16 2011 GEOENGINEERING by Rosalind Peterson

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(Climate Remediation) Solar Radiation Management & Other Schemes

Produced by

Rosalind Peterson

Todd Blackmon

How Do You Like Your Skies Your Weather

Natural or Man-Made?

Las Vegas Nevada April 11, 2011 Photograph by MD

we use the term geoengineering to describe activities specifically and deliberately designed to effect a change in the global climate with the aim of minimising or reversing anthropogenic climate change.
UK-House of Commons Report on the Regulation of Geoengineering March 10, 2010
Geoengineering is Planetary-Scale Environmental Engineering David Keith January 18, 2001

Climate engineering, also known as Geoengineering, can be described as the deliberate large-scale modification of the earths climate systems for the purposes of counteracting and mitigating climate change
October 29, 2010 U.S. House Science & Technology Final Report (After 3 U.S. House Hearings in 2009-2010) ENGINEERING THE CLIMATE: RESEARCH NEEDS AND STRATEGIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION REPORT






*We are told that the meetings are being conducted by various private organizations, like the Royal Society. Stakeholders at these meetings only include those who want to promote these actions and may benefit financially from the various Geoengineering schemes.
*(Bipartisan Policy Center October 4, 2011 - Webcast & Report on Risky Geoengineering Schemes (Climate Remediation) & AAAS 2010 Geoengineering Meeting)


In 2009, the UK House of Commons & the U.S. House Science & Technology Committee Agreed to Collaborate and Coordinate Hearings on Geoengineering and Global Geoengineering Governance.

There are no current rules or regulations on Geoengineering or Climate Remediation schemes which are proposed, underway or ongoing. Several countries, private individuals, corporations, universities, NASA, the U.S. military and others are conducting atmosphere tests and other experiments and/or Geoengineering experiments. The Earth and the Earths atmosphere are being used today without public consent, or knowledge in many cases, as an Experimental Physics Laboratory.


The U.S. House Science & Technology Committee has held three hearings (2009-2010), on Geoengineering. Scientists from other

fields and government agencies, like Agriculture, EPA, NMFS, marine biologists, FDA, other U.S. Agencies, marine biologists, forestry, and members of the public, were not invited to attend any of these hearings and were prevented from testifying on the risks

from the myriad of ongoing and proposed Geoengineering Schemes.

Only those promoting or supporting various Geoengineering Experiments, for the most part, were allowed to speak. WHY?



Royal Society Report 2010 (Chapter 4) Legal & Governance Issues

*Solar Radiation Management & Carbon Reduction *Ocean Fertilization-Sequestration Governance is not covered under current treaties. (Note: Scientific Research & Contribution to Scientific
Knowledge is exempted under this most Treaties or Conventions.)

*Issues of Safety *Legal Framework *International Programs *Governance Needed Before Implementation? *Technical Issues *Regulation Gaps *Treaties *Changes in Climate *Ethics *Environmental & Human Health Consequences? *Ocean Impacts *Multiple Techniques *Winners & Losers *Compensation? *Impacts on Global Temperature *Privatization? *Corporations *Liability Issues *Radiation Issues *Reversible? *Trans-Boundary Impacts *Who Makes the Ultimate Decisions? *Compensation for Losses Weather & Other Artificial Changes *Risks + % of Acceptable Mortality & Environmental Degradation


Solar Radiation Management Carbon Capture & Sequestration Sunscreens / Solar Umbrellas / Sunshades Space Mirrors / Solar Sails Cloud Whitening Experiments (Using Salt) Ocean Iron / Lime Fertilization Weather Modification & Mitigation Using Aircraft to Produce: Man-Made Clouds
& Other Schemes All Risky & May Have Unintended Consequences

Davis, California August 2008 Persistent Jet Contrails Turning Into Man-Made Clouds

Solar Radiation Management:

Introduction of Particles, Chemicals or Gases into the Atmosphere to Reduce the Amount of Direct Sunlight Reaching the Earth to Mask not Fix Global Warming *Sulfur (H2, S04) *Aluminum Oxide = Alumina (Alumina Now in Shuttle Exhaust)

*Using Jets to Make Small, High Quality Alumina Particles by Spraying Alumina Vapor Using Low Vapor Pressure Gas (Water Vapor = Greenhouse Gas)
(Note: Aurora Flight Sciences + Boeing: Jet Testing Now Underway to Release or Deliver into Atmosphere = Gulf Stream Jet-Easy to do.)
(Smaller Particles, Nano-Particles, Work Better Than Larger Particles.)

