The Style of Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare

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Introduction 1)Language Ciches Conceits Metaphors 2)Form : Blank Verse The Soliloquy Iambic pentameter Rhymed Verse Prose 3)Depth of Characters 4)Inspiration 5)Similarities to Contemporaires 6)Differences to Contemporaires 7)The style of his plays Titus Andronicus The Two Gentleman of Verona Romeo and Juliet A midsummer Night s Dream King Rechard The Second Hamlet Julius Ceasar Macbeth

We have to work on this project to know better one of best writers : W.Shakespeare. We should be able to talk about his writing style in all his plays. We should be able to talk more about his language. We should be able to talk about his characters. We should know his inspiration. We should be able to talk about differences/similarities to conteporaires.

1)The Language of Shakespeare

The English language has changed a great deal over the last few hundred years, and it is still changing. Several words in use during Shakespeare's day either have different meanings today or have been nearly forgotten. Here is a small list of some of the most common words in Shakespeare with which you might not be familiar.

anonright now, OR I come right away. Anon, good nurse! Speak! artare, OR skillThou art dead; no physicians art can save you. dost or dothdoes or do erebefore hiehurry markpay attention to thyyour Dost thou know the time? We must leave ere daybreak. Hie thee hence, or lose your life ! Mark my words. Thy name is more hateful than thy face.

And much more !


Shakespeares phrases are now our clichs. They are uded from us into Shakespeare s form. Examlpes : fast and loose, in a pickle, cold comfort, flesh and blood, foul play, tower of strength, cruel to be kind, catch a cold, heart of gold, live long day, method in his madness,

Conceits in literature
1. Shakespeare makes use of a conceit in Act 3, Scene 5 of his play Romeo and Juliet. Capulet comes to Juliets room after Romeo has left.

He finds her weeping and says:

Thou counterfeitst a bark, a sea, a wind;

For still thy eyes, which I may call the sea, Do ebb and flow with tears; the bark thy body is, Sailing in this salt flood; the winds, thy sighs; Who, raging with thy tears, and they with them, Without a sudden calm, will overset Thy tempest-tossed body.

Shakespeare's Metaphors and Similes

Since Homer, no poet has come near Shakespeare in originality, freshness, opulence, and boldness of imagery.

Shakespeares books are full of Metaphors and Similes. That makes his writing style interesting and accepted by all kind of people.
"Clear, loud, and lively is the din, From social warblers gathering in Their harvest of sweet lays"; and when he says of his Lucy,-"The stars of midnight shall be dear To her; and she shall lean her ear In many a secret place Where rivulets dance their wayward round, And beauty born of murmuring sound Shall pass into her face"

We see two metaphors.

Another example :
"They are as gentle As zephyrs, blowing below the violet, Not wagging his sweet head; and yet as rough, Their royal blood enchaf'd, as the rud'st wind, That by the top doth take the mountain pine, And make him stoop to th' vale."

It s full of metaphors !

Blank verses of Shakespeare Shakespeare's use of blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter, is an important element of his plays. In rhymed verse, the words that fall at the end of lines sound very similar, like "love" and "dove," or "moon" and "June.

2)Writing Forms of Shakespeare

Blank verse, on the other hand, has no rhyme, but is does have a definite rhythm created by the careful structuring of iambic feet patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables. One poetic foot is a single unit that is repeated in a steady rhythm to a line of verse. The iambic foot (or iamb) consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, like "inSIST" or "reSIST."

Here's an example of blank verse from Hamlet

As you read it, listen for the iambic pentameter rhythm: But, woe is me, you are so sick of late, So far from cheer and from your former state, That I distrust you. Yet, though I distrust, Discomfort you, my lord, it nothing must.

The solilqouy
Most of Shakespeares longer speeches for one character are soliloquies a moment when a character shares their inner feelings with the audience alone. Often, the character discusses what is happening to them and their current options. They use this time cut out of the play to assess their situation, make sense of it and devise a plan. Most characters use the audience during the soliloquy as if they are a friend, so the audience needs to feel part of the discussion and complicit in the characters plans. Historians are not sure how the speeches were read aloud whether delivered naturally or with an emphasis on the stressed words.

Iambic Pentameter
Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter. The results were plays and sonnets that had ten syllables per line and with his plays, these lines were unrhymed. The simplest way to describe the rhythm of iambic pentameter is to liken it to a heartbeat, which means a series of stressed words, then unstressed words. In the case of the heartbeat, it would sound like bump BUMP, bump BUMP. Using an example from Shakespeare's sonnets, this would be: When I do count the clock that tells the time

Turning into a new style.

While writing such classics as A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and Richard II in the late 16th century, Shakespeare gradually developed and changed his writing style from the traditional form to a more self-expressive style. He progressively used his metaphors and tropes to the desires of the melodrama itself.

Rhymed Verses
While blank verse forms the basis of Shakespeare's writing, he often uses rhyme. Frequently a rhymed couplet (a pair of lines whose end words rhyme) closes the scene . Shakespeare uses rhyme and a variety of rhythm patterns to distinguish special characters such as the witches in Macbeth and Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Double, double, toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble- chant the witches . In addition to the rhyme, notice that this is not an iambic line, being only four feet long and with the stresses reversed from the iambic. Shakespeare has created a special musical rhythm for these supernatural characters.

