Single Phase Motors - Electrical Machines 2 Notes

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Single-Phase Motors

As the name suggests, these motors are used on single-phase
supply. Single phase motors are the most familiar of all electric
motors because they are extensively used in home appliances,
shops, offices etc. It is true that single phase motors are less
efficient substitute for 3-phase motors but 3-phase power is
normally not available except in large commercial and industrial
establishments. Since electric power was originally generated and
distributed for lighting only, millions of homes were given single-
phase supply. This led to the development of single-phase motors.
Even where 3-phase mains are present, the single-phase supply
may be obtained by using one of the three lines and the neutral.
In this chapter, we shall focus our attention on the construction,
working and characteristics of commonly used single-phase
Types of Single-Phase Motors
Single-phase motors are generally built in the fractional-
horsepower range and may be classified into the following
four basic types:
1. Single-phase induction motors
(i) split-phase type (ii) capacitor type (iii) shaded-pole
2. A.C. series motor or universal motor
3. Repulsion motors
(i) Repulsion-start induction-run motor
(ii) Repulsion-induction motor
4. Synchronous motors
(i) Reluctance motor
(ii) Hysteresis motor
Making Single-Phase Induction Motor
The single-phase induction motor is not self starting and it is undesirable
to resort to mechanical spinning of the shaft or pulling a belt to start it. To
make a single-phase induction motor self-starting, we should somehow
produce a revolving stator magnetic field. This may be achieved by
converting a single-phase supply into two-phase supply through the use of
an additional winding.
When the motor attains sufficient speed, the starting means (i.e.,
additional winding) may be removed depending upon the type of the
motor. As a matter of fact, single-phase induction motors are classified
and named according to the method employed to make them self-starting.
(i) Split-phase motors-started by two phase motor action through the use of
an auxiliary or starting winding.
(ii) Capacitor motors-started by two-phase motor action through the use of
an auxiliary winding and a capacitor.
(iii) Shaded-pole motors-started by the motion of the magnetic field
produced by means of a shading coil around a portion of the pole
Single-Phase Induction Motors
A single phase induction motor is very similar to a 3-phase squirrel cage
induction motor. It has (i) a squirrel-cage rotor identical to a 3-phase
motor and (ii) a single-phase winding on the stator.
Unlike a 3-phase induction motor, a single-phase induction motor is not
self starting but requires some starting means. The single-phase stator
winding produces a magnetic field that pulsates in strength in a sinusoidal
manner. The field polarity reverses after each half cycle but the field does
not rotate. Consequently, the alternating flux cannot produce rotation in a
stationary squirrel-cage rotor. However, if the rotor of a single-phase
motor is rotated in one direction by some mechanical means, it will
continue to run in the direction of rotation. As a matter of fact, the rotor
quickly accelerates until it reaches a speed slightly below the synchronous
speed. Once the motor is running at this speed, it will continue to rotate
even though single-phase current is flowing through the stator winding.
This method of starting is generally not convenient for large motors. Nor
can it be employed fur a motor located at some inaccessible spot.
The above Fig. shows single-phase induction motor having a squirrel cage
rotor and a single phase distributed stator winding. Such a motor
inherently docs not develop any starting torque and, therefore, will not
start to rotate if the stator winding is connected to single-phase a.c.
supply. However, if the rotor is started by auxiliary means, the motor will
quickly attain the final speed. This strange behaviour of single-phase
induction motor can be explained on the basis of double-field revolving
Double-Field Revolving Theory
The double-field revolving theory is based on the fact that an alternating
sinusoidal flux ( = m cos wt) can be represented by two revolving
fluxes, each equal to one-half of the maximum value of alternating flux
(i.e., m/2) and each rotating at synchronous speed (Ns = 120 f/P, w =
2f) in opposite directions.
The above statement will now be proved. The instantaneous value of flux
due to the stator current of a single-phase induction motor is given by;
= m coswt
Consider two rotating magnetic fluxes 1 and 2 each of magnitude
m/2 and rotating in opposite directions with angular velocity w in above
Fig. Let the two fluxes start rotating from OX axis at t = 0. After time t
seconds, the angle through which the flux vectors have rotated is at.