(Based on Notes Taken at AAAS Meeting on Geoengineering 2010)

Presentation by David Keith (Spoke in Terms of Delivery of Megatons Per Year)


JETS Small Planes


Rockets Drones

Using Water Vapor & Particulates from Jet Engine or Rocket Combustion & Injecting or Spraying Sea Water into Atmosphere.

Land or Ocean-Based Dispersion Methods H.A.A.R.P. Experiments

WHY ARE GEOENGINEERING SCHEMES CALLED RISKY? The particles and chemicals introduced into the atmosphere are toxic contaminants that will return to Earth. *Air, Water, and Soil Pollution *Acid Rains *Tree & Plant Declines Change in Soil pH *Increased Weather Changes Negative Consequences

*Reduction of Direct Sunlight Reaching the Earth: Reduced Photosynthesis Reduced Crop Production Reduced Solar Panel Power Output
*Human Health Problems from Lack of Vitamin D Increasing Asthma Respiratory Problems Increased Hospital Visits Spread of Molds, Mildews, Viruses & Flu

Geoengineering Programs (Climate Remediation) May Result in Escalating impacts that are being felt today across the United States:
Increases Human Health Problems Such As: Asthma, Eye & Skin Irritations, Raspy throats, Pneumonia-Like Symptoms, & More (Many Toxic Chemicals & Particles Released) Increases in molds, mildew, and viruses (flu-like symptoms)

Lack of Vitamin D and Associated Human Health Problems

Reduces Solar Panel Power Production

Decline in Tree and Plant Health, Increasing Acid Rain, Air, Soil & Water Pollution

Geoengineering Programs and Experiments May Result in Escalating impacts that are being felt today across the United States:
Why are the trees dying or in decline in your area? (In many areas backyard gardens are failing to produce as much food as in past years Why?) Jet Fuel and Rocket Emission + Pollution from Experiments Experiments increase Air, Water Soil Pollution, changes in Soil pH, and Increase Health Problems and Crop Damage Reduced Photosynthesis = Lower Crop Production and increased declines in tree health Increasing Acid Rains, Air, Soil and Water Pollution from Geoengineering Experiments Negative Effects on Biodiversity and Oceans (Ocean Iron Fertilization + Other Experiments)

Everyone Needs to Speak Out!

Your Health & the Health of Your Families and Friends is at Stake. Let the Agriculture Defense Coalition Know What you are Experiencing in your AreaMany others across the United States are Experiencing some or all of same problems. You are Not Alone.

Fatigue Allergies - Memory Loss Respiratory Problems, Raspy Voice - Sore Throats Headaches - Dizziness Skin Rashes - Rickets, Nose Bleeds Eye Irritations Agricultural Crop Losses Backyard Garden Decline - Tree Decline & Tree Deaths!

EPA 1999 Report Jet Fuel Emissions:

Carbon Monoxide, Particulates, Nitrogen Oxides
(increased asthma, respiratory symptoms, and acid rain)

Volatile Organic Compounds (memory impairment)

OZONE (crop and tree damage)

NITRIC OXIDE (atmospheric ozone depletion)


Water Vapor (A Greenhouse Gas)

(Aviation has a Tremendous Impact on the Global Atmosphere)



SHORT LIST OF A FEW UNCONTROLLED ATMOSPHERIC GEOENGINEERING EXPERIMENTS: Intentional & Experimental Weather Modification Programs & Experiments Upper Atmospheric Experiments Using Rockets and Airplanes (Persistent Jet Contrails & Man-Made Clouds)

NASA Particle & Chemical Release Experiments (CRRES) Barium-Strontium-Lithium-Calcium-SF6 (Sulfur hexafluoride) and other Ionospheric Experiments Rockets
Man-Made Cloud Experiments Water Vapor Injections & Cloud Whitening Experiments (Weather Modification) U.S. Navy / NASA Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE-2009) using a Rocket to Release an aluminum oxide dust cloud over the East Coast of the U.S. U.S. Air Force / NASA Trimethyl-Aluminum Night Cloud Experiments (CRRES-Rockets)

Another Geoengineering Scheme was presented to the public in the August 2007

Discovery Channel Program Can We Control the Weather?