The convention in Shakespeare's time was to write plays in verse. His extensive use of prose is yet another sign of his inventiveness and capacity to break with custom when it served his plan. He uses prose for a variety of purposes. Often lower class or comic characters speak prose while the more socially or morally elevated characters speak in verse, but this is far from always the case. Some of Hamlet's most important speeches, such as his advice to the players, are in prose. The conversational tone of prose can make a character seem more natural at a particular moment or it can indicate the degeneration of a noble nature as it does with Othello. A swift movement from prose to poetry or the reverse is always an indication that a change is taking place. Shakespeare is remarkably skillful in his flexible use of verse forms and prose. While verse is more formally structured than prose, prose is not necessarily more free from rules.

3)Depth of character.
Shakespeares plays are filled with an impressive variety of characters from kings and queens to maids and ghosts. While most of Shakespeares plays were inspired by existing tales, Shakespeare was skilled at embracing each story, making it his own and crafting it for the stage.

Shakespeares books are full of characters.

Each women character was complex because womens nature is that way. This fact stands in Shakespearean theater plays. We can not understand the intentions of the characters at the first view. Only a ctritic eye may understand them in a complete way.

Women are in the center of attention

Why Shakespeare characters depth ? are depth ?

The characers are depth because they are :

emotions Relations Doubts about what they are doung.

Heres a graphic for King Lear tragedy.

Inspiration is something that stimulates the mind and emotions to a higher level of creativity.
William Shakespeare was inspired by :

Shakespeare was inspired by :

critic of his time. Conflicts and political situation. Older ballads ; Titus Andronicus. by nature, by every place in England ; by big castels and small willage homes.

Shakespeare was inspired by other great writers during his time: Geoffrey Chaucer and Plutarch.

Geoffrey Chaucer and Plutarch.

5)Similarities to contemporaries
Besides following the popular forms of his day, Shakespeare's general style is comparable to several of his contemporaries. His works have many similarities to the writing of Christopher Marlowe, and seem to reveal strong influences from the Queen's Men's performances, especially in his history plays. His style is also comparable to Francis Beaumont's and John Fletcher's, other playwrights of the time.

6)Differences from contemporaries

William Shakespeare was different from his contemporaries. He used complex people to make a complex tragedy. Nothing was easy, everything has many points of view. Example of complex characters are : Makbeth, Hamled and eventhough Romeo and Juliet. No-one can make the same wirtings as Shakespeare because Shakespeare has his own language, his own world.

7)The style of his plays :

Titus Andronicus
Like all of Shakespeare's plays, Titus Andronicus is written in a combination of verse (poetry) and prose (how we talk every day). In general, here's what you should remember about Shakespeare's plays: The upper-class characters tend to speak in unrhymed "iambic pentameter" or "blank verse," which is a pretty formal way to talk.

The Two Gentleman of Verona

Reading any one of Shakespeare's plays can feel like reading a really lengthy poem and that's because they're written in a combination of verse (poetry) and prose (how we talk every day).

Romeo and Juliet

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is arguably the greatest tragedy ever written. Using tragic elements such as pride, death, pain, and loss, he creates one of the most dynamic wolds in all of literature. It is the pride of the Montague and Capulet families which leads to the deaths of their children. The inability of the families to put aside their differences, even for true love, is the primary flaw in the tragedy. Ironically, the players of this drama in and of themselves are basic comic characters.

A Midsummer Night's Dream contains a fair amount of regular old prose (how we talk every day), but it's is famous for its dazzling displays of verse, or poetry. The three most common types of verse in the play are: iambic pentameter rhymed verse, and catalectic trochaic tetrameter.

In Macbeth the noble characters mostly speak in unrhymed iambic pentameter, which is a fancy way of saying they talk like this: ba-DUM, ba-DUM, ba-DUM, ba-DUM, ba-DUM.

William Shakespeare was the most influential writer of alltime, bringing a lyrical element to plays about great kings and poor paupers alike. His iambic pentameter verses utilized a natural rhythm of the English language and his themes as well as his literary devices continue to inspire and influence writers even now in the 21st century. We learnt a lot about his style and also some writing techniques too. We learnt about his language : metaphors ,clichs etc .In the end of this project we are able to speak about Shakespeare typical writing forms starting from :iambic pentameter,blank verse and for rhymed verse or the soliloquy . His own style seems to be very used for example in depth of his characters.

We learnt about ShakespEare writing style in details.

BIBLIOGRAPHY's_ style S-the-writing-style-of-williamshakespeare.php From Shakespeare: His Life, Art, and Characters, Volume I. New York: Ginn and Co.

Contents,,Introduction,Targets. Biblography,Conclusions The language of Shakespeare (phrases,clichs,conceits, metaphors similes,examples ) Writing Forms of Shakespeare (Blank verse ,The Solilqouy, Iambic Pentametre, Rhymed Verses,Prose) Depth of character ,Inspiration, ,Similarities to conteporaires, Differences to contporaires : The style of his plays ( Titus Andronicus, The two Gentleman of Verona, Tea Shurdho Word presentatio Kristo Sidheri

Rudina Verdho

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