Resolving the flux vectors along-X-axis and Y-axis, we have,
Split-Phase Induction Motor
The stator of a split-phase induction motor is provided with an auxiliary or
starting winding S in addition to the main or running winding M. The
starting winding is located 90 electrical from the main winding [See Fig. (
(i))] and operates only during the brief period when the motor starts up.
The two windings are so resigned that the starting winding S has a high
resistance and relatively small reactance while the main winding M has
relatively low resistance and large reactance as shown in the schematic
connections in Fig. ( (ii)). Consequently, the currents flowing in the two
windings have reasonable phase difference c (25 to 30) as shown in the
phasor diagram in Fig. ( (iii)).
Capacitor-Start Motor
The capacitor-start motor is identical to a split-phase motor except that
the starting winding has as many turns as the main winding. Moreover, a
capacitor C is connected in series with the starting winding as shown in
Fig. ( (i)). The value of capacitor is so chosen that Is leads Im by about 80
(i.e., a ~ 80) which is considerably greater than 25 found in split-phase
motor [See Fig. ((ii))]. Consequently, starting torque (Ts = k Im Is sin ) is
much more than that of a split-phase motor Again, the starting winding is
opened by the centrifugal switch when the motor attains about 75% of
synchronous speed. The motor then operates as a single-phase induction
motor and continues to accelerate till it reaches the normal speed.
Capacitor-Start Capacitor-Run
This motor is identical to a capacitor-start motor except that starting
winding is not opened after starting so that both the windings remain
connected to the supply when running as well as at starting. Two designs
are generally used.
(i) In one design, a single capacitor C is used for both starting and running
as shown in Fig.( (i)). This design eliminates the need of a centrifugal
switch and at the same time improves the power factor and efficiency of
the motor.
(ii) In the other design, two capacitors C1 and C2 are used in the starting
winding as shown in Fig. ( (ii)). The smaller capacitor C1 required for
optimum running conditions is permanently connected in series with the
starting winding. The much larger capacitor C2 is connected in parallel
with C1 for optimum starting and remains in the circuit during starting.
The starting capacitor C1 is disconnected when the motor approaches
about 75% of synchronous speed. The motor then runs as a single-phase
induction motor.

A.C. Series Motor or Universal Motor
A d.c. series motor will rotate in the same direction regardless of the
polarity of the supply. One can expect that a d.c. series motor would also
operate on a single-phase supply. It is then called an a.c. series motor.
However, some changes must be made in a d.c. motor that is to operate
satisfactorily on a.c. supply. The changes effected are:
(i) The entire magnetic circuit is laminated in order to reduce the eddy
current loss. Hence an a.c. series motor requires a more expensive
construction than a d.c. series motor.
(ii) The series field winding uses as few turns as possible to reduce the
reactance of the field winding to a minimum. This reduces the voltage
drop across the field winding.
(iii) A high field flux is obtained by using a low-reluctance magnetic circuit.
(iv) There is considerable sparking between the brushes and the
when the motor is used on a.c. supply. It is because the alternating flux
establishes high currents in the coils short-circuited by the brushes.
When the short-circuited coils break contact from the commutator,
excessive sparking is produced. This can be eliminated by using high-
resistance leads to connect the coils to the commutator segments.
The construction of an a.c. series motor is very
similar to a d.c. series motor except that
above modifications are incorporated
Such a motor can be operated either on a.c. or
d.c. supply and the resulting torque-speed
curve is about the same in each case. For this
reason, it is sometimes called a universal
When the motor is connected to an a.c. supply,
the same alternating current flows through the
field and armature windings. The field winding
produces an alternating flux f that reacts with the
current flowing in the armature to produce a
torque. Since both armature current and flux
reverse simultaneously, the torque always acts in
the same direction. It may be noted that no
rotating flux is produced in this type of machines;
the principle of operation is the same as that of a
d.c. series motor.
The operating characteristics of an a.c. series motor
are similar to those of a d.c. series motor.
