Introduction To Human Behavior: By: Jeffrey Eric Criste
Introduction To Human Behavior: By: Jeffrey Eric Criste
Aims to understand others To determine how and why people behave the way they do. Is a complicated phenomenon influenced by many factors. A collection of activities influenced by culture, attitude, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion and coercion.
4. Voluntary - Intentional Involuntary Doing something against your will, action made without intent or carried out despite an attempt to prevent them. 5. Simple ex. What you see is what you get. Complex - compound complicated behavior. ex. Drinking alcohol
Human behavior is motivated motivation driving force behind all action of an organism Human behavior has multiple causes. - Influenced by culture Human behavior can be adaptive and maladaptive
Human are social beings Any person depend upon each other for survival People need interaction
4. 5. 6. 7.
People play an integral part in creating their experience Human lives are continuous process of change. Every person is different yet the same. Individual is a unique person.
Theoretical approaches about the factors that cause, maintain, alter behavior, and mental process:
Is based on the belief that childhood experiences greatly influence the development of late personality traits and psychological problems. It also stresses the influence of unconscious fears, desires and motivations on thoughts and behavior.
Emphasizes that each individual has great freedom in directing his/her future, a large capacity for personal growth, a considerable amount of intrinsic worth & enormous potential for self-fulfillment.
Studies how organism learn new behavior or modify existing ones, depending on whether events in their environment reward of punish these behavior.
Examines how we process, store, and use information, and how this information influences what we attend to, perceive, learn, remember believe and feel.
Focuses on how genes, hormones & nervous system interact with the environment to influence learning, personality, memory, motivation, emotions at coping techniques.
When the need for self-esteem is satisfied, the individual strives for selfactualization, the innate need to develop ones maximum potential and realize ones abilities and qualities.
CONSCIOUS aware of here and now, in contact with reality.
Contains the partially forgotten memories that can be recalled at will. Preconscious serves as the watchman by preventing unacceptable & anxiety producing memories from reaching the conscious awareness.
UNCONSCIOUS The largest part of the personality that is often compared to the hidden iceberg under the water that contains memory that are forgotten & cannot be brought back to consciousness at will.
EGO is the one that relates to the world or reality to satisfy the demands of the ID. The ego operates by reality principle & uses problem solving based on how it judges reality. It controls the demands of & mediates between the ID and the Superego according to the demands of the reality.
operates on conscious level begins in the first 6 or 8 months of life and fairly well developed at age 2 or 3 years serves to control and guide actions of an individual
SUPEREGO- is the one that rewards the moral behavior and punishes actions that are not acceptable by creating guilt. The superego is our conscience, a residue of internalized values & moral training of early childhood.
operates on both conscious and unconscious functions on MORAL PRINCIPLE develops around the age of 3-4 or 4-5 and fairly well developed at age 10 years Ego Ideal rewards the person with feeling of well-being and pride when a person conforms to the demands of the superego. concern with what is believe to be morally or basically right. Conscience punishes the person with guilt feelings when person deviates from the demands of the superego. concern with what is believe to be morally or basically wrong.
Phallic - 3 to 6 years
Increased curiosity re: the genitals, questioning and self-stimulation or masturbation.
Latent - 6 12 years
The child realizes that desires directed to the parent of opposite sex are not feasible, and become occupied with socializing with peers, refining roles and relationships.
Erik Erikson
The developmental theory of Erik Erikson (1963) was based on Freuds work. Erikson expanded Freuds theory to include cultural and social influences in addition to biologic processes. He believed there was an interrelationship between such variables that impact the psychosocial development of an individual throughout life .
Psychosocial Theory
based on four major organizing concepts:
(1) stages of development (2) development goal or task (3) psychosocial crisis (4) the process of coping.
Erickson believed that development is a continuous process consisting of distinct phases characterized by the achievement of developmental goals. He emphasized that certain tasks progressed in a definite order, but were affected by the social environment and significant others.
Stages of Development
Erikson identified eight stages of development from birth through old age and death. He was one of the first theorists who acknowledged the continuation of personality development into the adult years. At each stage, Erikson presented a developmental crisis which had to be mastered. Each crises is a set of normal stresses imposed on a person by the demands of society. The internal ego identity and the external expectations of an individuals behavior by society are in conflict. These demands vary from one stage to the next and must be resolved or at least the tension must be reduced to successfully advance to the next stage.
Ease in feeding Depth in sleep Relaxation of bowels First social achievement allows mother out of sight w/o undue anxiety or rage
Withdrawal into schizoid and depressive states
Sensory distortion Overly trusting, gullible, this person cannot believe anyone would mean them harm.
Withdrawal Depression Paranoia Possibly psychosis
Compulsion Feels that as if their entire being rides on everything they do, and so everything must be done perfectly.
Self control w/ Low selfImpulsiveness loss of selfesteem Sort of shameless esteem Secretiveness willfulness that Good will and Feelings of leads in later pride persecution childhood and Rightful dignity even Sense of justice adulthood, to jump into things w/o proper consideration of abilities
Purpose Loving Relaxed Bright in judgment Energetic Task-oriented
Maladaptatio n
Inhibition Will not try things because nothing ventures, nothing lost
Inhibition Ruthlessness SelfSelf-righteous righteousne goals are ss everything, Paralysis and guilty feelings are for weak
Maladaptati on
Narrow virtuosity Too much industry
Role Confusion
Fanaticism Repudiation Believes that Repudiate their need the only way for identity is his way Fuse with group: cults, may involve in destructive activities, drugs, alcohol.
Maladaptation Promiscuity Intimate too freely, too easily and w/o any depth of intimacy
Malignancies Exclusion Isolate oneself from love, friendship to develop certain hatefulness in compensation to loneliness.
Love Character Commitment problem Sacrifice Distancing Work behaviors productivity Satisfactory sex relation
Maladaptati Malignancies on
Overextension Rejectivity No time for self No longer participating Involve in so in or contributing to many things society
Contains the universal memories & history of all humans A reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with.
Determined by individual personal experience
Repeated images The structural component of the collective unconscious. It is a universal thought form (idea) that contains large element of emotion. Can be a mythical figure, such as Hero, the Nurturing Mother, the Powerful Father or the Wicked Witch.
Represents your public image. Is the public personality, the aspect of self that one reveals to others, the role that society expects one to play. The persona is frequently at variance with true identity.
Archetype reflects the prehistoric fear of wild animals & represents the animal side of human nature. The shadow contains the opposite of what we feel ourselves to be. It consists of the animal instincts that human inherited in their evolution from lower forms of life. Serves as a trash can. It is the dark side of the ego, and the evil that we are capable of is often stored there.
Orients the person towards the inner subjective world. Describes the person who is focused inward, cautious, shy, timid & reflective.
Orients the person towards the external, outside world Describes the person who is outgoing, sociable, assertive & energetic Jungs view, motivation comes not only from past conflicts but also from future goals and the need for self-fulfillment. He also believed that a healthy person maintains a balance in all spheres male and female, introversion and extroversion, conscious and unconscious and has the ability to accept the past and strive for the future.
Application to nursing:
Jung emphasized the importance of symbolism, rituals, and spirituality. When we enter a clients environment, we see symbols of importance to that person. We become aware of the clients rituals of self-care. When clients rituals interfere with growth and health, we look for the conflicts and anxiety behind the behaviors.
The End
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