MIT Professor Emanuel suggests having a fleet of jets lay out highly toxic carbon black dust contrails to create artificial weather systems to control or steer hurricanes.

Discovery Channel 2007

It is alleged that these weather system experiments are underway as black contrail sightings have been documented across the United States.

This type of Black Trail is being seen across the United States. Could this be what Professor Emanuel was Referring to on the Discovery Channel?

Man-Made Clouds Black Jet Trails White Jet Trails

Photograph Taken in Ukiah, California

UCAR News April 21, 2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Weather Modification Programs Worldwide

This map shows more than 150 weather modification programs operating in 37 countries worldwide.  Weather modification techniques include hail suppression, snow, and precipitation enhancement. United States Weather Modification Current: 11 States 69 Programs

======= NOAA Identified the 69 Programs in Eleven States for Rain, Snow & Hail Enhancement.

This Map Based on NOAA Weather Modification Programs Data - 2010

United State Air Force Photograph 1973

Hole in Stratus Cloud Deck Due to Cloud Seeding With Aircraft Using Dry Ice as a Seeding Agent

Weather Modification Cloud Seeding

Silver Iodide Indium Liquid Nitrogen Propane Burn: Silver Chloride, Bismuth Oxide & Potassium Chloride dissolved in acetone and p-dichlorobenzene Sulfurhexafluoride (SF6) Nano-Silver (Possible Health Hazards) Barium (Noted in U.S. Patents) Other types of Cloud Seeding Combinations


Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change NASA Study Press Release November 17, 2008
Water vapor and clouds are the major contributors to Earth's greenhouse effect NASA Study Press Release October 14, 2010

Water Evaporated From Trees Cools the Planet & Falls Back as Rain The Carnegie Institute - Research - September 14, 2011
(My Note: Escalating Tree Decline and Death in U.S. has Enormous Potential Climate Impacts - Coupled with Worldwide Deforestation Photograph: Davis, CA Man-Made Clouds Produced by Jets 2008


How Aircraft Emissions Contribute to Global Warming
The analysis, by atmospheric scientists at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, also shows that in the Arctic, aircraft vapour trails produced 1520% of warmingFor the latest study, Jacobson and his team developed a model for aircraft emissions that accounts for atmospheric composition, cloudiness and the physical properties of emissions, particularly of black carbon a major part of soot. If black-carbon emissions from aircraft could be reduced 20-fold, warming would be halted and a slight cooling would occur from plane-created vapour trails Mark Jacobson Stanford Engineer Nature News December 21, 2009 Book: Aviation & the Global Atmosphere IPCC 2001
Davis, CA Photograph in 2008 Shows Jet Produced Man-Made Clouds

NASA studies show that increasingly persistent jet contrails may turn into man-made clouds that are trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming

NASA goes on to state that any change in global cloud cover may contribute to long-term changes in Earths climate. Contrails, especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earths cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources (2005 NASA Newsletter Minnis Studies)

(Man-Made Sky Photograph = Global Dimming)

Photograph: Sonoma County, Windsor, CA Man-Made Clouds

The United States Air Force is releasing CHAFF,

aluminum coated fiberglass particles by the ton, worldwide and in the United States, without Warning the public about potential Health Hazards, Water & Soil Pollution.

United States Air Force Website - January 2003

Dying Trees & Plants, Man-made Clouds, and the Bio-Restoration Alternative. Written and Presented by ALLAN BUCKMANN, Retired Biologist, California Fish & Game DEPT + Microbe Tech, Inc. Presented on Wednesday, September 5, 2007 during the 60th Annual UNDPI-NGO Conference at the United Nations, NYC. "CLIMATE CHANGE: HOW IT IMPACTS US ALL UN Workshop: The Wild Cards in Climate Change: Weather Warfare; Geoengineering and ENMOD

Presentation: Commonwealth Club - San Francisco, CA March 28, 2011 http://www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/conference/60/4_Wild_Cards.htm


NewsWithViews.com Our Dead & Dying Trees Article by Rosalind Peterson July 22, 2007
In the interview for this article Mr. Buckmann spoke about tree declines in Northern California: In the past I have seen localized die-off of plant communities from a myriad of sources, and there tends to be a trend toward one to several problems at a time, and it varies year to year. But I have never seen the present condition of wide spread decline in almost all species, in all areas, from a wide assortment of insects, fungus, molds, mildews, bacteria and viruses. I have seen areas where every tree and shrub in a drainage area has some form of health problem (Since this article was written tree deaths and decline has continued to escalate in the United States.)

