Cell Biology: Jeff Hardin

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Cell Biology

Eighth Edition

Jeff Hardin
Chapter 1 A Preview of the Cell

1. The Cell Theory: A Brief History

Robert Hooke, built a microscope and examined thin slices of cork.
He saw a network of tiny boxlike compartments and called these little compartments cells, from the Latin word cellula, meaning little room.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, produced small lenses that could magnify objects to almost 300 times their size.
He became the first to observe living cells, including blood cells, sperm cells, bacteria, and single celled organisms (algae and protozoa) found in pond water.

Now, structures only 1 micrometer (m) in size could be seen clearly. Robert Brown found nucleus, a term derived from the Latin word for kernel. In 1838, Matthias Schleiden - all plant tissues are composed of cells and that an embryonic plant always arises from a single cell. Theodor Schwann reported similar conclusions concerning animal tissue, thereby discrediting earlier speculations that plants and animals do not resemble each other structurally.


As originally postulated by Schwann in 1839, the cell theory had two basic principles: 1. All organisms consist of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms. Rudolf Virchow- cells arose only by the division of other, preexisting cells. Virchow encapsulated this conclusion in the now-famous Latin phrase omnis cellula e cellula, which in translation becomes the third principle of the modern cell theory: 3. All cells arise only from preexisting cells.

The micrometer (m also called a micron is one-millionth of a meter (10-6 m) The nanometer (nm) is the unit of choice for molecules and subcellular structures that are too small to be seen with the light microscope. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter (10-9 m, so it takes 1000 nanometers to equal 1 micrometer). Angstrom (), is occasionally used in cell biology when measuring dimensions within proteins and DNA molecules. An angstrom equals 0.1 nm, which is about the size of a hydrogen atom.

(a) filamentous fungal cells; (b) Treponema bacteria; (c) a human red blood cell, a platelet, 1-6 and a white blood cell (d) a radiolarian; (e) Stentor (a protozoan); (f) human egg and sperm cells; (g) intestinal cells; (h) plant xylem cells; and (i) a retinal neuron.

The Emergence of Cell Biology

Modern cell biology results from the weaving together of three different strands of biological inquirycytology, biochemistry, and geneticsinto a single cord.


The Cytological Strand Deals with Cellular Structure

The light microscope- earliest tool of the cytologists and continues to play an important role in our elucidation of cellular structure. Light microscopy allowed cytologists to identify membrane bounded structures such as nuclei, mitochondria, and chloroplasts within a variety of cell types called organelles (little organs) and are prominent features of most plant and animal (but not bacterial) cells.

A microtome is an instrument developed for rapid and efficient preparation of very thin (several m) tissue slices of biological samples. limit of resolution - how far apart adjacent objects must be in order to be distinguished as separate entities. For example, if the limit of resolution of a microscope is 400 nanometers (nm), this means that objects must be at least 400 nm apart to be recognizable as separate entities. The smaller the limit of resolution, the greater the resolving power, or ability to see fine details of structure, of the microscope.


Different Types of Light Microscopy

Brightfield (unstained specimen): Passes light directly through specimen; unless cell is naturally pigmented or artificially stained, image has little contrast. Brightfield (stained specimen): Staining with various dyes enhances contrast, but most staining procedures require that cells be fixed (preserved). Fluorescence: Shows the locations of specific molecules in the cell. Fluorescent substances absorb ultraviolet radiation and emit visible light. The fluorescing molecules may occur naturally in the specimen but more often are made by tagging the molecules of interest with fluorescent dyes or antibodies.


Phase contrast: Enhances contrast in unstained cells by amplifying variations in refractive index within specimen; especially useful for examining living, unpigmented cells.

Differential interference contrast: Also uses optical modifications to exaggerate differences in refractive index. Confocal: Uses lasers and special optics to focus illuminating beam on a single plane within the specimen. Only those regions within a narrow depth of focus are imaged. Regions above and below the selected plane of view appear black rather than blurry.


Electron Microscope- invented in Germany in 1931 by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska. uses a beam of electrons that is deflected and focused by an electromagnetic field the limit of resolution for the electron microscope is much betterabout 0.10.2 nm transmission electron microscope (TEM) scanning electron microscope (SEM)

The Electron Microscope

A scanning electron microscope was used to visualize (a) a breast cancer cell and (b) two sunflower pollen grains. A transmission electron microscope was used to obtain images of (c) a cat intestinal epithelial cell and (d) a mitochondrion from a bat pancreas cell.


The Biochemical Strand Covers the Chemistry of Biological Structure and Function Louis Pasteur - living yeast cells were responsible for the fermentation of sugar into alcohol. Eduard and Hans Buchner - fermentation could also take place with isolated extracts from yeast cells active agents in the extracts were specific biological catalysts that have since come to be called enzymesfrom zyme, a Greek word meaning yeast.


Centrifugation as a means of separating and isolating subcellular structures and macromolecules based on their size, shape, and/or densitya process called subcellular fractionation. Chromatography - mixture of molecules in solution is progressively fractionated as the solution flows over a stationary absorbing phase, usually contained in a column.

Electrophoresis - use an electrical field to separate molecules based on their mobility and is used extensively to determine the sizes of protein, DNA, and RNA molecules.


The Genetic Strand Focuses on Information Flow

The chromosome theory of heredity states that the characteristics of organisms passed down from generation to generation result from the inheritance of chromosomes carrying discrete physical units known as genes. Each gene is a specific sequence of DNA that contains the information to direct the synthesis of one cellular protein.

DNA itself is a double helix of complementary strands held together by precise base pairing. This structure allows the DNA to be accurately duplicated as it is passed down to successive generations. Bioinformatics and nanotechnology allow us to compare and analyze thousands of genes or other molecules simultaneously, causing a revolution in genomic, proteomic, and numerous other fields of omics research.

Facts and the Scientific Method

Science is not a collection of facts but a process of discovering answers to questions about our natural world. Scientists gain knowledge by using the scientific method, which involves creating a hypothesis that can be tested for validity by collecting data through well-designed, controlled experiments.

Science as a field of study is based on consistency and reproducibility. As a hypothesis becomes more accepted, it is referred to as a theory; and, as a theory becomes indisputable, it becomes a law. However, some of the most proven theories or laws have been modified, extended, or even refuted. Science is a dynamic, ever-changing field, and it is likely that some of the scientific facts you are now learning will eventually change.

Scientists use a variety of well-studied model organisms to test new hypotheses, develop new theories, and advance our knowledge of cell biology. Research experiments are often conducted in the laboratory using purified chemicals and cellular components. This type of experiment is described as in vitro, which literally means in glass. Experiments using live cells or organisms are referred to as in vivo (in life), often using one of a variety of popular model organisms.


Model organism- is a species that is widely studied,wellcharacterized, easy to manipulate, and has particular advantages making it useful for experimental studies.

(a) Escherichia coli colonies on blood agar, (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells (SEM), (c) a wild-type Drosophila melanogaster fly,

(d) A Caenorhabditis elegans roundworm, (e) a laboratory mouse (Mus musculus), and (f) an Arabidopsis thaliana plant.

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