Leukemia Case Study
Leukemia Case Study
Leukemia Case Study
Ka r l y C h il d re s s
Denielle Saitta
M o ll y C h a ffi n
C l a i re H o ll a d a y
L a u re n M i t c h e l l
Bone marrow makes bloo d
st em cells t hat b ecom e
mat ure bloo d cells over t im e
A bloo d st em cell may
become a m yelo id stem c ell
or a lympho id stem cell
Myelo id st em cell bec om es
one of t hree t ypes of m a ture
blo od cells
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Hematology/Oncology History
Chief Complaint: Im here to get some new cells.
Diagnosed with ALL in 2008
He was doing well until Spring 2012
Admitted with fever, fatigue, dyspnea, and red spots on his skin
Diagnosis: Relapse of Pre-B cell ALL and started on HyperCVAD (5
cycles prior to admission)
Family History
Mother: Diabetes
Father: Hypertension
Other History
Surgical treatment
ALL admitted to the transplant unit for a 10/10 HLA matched
unrelated donor transplant with myeloablative
cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation
Height: 59
Weight: 198 lbs
BMI: 29.4 kg/m 2
Upon Admission (11/7)
Overall Appearance
Comfortable, not in acute distress, well-nourished
Skin warm and dry, not perspiring
Clear to auscultation
Abdomen: soft, nontender, nondistended
Vital Signs
Temp: 98.2
Pulse: 80
Resp rate: 16
BP: 126/78
16 days post-op
Overall Appearance
Macropapular rash on palms and trunk
Grade 2 mucositis in mouth
Clear to auscultation
Firm, tense hyperactive BSx4
Temp: 98.4
Pulse: 83
Resp rate: 20
BP: 130/82
Post-op day 16
BUN (mg/dL)
23 H
BUN/Crea ratio
23 H
Albumin (g/dL)
<1 L
Post-op day 16
WBC count
4.5 L
2.9 L
RBC count
4.5-6.2 (M)
2.82 L
2.33 L
(Hgb, g/dL)
14-17 (M)
9.8 L
7.9 L
29.1 L
23.7 L
20.4 L
16.5 L
RBC distribution
7.6 L
8.9 L
1.2 Activity Factor (hospitalized)= 2,230 kcal
1.0-1.3 injury factor due to surgery
2,230-2,900 kcal/day
PES #1:
Altered GI function (NC-1.4) related to chemotherapy and
total body irradiation as evidenced by 3.5 L liquid stool past
24 hours.
PES #2:
Altered nutrition related lab values (WBC, NC-2.2) related to
cancer treatment as evidenced by 2.9 White blood cell
PES #1: Altered GI function (NC-1.4) related to
chemotherapy and total body irradiation as evidenced
by 3.5 L liquid stool past 24 hours.
Nutrition Rx: Meeting nutritional needs through
bypassing the GI tract..
Nutrition Intervention: Initiate Parenteral Nutrition (2.2)
Dextrose: 571 mL ; D70 ; 400g 1360 Kcals
A A:
900 mL ; 15% A A; 135g 540Kkcals
200 mL ; 20% IVFE ; 40g 400 Kcals
Total: 2,300 Kcals
PES #2: Altered nutrition related lab values (WBC, NC2.2) related to cancer treatment as evidenced by 2.9
White blood cell count.
Nutrition Rx: Modify diet to a low microbial diet with high
protein, adequate energy.
Nutrition Intervention: A low microbial diet includes
avoiding raw/undercooked foods such as seafood, eggs,
vegetables, undercooked meats, unpeeled fruits, or
unpasteurized dairy products. This diet will reduce the
chance of Mr. Bear becoming ill while his immune system
is weak. Educate the patient on the importance of food
safety and how this contributes to the low microbial diet.
Client History
28 y/o white male, married with 3 children
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
Admitted to transplant unit for a 10/10 HLA MUD with
myeloablative cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation
1 alcoholic drink daily and smokes pack daily
Anthropometric Data
Height: 59 Weight: 198 lbs BMI: 29.4
Physical Findings
Macropapular rash on palms and trunk
Grade 2 mucositis in mouth
Patient reports feeing fatigued, complains of mouth
pain/discomfort from rash
Diarrhea continues with occasional nausea
Vital Signs
Temperature: 98.4 Pulse: 83 Blood Pressure: 130/82
Biochemical Data
Food and Nutrition Related History
Patient states that usual body weight was 230 lbs
Prior to diagnosis and with initial chemo treatment in
2008, patient lost 50 lbs. The next year, patient
gained 20 lbs
48-hour recall shows intake prior to admission good
and likely meeting >100% of calorie and proteins
Comparative Standards
Kcal: 1,858.75 kcal/day
Protein: Post-op 90-135 g/day
Fluid: 2.2-2.9 L/day = 9 (8 oz.) glasses per day
Dia gnosis & In t er v en ti on
PE S #1 :Al te red GI fu n ct ion (NC- 1 .4 ) rel a t ed t o c hem ot h er a py a n d to ta l
body irr a dia ti on a s ev i de nce d by 3 .5 L li qui d st ool pa st 2 4 h ou r s.
Nut r it ion R x : M e et in g n utr i tio na l ne eds t hrough by pa ssin g t h e G I t r a c t.
Nut r it ion In t er v en ti on : Ini tia te Pa rent er a l Nutr i ti on ( 2 .2 )
Dex t rose: 5 7 1 m L ; D7 0 ; 4 0 0g
1 3 6 0 K c a ls
A A:
9 0 0 m L ; 1 5 % A A; 1 3 5 g 5 4 0 Kk c a ls
IV F E :
2 0 0 m L ; 2 0 % IVF E ; 4 0 g 4 0 0 K ca ls
Total: 2,300 Kcals
PE S #2 : Alt ere d n u tr i tio n rela te d la b v a lue s (W BC, NC- 2 .2 ) rel a te d t o
ca nce r t rea tm e nt a s ev i de nce d by 2 .9 W hi te blo od c ell c ou n t
Nut r it ion R x : M odi fy di et t o a lo w m i crobia l di et w it h h igh prot ei n ,
a dequa t e en ergy.
Nut r it ion In t er v en ti on : This c a n be done t hrough a v oi din g
r a w /underc ooked f oods ( sea foo d, e ggs, v eget a bl es, un derc ooke d
m ea ts, unpee le d f ru i ts or unpa ste ur iz ed da ir y produ ct s. Thi s die t w i ll
re duc e the ch a nc e of th e pa tie nt be co m i ng il l w hi le h is im m u n e
sy st em i s w ea k. E du ca te the pa t ient o n the im por t a n c e o f f ood sa fe ty
a nd how th is c on t r ibut e s to the lo w m ic ro bi a l die t.
Monitor anthropometrics by checking weight, BMI, and
waist circumference to prevent weight loss
Evaluate the patients knowledge of the microbial diet and
what he should and should not eat when his immune
system is suppressed
Evaluate the patients blood counts in order to reduce
chance of infection through low blood counts
Increase the patients fi ber and water intake to reduce the
chance of diarrhea
Monitor the patients protein levels in order to keep blood
counts high and stable
Monitor patient for symptoms of GVHD ( Graft-versus-host
disease) such as jaundice, abdominal pain, dry or irritated
eyes, fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, etc
Monitor White Blood cells Counts
Monitor patients energy intake as well as macronutrient
Nahikian-Nelms, Marcia, and Sara Long. Roth. Medical
Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach . Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 4 t h ed., copyright
2014. Print.
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