(i) The speed increases to a high value with a decrease
in load. In very small series motors, the losses are
usually large enough at no load that limit the speed to
a definite value (1500 - 15,000 r.p.m.).
(ii) The motor torque is high for large armature
currents, thus giving a high starting torque.
(iii) At full-load, the power factor is about 90%.
However, at starting or when carrying an overload, the
power factor is lower.
The fractional horsepower a.c. series motors
have high-speed (and corresponding small
size) and large starting torque. They can,
therefore, be used to drive:
(a) high-speed vacuum cleaners (b) sewing
(c) electric shavers (d) drills
(e) machine tools etc.
Reluctance Motor
It is a single-phase synchronous motor which
does not require d.c. excitation to the rotor. Its
operation is based upon the following
Whenever a piece of ferromagnetic material is
located in a magnetic field; a force is exerted
on the material, tending to align the material
so that reluctance of the magnetic path that
passes through the material is minimum.
A reluctance motor (also called synchronous reluctance motor)
consists of:
(i) a stator carrying a single-phase winding along with an
auxiliary winding to produce a synchronous-revolving
magnetic field.
(ii) a squirrel-cage rotor having unsymmetrical magnetic
construction. This is achieved by symmetrically removing
some of the teeth from the squirrel cage rotor to produce
salient poles on the rotor. As shown in above Fig., 4 sailent
poles have been produced on the rotor. The salient poles
created on the rotor must be equal to the poles on the stator.
Note that rotor salient poles offer low reductance to the
stator flux and, therefore, become strongly magnetized.
(i) When single-phase stator having an auxiliary winding is energized, a
synchronously-revolving field is produced. The motor starts as a
standard squirrel-cage induction motor and will accelerate to near its
synchronous speed.
(ii) As the rotor approaches synchronous speed, the rotating stator flux will
exert reluctance torque on the rotor poles tending to align the salient-
pole axis with the axis of the rotating field. The rotor assumes a position
where its salient poles lock with the poles of the revolving field [See Fig.
(ii))Consequently, the motor will continue to run at the speed of revolving
flux i.e., at the synchronous speed.
(iii) When we apply a mechanical load, the rotor poles fall slightly behind
the stator poles, while continuing to turn at synchronous speed. As the
load on the motor is increased, the mechanical angle between the poles
increases progressively. Nevertheless, magnetic attraction keeps the
rotor locked to the rotating flux. If the load is increased beyond the
amount under which the reluctance torque can maintain synchronous
speed, the rotor drops out of step with the revolving field. The speed,
then, drops to some value at which the slip is sufficient to develop the
necessary torque to drive the load by induction-motor action.
(i) These motors have poor torque, power factor
and efficiency.
(ii) These motors cannot accelerate high-inertia
loads to synchronous speed.
(iii) The pull-in and pull-out torques of such motors
are weak.
Despite the above drawbacks, the reluctance
motor is cheaper than any other type of
synchronous motor. They are widely used for
constant-speed applications such as timing
devices, signalling devices etc.
Stepper Motor
A stepper motor is an electro mechanical device, which
converts electrical pulses into discrete mechanical
movements. The shaft or spindle of a stepper motor rotates in
discrete step increments when electrical command pulses are
applied to it in the proper sequence. The sequence of the
applied pulses is directly related to the direction of motor
shafts rotation. The speed of the motor shafts rotation is
directly related to the frequency of the input pulses and the
length of rotation of input pulses applied.
Advantages and Disadvantages
1. The rotation angle of the motor is proportional to the input pulse.
2. The motor has full torque at stand still (if the winding are energized)
3. Precise positioning and repeatability of movement since good stepper
motor s have an accuracy of 3 5% of a step and this error is non
cumulative from one step to the next.
4. Excellent response to starting stopping reversing.
5. Very reliable since there are no contact brushes in the motor. Therefore the
life to the motor is simply dependant on the life of the bearing.
6. The motors response to digital input pulses provides open-loop control,
making the motor simpler and less costly to control.
7. It is possible to achieve very low speed synchronous rotation with a load
that is directly coupled to the shaft.
