As H 23b Optics

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Refraction occurs when a wave passes across a boundary at which the wave speed changes. The change of speed usually, but not always, results in the direction of travel of the wave changing.

A wave slowing down on crossing a media boundary

Refraction of light
(a) Less to more optical dense transition (e.g. air to glass) AIR GLASS


angle of incidence

angle of refraction

Light bends TOWARDS the normal.

The angle of refraction is LESS than the angle of incidence

(b) More to less optical dense transition (e.g. water to air)

angle of refraction normal angle of incidence WATER Light bends AWAY FROM the normal. The angle of refraction is GREATER than the angle of incidence AIR

Refractive index (n)

This is equal to the ratio of the wave speeds.
refractive index, ns = c / cs ns = refractive index of the second medium relative to the first c = speed in the first region of medium cs = speed in the second region of medium

Question 1
When light passes from air to glass its speed falls from 3.0 x 108 ms-1 to 2.0 x 108 ms-1. Calculate the refractive index of glass.

Question 2
The refractive index of water is 1.33. Calculate the speed of light in water.

Examples of refractive index

Examples of ns for light (measured with respect to a vacuum as the first medium) vacuum = 1.0 (by definition) air = 1.000293 (air is usually taken to be = 1.0) ice = 1.31 water = 1.33 alcohol = 1.36 glass = 1.5 (varies for different types of glass) diamond = 2.4

The law of refraction

1 Medium of refractive index, n1 n2

When a light ray passes from a medium of refractive index n1 to another of refractive index n2 then: n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 where: 1 is the angle of incidence in the first medium 2 is the angle of refraction in the second medium

Calculate the angle of refraction when light passes from air to glass if the angle of incidence is 30.

medium 1 air glass water air air n1 1.00 1.50 1.33 1.00 1.00 1 50o 30o 59.8o 50o 50o medium 2 water air glass diamond unknown n2 1.33 1.00 1.50 2.4 1.53 2 35.2o 48.6o 50o 18.6o 30o

Total internal reflection

1 > c
n1 1

n2 ( < n1 )

Total internal reflection (TIR) occurs when light is incident on a boundary where the refractive index DECREASES. And the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, c for the interface.

Critical angle (c)

This is the angle of incidence, 1 that will result in an angle of refraction, 2 of 90 degrees.
n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2 becomes in this case: n1 sin c = n2 sin 90 n1 sin c = n2 (sin 90 = 1) Therefore: sin c = n2 / n1
1 = c
n1 n2 (<n1) 2 = 90o 1

Question 1
Calculate the critical angle of glass to air. (nglass = 1.5; nair =1)

Question 2
Calculate the maximum refractive index of a medium if light is to escape from it into water (nwater = 1.33) at all angles below 30.

Optical fibres
Optical fibres are an application of total internal reflection.
Step-index optical fibre consists of two concentric layers of transparent material, core and cladding.

The core has a higher refractive index than the surrounding cladding layer.
core cladding

Total internal reflection takes place at the core cladding boundary. The cladding layer is used to prevent light crossing from one part of the fibre to another in situations where two fibres come into contact.
Such crossover would mean that signals would not be secure, as they would reach the wrong destination.

A step-index fibre consists of a core of refractive index 1.55 surrounded by cladding of index 1.40. Calculate the critical angle for light in the core.

Optical fibres in communication

A communication optical fibre allows pulses of light to enter at one end, from a transmitter, to reach a receiver at the other end. The fastest broadband systems use optical fibre links. The core must be very narrow to prevent multipath dispersion. This occurs in a wide core because light travelling along the axis of the core travels a shorter distance per metre of fibre than light that repeatedly undergoes total internal reflection. Such dispersion would cause an initial short pulse to lengthen as it travelled along the fibre.

Multipath dispersion causing pulse broadening

input pulse

output pulse

The Endoscope
The medical endoscope contains two bundles of fibres. One set of fibres transmits light into a body cavity and the other is used to return an image for observation.

Diffraction occurs when waves spread out after passing through a gap or round an obstacle.
Sea wave diffraction

Diffraction becomes more significant when the size of the gap or obstacle is reduced compared with the wavelength of the wave.

Interference occurs when two waves of the same type (e.g. both water, sound, light, microwaves etc.) occupy the same space. Wave superposition results in the formation of an interference pattern made up of regions of reinforcement and cancellation.

For an interference pattern to be observable the two overlapping waves must be coherent. This means they will have: 1. the same frequency 2. a constant phase difference If the two waves are incoherent the pattern will continually change usually too quickly for observations to be made.
Two coherent waves can be produced from a single wave by the use of a double slit.

