Gas Cargoes

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A liquefied gas is the liquid form of a substance which at normal ambient temperatures & atmospheric pressure, would be a gas. LPG the generic term for propane, butane & mixtures of the two. LPG obtained from
Crude oil processing in refineries Chemical plant by-products

LNG obtained from

Natural gas streams Large oil fields

Ship Types LPG / Chlorine

Fully pressurised Spherical tanks Cylindrical tanks

Ship Types
LPG / LEG / Chemical gases
Semi-pressurised ships Spherical tanks Cylindrical tanks Lobe tanks

Ship Types
Fully refrigerated ships Spherical tanks Membrane tanks Semi-membrane tanks Independent tanks Integral tanks

Semi-Refrigerated LPG

Semi-Refrigerated LPG

Semi-Refrigerated LPG

Fully Refrigerated LPG

Fully Refrigerated LNG

Fully Refrigerated LNG

Fully Refrigerated LNG

Fully Refrigerated LNG

Fully Refrigerated LNG

Membrane Tank

The Gas Carrier Codes

The Gas Carrier Codes

The International Code for the Construction & Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk IGC Code Ships built after June 1986 Made mandatory by SOLAS Ch.VII International Certificate of Fitness

The Gas Carrier Codes

The Code for the Construction & Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk Gas Carrier (GC) Code Ships built between 1976 & 1986 NOT mandatory Implemented into national law by many countries Charterers would expect compliance Certificate of Fitness

The Gas Carrier Codes

The International Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk Existing Ship Code Ships built before 1977 Completed in 1976 after GC Code written IMO recommendation for older ships Charterers / terminal expect compliance Certificate of Fitness

IGC Code - Ship Types

Type 1G
Designed with maximum preventative measures

Type 2G
Designed with significant preventative measures

Type 2PG
As above but LOA < 150m, tanks designed for > 7 bar pressure and above 550

Type 3G
Designed with moderate preventative measures

Ship Arrangements
Gas-Dangerous Spaces
Spaces where gas-safe conditions are not assured Enclosed spaces outside cargo area containing cargo piping Cargo containment systems and piping Hold spaces Pump rooms & compressor rooms

Ship Arrangements
Gas-Dangerous Zones
Zone on the open deck within 3m of: Cargo tank outlet Vapour outlet Cargo pipe flange Cargo pipe valve Entrances or vents to pump or compressor rooms

Ship Arrangements
Gas-Dangerous Zones
Open deck over cargo areas 3m fwd & aft of cargo areas on open deck 2.4m above weather deck Within 2.4m of exposed cargo containment system Spaces containing cargo pipes Enclosed/semi-enclosed space opening into a gas dangerous space or zone


Dry Dock / Tank Cleaning



Dry Dock / Tank Cleaning Different Cargo


Gassing up (purging)

Liquid Free


Same Cargo

Ballast Passage Discharging


Loaded Passage


GASSING UP - liquid from shore

GASSING UP - vapour from shore

COOLDOWN - liquid from shore

LOADING - with vapour return line

LOADING - without vapour return line


LOADED PASSAGE - conditioning

DISCHARGING - without vapour return line

DISCHARGING - with vapour return line



PURGING - vapour from shore

New cargo vapour

Old cargo vapour

INERTING - to displace cargo vapours

AERATION - gas freeing


Health Hazards of Specific Cargoes

Ammonia TLV 25 ppm
Effects of Liquid Effects of Vapour
Irritation burning Frostbite Irritation burning Frostbite

On Eyes
On Skin Skin Absorption Ingestion Inhalation

Permanent damage Frostbite Severe chemical burns Frostbite Not absorbed Very harmful

Convulsive coughing Lung damage Heart failure & cessation of breathing

Butadiene TLV 10 ppm

Effects of Liquid On Eyes
Moderate irritation Can cause damage

Effects of Vapour
Moderate irritation

On Skin
Skin Absorption Ingestion Inhalation

Moderate irritation Superficial frostbite if contact prolonged

No hazard No known hazard

May cause frostbite

Respiratory tract irritation Headache, dizziness, anaesthesia Impairs central nervous system Liver disorder Carcinogenic

Chlorine TLV 0.5 ppm

Effects of Liquid On Eyes On Skin Skin Absorption
Severe chemical & cold burns in small amounts Severe chemical & cold burns even through normal clothing Toxic & corrosive acids formed with skin moisture

Effects of Vapour
Severe irritation & burning Severe irritation & burning


Not pertinent
Coughing, choking, sneezing, copious salivation, excitement Bronchitis, teeth erosion, inflammation of mucuous membranes

Sulphur Dioxide TLV 2 ppm

Effects of Liquid On Eyes
Severe burns Frostbite

Effects of Vapour
Irritation & inflammation

On Skin
Skin Absorption Ingestion

Severe burns to moist areas Irritation of moist skin in high concentrations Frostbite
Not absorbed Severe internal burning


Burning of respiratory tract Severe choking Oedema Dizziness Fatal respiratory paralysis

First-Aid Treatment
Cargo Data Sheets Medical First Aid Guide First-Aid Equipment

IGC Code Chapter 14 stretcher resuscitation equipment antidotes

Emergency (first-aid) Procedures

Liquid in Eye PROCEDURES
DO NOT DELAY Flood with fresh water or solution of distilled water & 2.5% borax and 2.5% boric acid Continue flooding for at least 30 minutes Obtain medical assistance as soon as possible DO NOT DELAY Remove clothing & flood area with water for at least 15 minutes. Apply wet compress of distilled water & 2.5% borax and 2.5% boric acid. Do not rub. Immerse frost-bitten area in warm water until thawed. Obtain medical assistance as soon as possible. REMOVE VICTIM TO FRESH AIR Remove clothing. Mouth warm and still. Obtain medical assistance as soon as possible.


Liquid on Skin

Vapour Inhaled

Cargo may react with: Water Air Itself Other cargoes Other materials

Reactions may result in: Toxic vapour emission Heat generation Explosion Corrosion


Hydrate Formation
crushed ice or slush-like substance

May be caused by: high dew point of purge vapours water in cargo system prior to loading water dissolved in the cargo (some LPGs)

May cause seizure of pumps & equipment failure


Formation of unstable oxygen compounds May cause explosion Inert gas blankets Shippers inhibitor added

Initiated by small quantities of other cargoes Catalyst may be presence of certain metals Heat produced which accelerates reaction Butadiene Isoprene Vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) Some cargoes cannot be inhibited Ethylene oxide Propylene oxide


Separate piping system Separate ventilation system Separate refrigeration system Compatibility charts consulted Cargo data sheets consulted Effective purging prior to change of cargo


Materials in cargo system Poor quality purge vapours Consult cargo data sheets Effective stowage plan High quality IG (CO2 content) Prevent contamination with machinery oil

Some cargoes & inhibitors may be corrosive Cargo systems & human tissue at risk Cargo system materials as per IMO Codes Refer to cargo data sheets

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