Mass Media in Education

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Media used for the masses to communicate something is known as mass media. Radio, T.V., Films, Newspapers etc serve the purpose of mass media. With advancement in the field of educational technology, these very mass media are being used for the purpose of informal and formal education. Mass media in school situations can improve the quality of education considerably.



Televison is also a means of mass communication. It has been described as the queen of audio-visual aids. IT combines photo and voice it is said to be the electronic black board of the future. Of late, its utility in eduational process has been recognised. It has now become powerful means of communication of ideas all over the world. It is good media of education amongst pupils.

The electronic blackboard of the future - Wayne Cov-

Television Education in the World

The electronic age has come to fast and is gone too far. T.V. has become childs third parent had a first teacher. The history of television shows that it is very powerful, informative, socializing and mobilizing force. Most of the countries of the world have gone for television to solve their difficulties and problems relating to education. Direct television instruction started two decades back in progressive countries like U.K. and U.S.A.

Advantages of Educational T.V.

With the help of television, a large number of students can give information at a time T.V. helps improving the pronunciation of the student Listening, speaking and understanding abilities of the learner can be improved. The students with slow speed of writing may be asked to listen news and then they may write it down in their note-books. T.V. is a time saving device, more of syllabus may be covered in less time. The students who are not able to attend the class due to some reason can watch the T.V. lesson at their homes.

It helps in reducing the load of work of the teacher. When the T.V. lesson is on, the teacher is in the background and he helps the students on the points where his help is sought by them. On the television, lessons of the expert teachers are telecast. T.V. acts as a co-teacher for class teaching room. T.V. has helped in conquering time and space. Gifted children are also benefited by the television. They can across many things, which otherwise they miss in class room situations.

Limitations of Educational T.V.

Telecast mostly in Indian situations is not much related with the classroom curriculum. It is one-way communication Individual differences of the learners are not attended to in T.V. lesson The time for the T.V. lesson may not suit the teacher or the school. A television set is expensive and every school may not be able to have it for the teaching. The whole T.V. programme is rigid. Every one has to watch it.

Advancement in the field of science and technology has placed before the teacher many useful and interesting items which if used rightly in the class rooms, can work wonders, cinematograph is one of them. Films really useful and suitable for the school children have now caught the attention of film manufactures an producers. The Govt. is also encouraging them for producing worth, while films really useful to influence the emotions of the children.


Films for the classrooms Films Library Newsreels Documentary Films Dramatic Films Narrative Films Children Films

Education through films adds variety in the methods of teaching. The films help in developing the imagination of the students. Films can be shown to modify the interests and opinions of the people. Films when used by the teacher in the classroom situation, reduces the work load of the teacher. Certain things which otherwise cannot be shown or seen by the students are possible through the films With the help of films, the students able to see many things, which otherwise they would find difficult to see.

Showing a film to the students is costly, because there is need of film, projector. There is need of technical trained staff. When a film is being shown, some students want to put a question but that is not possible. There may be some site or situation which the students want to see more time, but that is not possible.

Newspapers are mostly used for communication, purposes in our country. News of different types pass on to the people with the help of newspapers. The unemployed people see vacancies under the column Vacancies or situation vacant. The students community see the result of different examinations from the newspapers. Big business centres send their advertisements and attract customers through newspaper. Besides some newspapers carry news concerning income tax, court notices.

Educational Value of Newspapers

They are a very good source of knowledge. They help the students in supplementing the knowledge they get from the text-books. The newspapers keep the students busy during their free time. They develop the skill of reading. Reading newspapers in the library makes them library minded. The newspapers motivate the students and also inspire them for creative writing. Newspapers also help the students in preparing better for the different competitions. Leisure time can be utilised properly by reading the newspapers.

The Radio programmes for the school children are very common now. A.I.R. and B.B.C. Radio programmes for the schools became popular during the period from 1950s to 1970s. A large number of city and rural schools started using radio in classroom teaching. Generally the radio is installed in the library or common room of the school and it is under the charge of on of the teachers. Some day its use as an educational instrument will be as common place as text books and black boards.

Types of Programmes
Many types of radio programmes are broadcast such as childrens programmes, womens programmes, religious, agricultural and commercial programmes. Generally there are radio leassons for the following subjects: Science Languages Social Studies Music

Advantages of Radio Lessons

Radio brings subject experts and other great men in the classrooms. The classroom instructions are supplemented by radio programmes. It develops critical thinking of the students. The radio lesson helps the students in the improvement of pronunciation, speech and language.

In school education, magazine can play a wonderful role. It all depends upon the head of the institution and his team of teachers. Magazine is a popular mode of expression for the school children. There is need to giving special training to the students for writing their original articles.

Purpose of Educational Magazines

The magazines contain articles on current topics, that way they can up-date the knowledge of the students. Good educational magazines imbibe in the students moral and spiritual values of life. The students are able to use their leisure time in fruitful way. Subject matter contained in the magazines is of national and international important.

Internet is a world wide computer network that contains a large collection of information which could be made available to you onyour computer. The person having internet connection can retrieve any information of individual interest. Endless versatile possibilities possible due to internet. So it can be say that internet is itself considered as a world wide library.

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