Maintenance 1

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Software Engineering Roadmap: Chapter 10 Focus

Identify corporate practices Plan project

Keep application useful after delivery - Fix defects

- Enhance the application

Maintain Analyze requirements Integrate & test system Implement Test units

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Learning Goals of This Chapter


Understand how


Software Maintenance is defined

Appreciate the cost of maintenance

Understand software maintenance issues

Organize for maintenance

Use IEEE maintenance standard

Apply maintenance metrics
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

1. Introduction

Service a Maintenance Request 1

1. Be prepared to keep required metrics. Include..

lines of code added lines of code changed time taken: 1. preparation 2. design 3. code 4. test

2. Ensure that the request has been approved 3. Understand the problem thoroughly
reproduce the problem
otherwise get clarification

4. Classify the MR as repair or enhancement 5. Decide whether the implementation requires a redesign at a higher level
if so, consider batching with other MRs

6. Design the required modification

(i.e., incorporate the change)
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Service a Maintenance Request 2 7. Plan transition from current design 8. Assess changes impact throughout the application
small changes can have major impact!

9. Implement the changes

10. Perform unit testing on the changed parts

11. Perform regression testing
ensure changes havent compromised existing capabilities

12. Perform system testing with new capabilities

13. Update the configuration, requirement, design and test documentation
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Software Maintenance Issues

Return on investment hard to define

Extensive coordination required to handle stream of Maintenance Requests

Covering full impact of changes Testing very expensive compared with the utility of each change
focused tests ideal but expensive regression testing still required
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Estimate (person-days)


Estimate (persondays)

Estimating the Cost of Servicing a Maintenance Request

1. Understand the problem and identify the functions that must be modified or added. 2-5 6. Compile and integrate into baseline 2-3

2. Design the changes


7. Test functionality of changes


3. Perform impact analysis


8. Perform regression testing


4. Implement changes in source code


9. Release new baseline and report results

5. Change SRS, SDD, STP, configuration status



14 - 35

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

RoadMap to Establish Maintenance (After Pigoski)

1a. Design for maintainability- section 6.3

1b. Ensure supportability 1c. Plan for transition to maintenance 1d. Plan post-delivery logistics

2. Determine maintenance scope all types?

corrective only? limited corrective?
-- section 2

3. Identify maintainers
in-house? contracted?

4. Develop maintenance plan

Change control approval procedure

Help desk etc.

-- section 5

5. Estimate costs
-- table 10.1

6. Perform maintenance
-- section 3

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

2. Types of software maintenance

Types of Maintenance Lientz & Swanson

defect identification and removal

changes resulting from operating system, hardware or DBMS changes

changes resulting from user requests

changes made to the software to make it more maintainable

Example of Corrective Maintenance Request

Maintenance Request 78

The computations that ensue when the player changes the value of a quality, are supposed to keep the total invariant, but they do not. For example, if the qualities are strength = 10, patience = 0.8 and endurance = 0.8 (sum = 11.6), and the player adjusts strength to 11, then the result is strength = 11, patience = 0 and endurance = 0, which do not sum to 11.6.
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Example of Perfective Maintenance Request

Maintenance Request 162

Modify Encounter so that the game begins with areas and connections a coordinated style.

Example of Perfective Maintenance Request

Maintenance Request 162 Modify Encounter so that the game begins with areas and connections in a coordinated style. When the player achieves level 2 status, all areas and connections are displayed in an enhanced coordinated style, which is special to level 2 etc. The art department will provide the required images.
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

3. Maintenance techniques

Impact of MR #162

Requirements Architecture

Add: change appearance when player achieves new levels

Accommodate ability to change global appearance: use Abstract Factory design pattern

Impact of MR #162
Requirements Add: change appearance when player achieves new levels

Detailed design

Accommodate ability to change global appearance: use Abstract Factory design pattern Add interface methods for Layout package
Add classes and methods as per detailed design Modify gameplay control code

Interface specs
Function code Module (e.g., package) code

System code
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Expansion Without Reengineering

Maintenance With and Without Reengineering

Added 7/98

Added 1/99

The Beginning Product

Added 1/98

Added 7/99

Expansion Without Reengineering

Maintenance With and Without Reengineering

Added 7/98

Added 1/99

The Beginning Product

Added 1/98
Reengineered Expansion

Added 7/99

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Re-engineering Management Training; Re-engineering Encounter to Conform

