Static Magnetic Fields

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Static Magnetic Fields

Following equations electrostatic model: form the basis of the

If the medium is linear and isotropic, we have the simple constitutive relation. When a small test charge q is placed in an electric field E, it experiences an electric force Fe:

Static Magnetic Fields

When the test charge is in motion in a magnetic field, experiments show that it experiences another force Fm, which has the following characteristics: 1. The magnitude of Fm is proportional to q; 2. The direction of Fm at any point is at right angles to the velocity vector of the test charge as well as to a fixed direction at that point; and 3. The magnitude of Fm is also proportional to the component of the velocity at right angles to this fixed direction.
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The force Fm is a magnetic force; it cannot be expressed in terms of E or D. The characteristics of Fm can be described by defining a new vector field quantity, the magnetic flux density B, that specified both the fixed direction and constant of proportionality.

Where u(m/s) is the velocity vector, and B is measured in webers per square meter (Wb/m2) or teslas (T).
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The total electromagnetic force on a charge q is, then: Which is called Lorentzs force equation. We may consider Fe/q for a small q as the definition for electric field intensity E and Fm/q=u x B as the definition relation for magnetic flux density B. Alternatively we may consider Lorentzs force equation as a fundamental postulate of our electromagnetic model.
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Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space

The two fundamental postulates of magnetostatics that specify the divergence and curl of B in free space are:

Where 0 is the permeability of free space:

An J is the current density. Since the divergence of the curl of any vector field is zero, we obtain from Eq.(6-7):
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Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space

Comparison of Eq.(6-6) with the analogous equation for electrostatics in free space, , (Eq.3-4), leads us to conclude that there is no magnetic analogue for electric charge density . Taking the volume integral of Eq.(6-6) and applying the divergence theorem, we have: Comparing Eq.(6-9) with Eq.(3-7), we again deny the existence of isolated magnetic charges. There are no magnetic flow sources, and the magnetic flux lines always close upon themselves.
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Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space

Eq.(6-9) is also referred to as an expression for the law of conservation of magnetic flux because it states that the total outward magnetic flux through any closed surface is zero. The integral form of the curl relation in Eq.(6-7) can be obtained by integrating both sides over an open surface and applying stokess theorem. We have:


Static Magnetic Fields

Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space

Where the path C for the line integral is the contour bounding the surface S, and I is the total current through S. The sense of tracing C and the direction of current flow follow the right hand rule. Eq.(6-10) is a form of Amperes Circuital law, which states that the circulation of the magnetic flux density in free space around any closed path is equal to 0 times the total current flowing through the surface bounded by the path. Amperes circuital law is very useful in determining the magnetic flux density B caused by a current I
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Fundamental Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space

when there is a closed path C around the current such that the magnitude of B is constant over the path. Following is a summary of the two fundamental postulates of magnetostatics in free space: Postulates of Magnetostatics in Free Space Differential Form Integral Form

Static Magnetic Fields


Vector Magnetic Potential

The divergence-free postulate of B in Eq.(6-6), , assures that B is solenoidal. As a consequence, B can be expressed as the curl of another vector field, say A, such that: The vector field A so defined is called the vector magnetic potential. Its SI unit is weber per meter (Wb/m). The definition of a vector requires the specification of both its curl and its divergence. Hence Eq.(6-15)
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Vector Magnetic Potential

alone is not sufficient to define A; we must still specify its divergence. Let us take the curl of B in Eq.(6-15) and substitute it in Eq.(6-7). We have: Here we digress to introduce a formula for the curl curl of a vector: or
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Vector Magnetic Potential

Above both equations can be regarded as the definition of , the Laplacian of A. For Cartesian coordinates it can be readily verified by direct substitution (Problem P.6-16) that: Thus for Cartesian coordinates the Laplacian of a vector field A is another vector field whose components are the Laplacian (the divergence of the gradient) of the corresponding components of A. This is however not true for other coordinate systems. Static Magnetic Fields 13