8. A wide range of rotational speed is proportional to the frequency of the
input pulses.
1. Resonance can occur if not properly
2. Not easy to operate at extremely high speeds.
Stepper Motor Types
There are three basic stepper motor types.
They are:
Variable-reluctance (VR)
This type of stepper motor has been around for a long time. It
is probably the easiest to understand from a structural point
of view. Figure 1 shows a cross section of a typical V.R. stepper
motor. This type of motor consists of a soft iron multi-toothed
rotor and wound stator. When the stator windings are
energized with DC current the poles become magnetized.
Rotation occurs when the rotor teeth are attracted to
energized stator poles.
Permanent Magnet (PM)
Often referred as a tin can or canstack motor the
permanent magnet step motor is a low cost and low-
resolution type motor with typical step angles of 7.50 to 150.
PM motors as the name implies have permanent magnets
added to the motor structure. The rotor no longer has teeth
as with the VR motor. Instead the rotor is magnetized with
alternating north and south poles situated in a straight line
parallel to the rotor shaft. These magnetized motor poles
provide increased magnetic flux intensity and because of this
the PM motor exhibits improved torque characteristics when
compared with the VR type.
Hybrid (HB)
The hybrid stepper motor is more expensive then the PM
stepper motor but provides better performance with respect
to step resolution, torque and speed. Typical step angles for
the HB stepper motor range from 3.60 to 0.90. The hybrid
stepper motor combines the best features of both the PM and
VR type stepper motor. The rotor is multi-toothed like the VR
motor and contains an axially magnetized concentric magnet
around its shaft. The teeth on the rotor provide and even
magnetic flux to preferred locations in the air gap. This further
increases the detent, holding and dynamic torque
characteristics of the motor when compared with both the VR
and PM types.
The two most commonly used types of
stepper motors are the permanent magnet
and the hybrid types. If a designer is not sure
which type will best fit his applications
requirements he should first evaluate the PM
type as it normally several times less
expensive. If not then the hybrid motor may
be the right choice.
Holding Torque
The maximum steady torque that can be
applied to the shaft of an energized motor
without causing rotation.
Detent Torque
The maximum torque that can be applied to
the shaft of a non-energized motor without
causing rotation.
Maximum Slew Frequency
The maximum rate at which the step motor will run and remain
in synchronism.
Maximum Starting Frequency
The maximum pulse rate (frequency) at which an unloaded
step motor can start and run without missing steps or stop
without missing steps.
Step Angle
The angle by which the rotor of a stepper motor moves when
one pulse is applied to the (input) stator is called step angle. It
is expressed in degrees.
Pull-out Torque
The maximum torque that can be applied to the shaft of a step
motor (running at constant speed) and not cause it to lose
Pull-in Torque
The maximum torque at which a step motor can start, stop and
reverse the direction of rotation without losing step. The
maximum torque at which an energized step motor will start
and run in synchronism, without losing steps, at constant
Slewing Range
This is the area between the pull-in and pull-out torque
curves where a step motor can run without losing step, when
the speed is increased or decreased gradually. Motor must be
brought up to the slew range with acceleration and
deceleration technique known as ramping.
Stepper motors are widely used in
Numerical control of machine tools
Tape drives
Floppy disc drives
X-Y plotters
Textile industry
Electric Watches etc.
Induction motors have a series of slots in the stator and in the
rotor. These slots should not be equal in number because if
they are, there is a good chance that the motor will not start
at all due to a characteristic known as cogging. The slots will
align like a stepper motor.
For this reason, there are an unequal number of slots in the
rotor and in the stator, but there can still be situations where
the slot frequencies coincide with harmonic frequencies and
this can cause torque modulations. The slots are skewed to
keep an overlap on all slots to reduce this problem.
Another characteristic of induction motors, is crawling. There
are harmonic fluxes developed in the gap due to the
magnetics of the motor. These harmonics create additional
torque fields. A common problem is with the seventh
harmonic where the seventh harmonic creates a forward
rotating torque field at one seventh of the synchronous
speed. There will be a maximum torque just below 1/7 Ns and
if this is high enough, the net torque can be higher than the
torque due to the line frequency where at 1/7 Ns, the slip is
high. This can cause the motor to crawl at just below 1/7
synchronous speed.