Current Encounter

Software reengineering

Play management version of Encounter

Re-engineering Encounter to Conform to Management Training

Current Encounter
Business process Write training objectives Senior Management Take introductory mgmt. courses

Specify follow-up courses

Middle Management New Management

Take intermediate mgmt. courses

Evaluate results

Management simulation adaptation of Encounter

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Continue to maintain Discontinue maintenance and -1. Replace

buy replacement OR build replacement


reverse engineer legacy system or develop new architecture possibly replace in phases

Options for Dealing with Legacy Systems

2. Incorporate as integral part of new application OR freeze maintenance 3. Encapsulate and use as server
consider using Adapter design pattern
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Legacy Architectures
Incorporation Encapsulation

New system Extensions

Legacy Modifications Application (fig i)0

Legacy Architectures
Incorporation Encapsulation
(fig ed) Legacy Application New system Extensions


New system

New application
Adapter 3 Adapter 2 Adapter 1

Legacy Modifications Application (fig i)

(fig ew)

Legacy Application

New system New application Adapter 3 Adapter 2 Adapter 1

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

4. IEEE standard 840-1992

1. Problem identification 1.1 Input 1.2 Process 1.3 Control 1.4 Output 1.5 Quality factors 1.6 Metrics 2. Analysis 2.1 Input 2.2 Process
2.2.1 Feasibility analysis 2.2.2 Detailed analysis 2.3-2.6 Control, Output, Quality factors, Metrics.

IEEE 840-1994 Software Maintenance Table of Contents

3. Design 3.1-3.6 Input, Process, Control,

Output, Quality factors, Metrics.

1. Problem identification 4. Implementation 1.1 Input 1.2 Process 4.1 Input 1.3 Control 1.4 Output 4.2 Process 1.5 Quality factors 4.2.1 Coding and & testing 4.2.3 Risk analysis & review 1.6 Metrics IEEE 840-1994 4.2.4 Test-readiness review Software 2. Analysis Maintenance 4.3-4.6 Control, Output, 2.1 Input Table of Contents Quality factors, Metrics. 2.2 Process 5. System test 2.2.1 Feasibility analysis 5.1-5.6 Input, Process, Control, 2.2.2 Detailed analysis Output, Quality factors, Metrics. 2.3-2.6 Control, Output, 6. Acceptance test Quality factors, Metrics. 6.1-6.6 Input, Process, Control, 3. Design 3.1-3.6 Input, Process, Control, Output, Quality factors, Metrics. Output, Quality factors, Metrics. 7. Delivery 7.1-7.6 Input, Process, Control,
Output, Quality factors, Metrics.

Five Attributes of Each Maintenance Step (IEEE) Step

1. Problem identification

2. Analysis
3. Design

4. Implementation
5. System test

6. Acceptance test
7. Delivery

Five Attributes of Each Maintenance Step (IEEE) Step Attributes a. Input life cycle artifacts for this step b. Process required for this step c. How the process is controlled d. Output life cycle artifacts e. Process quality factors involved f. Metrics for this step

1. Problem identification

2. Analysis
3. Design

4. Implementation
5. System test

6. Acceptance test
7. Delivery

IEEE 1219-1992 Maintenance phase 1: Problem Identification

a. Input The Maintenance Request (MR) Assign change number Classify by type and severity etc. Accept or reject change Make preliminary cost estimate Prioritize Identify MR uniquely Enter MR into repository

b. Process

c. Control

d. Output e. Selected quality factors

Validated MR Clarity of the MR Correctness of the MR (e.g., type) Number of omissions in the MR Number of MR submissions to date Number of duplicate MR's Time expected to confirm the problem

f. Selected metrics

IEEE 1219-1992 Maintenance phase 2: Problem Analysis

a. Input Original project documentation Validated MR from the identification phase Study feasibility of the MR Investigate impact of the MR Perform detailed analysis of the work required Refine the MR description Conduct technical review Verify test strategy appropriate documentation updated Identify safety and security issues Feasibility report Detailed analysis report, including impact Updated requirements Preliminary modification list Implementation plan Test strategy Comprehensibility of the analysis Number of requirements that must be changed Effort (required to analyze the MR) Elapsed time