Path difference
Path difference is the difference in distance travelled by two waves.
Path difference is often measured in wavelengths rather than metres. Example: Two waves travel from A to B along different routes. If they both have a wavelength of 2m and the two routes differ in length by 8m then their path difference can be stated as 4 wavelengths or 4

Double slit interference with light

This was first demonstrated by Thomas Young in 1801. The fact that light showed interference effects supported the theory that light was a wave-like radiation.

Thomas Young 1773 - 1829

Experimental details
Light source:
This needs to be monochromatic (one colour or frequency). This can be achieved by using a colour filter with a white light. Alternatives include using monochromatic light sources such as a sodium lamp or a laser.

Single slit:
Used to obtain a coherent light source. This is not needed if a laser is used.

Double slits:
Typical width 0.1mm; typical separation 0.5mm.

Double slit to fringe distance:

With a screen typically 1.0m. The distance can be shorter if a microscope is used to observe the fringes.

Interference fringes
Interference fringes are formed where the two diffracted light beams from the double slit overlap. A bright fringe is formed where the light from one slit reinforces the light from the other slit. At a bright fringe the light from both slits will be in phase. They will have path differences equal to a whole number of wavelengths: 0, 1, 2, 3 etc A dark fringe is formed due to cancelation where the light from the slits is 180 out of phase. They will have path differences of: 1/2, 3/2 , 5/2 etc..

Youngs slits equation

fringe spacing, w = D / s
where: s is the slit separation D is the distance from the slits to the screen is the wavelength of the light

Question 1
Calculate the fringe spacing obtained from a double slit experiment if the double slits are separated by 0.50mm and the distance from the slits to a screen is 1.5m with (a) red light (wavelength 650nm and (b) blue light (wavelength 450nm). fringe spacing w = D / s

Question 2
Calculate the wavelength of the green light that produces 10 fringes over a distance of 1.0cm if the double slits are separated by 0.40mm and the distance from the slits to the screen is 80cm

1.0 cm

Demonstrating interference with a laser

A laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a source of coherent monochromatic light.
0.5m to 2m

Using a laser safely

Laser light is very concentrated and can destroy retina cells in the eye.

Never look along a laser beam, even after it has been reflected.

White light fringes

Every colour produces a bight central fringe. Therefore with white light there is also a bright central white fringe. The other fringes do not coincide resulting in fringes that are tinted blue on the inside and red on the outside. The fringes become less distinct away from the centre.
central bright fringe

Diffraction from a single slit

A single slit also produces a fringe pattern. The central fringe is much brighter than and twice the width of the others.

Diffraction fringe pattern produced by a red light laser

Transmission diffraction grating

A transmission diffraction grating consists of a glass or plastic slide with many closely spaced slits ruled onto it (typically 500 per mm).

500 lines per mm (magnified view)

100 lines per mm (magnified view)

Note: A CD or DVD disc acts as a reflection diffraction grating

Grating and monochromatic light

When a parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident normally with the grating the light is transmitted in certain directions only. This happens because: the light is diffracted by each slit in the grating. the diffracted light from adjacent slits reinforces only in a few directions. In all other directions cancellation occurs.

The central beam is referred as the zero order beam and is in the same direction as the incident beam. Other transmitted beams are numbered outwards from the zero order beam. The pattern of beams is symmetric about the zero order beam.

The angle between the beams increases if: the wavelength of the light is increased the width of the slits in the grating is decreased (more lines per mm)

Grating and white light

Each wavelength produces its own set of lines. The zero order beam is white. The other beams are spectra with red showing the greatest angles

Diffraction grating equation

d sin = n
where: d = the grating spacing (the distance between the centres of adjacent slits drawn on the grating) n = the beam order number (0, 1, 2 etc..) = the wavelength of the light = the angle between the beam in question and the zero order beam Note: The number of slits per metre, N in the grating is given by: N = 1 / n

Diffraction grating equation derivation

Let be the angle between the zero order maximum and the nth order maximum.
For this to occur the path difference between the light from two adjacent slits must equal a n. In the diagram opposite distance QY must equal n. But: sin = QY / QP sin = n / d P

Hence: d sin = n

Question 1
Calculate the angle of the first order beam when red light, wavelength 650nm is incident on a diffracting grating that has 200 lines per mm.

Question 2
Calculate the wavelength of light the has a second order angle of 30 when used with a diffracting grating of 500 lines per mm.

Question 3
How many beams are formed when blue light, wavelength 450nm is used with a diffracting grating of 400 lines per mm.

Complete: Answers:
d / m N / mm-1 / n / nm

2.00 2.00

1 2

400 400






Applications of diffraction gratings

A diffraction grating can be used in a spectrometer to study the spectrum of light from any light source and to measure wavelengths very accurately.
diffraction grating

For example the line spectrum given off by a gas can be used to identify its components.


A line spectrum

Star spectra
The spectra of stars can also be analysed and can be used to identify, amongst other things, their chemical composition, surface temperature and rotational speed.

star spectra

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