Communicative Language Teaching

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A set of principles about:

Goals of language teaching Roles of teachers and learners
How learners

The kinds of classroom activities that facilitate learning

learn a language

To be able to master the rules of sentence formation in a language and able to use the

language for meaningful communication.

To become a communicative competent.

Aspect of language knowledge

Use of language for different range and function Vary our language according to the setting and participant Produce and understand different types of text Maintain communication


Collaboration creating of meaning Attending to the feedback learners get when using the language

Creating meaningful and purposeful interaction

Paying attention the language heard

Negotiation of meaning

Trying out and experimenting with different ways of saying things

Old methods
Memorise Controlled by teacher

New methods
Pair work Group discussion Role play Simulation Project Quiz Problem solving

Participate in activities Give attention and cooperation Comfortable with teacher and peers

As a monitor and facilitator Develop different view of learners error

Traditional approaches (up to the late 1960s)

Classic CLT (1970s 1990s)

Current CLT (1990s present)

Priority to grammatical competence as the basic of language learning Learning of grammar through direct instruction and repetitive practice and drilling The approach of teaching is deductive Great attention to accurate pronunciation mastery of grammar

Typical lesson according to three phase sequence (P-P-P) Presentation-grammar structure presented Practice-students practice using the grammar structure Production-students practice using the new structure using different context using their own information

Knowledge and skills needed to use grammar and other aspects of language appropriate for different communicative purpose

Aspect of language to develop communicative competent

Purpose of the language Setting Role of the speaker Communicative events participated Language functions Notions of concepts involved Discourse and rhetoric skills Grammatical content Vocabulary Variety of language

8 changes in approaches to language teaching

Learners autonomy Focus on meaning Social nature of learning Curricular integration Thinking skills


Alternative assessment

Teachers as co-learners

Linking grammatical development to the ability to communicate Use both deductive and inductive learning approaches Contents connect to students live and interests Classroom materials make use of authentic text Create the need for communication

Accuracy vs fluency Mechanical, meaningful and communicative practice Information-gap activities Jig saw activities

Activities for accuracy

Reflect natural use of language Focus on achieving communication Require meaningful language Use of communication strategies Produce of language maybe unpredictable Seek to link language use to context

Activities for fluency

Reflects classroom use of language Focus on the formation correct examples of language Practice language out of context Practice small sample of language Do not require meaningful communication Choice of language is control


Controlled practice activities Students do not necessary need to understand the meaning Eg. Repetition drills and substitution drills


Language is control but students are require to understand the language Eg. Giving maps to learn preposition

Communicative practice

Practice using language within a real communicative context Eg. Draw maps of their neighborhood and answer questions

In real communication people will normally communicate in order to get information they do not possess Can be done in pair works or group works Eg. Looking for differences in pictures

To gather information to complete a task Students must use language resources to communicate meaningfully

Puzzle Language games Map reading Survey Interviews Compare ideas, opinions and information Role play Information transfer


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