b. Process

c. Control

d. Output

e. Selected quality factors

f. Selected metrics

IEEE 1219-1992 Maintenance phase 3: Design

a. Input Original project documentation Analysis from the previous phase Create test cases Revise requirements implementation plan Verify design Inspect design and test cases Revised modification list detailed analysis implementation plan Updated design baseline test plans Flexibility (of the design) Traceability Reusability Comprehensibility Effort in person-hours Elapsed time Number of applications of the change

b. Process

c. Control

d. Output

e. Selected quality factors

f. Selected metrics

EncounterEnvironment Package (Before Modification)

GameEnvironment GameArea GameAreaConnection GameCharacter

Area EncounterEnvironment


Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Client 1..n
EncounterEnvironment Area EnvironmentFactory getArea() buildConnection()


Abstract Factory Applied to Encounter

Level3Factory getArea() getAreaConnection()

Client 1..n
EncounterEnvironment Area EnvironmentFactory getArea() getConnection()

Abstract Factory Applied to Encounter

EncounterAreaConnection Level1Area Level2Area Level3Area




Level1Factory getArea() getAreaConnection()

Level2Factory getArea() getAreaConnection()

Level3Factory getArea() getAreaConnection()

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Migration Plan for Level-based Graphics

Phase 2: Introduce Subclasses of Area a nd Connection

Start: Existing Model
EncounterEnvironment Area EncounterAreaConnection

EncounterEnvironment Area EncounterAreaConnection Level1Area Level2Area Level3Area

Level1AreaConnection Level2AreaConnection Level3AreaConnection

Migration Plan for Level-based Graphics

Start: Existing Model
EncounterEnvironment Area EncounterAreaConnection

Phase 2: Introduce Subclasses of Area and Connection

EncounterEnvironment Area Encounter AreaConnection Level1Area Level2Area Level3Area

Level1AreaCon nection Level2AreaCon nection Level3AreaCon nection

Phase 3: Introduce The ...Builder Class and Subclasses

EncounterEnvironment Area EncounterAreaConnection Level1Area Level2Area Level3Area EnvironmentFactory getArea()

Final Phase: Activate buildArea() and buildAreaConnection()

EncounterEnvironment Area EncounterAreaConnection Level1Area Level2Area Level3Area EnvironmentFactory getArea()

Level1AreaConnection Level2AreaConnection Level3AreaConnection

Level1AreaConnection Level2AreaConnection Level3AreaConnection

Level1Factory getArea()

Level2Factory getArea()

Level3Factory getArea()

Level1Factory getArea()

Level2Factory getArea()

Level3Factory getArea()

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

IEEE 1219-1992 Maintenance phase 4: Implementation

Original source code Original project documentation Detailed design from previous phase Make code changes and additions Perform unit tests Review readiness for system testing Inspect code Verify CM control of new code Traceability of new code Updated software unit test reports user documents Flexibility Traceability Comprehensibility Maintainability Reliability Lines of code Error rate

a. Input

b. Process

c. Control

d. Output

e. Selected quality factors

f. Selected metrics

5. The management of maintenance


Written MRs


nominal path
Help Desk

Proposed M. R.s

Reviewed M. R.s
Maintenance Current Source Engineer & Documentation Maintenance Assistance

Approved Work Order & Documentation

A Typical Maintenance Flow nominal path

Customer Maintenance manager
Written MRs


Proposed M. R.s
Help desk

Approved M. R.s
Maintenance engineer

Current source & documentation

Change control board

Modified source & documentation

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Rejected MRs

Graphics reproduced with permission from Corel.

1. Interface with customer

Help desk


Docu- Patch ment (optional) patch Execute with patch

Maintenance & Patching

1. Get maintenance request optional 2. Approve changes Document patch

Maintenance & Patching

3. Plan changes Assess impact Coordinate

Create patch

Execute with patch

4. Change code and documentation Implement Test changes Remove patch Document patch removal


Update documentation

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Maintenance Patches advantages Keeps customers satisfied in the short run Enables continued operation and testing without repeated prevalence of the defect Avoids masking other defects Enables test of fix disadvantages Duplicates work
patch and final fix both implemented

Sometimes never replaced

proper fix deferred forever!

