IC Engine (Introduction)

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The key takeaways are that an internal combustion engine converts chemical energy from fuel into mechanical energy, and some of the early pioneers who contributed to its development include Nikolaus Otto, Rudolph Diesel, and James Watt.

The basic components of an internal combustion engine include the cylinder, piston, connecting rod, crankshaft, valves, and spark plug.

Some of the early contributors to the development of internal combustion engines include Sadi Carnot, James Joule, Nikolaus Otto, and Rudolph Diesel. Sadi Carnot and James Joule contributed to the laws of thermodynamics. Nikolaus Otto invented the four-stroke engine. Rudolph Diesel invented the compression ignition engine.



Group 1

Engine Definition
Historically : Any machine that does work, no
matter how it is powered (eg. wind mills, water
Origin of word "engine" - Latin and Greek roots of
Modern : Prime movers that operate
automatically/continuously to convert some form of
energy into useful mechanical power.

Heat Engine History (Early 19th)

Sadi Carnot (1824) - Essentially stated the first and
second laws of thermodynamics.
James Joule (1850) - Measured the fixed ratio
between work and heat; defining the first law.
Wm. Rankine (1889) - Wrote the first formalized
thermodynamics textbook; defining the second law "absolute" temperature scale.
Alternatives to steam engines had been developed
in the 19th century (1800s).

Mid 19th Century

Despite of generally good
recoed of engineering
development, steam
engine was not
satisfactory for all
purposes - due to poor
efficiency and other
Therefore, search for new
engine started.
Opportunity presented by
new fuel, "gases" from
cooking ovens.

Stanley Steamer

History of IC Engine
1800s - Nikolaus Otto is considered
the inventor of IC engine and founder
of the industry.
1876 Otto developed a 4-stroke
engine, which often referred as Spark
Ignition as it needs spark to ignite the
fuel-air mixture.
1864 1878 Otto and Langen
developed the Otto Langen
Atmosphere engine.
Limited design, poor power & fuel
consumption, noisy

Early Attempts
Impacts of IC Engine almost all transportation powered
by IC engine (Spark ignition).
1900s IC Engine is replaced with Steam Engine, with
same working principle
1897 Rudolph Diesel developed the Diesel cycle; also
known as compression ignition engine (No spark plug)
Diesel engine - noisy, large, slow, single-cylinder engines,
however, it is generally more efficient than spark ignition
1920s - multicylinder compression ignition engines, used
in today automobile and trucks.

Background of IC Engine
IC Engine is a heat engine that converts chemical
energy in a fuel into mechanical energy, usually made
available on a rotating output shaft.
Some basic activities of IC engine includes the following:
A working fluid
Injecting heat to fluid
Recover a great amount of work
Return to initial state by removal of some heat

Background of IC Engine
Internal Combustion Engine

Petrol engine

Gas engine

Closed system

Open system

Basic Process of IC Engine

1) Ingest a mixture of fuel and air
2) Compress it
3) Cause it to react, thus effectively adding heat through
converting chemical energy into thermal energy
4) Expand the combustion products
5) Eject the combustion products and replace them with
a new charge of fuel and air

Basic Process of IC Engine

Classification of IC Engine
1) Type of Ignition
Spark Ignition
Generally homogeneous
mixture (air-fuel mixture)
Ignition occurs with the
presence of spark plug
Controlled energy released
Intake air throttled
Limited variation in A/F
Distinct fuel requirements
Relatively low cost
High efficiency

Compression Ignition
Ignition due to high
No throttling of air intake
Wide range of A/F ratio
Needs high compression
ratio (no knock limitation)

1) Type of Ignition
Spark Ignition
Generally volatile fuel
(gasoline); does not ignite
spontaneously at lower
Lower compression ratio
(knock limited)
Lighter construction;
higher rpm
High fuel consumption
Turbocharger; optional for
high performance engines

Compression Ignition
Generally distillate oil
(diesel); must ignite at
lower temperatures
Heavier construction;
limited rpm
Low fuel consumption
Turbocharger is
necessary except for
small diesel engines

Four Stroke Engine Cycle

Four Stroke Spark Ignition
Air-fuel mixture introduced into
cylinder through intake valve
(Stroke 1)
Air-fuel mixture is compressed
(Stroke 2)
Combustion (at constant volume)
occurs and product gases
expand producing work (Stroke
Product gases pushed out of the
cylinder through the exhaust
valve (Stroke 4)

