MS For Masonry

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The key takeaways from the document are the materials, tools, steps and calculations required for masonry work.

The materials required include bricks/blocks, cement, sand, water and additional items for plastering work. The tools listed are masonry trowel, finishing trowel, nylon twine, center plum bob, aluminum level bar, spirit level, shovel, mortar pan, tri square, measuring tape and coir brush.

The main steps involved are setting out work, damp proofing, surface preparation, scaffolding arrangement, mixing mortar, laying bricks/blocks and plastering. Activities under each step like marking, cleaning and curing are also described.


1.0. Materials (i) Internal and External brick/ block Wall a) Brick / Block b) Cement c) Sand d) water (ii) Internal and External plastering a) Cement b) Sand or sieved crushed dust c) Lime or chemicals d) Water e) Chicken mesh with nails f) Wall ties ( For cavity walls)

a) Masonry trowel b) Finishing trowel

c) Nylon twine

d) Center plum bob

e) Aluminum level bar

f) Spirit level

g) Shovel

h) Mortar pan

i) Tri square

j) Measuring tape

k) Coir brush

3.0. Work Description 3.1 Setting Out Work

Wall lines or the plaster lines will be marked at site according to the layout drawing. Specially marked opening for doors & windows in the floor.

3.1 Damp Proof Courses

Bituminous material will be applied on concrete floor prior to start the block / brick work wherever the drawing shows.

4.0. Work Procedure 4.1 Cleaning

After removing all formwork , cleaning will be done with removing of timber strip and removal of dust before commencing the block / brick work. Once the brick / block wall is done the surface shall be clean to ready for the plastering work.

4.2 Marking
At the stage of structure following marking would have done. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1000 mm off line each grid has provided. Centerline as well as 200 mm off line for each column also marked F.F.L + 1000 mm level will be marked for each and every columns. 200 mm off line for wall line. Center line for door opening.

The above lines will be used as base lines for marking of wall, doors and window openings. For each wall line, 200mm off lines will be provided and it will be used for monitoring of location and vertically of wall or the plaster. Each opening will be marked with cross lines.

4.3 Surface Preparation

The surface belong to walls be prepared under this stage. When surface preparation is done for plastering work, cleaning will be done of the wall surface in order to remove the dust , laitance, loose particles and pins.

4.4 Scaffolding Arrangement

Around working areas necessary scaffolding, ladders and safety requirement will be provided . For perimeter walls external scaffolding will be used with catwalk panels.

4.5 Water
Temporary water supply line will be provided by connecting flexible hose to deliver the water to the particular place.

4.6 Sand sieving :

Sand sieving is doing by using sand siever. In order to have fine particles for plastering, 10 squares per inch mesh is used. The meshes are varies from 6,8,10,12 squares per inch.

4.7 Mortar Mixing :

Sand mixing will be done particular floor itself and it will be hand mix for small quantity. For that timber mortar pan is used. When quantity become more according to give specification mortar will be with mortar mixture. Mortar mixing is doing by with the help of gauge box as a volume batching . The gauge box has made according to the one cement bag volume.

4.7 Procedure
After finishing all the markings, brick/block work will be started according to following manner. 1) After inspection of consultant brick/block work will be started. 2) The mortar mixing will be done by both machine mixing and hand mixing . The mortar mixing will be done according to the specification. Hand mixing will be done in timber mortar pan or steel motor tray. By following marking, 1st layer of brick/block will be laid and alignment at the courses will be done as follows. Two corners are carefully laid. Next in between two portions wall will be built. A cord of stretched along the headers by the help of corners vertical strings and level and plumbing will be checked. When walls raised up to lintel level stiffener columns if necessary will be cast. The gap between two brick/block layers (motor thickness) will be almost 10mm to 15 mm. Where brick/ block walls about underside of concrete beams or slab 20mm thick rigid polyurethane foam will be laid between brick/block wall and concrete beams or slab as a specification strip The places where block/brick wall contact with structural concrete or stud column will be treated with 150mm width chicken mesh. The mesh will be nailed to the wall and concrete by centering with the block concrete joint. The bonding technology for the brick walls are given below. Cement blocks are laid in stretcher or running bond as given in section 4.8. The various thicknesses of the blocks are used to suit the wall thickness. (100 x 190 x 390, 150 x 190 x 390, 200 x 190 x 390 Dimensions are in mm). The plastering of above brick / block walls shall be categorized into two, as follows.

Internal plastering: a) Smooth lime finish b) Semi rough finish c) Other finish 1:5 Cement :Sand proportion is used with the thickness of 16mm. External Plastering : a)Rough plastering b) Tyrolean finish Plastering thickness and the cement sand proportion is same. The surface finished will taken as semi rough. Which is taken by using sponge.