There is another crawl speed at 1/13 Ns.
Starting of 3-Phase Induction
The induction motor is fundamentally a transformer in which the stator is
the primary and the rotor is short-circuited secondary. At starting, the
voltage induced in the induction motor rotor is maximum ( s = 1). Since
the rotor impedance is low, the rotor current is excessively large. This
large rotor current is reflected in the stator because of transformer
action. This results in high starting current (4 to 10 times the full-load
current) in the stator at low power factor and consequently the value of
starting torque is low. Because of the short duration, this value of large
current does not harm the motor if the motor accelerates normally.
However, this large starting current will produce large line-voltage drop.
This will adversely affect the operation of other electrical equipment
connected to the same lines. Therefore, it is desirable and necessary to
reduce the magnitude of stator current at starting and several methods
are available for this purpose.
Methods of Starting 3-Phase
Induction Motors
The method to be employed in starting a given
induction motor depends upon the size of the
motor and the type of the motor. The common
methods used to start induction motors are:
(i) Direct-on-line starting
(ii) Stator resistance starting
(iii) Autotransformer starting
(iv) Star-delta starting

Direct-on-line starting

This method of starting in just what the name
impliesthe motor is started by connecting it
directly to 3-phase supply. The impedance of
the motor at standstill is relatively low and
when it is directly connected to the supply
system, the starting current will be high (4 to
10 times the full-load current) and at a low
power factor. Consequently, this method of
starting is suitable for relatively small (up to
7.5 kW) machines.
Stator resistance starting
In this method, external resistances are connected in series with
each phase of stator winding during starting. This causes voltage
drop across the resistances so that voltage available across motor
terminals is reduced and hence the starting current. The starting
resistances are gradually cut out in steps (two or more steps) from
the stator circuit as the motor picks up speed. When the motor
attains rated speed, the resistances are completely cut out and full
line voltage is applied to the rotor.
This method suffers from two drawbacks. First, the reduced
voltage applied to the motor during the starting period lowers the
starting torque and hence increases the accelerating time.
Secondly, a lot of power is wasted in the starting resistances.
Autotransformer starting
This method also aims at connecting the induction motor to a reduced
supply at starting and then connecting it to the full voltage as the motor
picks up sufficient speed. The above Fig. shows the circuit arrangement
for autotransformer starting.
The tapping on the autotransformer is so set that when it is in the circuit,
65% to 80% of line voltage is applied to the motor. At the instant of
starting, the change-over switch is thrown to start position. This puts
the autotransformer in the circuit and thus reduced voltage is applied to
the circuit. Consequently, starting current is limited to safe value. When
the motor attains about 80% of normal speed, the changeover switch is
thrown torun position. This takes out the autotransformer from the
circuit and puts the motor to full line voltage. Autotransformer starting
has several advantages viz low power loss, low starting current and less
radiated heat. For large machines (over 25 H.P.), this method of starting is
often used. This method can be used for both star and delta connected
Star-delta starting
The stator winding of the motor is designed for delta operation and is
connected in star during the starting period. When the machine is up to
speed, the connections are changed to delta. The circuit arrangement for
star-delta starting is shown in above Fig. The six leads of the stator
windings are connected to the changeover switch as shown. At the instant
of starting, the changeover switch is thrown to Start position which
connects the stator windings in star. Therefore, each stator phase gets V/
3 volts where V is the line voltage. This reduces the starting current.
When the motor picks up speed, the changeover switch is thrown to Run
position which connects the stator windings in delta. Now each stator
phase gets full line voltage V.
(a) With star-connection during starting, stator phase voltage is 1 /3 times
the line voltage. Consequently, starting torque is ( 1/ 3)2 or 1/3 times the
value it would have with Delta-connection. This is rather a large reduction
in starting torque.
(b) The reduction in voltage is fixed. This method of starting is used for
medium-size machines (upto about 25 H.P.).

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