Body Language

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Body language refers to any kind of bodily movement or posture, including facial expression, which transmits a message to the observer. It is the communication of personal feelings, emotions, attitudes, thoughts through body movements either consciously or unconsciously , voluntarily or unvoluntarily.

Zone Distances

How People Judge us ! 55% - Body Language 38% -Verbal Tone 7-10% - Verbal Content. If your body language does not match your words, you are wasting your time.

Just as verbal language differs from culture to culture, so the non-verbal language may also differ.


Thumb is used to display dominance, superiority or even aggression.

One of the least noticed but most powerful non-verbal signals is given by the human palm.

The Palm-down Position

The Palm-up Position

The Palm-closed-fingerpointed Position

One of the three basic attitudes is transmitted through hand shake.

Types of hand shakes

Aggressive : not giving the receiver a chance to establish an equal relationship. Dead fish :shaking hands listlessly.(Sign of a weak character) Knuckle grinder :aggressive tough guy type ,often disliked. Stiff arm:tries to keep receiver at a distance.

Finger tip grade:main aim is to keep the receiver at a distance. Double handed:using both the hands to express sincerity and trust.


Taking the Control

Giving the Control

Shake Like a Man

Politicians Handshake


Everything is OK



Palm Facing the Audience

All the Best ! OK!

Lift Please !
Youve lost it !

Open/ Honest

Smart/Confident/ Superior

Facing the Audiencewith Smile

Palm Facing the Audience

I am Honest, Harmless

Shame, Embarrassment

Wants to say something, but


Confused, Indecisive





Peering Over Glasses

Judging, Scrutinising, Rude

Interested Evaluation

Hand rested over Chin

Evaluation Hand rested over Chin

Having Negative Thoughts

Hand on Chin & temple


Chin Stroking

Hands in pocket: Thumb Out Position


Cardigan or Waistcoat Thruster

Superiority, positive signal, high status

Hands on Hip

Superiority, readiness

Male Courtship Gestures

Straightening tie, brushing imaginary dust from the shoulder, rearranging cuff links, shirt, coat and other clothing.

Playing with Moustaches

Dominant, Egoistic

I am not approachable, please do not come near / talk to me

Arm Barrier

Telling a lie

Rubbing Nose, Face, Neck

Reassurance is needed here !

Nail Biting, fingers in mouth


Head Up

Eyes looking forward most of the time.

Monitor approximately at eye height and an arms distance away.

Shoulders Relaxed

Back erect and Supported

Hands in line with the forearms.

Reference material is easy to look at

Only moderate pressure at the front of the seat cushion

Feet Firmly on a footrest

Casual, Friendly, Open, Comfort

Arm and Leg Barriers

Leg Barrier

Ready to Proceed

American 4

I can see you have some ideas on this. Id be interested in your opinion

I have all the answers!

May be one day youll be as smart as I am! Everythings under control!

Straddling a Chair

Dominant, trying to control others

Hands on Hip

Aggressive-readiness, forward thinking

Ankle Lock
Negative / Defensive Attitude


The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul


Body Language Interpretation

Brisk, erect walk Confidence Standing with hands on hips -Readiness, aggression Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly -Boredom Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest -Defensiveness Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched -Dejection Hand to cheek -Evaluation, thinking Touching, slightly rubbing nose -Rejection, doubt, lying Rubbing the eye -Doubt, disbelief

Hands clasped behind back -Anger, frustration, apprehension Locked ankles -Apprehension Head resting in hand, eyes downcast Boredom Rubbing hands -Anticipation Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed -Confidence, superiority

Open palm -Sincerity, openness, innocence Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed Negative evaluation Tapping or drumming fingers -Impatience Steepling fingers -Authoritative Patting/fondling hair -Lack of selfconfidence; insecurity

Tilted head -Interest Stroking chin -Trying to make a decision Looking down, face turned away -Disbelief Biting nails -Insecurity, nervousness Pulling or tugging at ear Indecisive

Developing confidence through correct body language

Remember that a picture is worth a thousand words. When talking to somebody picturise yourself. How are you looking. Avoid your pockets. Do not fidget. Keep your gesticulations under control. Keep eyes forward. Maintain eye contact.

Stand up straight with your shoulders back.Hold your head high. Walk confidently and naturally. Firm handshake. Proper grooming. Smile. Do not cross your arms.

Hmmm. Now you guys are Experts.

SoHappy reading body language !

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