Four Stroke Compression Ignition

Air is introduced by intake
valve into the cylinder (Stroke
Air is compressed (Stroke 2)
Combustion (at constant
pressure) occurs and product
gases expand producing work
(Stroke 3)
Product gases pushed out of
the cylinder through the
exhaust valve (Stroke 4)

Four Stroke Engine Cycle

Four Stroke Spark

Four Stroke Compression


Two Stroke Cycle

In a two-stroke engine all the processes are the same

but the cycle is completed in two strokes of the piston.
Since there is one power stroke per revolution, one
would expect the power output of a 2-stroke engine to
be twice that of a 4-stroke engine for the same

Stroke 2:
products expand
doing work and
then exhausted

initiated at the end
of the stroke

Stroke 1:
Fuel-air mixture is
introduced into
the cylinder

* Power delivered to the crankshaft on every revolution

Advantages of the two stroke engine

Power to weight ratio is higher than the four stroke
engine since there is one power stroke per crank shaft
Simple valve design
Most often used for small engine applications such as lawn
mowers, marine outboard engines, motorcycles.

Disadvantages of the two-stroke engine:

Incomplete scavenging or to much scavenging
Burns oil mixed in with the fuel

Valve Location
Valves in Head (overhead valve), also called I Head
Valve in Block (Flat head), also called L Head Engine or
T Head Engine.
One valve in Head and one valve in Block, also called F
Head engine.

F Head Engine

T Head Engine


Basic Design
Reciprocating Engines
Linear motion of piston in a cylinder and
conversion of linear into rotary motion
using crankshaft.

better sealing of high pressure gases

ease of lubrication
lower surface area
less wear on rings/seals


reciprocating mass and force unbalance

lower power density (based on mass)
larger physical size

Rotary motion of rotor-direct output at the shaft.

compact size power plant

higher power density
vibration-free operation
lower height


sealing of high pressure gases and leakage

cost and durability of seals
lubrication of seals
larger surface area

Wankel Engines
No valves needed
Continuous motion
less vibration
Leaks through seals
low compression ratio
pollution (high levels of
HC and CO)

Position and Number of Cylinders of

Reciprocating Engines
Single Cylinder.
V Engine
Opposed Cylinder Engine
W Engine
Opposed Piston Engine
Radial Engine

Single-cylinder engine gives one power stroke per
crank revolution (2 stroke) or two revolutions (4
stroke). The torque pulses are widely spaced, and
engine vibration and smoothness are significant
problems. Used in small engine applications where
engine size is more important
Multi-cylinder engines spread out the displacement
volume amongst multiple smaller cylinders. Increased
frequency of power strokes produces smoother torque
characteristics. Engine balance (inertia forces
associated with accelerating and decelerating piston)
better than single cylinder.

Cylinder Arrangements
Most common :

In-line 4-cylinder

Air Intake Process

Naturally Aspirated
Crankcase Compressed

Super Charger and Turbo

Supercharger and Turbocharger are devices used to increase the
power of an IC engine by raising the intake pressure in order to
make more fuel to be burned per cycle.
Knock or autoignition phenomenon limits the amount of

An air compressor used for
forced induction of an internal
combustion engine.

gas compressor used for
forced induction of an internal
combustion engine.

The greater mass flow-rate for

more oxygen to support
turbocharger increases the
combustion, which allows more
pressure of air entering the
fuel to be burned and more work engine to create more power.
to be done per cycle, increasing
It has the compressor
the power output of the engine.

powered by a turbine.

Super Charger
They suck engine power simply
to produce engine power.
Theyre run off an engine belt
connected to the crankshaft, so
superchargers are significantly
less efficient
For lag this is where the
supercharger has its biggest
advantage. Since it is powered
by a belt, it always produces
boost, even at low RPM.

Turbo Charger
For efficiency the turbocharger
should be more economical as it
operates through energy created
by exhaust gases that would
otherwise be lost.
The turbo Needs to spool up its
turbine before making boost,
which creates lag.
The bigger the turbo the higher
the lag.

Classification of Internal
Combustion Engine
Method of Fuel Input for SI Engine
Multipoint Port Fuel Injection
Throttle Body Fuel Injection

Fuel-Air Mixing
In spark ignition engines the air and fuel are usually mixed
prior to entry into the cylinder.
The ratio of mass flow of air to the mass flow of fuel must be
held roughly constant at about 15 for proper combustion.
Initially a purely mechanical device known as a carburettor
was used to mix the fuel and the air.
Most modern cars use electronic fuel-injection systems.