Vector Magnetic Potential

From Eq.(6-16) and (6-17a), we have: With the purpose of simplifying Eq.(6-19) to the greatest extent possible we choose: and Eq.(6-19) becomes: This is a vector Poissons equation. In Cartesian coordinates Eq.(6-21) is equivalent to three scalar Poissons Equations:
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Vector Magnetic Potential

Each of these three equations is mathematically the same as the scalar Poissons equation, Eq.(4-6) in electrostatics. In free space the equation: has a particular solution (see Eq.3-61), Hence the solution for Eq.(6-22a) is:
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Vector Magnetic Potential

We can write similar solutions for Ay and Az. Combining the three components, we have the solution for Eq.(6-21):
Eq.(6-23) enables us to find the vector magnetic potential A from the volume current density J. The magnetic flux density B can then be obtained from curl of A ( ) by differentiation, in a way similar to that of obtaining the static electric field E from .
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Vector Magnetic Potential

Vector potential A relates to the magnetic flux through a given area S that is bounded by contour C in a simple way:

The SI unit for magnetic flux is weber (Wb), which is equivalent to tesla-square meter (T.m2). Using Eq.(615) and Stokess theorem, we have:
Thus vector magnetic potential A does have physical significance in that its line integral around any closed
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Vector Magnetic Potential

path equals the total magnetic flux passing through the area enclosed by the path.

Static Magnetic Fields


The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

In many applications we are interested in determining the magnetic field due to a currentcarrying circuit. For a thin wire with cross-sectional area S, dv equals Sdl, and the current flow is entirely along the wire. We have: and Eq.(6-23) becomes: where a circle has been put on the integral sign because the current I must flow in a closed path,
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The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

which is designated C. The magnetic flux density is then:

It is important to note in Eq.(6-28) that the unprimed curl operation implies differentiation with respect to the space coordinates of the field point and that the integral operation is with respect to the primed source coordinates.
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The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

The integrand in Eq.(6-28) can be expanded into two terms by using the following identity (see Problem P.2-37):

We have with f=1/R and G=dl,

Now since the unprimed and primed coordinates are independent, equals zero, and the first term on the right side of Eq.(6-30) vanishes. The distance R is measured from dl at (x, y, z) to the field point at
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The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

(x, y, z). Thus we have:

where aR is the unit vector directed from the source point to the field point. Substituting Eq.(6-31) in
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The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

Eq.(6-30), we get: Eq.(6-32) is known as Biot-Savart law. It is a formula for determining B caused by a current I in a closed path C and is obtained by taking the curl of A in Eq.(6-27). Sometimes it is convenient to write Eq.(632) in two steps: with
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The Biot-Savart Law and Applications

which is the magnetic flux density due to a current element Idl. An alternative and sometimes more convenient form for Eq.(6-33b) is:

Comparison of Eq.(6-32) with Eq.(6-10) will reveal that Biot-Savart law is, in general, more difficult to apply than Amperes Circuital law. However Amperes circuital law is not useful for determining B from I in a circuit if a closed path cannot be found over which B has a constant magnitude.
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The Magnetic Dipole

Example 6-7: Find the magnetic flux density at a distant point of a small circular loop of radius b that carries current I (a magnetic dipole).

Solution: It is apparent from the statement of the problem that we are interested in determining B at a point whose distance, R, from the center of the loop satisfies the relation R >> b; that being the case, we may make certain simplifying approximations. We select the center of the loop to be the origin of
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The Magnetic Dipole

spherical coordinates, as shown in Fig. 6-8. The source coordinates are primed. We first the vector magnetic potential A and then determine B by :

Equation (6-39) is the same as Eq. (6-27), except for one important point: R in Eq. (6-27) denotes the distance between the source element dl at P and the field point P; but it must be replaced by R1 in accordance with the notation in Fig. 6-8. Because of symmetry, the magnetic field is obviously
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The Magnetic Dipole

independent of the angle of the field point. We pick P(R, , /2) in the yz-plane for convenience. Another point of importance is that a at dl is not the same as a at point P. In fact, a at P, shown in Fig. 6-8 is ax and: For every I dl there is another symmetrically located differential current element on the other side of the y-axis that will contribute an equal amount to the A in the ax direction but will cancel the contribution of
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The Magnetic Dipole

