Safety Roles and Responsibilities

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Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities


Module 1:
Know the roles and responsibilities of employees and management in safety.
Define a safety violation. Know the procedures for reporting safety violations.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Module 1 Topics

What role do employees

and management play in safety?

What is a safety violation? What are the procedures

for reporting safety violations?


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What is managements role in safety?
Management must:

Create and maintain a

safe work environment.

Determine and arrange

for appropriate safety training.

Inspect work areas and

equipment for hazards.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What is managements role in safety?

Management must also:

Enforce company safety


Report and correct safety

violations or accidents.

Be a safety role model.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What is the employees role in safety?

Follow all safety

procedures as detailed in specs.

Report all safety hazards

and violations.

Ensure all employees

(including contractors and vendors) comply with safety procedures.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What is the employees role in safety?

Recognize electrical
hazards and make sound judgments on your ability to do a job safely.

Be qualified and trained

to work on electrically energized equipment for your job.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What is a safety violation?
A situation in which:

The task being performed

contradicts the stated policy, training, or good common sense (not wearing proper PPE for the job).

Personal safety is impacted by

the way a person works (not following specs fix equipment or using shortcuts).

Safety is owned by you!


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

What are the procedures for reporting safety violations? If you observe a safety violation, you should:

STOP the violation, if possible. REPORT, verbally, the

situation to the supervisor in charge immediately.

RECORD the details in written

memo form.

FOLLOW-UP with the

supervisor on what is being done.

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities


Module 2
Define basic electrical terms.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Module 2 Topics What are the definitions of these terms?

Electricity Current Voltage Resistance Amps Volts


Ohms Direct current Alternating


Conductor Insulator

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities What is an electrical conductor?
A material having many
free electrons that can move easily.

Metals (especially copper)

are good conductors.

A copper wire will allow

billions of electrons to flow in the same direction to create a great source of electrical current.

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities What is an electrical insulator?
A material having few free
electrons that cannot move easily.

Rubber, dry wood, porcelain,

and clay are good insulators.

Insulators prevent electricity

from flowing where it should not flow and control the flow of electricity in order to prevent accidents.

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities


Module 3:
Explain how electrical current can enter the body and its effects.
Identify ways to protect yourself from electrical current.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Module 3 Topics

How does current enter

and travel through the human body?

How does current affect

the body?

How can you protect

yourself from electrical current?

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

How does current enter the body?

Typical points of
entry are the hands and feet as they come in contact with electrical current.

Moisture beneath a
ring or watch will decrease the skin's resistance and allow current flow.

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

How does current travel through the body?
The body, composed mostly of
water, is a conductor of electricity, so current travels easily.

Current travels the path of least

resistance to complete its circuit.

This path could be through upper

limbs or between upper and lower limbs.

If this includes the heart and

respiratory systems, it can result in serious injury. 3-3

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities How does alternating current affect the body?
At .4 mA: No sensation. At 1.1 mA: A slight tingling

At 1.8 mA: Shock. At 16 mA: Painful shock.

Loss of muscle control can cause victim to lock on to the source.

Above 23 mA: Severe injuries

and possible death. 3-4

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

How can you protect yourself from electrical current?

Understand the basics:

How current flows through a

circuit (the greater the current the greater the danger).

Which materials are conductors

and which are insulators.

How small measurements of

electrical current can still be very dangerous, especially if there is no resistance.


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities How can you protect yourself from electrical current?
When working around electrical equipment, NEVER:

Make repairs unless the power is

off and unplugged from the circuit.

Use equipment or appliances with

frayed cords.

Operate, repair, submerge or work

with equipment in or around water.

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities How can you protect yourself from electrical current?
When working around electrical equipment, ALWAYS:

Remove all conductors such as

metal jewelry and watches.

Remove pagers and portable


Use required PPE such as insulated

tools, gloves, and floor mats.

Keep your skin dry!


Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Electrical Burns

Exit Wound Entrance Wound

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Arc or Flash Burns

Thermal Contact Burns

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Internal Injuries

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Involuntary Muscle Contraction

Basic Electrical Safety Safety Roles and Responsibilities

Current flows through the body from the entrance point, until finally exiting where the body is closest to the ground.

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