductive Health
Sehrish Fatima
Reproductive Health
 As per the WHO ( World Health Organization) ,
Reproductive health can be defined as a state of
complete of mental , physical and social well-
being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity , in all matters related to the
reproductive system and to its functions and

 It implies that people are able to have a satisfying

and safe sex the capability to reproduce and
freedom to decide if when and how often to do

 Quality Family planning services

 Prmoting safe motherhood : Prenatal ,safe DELIVERY and

postnatal care including breast feeding.
 Prevention and treatment of Infertility.

 Prevention and management of complications of unsafe abortion.

 Treatment of reproductive tract Infections including STDS

 Active discouragement of harmful practices
such as violence related to sexuality and
The Panel’s Framework
1. Every sex act should be free of coercion and
2. Every pregnancy should be intended.
( family planning)
3. Every birth should be healthy.
What are Reproductive Health
 Overpopulation
 Sexually transmitted disease.
 Ill health of both mother and her baby
 Early marriages before attaining puberty.
 An increased mortality rate of both mothers

and infant.
Role of Community Health Nurse and other
health Team in Reproductive Health
 Preconception education
 Prenatal , delivery and post natal care
 Family planning services, counseling and

 Educate about the Nutrition of the Pregnant

 Play a part in the health care for infant and

 Management of abortion – related

 Prevention and appropirate treatment for
 Management of reproductive health.
 Management of reproductive cancers.
 Adolescent reproductive health.
UHS: Women Health and its Relationship
to poverty and quality of care
 When health care is needed but is delayed or
not obtained then

People Health Worsen

Which in turn Leads to

Higher Health care cost ( It contributes to

UHS:Conceptual Framework for
assessing access to health services
 Geographic Accessibility
 Availability
 Financial Accessibility
 Acceptability
Geographic Accessibility

 The physical distance or travel time for

service delivery point to the user.
 Having the right type of care available to
those who need it,
 as well as having the appropriate type of

service material for those who in need.

Financial Accessibility/ Affordibility
 Price of services meet client’s income and
ability to pay .
 People receiving a healthcare intervention
should to be appropirate according to their
social and cultural norms .
 E.g

 DNR Do not resuscitate orders

 DNV Do not ventilate
 Blood transfusion, Polio

 Health care providers accept all their clients

regardless of their characteristics
How to improve Reproductive Health
 Prevention of sexual violence as it is more
serious threats to the health of the woman.
 use of physical barrier methods for STD’s

prevention .
 Prevention of infertility.
 Provision of contraceptive method for family

planning methods.
 Proper diet
 Healthy body weight
 Exercise and sufficient sleep.
Millennium Development Goals
 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
 2. Achieve universal primary education
 3. Promote gender quality and empower
 4. Reduce child mortality.
 5. Improve maternal health.
 6. Combat HIV / AIDS , malaria and other
 7. Ensure environmental stability.
 8. Global partnership for development.
Development of Reproductive Health
 Before 1978 Alma – Ata Conference
Basic health services in clinics and health
 Primary Health care Declaration 1978

MCH services started with more emphasis on

child survival.
Family planning was the ma in focus for
Development of Reproductive Health
Safe motherhood Initiative in 1987
 Emphasis on maternal health .
 Emphasis on reduction of maternal mortality.
 Reproductive Health ICPD in 1994
 Emphasis on quality of care.
 Emphasis on availability and accessibility
 Emphasis on social injustice
 Emphasis on individual woman’s need and


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