4.8 Brick / block construction technology

1) 215mm brick wall

2) 328mm brick wall

3) 440mm brick wall

Queen closer

4) 552 brick wall

Queen closer

5) Turn brick wall - 102.5 x 102.5mm

6) Turn brick wall - 215 x 215 mm brick wall

Queen closer

7) Turn brick wall - 328 x 328mm

Queen closer

8) Brick T junction - 102.5 x 102.5 mm

9) Brick T junction - 215 x 102.5mm

Half closer
10) Brick T junction - 328 x215 mm

Queen closer

11) Brick T junction - 350 mm cavity wall

Butter fly

Buffer fly ties are put every 1m interval horizontally and 600 center to center vertically. Each 4m interval put a stat column (if not states only)

12) Block Stretcher bond

13) Block Runner bond

When plastering is done, level gauges shall be set up initially. For internal walls center plum bob will be used to make the level gauges which is plumb to the 200mm off line from both top edges of the walls. Next by keeping measuring tape perpendicular to the plumb string top and bottom level gauges pasted over the wall according to the specified thickness of the plaster will be embedded top of level gauges.

Next by stretching a string to the both end level gauges and intermediate level gauges will be pasted in order to accommodate level bar.

External wall alignment will be checked by using center plumb bob for corners of the each wall. Straight walls level gauges will be provided from top to bottom . Other steps are as the internal wall arrangement.

Figure 04 :- External level gauge

Mesh Providing :

Figure 05 :- External level gauge

Surface finished will be taken by scouring with a steel trowel (chemical add to the internal plasters). Plaster corners are made by using corner trowels and aluminum level bar and which is checked by using try square.

5.0. Responsibility
Survey gang should check all off line and level line. Surface preparation shall be checked by the Engineer. Required brick quantity brought to site and kept required location Brick wall height , opening size & lintel level in this consideration Type of brick wall, Limits of the work clearly instruct to assistance . (Level wise and Line wise limits where we can finish) Sample plastering done prior to plastering .Engineer should get the approval, from one of the sample plaster Type of plastering, Limits of the plastering clearly instruct to assistance.(Level wise and Line wise limits where we can finish) Type of mix and ratio of mixes should conformed by Engineer. Working platform and material supply be ensure by Engineer. Safety of worker to be confirm by Safety officer.

1)For brick / block walls, first calculate the area. 2)For plastering calculate the area for plastering. (Internal area and as well as external areas separately) 3)According to the given specified mixes, calculate the required cement, sand & chemical amount. *Check with works norms pre arrange materials* 4)Calculate the scaffolding materials and make the working platform

7.0.Material and Manpower Requirement

7.1. Brick wall in cement sand 1:5 in 112.5mm(4) thick wall in ground floor per m2

Materials Bricks Add for wastage 5% Cement Sand Sand (50 kg bag) Water



59.20 2.96 0.14 0.03 0.95 24.22

nos nos bags m bags liters

Labour Mason U/Sk labour scaffolding - add 5% 0.16 0.22 days days

7.2. Brick wall in cement sand 1:5 in 225mm(9) thick wall in ground floor per m2 Description Materials Bricks Add for wastage 5% Cement Sand Sand (50 kg bag) Water 117.33 5.87 0.32 0.06 1.90 55.71 nos nos bags m bags liters Quantity Unit

Mason U/Sk labour scaffolding add 3% 0.24 0.35 days days

7.3. Brick wall in cement sand 1:5 in 337.5mm(13 ) thick wall in superstructure in ground floor per m2
Description Materials Quantity Unit

Bricks Add for wastage 5%

Cement Sand Sand (50 kg bag) Water

175.46 8.77
0.48 0.09 2.85 82.35

nos nos
bags m bags liters

Labour Mason U/Sk labour scaffolding add 2% 0.38 0.59 days days

7.4. Block wall in cement sand 1:5 in 8 thick wall in ground floor per 100 ft2

Description Materials Blocks Add for wastage 5% Cement Sand



112 5.6 0.75 0.17

nos nos bags m

Labour Mason U/Sk labour scaffolding - add 5% 1.5 2.5 days days

7.5. Block wall in cement sand 1:5 in 4 tk wall in ground floor per 100 ft2 Description Materials Quantity Unit

Add for wastage 5% Cement Sand

5.6 0.40 0.09

nos bags m

Labour Mason U/Sk labour 1.0 2.0 days days

scaffolding add 3%

7.6. Application of 16 mm thick 2:5 cement sand plaster on walls Cost per 1m2 Description Materials Cement Sand Lime or chemicals Water 45 l 0.14 0.021 Bags m3 Quantity Unit

Labour Mason U/Sk labour Scaffolding - add 3% 0.108 0.188 Days Days

7.7. Application of 16 mm thick 1: 3 cement sand plaster on walls Cost per 1m2 Description Materials Cement Sand Lime or chemicals Water 45 l 0.15 0.018 Bags M3 Quantity Unit

Labour Mason U/Sk labour scaffolding - add 3% 0.108 0.161 Days Days

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