UNIX Essentials Module 4

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Unix Essentials

Solaris 10
Module 4

Manipulating and Managing Files and Directories

Using Commands Within the Shell

Using the vi Editor
Using Basic File Permissions
Conguring Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Module 4

Copying Files and Directories


can copy a le or a directory from one place

to another using the cp command. The cp
command copies les to a specied target le or
directory. The target le or directory is the last
argument in the command.

Module 4

Example :

To copy the le named file3 to a new le named feathers, within the user1
directory, perform the cp command.

$ cd

$ pwd /export/home/user1

$ ls


practice dir1

$ cp file3 feathers

$ ls


dante_1 dir3





fruit2 dante_1 dir3
file.2 file2 fruit tutor.vi



feathers file.3









Module 4

Copying Multiple Files

To copy

multiple les to a different directory, use

the cp command with multiple le names for the
source and use a single directory name for the

Module 4


To copy the feathers le and the feathers_6 le from the user1 directory into
the dir1 subdirectory, perform the cp command.

$ pwd


$ ls dir1

coffees fruit

$ cp feathers feathers_6 dir1

$ ls dir1

coffees feathers feathers_6 fruit trees


Module 4

Preventing Overwrites to Existing Files While Copying

To prevent

overwriting existing les when copying

new les, you can use the cp command with the -i
option. When you use the -i option, the system
prompts you for a conrmation before overwriting
existing les with new ones.
A yes response permits the overwrite.

A no response prevents the cp command from

overwriting the target le.
Module 4

Copying Directories

can use the cp command with the -r option to

copy a directory recursively. If the target
directory does not exist, the cp -r command
creates a new directory with that name. If the
target directory exists already, the cp -r command
creates a new sub-directory with that name,
below the destination directory.

Module 4

Cp -option sources target

The Source option is one or more directory names.
The Target option is a single directory name. To
copy the contents of the dir3 directory to a new
directory named dir10, perform the cp -r command.
Both directories are in the user1 directory.

Module 4

Moving and Renaming Files and


can use the mv command to rename a single

le within the same directory.

For example, use the mv command to rename the

dante le to dantenew and then back again.

$ pwd
$ mv dante dantenew
$ ls
dantenew dir10 dir4 feathers_6 file.3 file.3 fruit dante
dante_1 dir2 dir5 file.1 file1 fruit2 practice
dir1 dir3 feathers file.2 file2 file4 tutor.vi
Module 4

Moving a File to Another Directory


can use the mv command to move a le to a

different directory.


Source option is the old le or directory

name. The Target option is the new le or
directory name.

Module 4

To move

the brands le from the coffees directory

into the user1 directory, perform the mv

$ cd ~/dir1/coffees
$ pwd
$ ls
beans brands nuts $ mv brands ~
$ ls
beans nuts
$ cd
$ pwd
$ ls -l brands
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 staff

0 Jul 29 09:09 brands

Module 4

Moving a Directory and Its Contents


can use the mv command to move a directory

and its contents to a different directory.

You can use the mv command to move a directory and its contents to a different
$ cd
$ pwd
$ ls practice
project2 projection research results
$ mv practice letters
$ ls letters
project2 projection research results

Module 4

Renaming a Directory

can use the mv command to rename directories

within the current directory.
To rename the dir5 directory to dir5new, perform the mv command.
$ cd
$ pwd
$ mv dir5 dir5new
$ ls



$ mv dir5new dir5
$ ls
brands dir2 dir10 file.2 file3 letters
dante dir3 feathers file.3 file4 tutor.vi
dir4 feathers_6 file1 fruit
dir1 dir5 file.1 file2 fruit2

Module 4

Creating Files and Directories


can create new les and directories within

the directory hierarchy using the touch and mkdir
commands. The touch command creates a new,
empty le, and the mkdir command creates a new

Module 4

Creating Empty Files


can use absolute or relative path names on

the command line when creating new les.

To create an empty le named space in the dir3 directory, perform the touch
$ pwd
$ cd dir3
$ ls
$ touch space
$ ls
planets space
Module 4

Creating Directories

can use the mkdir command with a directory_name

to create directories. If the directory_name includes a
path name, use the mkdir command with the -p option.
The command used with the -p option creates all of
the non-existing parent directories that do not yet
exist in the path to the new directory. The syntax for
the mkdir command includes:
Mkdir directory_name
mkdir -p directory_names
Module 4

To create

a new directory, named Reports, within

the user1 directory, use the mkdir command.
$ cd
$ pwd
$ mkdir Reports
$ ls -ld Reports
drwxr-xr-x 2 user1 staff 512 Mar 14 16:24 Reports

Module 4

Removing Files and Directories


can permanently remove les and directories

from the directory hierarchy. You can use the rm
command to remove les and directories. You can
use the rmdir command to remove empty
directories. Files and directories are removed
without prompting you for conrmation.

