Automatic Restart of Essential Motors Using Micro Processor Based Relays

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A Presentation On

Automatic Restart of Essential Motors Using Micro Processor Based Relays

Presented By:Lal Chand Poonia 2010UEE108

Supervised By:Dr. Anil Swarnkar Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engg.

Contents: Introduction Traditional Automatic Restarting

Motor-Starting Studies Automatic Restart Using a P Protective Relay Field and Simulation Verification Result Conclusion


Introduction:In industries electrical motors for vital functions require continuous operation, ride through, and automatic restart operation for abnormal conditions, such as momentary voltage loss, voltage dips, or other system .With large essential motors, it is either impractical or not economical to provide an uninterruptible power source. Therefore, the next option to reduce the effects of transient interrupted service is to automatically sense the disturbance and initiate a sequenced restart of the essential motors on the basis of process requirements. A customized logic algorithm that is programmed into microprocessorbased motor protection relays, eliminating additional under voltage, control, timing relays, and wiring associated with traditional schemes, is described in this presentation.

Voltage Disturbances
Transient voltage disturbances can be a momentary voltage dip or a complete blackout This temporary voltage loss can cause control relays and contactors to drop out and subsequently reclose when voltage is restored. Uncontrollable restarts of large motors pose at least three major risks Uncontrolled portions of processes may be restarted out of sequence.

Total system voltage collapse may occur due to multiple motors starting simultaneously.
The motor-load drive train can be damaged due to transient torques created by out-of-synchronism reclosing of system (restored) voltage and the motor residual back electromotive force (EMF) voltage.

Traditional Automatic Restarting Method

Traditional ride-through and restart functionalities require under voltage relays with control relays and discrete timers. Each motor is assigned a priority based on its requirements and has three time settings (27TD1, TD2, and TD3). Motors in different tiers may have the same 27TD1 and TD2 settings, but TD3 is unique for each tier TD3 depends on the priority of each motor 27TD1 is the under voltage protective relay. it provides ride-through functionality and is typically set between 0.2 and 1 s. TD 2 is an off-delay timer relay and set between 5 and 10 s. TD 3 is an on-delay timer relay that works in combination with TD2 to allow the reclosing of a motor circuit breaker once TD3 times out and if voltage recovers before TD 2 times out. CR 1 and CR 2 are control relays


Diagram for traditional restarting using discrete timers

Dynamic-motor starting studies

To calculate the voltage, current, motor slip, and starting times while starting a motor under loaded conditions. Starting a motor may cause disturbances to other loads operating on the bus to which the motor is connected. Starting large motors may cause a serious voltage dip on the buses, causing other motors to slow down. The motor terminal voltage must be maintained at 80% of the nominal voltage for proper motor operation. Depending on the process, motors are prioritized for restart from 1 to 7, with 1 being the highest priority and 7 being the lowest priority. Two different operating scenarios were considered when performing the motor-starting study Scenario 1 was a normal configuration (intact system) Scenario 2 was a single feed

A partial one-line diagram

It was deduced in Scenario 1, Starting all the Priority 1 motors together did not cause a considerable voltage drop, so the Priority 2 motors were able to be started 5 s later. So all the motors grouped by the seven priorities will return to service within 1 min after the system voltage has been restored.
in Scenario 2, starting all the Priority 1 motors simultaneously causes considerable voltage drop on the buses (SG-B-1 and SG-A-2), primarily due to the starting of large motors (4,000 kW). By alternating the motor restarts, Priority 2 motors were able to be started 5 s after starting the first Priority 1 motor. It was concluded that the Priority 1 motors must be reaccelerated by alternating the motor restart between the two sections of switchgear. The priority start timer (PST) defines when the motor has to be restarted and is set to (P: 5) s

Table 1.Summary of selected motor restart study timing

Automatic Restart Using a P Protective Relay

These relays have built-in voltage detection and can be used to sense the voltage dips and trip the motor in an under voltage condition . After an under voltage trip, the relays can restart. Under voltage protection for motors should perform two main protection functions: It should provide backup to the current actuated overload relays for transient under voltage conditions It should provide protection to the motor from sustained system under voltage conditions, which are not severe enough to cause overload currents for a 49 trip, but over time can thermally degrade the stator insulation systems. The P relay has two under voltage relay elements, 27P1 and 27P2. 27P1 is configured for a conservative value of 65% of the motor-rated voltage and a 0.2-s delay. 27P2 is configured for 92% of rated voltage with a 20-s delay . The 27P2 delay was set longer than the longest motor start time to prevent inconvinence tripping and allow successful motor restarts.

A schematic diagram for restarting using a P protective relay.

OUT101 is used for a protective trip for abnormal and fault conditions. OUT302 is used for an under voltage trip, and OUT304 is used for automatic restart.