I dl in the ay direction. Equation (6-39) can be written as: or: The law of cosines applied to the triangle OPP gives: where R and cos is the projection of R on the radius OP, which is the same as the projection of OP (OP =R sin) on OP. Hence:
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The Magnetic Dipole

when R2>>b2, b2/R2 can be neglected in comparison with 1.

Substitution of Eq.(6-42) in (6-41) yields:

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The Magnetic Dipole

The magnetic flux density is can be used to find: . Eq.(2-139)

At this point we recognize the similarity between Eq.(6-44) and the expression for the electric field intensity in the far field of an electrostatic dipole as given in Eq.(3-54).
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The Magnetic Dipole

Hence , at distant points the magnetic flux lines of a magnetic dipole (placed in the xy-plane) such as that in Fig.6-8 will have the same form as the dashed electric field lines of an electric dipole (lying in the z-direction) given in Fig.3-15. In the vicinity of the dipoles, however the flux lines of a magnetic dipole are continuous, whereas the field lines of an electric dipole terminate on the charges, always going from +ve to the ve charges, as shown in Fig.6-9.
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The Magnetic Dipole

Let us now rearrange the expression of the vector magnetic potential in Eq.(6-43) as: or where: is defined as the magnetic dipole moment, which is a vector whose magnitude is the product of the current in and the area of the loop and whose direction is the direction of the thumb
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The Magnetic Dipole

as the fingers of the right hand follow the direction of the current. Comparison of Eq.(6-45) with the expression for the scalar electric potential of an electric dipole in Eq.(3-53b): reveals that for the two cases, A is analogous to V. We call a small current-carrying loop a magnetic dipole. In a similar manner we can also rewrite Eq.(644) as:
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The Magnetic Dipole

Except for the change of p to m and to 1/ , Eq.(6-48) has the same form as Eq.(3-54) does for the expression for E at a distant point of an electric dipole. Hence the magnetic flux lines of a magnetic dipole lying in the xy-plane will have the same form as that of the electric field lines of an electric dipole positioned along the z-axis, as noted before.

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Scalar Magnetic Potential

In a current free region J=0, Eq.(6-7) becomes: The magnetic flux density B is then curl-free and can be expressed as the gradient of a scalar field. Let: where Vm is called the scalar magnetic potential (expressed in amperes). The ve sign is conventional and the permeability of the free space is simply a proportionality constant.
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Scalar Magnetic Potential

Anlogous to Eq.(3-45), we can write the scalar magnetic potential difference between two points, P2 and P1, in free space as:

If there were magnetic charges with a volume density m (A/m2) in a volume V, we would be able to find Vm from:
The magnetic flux density could then be determined from Eq.(6-50). However isolated
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Scalar Magnetic Potential

magnetic charges have never been observed experimentally, they must be considered fictitious. The magnetic field of a small bar magnet is the same as that of a magnetic dipole. The ends (north and south) of a permanent magnet are the location of +ve and ve magnetic charges respectively. For a bar magnet the fictitious magnetic charges +qm and qm are assumed to be separated by a distance d and to form an
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Scalar Magnetic Potential

equivalent magnetic dipole of moment. The scalar magnetic potential Vm caused by this magnetic dipole can then be found by following the procedure used in subsection 3-5.1 for finding the scalar electric potential that is caused by an electric dipole. We obtain as in Eq.(3-53b): Substitution of Eq.(6-54) in (6-50) yields the same B as is given in Eq.(6-48).
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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