Complicates final fix

must remove

Complicates documentation process

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Ranked Problems in Maintenance (Deklava) 1. Changing priorities 2. Testing methods 3. Performance measurement 3. Incomplete or nonexistent system documentation 5. Adapting to changing business requirements 6. Backlog size 7. Measurement of contributions 8. Low morale due to lack of recognition or respect 9. Lack of personnel, especially experienced 10. Lack of maintenance methodology, standards, procedures and tools . . . . .

Top priority . . . Examples of Changing Priorities . . . at release : Make this most bug-free game on the market
action: eliminate as many defects as possible

. . . two months after release: Add more features than our leading competitor
action: add enhancements rapidly

. . . six months after release: Reduce spiraling cost of maintenance

action: eliminate most severe defects only
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

6. Qualities in maintenance

Maintenance Metrics

Number of lines of code under

Person-months to perform various maintenance tasks

Defect count
Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.


Question How many problems are affecting the customer?

Selected Corresponding Metrics

Note: The numbered metrics are from the IEEE.

(1) Fault density (30) Mean time to failure Break / fix ratio
[ Number of defects introduced by maintenance actions ] / [Number of defects repaired ] Average time required to correct a defect, from start of correction work.

Fault closure

How long does it take to fix a problem?

Maximize customer satisfaction

Average time from defect detection to validated correction.

Fault open duration

Maintenance Metrics Classified by Goal

Staff utilization per task type:
Average person-months to (a) detect each defect and (b) repair each defect.

Where are the bottlenecks?

Computer utilization
Average time / CPU time per defect.

Optimize effort and schedule Minimize defects

(continue focused development-type testing)

Where are resources being used?

Effort and time spent, per defect and per severity category o planning o reproducing customer finding o reporting error o repairing o enhancing (13) Number of entries and exits per module (16) Cyclotomic complexity

Where are defects most likely to be found?

Predicting Relative Maintenance Effort

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Modules: Expect low maintenance costs
Module size as % of total l.o.c. % non-commented l.o.c. in module

Expect high maintenance costs

Accounts Received


Sick day recorder

Benefits reporter

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Managing Maintenance Example profile of fixing-type MRs

800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 # # # # MR's received MR's completed MR's cancelled MR's open

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Profiles of Open Maintenance Requests

# weeks open 10 E.g., in April, the average enhancement MR had been open for 8 weeks.
Fixing MRs Enhancement MRs

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Profiles of Open Maintenance Requests

# weeks open 10 E.g., in April, the average enhancement MR had been open for 8 weeks.
Fixing MRs Enhancement MRs

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

Effects on Maintainability of Source Code Properties












From Oman [Om1]

Effects on Maintainability of Source Code Properties



Aspects of source code







The maintainability of a product is affected by this property. + means that more of this property usually makes an application more maintainable;

statement formatting vertical spacing horizontal spacing + intra-module commenting -- usually,

-- affects a products maintainability, (but more is not necessarily better)

- means that more of the property usually makes an application less maintainable.
From Oman [Om1]

more comments with the code make a product more maintainable

Effects on Maintainability of Source Code Properties



From Oman [Om1]









+modularity -complexity +consistency -nesting -control coupling +encapsulation +module re-use

-complexity +use of structured constructs -use of unconditional branching -nesting +cohesion

-global data types -global data structures

-local data types -local data structures -span of data

+overall program formatting +overall program commenting +module separation naming symbol and case

statement formatting vertical spacing horizontal spacing

+data flow consistency

+data type consistency -nesting

+data initialized

+intramodule commenting

-I/O complexity

Examples: +modularity + means greater modularity usually makes an application more maintainable; -span of data means that the greater the scope of data structures, the less maintainable.

7. Summary

Summary of This Chapter

Software Maintenance = post delivery Impact analysis is key IEEE standard covers process
identification, input, process, control, output, process quality, process metrics order similar to development process

Presents several management challenges

manage flow of MRs motivate personnel ensure all documentation kept up-to-date

Metrics: plot repairs and enhancements

Adapted from Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2001), with permission.

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