Basic Carburettor
The carburettor has
two swivelling valves
above and below the
venturi. At the top,
there's a valve
called the choke that
regulates how much
air can flow in. If the
choke is closed, less
air flows down
through the pipe and
the venturi sucks in
more fuel, so the
engine gets a fuelrich mixture.

Fuel Injection System

A fuel injector is nothing but an Electronically Controlled Valve.
It is supplied with pressurized fuel by the fuel pump in your car,
and it is capable of opening and closing many times per second.
When the injector is energized, an electromagnet moves a plunger
that opens the valve, allowing the pressurized fuel to squirt out
through a tiny nozzle. The nozzle is designed to atomize the fuel
to make as fine a mist as possible so that it can burn easily.
The amount of fuel supplied to the engine is determined by the
amount of time the fuel injector stays open. This is called
the pulse width, and it is controlled by the ECU.
The injectors are mounted in the intake manifold so that they
spray fuel directly at the intake valves. A pipe called the fuel
rail supplies pressurized fuel to all of the injectors.
In order to provide the right amount of fuel, the engine control unit
is equipped with a whole lot of sensors.

Diesel Fuel Injection

With diesel engines fuel is sprayed directly into the cylinders power is
varied by metering the amount of fuel added (no throttle)
Diesel fuel injection systems operate at high-pressure.
fuel pressure must be greater than the compression pressure
need high fuel jet speed to atomize droplets small enough for rapid

Direct Injection (DI)

Hybrid engines that combines the best
features of SI and CI engines:
operate at optimum compression
ratio (12-15) for efficiency by injecting
fuel directly into engine during
compression (avoiding knock
associated with SI engines with
premixed charge)
ignite the fuel as it mixes (avoid fuelquality requirement of diesel fuel)
control engine power by fuel added
(no throttling no pumping work)
Need bowl in piston design
with high swirl in order to
achieve rapid fuel-air mixing

Direct-Injection StratifiedCharge Engines

Create easily ignitable fuel-air mixture at the spark plug and a
leaner fuel-air mixture in the rest of the cylinder.
Lean burn results in lower emissions.

Classification of Internal
Combustion Engine
Fuel Used


Type of Cooling

Diesel Oil of Fuel Oil
Gas, Natural Gas,
Alcohol Ethyl,
Dual Fuel

Automobile, Truck,
Small Portable,
Chain Saw, Model

Air Cooled.
Liquid Cooled,
Water Cooled.

What are the five basic parts of any


Cylinder Head
The cylinder head is made up of
many channels or passageways.
These passageways are used as
a conduit to enable air and fuel, a
fluid mixture vital to efficient
engine operation, to reach the
combustion chamber. Exhaust
fumes also exit the combustion
chamber and reach the exhaust
valve via these passageways.

A cylinder is the central working
part of a reciprocating
engine or pump, the space in
which a piston travels. Multiple
cylinders are commonly arranged
side by side in a bank, or engine

Cylinder Arrangement



It is the moving component that is
contained by a cylinder and is
made gas-tight by piston rings. In
an engine, its purpose is to
transfer force from expanding gas
in the cylinder to
the crankshaft via a piston
rod and/or connecting rod.

Connecting Rod
The connecting rod connects the
piston to the crankshaft. It can
rotate at both ends so that its
angle can change as the piston
moves and the crankshaft rotates.
Connecting rods are commonly
made from cast aluminum alloy
and are designed to withstand
dynamic stresses from
combustion and piston

The crankshaft transforms the
linear motion of the pistons into a
rotational motion that is
transmitted to the load.

Other important components

Spark Plug
To produce the sparks necessary to ignite the gas and air in the
engine, initiating a combustion reaction that provides energy to
run the engine
Engine valves are located in the cylinder head. The main function
of the engine valves is to let air in and out of the cylinders. That air
is used to help ignite the fuel which will drive the pistons up and
There are two types of engine valves; intake and exhaust valves.
Intake valves: Let air in
Exhaust valves: To let exhaust air out

Air Cleaner
Prevents abrasive particulate
matter from entering the engine's
cylinders, where it would cause
mechanical wear and oil


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