The orbiting electrons of an atom cause circulating currents and form microscopic magnetic dipoles. Electrons and nucleus of an atom rotate (spin) on their own axis with certain magnetic dipole moments. The magnetic dipole moment of a spinning nucleus is usually negligible in comparison to that of an orbiting or spinning electron because of the much larger mass and lower angular velocity of the nucleus Static Magnetic Fields 39

Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

In the absence of an external magnetic field the magnetic dipoles of the atoms of most materials have random orientation, resulting in no net magnetic moment. The application of an external magnetic field causes both an alignment of the magnetic moments of the spinning electrons and an induced magnetic moment due to a change in the orbital motion of electrons. Let mk be the magnetic dipole moment of an
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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

atom. If there are n atoms per unit volume, we define a magnetization vector, M as: which is the volume density of magnetic dipole moment. The magnetic dipole moment dm of an elemental volume dv is dm=Mdv that, according to Eq.(6-45), will produce a vector magnetic potential:

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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

Using Eq.(3-83) we can write Eq.(6-56) as: Thus where V is the volume of the magnetized material. We now use the vector identity in Eq.(6-29) to write:

Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

and expand the right side of Eq.(6-57) into two terms: The following vector identity (see Problem P.620) enables us to change the volume integral of the curl of a vector into a surface integral:

where F is any vector with continuous first derivative.

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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

We have from Eq.(6-59): where an is the unit outward normal vector from ds and S is the surface bounding the volume V. A comparison of the expressions on the right side of Eq.(6-61) with the form of A in Eq.(6-23) expressed in terms of volume current density J suggests that the effect of the magnetization vector is equivalent to both a volume current density:
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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

and a surface current density.
Fig. 6-10 shows a cross section of a magnetized material. It is assumed that an externally applied magnetic field has caused the atomic circulating currents to align with it, thereby magnetizing the material. The strength of this magnetizing effect is measured by the magnetization vector M. On the surface of the material there will be a
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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

surface current density Jms, whose direction is correctly given by that of the cross product Mxan. If M is uniform inside the material, the currents of the neighboring atomic dipoles that flow in opposite directions will cancel everywhere, leaving no net currents in the interior. This is predicted by Eq.(6-62), since the space derivatives (and therefore the curl) of a constant M vanish. However if M has space variations, the internal atomic currents do not completely cancel,
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Magnetization and Equivalent Current Densities

resulting in a net volume current density Jm.

Static Magnetic Fields


Equivalent Magnetization Charge Densities

In subsection 6-5.1 we noted that in a current free region we may define a scalar magnetic potential Vm, from which the magnetic flux density B can be found by differentiation as in Eq. (6-50). In terms of magnetization vector M (volume density of magnetic dipole moment) we may write, in lieu of Eq. (6-54): Integrating Eq. (6-66) over a magnetized body (a magnet) carrying no current, we have:
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Equivalent Magnetization Charge Densities

Eq. (6-67) is of exactly the same form as Eq. (381) for the scalar magnetic potential of a polarized dielectric. Following the steps leading to Eq. (3-87), we obtain:
where an is the outward normal to the surface element ds of the magnetized body. We saw in section 3-7 that, for field calculations, a polarized dielectric may be replaced by an equivalent
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Equivalent Magnetization Charge Densities

polarization surface charge density, given in Eq. (3-88), and an equivalent polarization volume charge density, given in Eq. (3-89). Similarly, we can conclude that, for field calculations, a magnetic body may be replaced by an equivalent (fictitious) magnetization charge density ms and an equivalent (fictitious) magnetization volume charge density m such that: and:
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