THE DYING OF THE TREES Allan Buckmann on Many government agencies are hiding the fact Tree Deaths & Decline that an enormous number of trees across the United States are declining health or have died. I think we are in for bigin changes, Many of these agencies are refusing to and I think we should be on this or take soil and tree ring samples like investigate a duck on a June bug. to find the cause of this decline.
I think this is as serious as it gets, and we need to act quickly to this Decline have What impact does document the facts and take oncorrective our Weather and on the intensity of Forest Fires? actions What is triggering such a broad decline and die-off response to entire suites of plant and tree communities across the United States?


Many government agencies are hiding the fact that an enormous number of trees across the United States are in declining health or have died. Many of these agencies are refusing to investigate or take soil and tree ring samples to find the cause of this decline. And they are not considering the impacts of past and ongoing Geoengineering experiments which limits their research. Geoengineering Programs, weather modification experiments, atmospheric chemical releases, jet and rocket fuels emissions, and other atmospheric experiments are having enormous impact on our trees and plants.
Recommended book: The Dying of the Trees By Charles Little (1995)

Many Trees in California, like these dying Oaks, are not Infected With Sudden Oak Death Syndrome Ukiah, CA 2008

Drought & Pests are Named as Major Causes in Tree Decline even when the trees are in Riparian Areas or Watered Areas Pests Only Attack Trees Which are Stressed. The symptoms are the same.

Ultra Violet & Infrared Radiation Increasingly higher UV & Infrared Radiation levels are being recorded across the United States. How do these higher levels impact tree health, crop production, and human health? Could the depletion of our beneficial atmospheric ozone layer by jet fuel emissions, containing nitric oxide, be one of the major culprits?
(Unusual Browning & Crisping of Leaves on Trees & Plants?)

Lightning Experiments are Being Conducted by the U.S. Air Force Discovery Channel 2007 And by a myriad of universities, government agencies (funding source), private individuals, corporations, and the U.S. Military.

Thousands of Forest Fires Started by Lightning Between June 19-20, 2008 in California

Lightning Reflection Mirrored in Lake

Since the late 1980s, wildfires are burning hotter and higher in elevation than ever before in recorded history. Why? Dead & Dying Trees & Vegetation - Provide Fuel for Fires &

Chemicals are being released into our atmosphere that are highly toxic and flammable. When they contaminate our air and soil these chemicals may cause Mega Fires, that quickly consume entire forest areas.

California State Department of Health Drinking Water Tests reveal unusually high, abnormal spikes in Aluminum & Barium in Drinking Water Supplies. Spikes appear to correlate with NASA's Atmospheric Heating & Testing Programs which use Toxic Chemicals To Create Chemical Reactions.

Aluminum Barium Iron Manganese Magnesium Sodium Boron Arsenic Strontium Uranium Strontium-90 Antimony Beryllium Bromine Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Nickel Silver Thallium Titanium Vanadium Zinc Sulfide Sulfate ================================================== SulfurHexafluoride (SF6), Phosphorus, Lithium, Rubidium, Silicon, Silica, Tin, Tritium, Tungsten, and Yttrium are rarely tested for in California Drinking Water Supplies and should be added to the list by the EPA of chemicals tested by the State of California due to health effects associated with exposure.

Many of these same contaminants are showing up in California State Air Resources air testing results throughout many parts of California.

Nature 2007 Program on Honey Bee Decline and disappearance: The role honeybees play in our diet goes beyond honey production. These seemingly tireless creatures pollinate about one-third of crop species in the U.S. Honeybees pollinate about 100 flowering food crops including apples, nutsavocados, soybeans, asparagussquash citrus fruit, peaches cherriescranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe as well as animal-feed crops, such as the clover that's fed to dairy Cows. Almost all flowering trees and plants need pollinators to produce crops. A daunting question is: If honeybee colonies were so severely affected by CCD that pollination stopped, could we lose these crops from our markets and our diets forever?...

Honey Bees , Birds, Butterflies, Lady Birds, Hummingbirds, Bumblebees, and wide variety of other pollinators are the heroes which bring us most of our foods and flowers...

