Applications of Infrared Spectrometry

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Chapter 17

Applications of Infrared Spectrometry

Infrared spectrometry is applied to the qualitative
and quantitative determination of molecular
species of all types. The most widely used region
is the mid-infrared that extends from about 670
to 4000 cm
(2.5 to 14.9 m). The near-infrared
region from 4000 to 14,000 cm
(0.75 to 2.5 m)
also finds considerable use for the routine
quantitative determination. The far-infrared
region has been for the determination of the
structures of inorganic and metal-organic
Sample Handling
No good solvents exist that are transparent
throughout the region of interest. As a
consequence, sample handling is frequently the
most difficult and time-consuming part of an
infrared spectrometric analysis.
Gases: The spectrum of a low-boiling liquid or
gas can be obtained by permitting the sample to
expand into an evacuated cylindrical cell
equipped with suitable windows.
Sample Handling
Solutions: A convenient way of obtaining
infrared spectra is on solutions prepared to
contain a known concentration of sample. This
technique is somewhat limited in its applications,
however, by the availability of solvents that are
transparent over significant regions in the
Solvents: No single solvents is transparent
throughout the entire mid-infrared region. Water
and alcohols are seldom employed, not only
because they absorb strongly, but also because
they attack alkali-metal halides, the most
common materials used for cell windows.
Sample Handling
Cells: Sodium chloride windows are most commonly
employed; even with care, however, their surfaces
eventually become fogged due to absorption of moisture.
Polishing with a buffing powder returns them to their
original condition.
Liquids: When the amount of liquid sample is small or
when a suitable solvent is unavailable, it is common
practice to obtain spectra on the pure (neat) liquid. A
drop of the neat liquid is squeezed between two rock-salt
plated to give a layer that has a thickness of 0.01 mm or
less. The two plates, held together are then mounted in
the beam path. Such a technique does not give
reproducible transmittance data, but the resulting spectra
are usually satisfactory for qualitative investigations.
Sample Handling

Solids: Most organic compounds exhibit numerous
absorption peaks throughout the mid-infrared region, and
finding a solvent that does not have overlapping peaks is
often impossible. As a consequence, spectra are often
obtained on dispersions of the solid in a liquid or solid
Pelleting: One of the most popular techniques for
handling solid samples has been KBr pelleting. A
milligram or less of the finely ground sample is
intimately mixed with about 100 mg of dried potassium
bromide powder. The mixture is then pressed in a die at
10,000 to 15,000 pounds per square inch to yield a
transparent disk. The disk is then held in the instrument
beam for spectroscopic examination.
Sample Handling

Mulls: Infrared spectra of solids that are not
soluble in an infrared-transparent solvent or are
not conveniently pelleted in KBr are often
obtained by dispersing the analyte in a mineral
oil or fluorinated hydrocarbon mull. Mulls are
formed by grinding 2 to 5 mg of the finely
powdered sample in the presence of one or two
drops of a heavy hydrocarbon oil (Nujol). If
hydrocarbon bands interfere, Fluorolube, a
halogenated polymer, can be used. The resulting
mull is then examined as a film between flat salt
Qualitative Analysis
The appearance of I.R. instrument
revolutionized the way chemists went
about identifying organic, inorganic, and
biological species. The time required to
perform a structural determination was
reduced by a factor of ten, one hundred, or
even one thousand. Identification of an
organic compound is a two-step process.
The first step involves determining what
functional groups are most likely present
by examining the group frequency region.
Qualitative Analysis
The second step then involves a detailed
comparison of the spectrum of the
unknown with the spectra of pure
compounds that contain all of the
functional groups found in the first step.
The fingerprint region, from 1200 to 600
is particularly useful because small
differences in the structure and constitution
of a molecule result in significant changes
in the appearance and distribution of
absorption peaks in this region.

Qualitative Analysis
Group Frequencies: The approximate frequency
(or wavenumber) at which an organic functional
group, such as C=O, C=C, CH, CC, or OH
absorbs infrared radiation can be calculated from the
masses of the atoms and the force constant of the
bond between them. These frequencies, called group
frequencies, are seldom totally invariant because of
interactions with other vibrations associated with
one or both of the atoms composing the group. A
range of frequencies can be assigned within which it
is highly probable that the absorption peak for a
given functional group will be found.
Qualitative Analysis
The Fingerprint Region: Small differences
in the structure and constitution of a molecule
result in significant changes in the distribution
of absorption peaks in this region of the
spectrum that extends from about 1200 to 700
. As a consequence, a close match between
two spectra in this fingerprint region constitutes
strong evidence for the identity of compounds
yielding the spectra. Exact interpretation of
spectra in this region is seldom possible because
of the complexity of the spectra.
Qualitative Analysis
Computer Search Systems: Virtually all infrared
instrument manufactures now offer computer search
systems to assist chemist in identifying compounds from
stored infrared spectral data. The position and relative
magnitudes of peaks in the spectrum of the analyte are
determined and stored in memory to give a peak profile,
which can then be compared with profiles of pure
compounds stored. The computer then matches profiles
and prints a list of compounds having spectra similar to
that of the analyte. Usually the spectrum of the analyte
and that of each potential match can then be shown
simultaneously on the computer display for comparison.

Quantitative Applications
Quantitative infrared absorption methods differ
somewhat from ultraviolet/visible molecular
spectroscopic methods because of the greater
complexity of the spectra, the narrowness of
the absorption bands, and the instrumental
limitations of infrared instruments.
Quantitative data obtained with infrared
instruments are generally significantly inferior
in quality to data obtained with
ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometers.
Infrared reflection spectrometry has found a
number of applications, particularly for dealing
with solid samples that are difficult to handle,
such as polymer films and fibers, foods, rubbers,
agriculture products, and many others. Mid-
infrared reflection spectra are similar in general
appearance and provide the same information as
do their absorption counterparts. Reflectance
spectra can be used for both qualitative and
quantitative analysis.

The near-infrared (NIR) region of the spectrum
extends from the upper wavelength end of the
visible region at about 770 nm to 2500 nm
(13,000 to 4000 cm
). Absorption bands in this
region are overtones or combinations of
fundamental stretching vibrational bands that
occur in the region of 3000 to 1700 cm
. The
bonds involved are usually CH, NH, and
OH. Because the bands are overtones or
combination, their molar absorptivities are low.
The far-infrared region is particularly useful for
inorganic studies because absorption due to
stretching and bending vibrations of bonds
between metal atoms and both inorganic and
organic ligands generally occur at frequencies
lower than 650 cm
(>15m). For example,
heavy-metal iodides generally absorb in the
region below 100 cm
. Far-infrared studies of
inorganic solids have also provided useful
information about lattice energies of crystals and
transition energies of semiconducting materials.
Empirical Formula C
Empirical Formula C
MW 56
Nitrogen containing compound

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