Intro To Innovation

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Introduction to innovation

What is innovation?
• Innovation is the process and outcome of creating
something new, which is also of value.

• Innovation involves the whole process from

opportunity identification, ideation or invention to
development, prototyping, production marketing
and sales, while entrepreneurship only needs to
involve commercialization (Schumpeter).
What is innovation?
• Today it is said to involve the capacity to quickly
adapt by adopting new innovations (products,
processes, strategies, organization, etc)

• Also, traditionally the focus has been on new

products or processes, but recently new business
models have come into focus, i.e. the way a firm
delivers value and secures profits.
What is innovation?
• Schumpeter argued that innovation comes
about through new combinations made by
an entrepreneur, resulting in
– a new product,
– a new process,
– opening of new market,
– new way of organizing the business
– new sources of supply
Dimensions of innovation
There are several types of innovation
– Process, product/service, strategy,
which can vary in degree of newness:
– Incremental to radical,
and impact:
continuous to discontinuous
Drivers for innovation
– Financial pressures to reduce costs, increase efficiency, do more
with less, etc
– Increased competition
– Shorter product life cycles
– Value migration
– Stricter regulation
– Industry and community needs for sustainable development
– Increased demend for accountability
– Demographic, social and maket changes
– Rising customer expectations regarding service and quality
– Changing economy
– Greater availability of potentially useful technologies coupled with
a need to exceed the competition in these technologies
What is innovation?
• Gary Hamel argued that today’s market
place is hostile to incumbents, who now
needs to conduct radical business
– Radically reconceiving products and services,
not just developing new products and services
– Redefining market space
– Redrawing industry boundaries
New conditions for innovation
• Small start-up entrepreneurs increasingly
depend on large firms:
– as suppliers or customers
– for venture finance,
– for exit opportunites,
– for knowledge (production, markets and R&D)
– and for opening new markets.
New conditions for innovation
• Large firms increasingly depend on small
– for NPD,
– as suppliers of new knowledge (which they cannot
develop themselves),
– or organizational renewal, for experimentation with
busienss models,
– for opening new markets, etc
New developments in innovation
raises new issues and problems
• Greater emphasis on commercializing scientific
discoveries, particularly in IT and the bio-sciences
• Speed and potential value of scientific progress leads to
emphasis on solid and well-designed portfolios of
research projects
• Universites as active drivers of innovation: Academic
entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial university
• University-industry partnerships
• Increased search for radical innovation and top-line

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