It is time to keep protect and keep these heroes buzzing.

In the past few years there has been sharp declines in almost all of our pollinators for unknown reasons. This phenomena has been labeled, with regard to Honey Bees, as CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder. Research is underway to determine why these losses continue to increase unabated here in the United States and around the world.

You can take action today to help protect our pollinators!

Honey Bee & Other Pollinator Declines Neonicotinoids should also be Added to the list of Insecticides that the EPA should ban.

Insecticides are just one class of chemicals that may harm Honey Bee and other Pollinators.

How do you like your skies and your weather Natural or Man-Made?

Do you want to be sprayed with chemicals from these experimental programs just like you were a bug?

Protect your children, your family and your health!

The Time to Take Action is Today!

Grassroots Education & Organization Educational Meetings Stick to the Facts

Work with those running for elected office, educate them and their staffs, and Vote for those will take action on these topics.
Prepare Resolutions and work to have Cities & Counties to pass them. Handout Educational Fliers * Write Letters & Articles Prepare local and state voter initiatives for place on local ballots Educate Educate Educate & Speak Out Lobby & Educate Elected Officials in Washington, DC and in their home offices. Geoengineering (Climate Remediation) is real. Call Your Elected Officials Toll Free in Washington, D.C.: (1866) 220-0044

ROSALIND PETERSON & TODD BLACKMON Technical Support Todd Blackmon

Photographs by Rosalind Peterson, Wes Nelms & Other Contributors to this Presentation. Logo Designed by Wes Nelms

All Right Reserved 2011 http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/

Rosalind Peterson

Agriculture Defense Coalition

Post Office Box 499 Redwood Valley, CA 95470 (707) 485-7520 E-Mail: [email protected] WEBSITE http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Between 1970 and 1885, was highly successful and instrumental in putting into force many mandatory regulations to reduce air, water, soil pollution, and to improve human health.

Now we must work to protect the Clean Water & Air Acts. We must engage the EPA in the Geoengineering issue to take action to protect our air, water and soils from the atmospheric contaminants being released in current and future Geoengineering programs and experiments. The EPA works for us

Photograph: Walnut Creek, CA

What Your Elected Officials & Government Agencies Have Failed to Tell You!

Within the federal government, the Air Force is the single largest user of Energy in the U.S., and some 80 percent of that energy is used in aviation fuel for aircraft, about 3 billion gallons a year. (U.S. Air Force 2009)

EPA WARNING! Fluorescent & Other Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Can Break or Start Fires. Special recycling is required due to the fact they contain Mercury & Mercury Vaporspecial HAZMAT clean-up required if broken! Older Fluorescent Light Bulbs in Schools, Businesses & Homes may be leaking PCBs from the BallastsInvestigate and Replace older Ballasts. Protect your children & your family. Some older light bulb sockets should not be used when installing energy efficient light bulbs. All broken or burned-out energy efficient light bulbs must be taken to a hazmat site for recycling in Califormia and other states. This is the law in California. Protect Your Schools, Businesses & Homes For more information on hazmat recycling and broken bulb hazmat requirements for cleanup go to the California EPA website: http://www.calepa.ca.gov/


This Experimental U.S. Military Program Falls Under the Broad Definition of Geoengineering

State of Alaska

Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Speaking to Senate Democratic Caucus January 7, 1958 "Control of space means control of the world... From space the Masters of Infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the level of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change the climate to frigid.... This is the ultimate position of total control over the earth that lies somewhere in outer space."

Los Angeles, California Man-Made Skies 2011

Photograph: Ukiah, CA 2002

Jet Trails & Man-Made Clouds Bursts Produced by Jets

In order to place sulfur or aluminum oxide particles into the atmosphere, water vapor is required to be emitted by jets or rockets. Jet contrails may turn into Man-Made clouds and haze, according to NASA, also making it easy to inject salt particles into them for cloud whitening purposes to reflect more direct sunlight back into space. (All these particles return to Earth creating air, water, and soil pollution.

Photograph: Redwood Valley, CA Man-Made Clouds & another Atmospheric Experiment

Calpella, CA

White Haze & Man-Made Clouds & White Haze

Laughter is an Instant Vacation

In the Face of Ever-increasing Bad NewsLaughter is The Best Medicine Along With Taking Action to Protect the Earth, Your Family & Friends Save the Honey Bees & Other Pollinators

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