Automatic Restart Logic

Output OUT304:= START is controlled by the START digital bit. STREQ asserts only when an automatic motor restart is initiated. The function of latch LT01 is to enable or disable the automatic restart function of the motor in the P relay. Latch LT02 is used to determine that the motor is in running condition or not. The STARTING digital bit asserts when the motor is starting, and the RUNNING digital bit asserts when the motor is running. The latch bit LT03 is the ride-through timer latch that starts on the under voltage trip condition. SV06PU defines a time window of 5 s. The 27P1T digital bit is the definite-time-delayed under voltage element that triggers the automatic restart. The 27P2 digital bit is used to determine if the voltage has recovered.



The logic diagram for an automatic restart


Continued...... When the voltage drops to the 27P1 setting and remains below 27P1 for at least 27P1D seconds, the motor trips via output OUT302 and timer SV07 (PST) is started. If the voltage does not return before the SV06PU (outage time) timer expires, then the system resets and no restart is performed.

If the voltage returns to above 27P2 before SV06PU (5 s) expires, then the SV07PU (PST) timer is allowed to time out, initiating an automatic restart. The voltage must return to above the 27P2 setting (92%) within 5 s before the P relay allows a restart. Every motor can be set with the same or different duration timers, as needed. In general, the PST is set with SV07T, so any automatic restart time delay is possible. Along with these latch conditions (LT01, LT02, and SV07T), the automatic restart part of the STREQ digital bit is supervised by the trip and under voltage alarm 27P2.


The internal logic for START digital bit

If the TRIP digital bit is not asserted, the P relay asserts the START digital bit in response to any of the following conditions: The start motor signal is received from logic control equation STREQ, which is used in this case. The emergency restart signal is received from logic control equation EMRSTR. The START digital bit remains asserted for 0.5 s. If the P relay trips before the 0.5-s , the P relay resets the timer, clearing the START digital bit.


Logic Flow Chart


Automatic Restart Logic Flow Chart

The logic is programmed into the P relay, and the automatic restart function is implemented using the output OUT304 to start the induction motor. The automatic restart function is enabled when the front-panel pushbutton is activated (Condition 1), the motor is running and not starting (Condition 2), and the motor has tripped because of an under voltage (UV) trip (Condition 3). Once the Condition 5 UV Level 2 element is picked P (when the voltage is less than 92%), the outage timer is started (preset for 5 s). If the voltage does not return to normal levels before the outage timer expires, the timer is reset and the restart is inhibited. Once Condition4 is detected (under voltage trips at <65% for 0.2 s) and provided the voltage is restored (>92 %) within 5 s of an under voltage condition, the PST timer is started (preset for 5 s). When the PST timer expires and the voltage has returned to nominal values (>92%), the contact OUT304 is closed to restart the motor. If the voltage does not return to the nominal values upon the PST timer expiring, the motor restart is inhibited.


Field and Simulation Verification Result

This automatic restart logic was implemented in P protective relays and tested in the field successfully. The automatic restart function of the motor is enabled via the pushbutton on the relay front panel. The motor is running during the initiation of the under voltage trip. The voltage is reduced <65% of nominal voltage (motor rated voltage) for >0.2 s and brought back to >92% of nominal voltage within the 5 s OUT304 assertion, initiating an automatic restart of the motor. Results shows in table below


Use of this scheme in the motor protection system allows for recording or logging of motor-restart events, oscillograph data, and conditions. The use of a P relay that provides motor protection reduces wiring complexity.A P relay also has built-in voltage detection capability that helps reduce cost and to trip the motor and restart again. Dynamic-motor-starting studies can be performed to ensure a stable system when motors are restarted. Motor-restart studies help in determining the priority starting times and effects of out of sequence restart. This algorithm can be customized for virtually any motor or load combination, with motor restart priority being customized by the user. Motors will be restarted according to their priorities in predefined time (like 1 minute in this case) so chances of voltage loss will be neglected. There was no need for any additional control circuitry, but additional controls from supervisory control and data acquisition or other remote process controls can be accommodated in the future.

1) Rekha T. Jagaduri, Dennis Bradely,Larry Kingrey and Tuyen p. Nguyen,Automatic Restart OF Essential Motors, IEEE Ind. App., pp. 1077-2618, Apr 2013. 2) V. Popescu and L. Oprea, Optimized reacceleration of the motor load in a large industrial power system, in Proc. 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf., May 2004, pp. 947950. 3) M. H. J. Bollen, The influence of motor reacceleration on voltage sags, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 667674, July/Aug. 1995. 4) R. A. Hanna, P. Bulmer, and R. Kohistani, Minimizing refinery upset during power interruptions using PLC control, in Proc. 39th Annual Petroleum Chemical Industry Conf., San Antonio, TX, Sept. 1992, pp. 185195. 5) J. J. Novak and R. D. Kirby, Better, faster, and more economical integrated protective relaying and control using digital bits and logic, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 12811294, July/Aug. 2010. 6) IEEE Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, IEEE Standard 3151975. 7) IEEE Guide for AC Motor Protection, IEEE Standard C37.96-2000. 8) Motors and Generators, ANSI/NEMA Standard MG 1-2003.


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