Database PPT Deadlock

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Deadlock exists among a set of processes if
Every process is waiting for an event
This event can be caused only by another process in the set
Event is the acquire of release of another resource

Kansas 20th century law: When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a
full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone

Real World Deadlocks?

Truck A has to wait
for truck B to


Real World Deadlocks?


Avoiding deadlock
How do cars do it?
Never block an intersection
Must back up if you find yourself doing so

Why does this work?

Breaks a wait-for relationship
Illustrates a sense in which intransigent waiting
(refusing to release a resource) is one key
element of true deadlock!

Testing for deadlock

Collect process state and use it to build a graph
Ask each process are you waiting for anything?
Put an edge in the graph if so

We need to do this in a single instant of time, not while

things might be changing

Now need a way to test for cycles in our graph

Testing for deadlock

One way to find cycles
Look for a node with no outgoing edges
Erase this node, and also erase any edges coming into
Idea: This was a process people might have been waiting for,
but it wasnt waiting for anything else

If (and only if) the graph has no cycles, well eventually

be able to erase the whole graph!

This is called a graph reduction algorithm

Dealing with Deadlocks

1. Reactive Approaches:

Periodically check for evidence of deadlock

For example, using a graph reduction algorithm

Then need a way to recover

Could blue screen and reboot the computer

Could pick a victim and terminate that thread

But this is only possible in certain kinds of applications

Basically, thread needs a way to clean up if it gets terminated and has
to exit in a hurry!

Often thread would then retry from scratch

(despite drawbacks, database systems do this)

Dealing with Deadlocks

2. Proactive Approaches:

Deadlock Prevention

Prevent one of the 4 necessary conditions from arising

. This will prevent deadlock from occurring

Deadlock Avoidance

Carefully allocate resources based on future knowledge

Deadlocks are prevented

3. Ignore the problem

Pretend deadlocks will never occur

Ostrich approach but surprisingly common!

Deadlock Prevention

Deadlock Prevention
Can the OS prevent deadlocks?
Prevention: Negate one of necessary conditions
Mutual exclusion:
Make resources sharable
Not always possible (printers?)

Hold and wait

Do not hold resources when waiting for another
Request all resources before beginning execution
Processes do not know what all they will need
Starvation (if waiting on many popular resources)
Low utilization (Need resource only for a bit)
Alternative: Release all resources before requesting anything new
Still has the last two problems

Deadlock Prevention
Prevention: Negate one of necessary conditions
No preemption:
Make resources preemptable (2 approaches)
Preempt requesting processes resources if all not available
Preempt resources of waiting processes to satisfy request

Good when easy to save and restore state of resource

CPU registers, memory virtualization

Circular wait: (2 approaches)

Single lock for entire system? (Problems)
Impose partial ordering on resources, request them in order

Deadlock Avoidance

Deadlock Avoidance
If we have future information
Max resource requirement of each process before they execute

Can we guarantee that deadlocks will never occur?

Avoidance Approach:
Before granting resource, check if state is safe
If the state is safe no deadlock!

Thank you
For Listening

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