Because the application of an external magnetic field causes both an alignment of the internal dipole moments and an induced magnetic moment in a magnetic material, we expect that the resultant magnetic flux density in the presence of a magnetic material will be different from its value in free space. The macroscopic effect of magnetization can be studied by incorporating the equivalent volume current density, Jm in Eq. (6-62), into the basic curl
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

equation, Eq. (6-7). We have: or: We now define a new fundamental field quantity, the magnetic field intensity H, such that: The use of vector H enables us to write a curl equation relating the magnetic field and the
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

distribution of free currents in any medium. There is no need to deal explicitly with the magnetization vector M or the equivalent volume current density Jm. Combining Eqs.(6-74) and (675), we obtain the new equation: where J is the volume density of free current. Eqs.(6-6) and (6-76) are the two fundamental governing differential equations for magnetostatics. The permeability of the medium
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

does not appear explicitly in these two equations. The corresponding integral form of Eq.(6-76) is obtained by taking the scalar surface integral of both sides: or, according to Stokess theorem: where C is the contour bounding the surface S and I is the total free current passing through S.
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

The relative direction of C and current flow I follow the right-hand rule. Eq.(6-78) is another form of Amperes circuital law: It states that the circulation of the magnetic field intensity around any closed path is equal to the free current flowing through the surface bounded by the path. Amperes circuital law is most useful in determining the magnetic field caused by a current when cylindrical symmetry exists ie
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

when there is a closed path around the current over which the magnetic field is constant. When the magnetic properties of the medium are linear and isotropic, the magnetization is directly proportional to the magnetic field intensity:

where is a dimensionless quantity called magnetic susceptibility. Substitution of Eq.(6-79) in Eq.(6-75) yields:
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

or where is another dimensionless quantity known as the relative permeability of the medium. The parameter is the absolute permeability of the medium and is measured in H/m; and r
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Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability

can be a function of space coordinates. For a simple medium-linear, isotropic, and homogeneous- and r are constants. At this we note a number of analogous relations between the quantities in electrostatics and those in magnetostatics as on next slide.

Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetic Field Intensity and Relative Permeability


Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetic Circuits
Magnetic circuit problems arise in transformers, generators, motors, relays, magnetic recording devices, and so on. Analysis of magnetic circuits is based on the two basic equations for magnetostatics, (6-6) and (676), which are repeated below for convenience:

We have seen in Eq. (6-78) that Eq. (6-83) converts to Ampres circuital law. If the closed path C is chosen to enclose N turns of a winding
Static Magnetic Fields 60

Magnetic Circuits
carrying a current I that excites a magnetic circuit, we have: The quantity m(=N I) here plays a role that is analogous to electromotive force (emf) in an electric circuit and is therefore called a magnetomotive force (mmf). Its SI unit is ampere (A); but, because of Eq. (6-84), mmf is frequently measured in ampere-turns (At). An mmf is not a force measured in newtons.
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Magnetic Circuits
If the radius of the cross section of the core is much smaller than the mean radius of the toroid, the magnetic flux density B in the core is approximately constant, and the magnetic flux in the circuit is: where S is the cross-sectional area of the core. Combination of Eqs. (6-92) and (6-89) yields: Eq. (6-93) can be rewritten as:
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Magnetic Circuits
with: Where lf=2ro - lg is the length of the ferromagnetic core, and: Both f and g have the same form as the formula, Eq. (5-27), for the d-c resistance of a straight piece of homogeneous material with a uniform cross section S. Both are called reluctance: the former of the ferromagnetic core;
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Magnetic Circuits
and the latter, of the air gap. The SI unit for reluctance is the reciprocal henry (H-1). The fact that Eqs. (6-95) and (6-96) are as they are, even though the core is not straight, is a consequence of assuming that B is approximately constant over the cross section. Eq. (6-94) is analogous to the expression for the current I in an electric circuit, in which an ideal voltage source emf is connected in series with two resistances, Rf and Rg:
Static Magnetic Fields 64

Magnetic Circuits
The analogous magnetic and electric circuits shown in Figs. 6-14(a) and 6-14(b), respectively. Magnetic circuits can, by analogy, be analysed by the same techniques we have used in analyzing electric circuits. The analogous quantities are as on the next slide.

Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetic Circuits
Magnetic Circuits Mmf, m (=NI) Electric Circuits Emf,

Magnetic flux,
Reluctance, Permeability

Electric current, I
Resistance, R Conductivity,

Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetic Circuits
In spite of this convenient likeness an exact analysis of magnetic circuits is inherently very difficult to achieve. First, it is very difficult to account for leakage fluxes, fluxes that stray or leak from the main flux paths of a mafnetic circuit. For the toroidal coil in Fig. 6-13, leakage flux paths encircle every turn of the winding; they partially transverse the space around the core, as illustrated, because the permeability of air is not
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Magnetic Circuits
zero. (There is little need for considering leakage currents outside the current paths of electric circuits that carry direct currents. The reason is that the conductivity of air is practically zero compared to that of a good conductor.) A second difficulty is the fringing effect that causes the magnetic flux lines at the air gap to spread and bulge. (The purpose of specifying the narrow air gap in Example 6-10 was to minimize the fringing effect.)
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Magnetic Circuits
A third difficulty is that the permeability of ferromagnetic materials depends on the magnetic field intensity; that is, B and H have a nonlinear relationship. (They might not even be in the same direction). The problem of Example 6-10, which assumes a given before either Bc or Hc is known, is therefore not a realistic one. In a practical problem the B-H curve of the ferromagnetic material , such as that shown later in Fig.6-17, should be given. The ratio of B to H
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Magnetic Circuits
is obviously not a constant, and Bf can be known only when Hf is known. So how does one solve the problem? Two conditions must be satisfied. First the sum of Hglg and Hflf must equal the total mmf Nio: Second, if we assume no leakage flux, the total flux in the ferromagnetic core and in the air gap must be the same, or Bf=Bg:
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Magnetic Circuits
Substitution of Eq.(6-99) in (6-98) yields an equation relating Bf and Hf in the core: This is an equation for a straight line in the B-H plane with a ve slope (-olf/lg). The intersection of this line and the given B-H curve determines the operating point. Once the operating point has been found, and Hf and all other quantities can be obtained. The similarity between Eq.(6-94) and (6-97) can
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Magnetic Circuits
be extended to the writing of two basic equations for magnetic circuits that correspond to Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws for electric circuits. Similar to Kirchhoffs voltage law in Eq.(5-41), we may write, for any closed path in a magnetic circuit: Eq.(6-101) states that around a closed path in a magnetic circuit the algebraic sum of ampere-turns is equal to the algebraic sum of
Static Magnetic Fields 72

Magnetic Circuits
the products of the reluctances and fluxes. Kirchhoffs current law for a junction in an electric circuit Eq.(5-47), is a consequence of , Similarly the fundamental postulate in Eq.(6-82) leads to Eq.(6-9). Thus we have:

Which states that the algebraic sum of all the magnetic fluxes flowing out of a junction in a magnetic circuit is zero. Eqs.(6-101) and
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Magnetic Circuits
(6-102) form the basis for the loop and node analysis, respectively of magnetic circuits.

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Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields

Using techniques similar to those employed in Section 3-9 to obtain the boundary conditions for electrostatic fields, we derive magnetostatic boundary conditions by applying the two fundamental governing Eqs.(6-82) and (6-83), to a small pillbox and a small closed path, respectively, which include the interface. From the divergence-less nature of the B field in Eq.(6-82) we may conclude directly, in light of past experience, that the normal component of
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Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields

B is continuous across an interface; that is: For linear media, B1=1H1 and B2= 2H2, Eq.(6107) becomes: The boundary condition for the tangential components of magnetostatic field is obtained from the integral form of the curl equation for H, Eq.(6-78), which is repeated here:
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Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields

We now choose the closed path abcda in Fig.619 as the contour C. Applying Eq.(6-109) and letting bc=da=h approach zero, we have:

where Jsn is the surface current density on the interface normal to the contour C. The direction of Jsn is that of the thumb when the fingers of the right hand follow the direction of the path. In Fig.6-19 the +ve direction of Jsn for the chosen
Static Magnetic Fields 77

Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields

path is out of the paper. The following is a more concise expression of the boundary condition for the tangential components of H, which includes both magnitude and direction relations. Where an2 is the outward unit normal from medium 2 at the interface. Thus, the tangential component of the H field is discontinuous across an interface where a free surface current exists, the amount of discontinuity
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Boundary Conditions for Magnetostatic Fields

being determined by Eq.(6-111). When the conductivities of both media are finite, currents are defined by volume current densities and free surface currents do not exist on the interface. Hence Js equals zero, and the tangential component of H is continuous across the boundary of almost all physical media; it is discontinuous only when an interface with an ideal perfect conductor or a superconductor is assumed.
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Inductances and Inductors

Consider two neighboring closed loops C1 and C2 bounding surfaces S1 and S2 respectively, as shown in Fig.6-22. If a current I1 flows in C1, and a magnetic field B1 will be created. Some of the magnetic flux due to B1 will link with C2 i.e. will pass through the surface S2 bounded by C2. Let us designate flux 12, we have: From physics we know that a time-varying I1 (and therefore a time-varying 12) will produce
Static Magnetic Fields 80

Inductances and Inductors

an induced emf or voltage in C2 as a result of Faradays law of electromagnetic induction. However 12 exists even if I1 is a steady d-c current. From the Biot-Savart law Eq.(6-32), we see that B1 is directly proportional to I1; hence 12 is also proportional to I1. We write: Where the proportionality constant L 12 is called the mutual inductance between loops C1 and
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Inductances and Inductors

C2, with SI unit henry (H). In case C2 has N2 turns, the flux linkage 12 due to 12 is: and Eq.(6-124) generalizes to: or The mutual inductance between two circuits is then the magnetic flux linkage with one circuit
Static Magnetic Fields 82

Inductances and Inductors

per unit current in the other. In Eq.(6-124) it is implied that the permeability of the medium does not change with I1. In other words Eq.(6-124) and hence Eq.(6-127) apply only to linear media. A more general definition for L12 is: Some of the magnetic flux produced by I1 links only with C1 itself, and not with C2. The total flux linkage with C1 caused by I1 is:
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Inductances and Inductors

The self-inductance of loop C1 is defined as the magnetic flux linkage per unit current in the loop itself; i.e.

for a linear medium. In general,

The self-inductance of a loop or circuit depends on the geometrical shape and the physical arrangement of the conductor constituting the loop or circuit, as well as on the permeability of
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Inductances and Inductors

the medium. With a linear medium, self-inductance does not depend on the current in the loop or circuit. As a matter of fact, it exists regardless of whether the loop or circuit is open or closed, or whether it is near another loop or circuit. A conductor arranged in an appropriate shape (such as a conducting wire wound as a coil) to supply a certain amount of self-inductance is called an inductor. Just as a capacitor can store
Static Magnetic Fields 85

Inductances and Inductors

electric energy, an inductor can store magnetic energy. The procedure for determining the selfinductance of an inductor is as follows:
1. Choose an appropriate coordinate system for the given geometry. 2. Assume a current I in the conducting wire. 3. Find B from I by Amperes circuital law, Eq.(6-10), if symmetry exists; if not, Biot-Savart law, Eq.(6-32) must be used. 4. Find the flux linkage with each turn, , from B by
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Inductances and Inductors

Integration: Where S is the area over which B exists and links with the assumed current. 5. Find the flux linkage by multiplying by the number of turns. 6. Find L by taking the ratio L= /I.

Only a slight modification of this procedure is needed to determine the mutual inductance L12 between two circuits. After choosing an appropriate coordinate system, proceed as
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Inductances and Inductors

Assume I1. Find B1. Find 12 by integrating B1 over surface S2. Find flux linkage 12=N212. Find L12=12/I1.

Static Magnetic Fields


Magnetic Energy
We know that resistance-less inductors appear as short-circuits to steady (d-c) currents; it is obviously necessary that we consider alternating currents when the effects of inductances on circuits and magnetic fields are of interest. For now we assume quasi-static-conditions, which

Static Magnetic Fields


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