Test for Gases答案

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G11 AP Chemistry Class: Name:

Test for Gases

A. Multiple Choice(1’*20=20’)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1. Among the gases listed, which would have the fastest rate of effusion?
a. NH3 b. CH4 c. SO2 d. NO2
2. Which of the following would double the pressure on a contained gas at constant
a. doubling the volume of the container
b. halving the number of particles in the container
c. doubling the number of particles in the container
d. none of the above
3. A gas occupies a volume of 2.50 L at a pressure of 350.0 kPa. If the temperature
remains constant, what volume would the gas occupy at 1750 kPa?
a. 5.00 L b. 0.500 L c. 12.5 L d. 1.40 × 102 L
4. If the temperature of a gas in a closed container increases
a. the pressure of the gas decreases.
b. the average kinetic energy of the molecules decreases.
c. the molecules collide with the walls of the container less frequently.
d. the pressure of the gas increases.
5. Absolute zero is
a. –273.15°C. b. the lowest possible temperature.
c. the temperature at which the average kinetic energy of particles would
theoretically be zero.
d. all of the above
6. The graph of several pressure-volume readings on a contained gas at constant
temperature would be
a. a straight line. b. a curved line. c. a horizontal line. d. a vertical line.
7. At constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of gas and its Kelvin temperature
are said to be
a. directly related. b. inversely related. c. unrelated. d. constant.
8. The temperature of 6.24 L of a gas is increased from 25.0°C to 55.0°C at constant
pressure. The new volume of the gas is
a. 13.7 L. b. 5.67 L. c. 6.87 L. d. 2.84 L.
G11 AP Chemistry Class: Name:

9. A sample of chlorine gas has a pressure of 7.25 kPa at 20.0°C. What will its
be at 60.0°C if its volume remains constant?
a. 2.42 kPa b. 8.24 kPa c. 21.8 kPa d. 6.38 kPa
10. If a sample of oxygen occupies a volume of 2.15 L at a pressure of 58.0 kPa and a
temperature of 25°C, what volume would this sample occupy at 101.3 kPa and 0°C?
a. 1.35 L b. 1.13 L c. 4.10 L d. 3.44 L
11. A gases mixture at a constant temperature contains O2, CO2, and He. Which of the
following lists the three gases in order of increasing average molecular speeds?
a. O2, CO2, He b. CO2, O2, He c. He, O2, CO2 d. O2, He, CO2
12. The volume (in L) that would be occupied by 5.00 mol of O2 at STP is
a. 0.411 L. b. 22.4 L. c. 41.6 L. d. 112 L.
13. How many moles of H2 would be contained in 4.0 L of the gas at 202.6 kPa and
a. 89.6 mol b. 6.38 mol c. 0.24 mol d. 0.77 mol
14. A sample of H2 is collected over water such that the combined hydrogen–water
vapor sample is held at a pressure of 1 standard atmosphere. What is the partial
pressure of the H2 if that of the water vapor is 2.5 kPa?
a. 103.8 kPa b. 98.8 kPa c. 2.5 kPa d. 101.3 kPa
15. What is the mass, in grams, of 0.125 L of CO2 at STP?
a. 0.246 g b. 2.80 g c. 181 g d. 4.11 g
16.The volume of a sample of air in a cylinder with a movable piston is 2.0 L at a

pressure P1 , as shown in the diagram above. The volume is increased to 5.0 L as

the temperature is held constant. The pressure of the air in the cylinder is now P2 .

What effect do the volume and pressure changes have on the average kinetic energy
of the molecules in the sample?

a. The average kinetic energy increases.

b. The average kinetic energy decreases.
c. The average kinetic energy stays the same.
G11 AP Chemistry Class: Name:

d. It cannot be determined how the kinetic energy is affected without knowing P1

and P2.
17. A 0.5 mol sample of He(g) and a 0.5 mol sample of Ne(g) are placed separately in
two 10.0 L rigid containers at 25°C. Each container has a pinhole opening. Which
of the gases, He(g) or Ne(g), will escape faster through the pinhole and why?
a. He(g) will escape faster because the He(g) atoms are moving at a higher average
speed than the Ne(g) atoms.
b. Ne(g) will escape faster because its initial pressure in the container is higher.
c. Ne(g) will escape faster because the Ne(g) atoms have a higher average kinetic
energy than the He(g) atoms.
d. Both gases will escape at the same rate because the atoms of both gases have the
same average kinetic energy.
18.Use the van der Waals equation for real gases to calculate the pressure exerted by
1.00 mole of ammonia at 27°C in a 750-mL container. (a = 4.17 L2·atm/mol2, b =
0.0371 L/mol)
a. 23.2 atm b. 27.1 atm c. 32.8 atm d. 42.0 atm e. 32.8 torr
19. A gas consists of 85.7 % carbon and 14.3 % hydrogen, by weight. A sample of this
gas weighing 0.673 g occupies 729 mL at a pressure of 720.0 mmHg and a
temperature of 77°C. Calculate its empirical and molecular formulas.
a. CH, C2H2 b. CH2, C2H4 c. CH2, C3H6 d. CH3, C2H6 e. CH4, CH4
20. Small quantities of hydrogen can be prepared by the addition of hydrochloric acid
to zinc. A sample of 195 mL of hydrogen was collected over water at 25°C and 753
torr. What mass of hydrogen was collected? (Pwater = 24 torr at 25°C)
a. 0.00765 g b. 0.0154 g c. 0.0159 g d. 0.0164 g e. 0.159 g
G11 AP Chemistry Class: Name:

B. Problems
21. What is the density of carbon dioxide gas at –25.2°C and 98.0 kPa?(5’)

22. An unknown liquid is vaporized in a 273 mL flask by immersion in a water bath at

99°C. The barometric pressure is 753 torr. If the mass of the vapor retained in the
flask is 1.362 g, what is its molar mass? (5’)

23. 2XClO3(s) → 2XCl(s) +3O2(g)

The equation above represents the decomposition of a compound containing an

unknown element, X. A 1.39 g sample of XClO3 (s) was completely decomposed by

heating. The gas produced by the reaction was captured over water in a gas-collection
tube at 24.0°C. The total volume of gas in the tube was 506 mL, and the total pressure
inside the tube was determined to be 739.5 torr. The vapor pressure of water is 22.4
torr at 24.0°C.
(a) Calculate the partial pressure, in torr, of the O2 (g) that was collected at 24.0°C.

(b) Calculate the number of moles of O2 (g) collected at 24.0°C.(2’)

(c) Determine the number of moles of XClO3 (s) that decomposed.(2’)

G11 AP Chemistry Class: Name:

(d) Determine the molar mass of the compound. (2’)

(e) Determine the identity of element X.(2’)

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