Waste Disposal System in Dhaka City (Prepared by Muhaiminul Islam Sadi (Northsouth University)

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Waste disposal that is focused on municipalities and
uses high technology, to move more towards waste
processing and waste recycling, & minimization. All
these things involves public-private partnerships,
,community level awareness and participation, and
using low energy /low technology resources.
Waste disposal system in
Each day Dhaka city is
producing over 3000 tons of
household waste. On the
other hand Dhaka City
Corporation collects almost
less than half of it. The rest
remains on roadsides, open
areas. So, most of the urban
bodies are finding it very
difficult to keep pace with the
demand for adequate solid
waste management. It will
become very difficult to find
sites to bury the waste as the
city expands, and transport
costs to transfer the waste
will increase. The volume of
waste needs to be reduced to
a sustainable level.
This need have also provided a
window of opportunity for cities
to find solutions. -
1. Involving the community and
the private sector.
2. Involving innovate
technologies and disposal
3. Involving behavior changes &

Waste Collection
As per traditional method of waste
collections Rickshaw vans are
modified to collect waste from
each house., and city corporation
has their own vehicles for
collecting wastes
Solid waste means
Metal and Glass
Shredded Skin and Leather
Hospital Waste
Food waste
Industrial Waste
Other Waste

*The waste generation for this area is
estimated to be around 3000 to 4000 tones
every day. Of this quantity 40-50 percent is
collected efficiently and the rest is left.
*The solid waste of Dhaka generally has a
high organic content (60% to 70%) and a
low proportion of combustible matter.

In a report on solid waste management in Asia,
the data showed that, in Dhaka, only about 42%
of generated waste is collected and dumped at
landfill sites, and the rest are left uncollected. As
much as 400 tons are dumped on the roadside
and in open space. As such, these improperly
disposed waste poses serious health implications
to the people where it may have the potential of
transmitting diseases. ("Bhuiya. G. M. J. A (2007).
1. Bangladesh. Solid Waste Management: Issues
and Challenges in Asia, pg 28-32)
Impact of Solid Waste Disposal on Environment

Open air dumping creates unhygienic and poses enormous
threat to the people.
Causes aesthetic problem and nuisance due to nauseating
pungent odor.
Promotes spreading of diseases.
The situation further aggravated by the indiscriminate
disposal of Hospital and Clinical Waste.
Presence of extremely high level of Total and Facial
Pollute water bodies.
Carbon dioxide and Methane produced from solid waste
are extremely harmful to the environment.
Gases are produced in the landfills through aerobic and
anaerobic decomposition of organic compounds, which are
threat to the environment.

Evolution of Solid Waste Collection Method

Year System of Collection
*1717 Manual night soil collection system
1864 Night soil collection by bullock cart by
Dhaka Municipality
*1963 Liquid waste collection by DWASA &
Dhaka Municipality side by side
*1982 Bullock cart system suspended, night
soil collection replaced by Septic tank,
introduction of open truck for solid waste
collection by Dhaka Municipality.
*1989 Introduction of night time waste
collection instead of day time collection.
*1993 Demountable container introduced
along with closed and open truck.
*2002 Open truck replaced by covered truck.
Sold Waste management by DCC :

DCC sweeps roads & drains daily.
Accumulate wastes from roadside.
Cleaners collect & transfer to the
nearest dustbin/container.
DCCs truck dump to the dumping
Dressing by bulldozers, tire dozers, pay
loaders & excavators
Final Disposal of Solid Waste
DCC disposes solid wastes adopting crude dumping methods, and thereby, creates
environmental hazards and health risks. The dumped solid wastes are dressed
irregularly by payloaders, excavator, tyre dozer, chain dozer etc. According to DCC
(1999), six dumping sites have already been abandoned after filling to their capacities.
These sites are: (1) Kulsi, (2) Chalkbari-Mirpur, (3) Gabtoli-Mirpur, (4) Lalbagh Shosan
Ghat, (5) Mugdapara and (6) Jatrabari. In 1999, major portion of solid wastes (88%)
were dumped at Matuail site. Wastes disposed at the other two- Lalbagh site (11%)
and Mirpur site (1%) were insignificant. But at present almost all the wastes go to
Matuail, and others are used when Matuail site is inaccessible due to rain or damage
of driveways, repairing and maintenance of unloading platforms. Matuail landfill
covers about 52 acres of low-lying agricultural land acquired by DCC in 1986 (Yousuf
1996). Out of this, 13 acres have been developed for parking/platform and the rest 39
acres is used for landfilling. It is being used for dumping of solid waste since 1993.
Earth dyke for isolation encloses the dumpsite. According to DCC estimates, the
existing sites would be filled up shortly and DCC would have to arrange for new
dumping sites for waste disposal. Accordingly, DCC selected three new sites for
dumping of solid wastes located at Matuail, Boliarpur and Gazipur (Sarmin 2000).
However, little advancement has been made up to now in this respect. In the mean
time DCC is planning to construct roads on the earth dykes of Matuail and then dump
waste from those roads into the still vacant land (about 20%) within the site near the
Recycling and Composting
*Approximately 1,20,000 people are involved with the recycling occupation in Dhaka
*Almost 15 percent (i.e., more than 467.65 tons) inorganic fraction of the waste is
recycled in Dhaka city (Sinha, 1993)
*Waste pickers mostly women, children of slums popularly known as Tokai, collect
waste of low market values from waste bins. These items include broken glass, tin cans
cardboard, waste papers, rags, plastics, metals and miscellaneous commercial waste
discarded by households.
*Although Tokais extract most of the readily available material from the waste stream,
still there remains considerable value in what they leave behind. This value lies in the
organic portion of the solid waste, which constitute about 70-80% of the total
generated waste, having considerable potential value, if converted into compost
through composting. From the perspective of municipality, organic waste recycling
through composting not only reduces disposal costs and prolongs the life span of
disposal sites, but it also reduces adverse environmental impacts caused by landfill
sites. as the organics are mainly responsible for leachate contamination and methane
There is a whole culture of waste disposal system that needs to be put in place-
from the micro level of household and neighborhood to the macro levels of city,
state and nation. But we should keep this mind that rather than making a long-
term holistic approach, we can start it within our community and can create an
example for the whole country.
If we can start our waste disposal process at the micro level, like as community
based system then it can be easily manageable as well as it can create examples
for others. Most of the developed countries now a days are trying to rethinking
about their waste disposal system and developing a wide range of system and
approach to minimize the environmental hazard as well as reaching a profitable
solutions using this wastes.
In our country, we can also dream for a better future, where our environment will
be protected as well as We can reach a sustainable solution by using waste, and
develop our entrepreneurial activities. Further this study tried only to develop a
theoretical model for better waste disposal system in Dhaka city. It needs a
complete empirical study to examine the feasibility of this model.

01 (Islam, M.S., Saifullah, A.S.M., Roy, S. and Dutta, S.,
2011. Effects of socioeconomic factors on domestic solid
waste generation and dumping in Tangail Municipal Area.
Environmental Sci. and Natural Resources. pp. 99-103.)
02("Bhuiya. G. M. J. A (2007). 1. Bangladesh. Solid
Waste Management: Issues and Challenges in Asia,
pg 28-32)
03 (BRAC University Journal, Vol. IV, No. 2, 2007, pp.
UAP Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005

Submitted to: Nazmun Nahar
ABID HOSSAIN RAZA (1420967025)
PAGE: 01,02,03,04,05,06
NABIL SHAD LIKHON (1420676025)
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