Module 4

Removing Files

can use the rm command to remove a le or

multiple les on the same command line.


syntax for the rm command is:

rm - option filename

Module 4

To remove the le named projection from the letters directory, perform the
rm command.

$ cd ~/letters
$ ls
mailbox project2 projection research
$ rm projection
$ ls
mailbox project2 research results


To remove the research le and the project2 le from the letters directory,
perform the rm command.

$ pwd
mailbox project2 research results
$ rm research project2
$ ls
mailbox results

Module 4

The -i option prompts you for conrmation before removing any le:

A yes response completes the removal of the le.

A no response prevents the rm command from removing the le.

To remove the contents of a directory, perform the rm command with the -i


$ rm -i *
rm: remove file1:
rm: remove file2:
rm: remove file3:
rm: remove file4:



$ ls

Module 4

Removing Directories

are two ways to remove directories. You

can use the rmdir command to remove empty
directories. You can use the rm command with the
-r option to remove directories that contain les
and subdirectories.

To remove

a directory in which you are currently

working, you must change to its parent directory.

Module 4

Removing an Empty Directory

You can use the rmdir command to remove empty directories.

If a directory is not empty, the rmdir command displays the following error

rmdir: directory directory_name : Directory not empty

To remove the empty directory, perform the rmdir command.

$ cd
$ pwd
$ cd newdir
$ ls -F
$ rmdir empty $ ls $

Module 4

Removing a Directory With Contents


can use the rm command with the -r option to

remove directories that contain les and


syntax for the rm command is:

- options directories


you do not use the -r option, the following error

message appears:


directoryname : is a directory.
Module 4

Options for the rm Command




Includes the contents of a directory and the contents of all

subdirectories when you remove a directory


Prevents the accidental removal of existing les or directories

The -i option prompts you for conrmation before removing a le or directory.

A yes response completes the removal.
A no response prevents the removal.
Module 4

Using Symbolic Links

Files (and directories) might be located on several different le systems. You

can use symbolic links to link les that are in different le systems.

There are two main reasons you might choose to use symbolic links:

To move les to a new location This includes moving a directory on a

different disk (partition) but leaving a link so that other users do not need to
know about the move.
To provide a convenient name for a le rather than the original name,
which might be complicated or unknown When accessing a oppy disk, a user
can type ls /floppy/floppy0 without having to nd out what the oppy disk is

Module 4

A le system is a collection of certain types of les, organized

for administrative convenience. The organization of these les
enables you to store les that need to be shared on one
machine. These shared les can be accessed by many machines
by using a remote le access mechanism.

A symbolic link is a pointer that contains the path name to

another le or directory. The link makes the le or directory
easier to access if it has a long path name. A symbolic link le is
identied by the letter l in the le-type eld. To view symbolic
link les, perform the ls -l command.

Module 4

Creating Symbolic Links

You can use the ln -s command to create a symbolic link

le. You can use either relative or absolute path names to
create a symbolic link le. The le name for the symbolic
link appears in the directory in which it was created.

The syntax for the ln -s command is:

ln s source_file target_file

The source_file variable refers to the le to which you

create the link.The target_file variable refers to the name
of the symbolic link. When creating a symbolic link, the
source_file might not already exist. If the source_file does
not exist, a symbolic link that points to a non-existing le
is created
Module 4

To create a symbolic link le, named dante_link, to thedante le, perform the
ln -s command.

$ cd
$ pwd
$mv dante /var/tmp
$ ln -s /var/tmp/dante dante_link

$ ls F
Reports/ dante_link@ dir3/
feathers_6 file1 fruit
brands dir1/
file2 fruit2
dir10/ dir5/
dante_1 dir2/ feathers file.3
file4 tutor.vi

$cat dante_link
The Life and Times of Dante

By Dante Pocai
Mention Alighieri and few may know about whom you are talking. Say
Dante, instead, and the whole world knows whom you mean. For Dante Alighieri,
like Raphael, Michelangelo, Galileo, etc. is usually referred to by his first name. ...
(output truncated)

Module 4

Removing Symbolic Links

You can use the rm command to remove a symbolic link le in the same
manner as you would remove a standard le.

To remove the dante_link symbolic link le, perform the rm command.

$ cd
$ pwd
$ ls -l dante_link
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user1 staff
5 Nov 19 14:45 dante_link -> dante
$ rm dante_link
$cat dante
No such file or directory
$ ls dante dante_link
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 staff
5 Nov 19 14:45 dante
dante_link: No such file or directory
$ mv /var/tmp/dante ~/dante
Module 4

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