M.M Fathima Naseela EU/IS/08/MS/40
M.M Fathima Naseela EU/IS/08/MS/40
Time and motion study Time and Motion Study: Purposes Time and Motion Study: Problems
1. Cost estimating 2. Production and inventory control 3. Plant layout 4. Materials and processes 5. Quality 6. Safety
Time and motion study have to be used together in order to achieve rational and reasonable results. It is particularly important that effort to be applied in motion study to ensure equitable results when time study is used. In fact, much of the difficulty with time study is a result of applying it without a thorough study of the motion pattern of the job. Motion study can be considered the foundation for time study. The time study measures the time required to perform a given task in accordance with a specified method and is valid only so long as the method is continued. Once a new work method is developed, the time study must be changed to agree with the new method
The following are examples of some of the time-and-motion studies that were performed by Taylor and others in the era of scientific management. Pig Iron If workers were moving 12 1/2 tons of pig iron per day and they could be incentives to try to move 47 1/2 tons per day, left to their own wits they probably would become exhausted after a few hours and fail to reach their goal. However, by first conducting experiments to determine the amount of resting that was necessary, the worker's manager could determine the optimal timing of lifting and resting so that the worker could move the 47 1/2 tons per day without tiring. Not all workers were physically capable of moving 47 1/2 tons per day; perhaps only 1/8 of the pig iron handlers were capable of doing so. While these 1/8 were not extraordinary people who were highly prized by society, their physical capabilities were well-suited to moving pig iron. This example suggests that workers should be selected according to how well they are suited for a particular job.
Time study
Time study is a direct and continuous observation of a task, using a timekeeping device (e.g., decimal minute stopwatch, computer-assisted electronic stopwatch, and videotape camera) to record the time taken to accomplish a task and it is often used when : there are repetitive work cycles of short to long duration, wide variety of dissimilar work is performed, or process control elements constitute a part of the cycle. Time study used to adjust for any observed variance from normal effort or pace and to allow adequate time for such items as foreign elements, unavoidable or machine delays, rest to overcome fatigue, and personal needs.
1. 2. 3.
Motion study
Motion study offers a great potential for savings in any area of human effort. We can reduce the cost by combining elements of one task with elements of another. Motion study uses the principles of motion economy to develop work stations that are friendly to the human body and efficient in their operation. Motion study must consider the operators safety Motion studies are used to 1. Develop the best work method. 2. Develop motion consciousness on the part of all employees. 3. Develop economical and efficient tools, fixtures, & production aids. 4. Assist in the selection of new machines and equipment. 5. Train new employees in the preferred method. 6. Reduce effort and cost.
Today: T&M Studies can be effective for performance evaluations T&M Studies can be used for planning purposes in order to predict the level of output that may be achieved T&M Studies can be used to uncover problems and create solutions T&M Studies can be used for time cost analysis
The objective of the Time and Motion Study is to determine a normal or average time for a job, by using observers to record exactly how much time is being devoted to each task. However, the most important thing is to learn how to train production workers in these skills and techniques so they can become motion and time conscious. A time and motion study would be used to reduce the number of motions in performing a task in order to increase productivity without sacrificing quality. If additional production output is required, dont buy more machinery, dont add a second shift, and dont build a new plant.