Time Domain Analysis

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Chapter 3

Time Domain Circuit Analysis

First Order And Second Order

Response Of RL And RC Circuit
First-Order and Second-Order Response of RL
and RC Circuit

• Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

• Step Response of RL and RC Circuit
• General solutions for natural and step response
• Introduction to the natural and step response of RLC
• Natural response of series and parallel RLC circuit
• Step response of series and parallel RLC circuit
Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

•RL- resistor-inductor
•First-order circuit: RL or RC circuit
because their voltages and currents are
described by first-order differential
•Natural response: refers to the behavior
(in terms of voltages and currents) of the
circuit, with no external sources of
Natural response of RC circuit
Consider the conditions below:
1. At t < 0, switch is in a closed position for
along time.
2. At t=0, the instant when the switch is
3. At t > 0, switch is not close for along
•For t ≤ 0, v(t) = V0 also V(0).
du 1
For t ≥ 0:  dv
u RC
ic  iR  0 v (t ) 1 1 t

dv(t ) v(t )
 0
V0 u du   RC  0
dt R
dv(t ) v(t ) ln v(t )  ln V0   (t  0)
 0 RC
dt RC
dv(t ) v(t )  v(t )  t
 ln     voltage
dt RC  V0  RC
dv(t ) 1
 dt v(t )  V (0) e  t RC
v(t ) RC
Thus for t > 0,  t RC
v(t )  V0 e
Where V0 
R  Rg
v(t ) V0 t
ic (t )    e

W (t )  C v(t )   C V0 e
1 2 1 2
 2t

2 2
The graph of the natural response of
RC circuit

v(t )  V0 t 0
 t RC
 V0 e t 0
Time Constant (τ)= RC
•The time constant, τ = RC and thus,
 t
v(t )  V (0) e
•The time constant, τ determine how fast the
voltage reach the steady state:
Natural response of RL circuit
Consider the conditions below:
1. At t < 0, switch is in a closed position for
along time.
2. At t=0, the instant when the switch is
3. At t > 0, switch is not close for along
•For t ≤ 0, i(t) = I0
For t > 0,
v(t )  R i (t )  0 i (t ) 1 R t
di (t )
 R i (t )  0
i (0) u
du    dv
L 0

dt R
di (t ) ln i (t )  ln i (0)   (t  0)
L   R i (t ) L
di (t ) R  i (t )  R current
  dt ln    t
i (t ) L  i (0)  L
du R t R L
  dv i (t )  i (0) e
u L
•Thus for t > 0,

t R L
i(t )  I 0 e w(t )  Li (t ) 
1 2

v(t )  i (t ) R 1 2  2t R L
t R L  LI 0 e
  RI 0 e 2
The switch in the circuit has been closed
for along time before is opened at t=0.
a) IL (t) for t ≥ 0
b) I0 (t) for t ≥ 0+
c) V0 (t) for t ≥ 0+
d) The percentage of the total energy
stored in the 2H inductor that is
dissipated in the 10Ω resistor.

a) The switch has been closed for along time

prior to t=0, so voltage across the inductor
must be zero at t = 0-. Therefore the initial
current in the inductor is 20A at t = 0-.
Hence iL (0+) also is 20A, because an
instantaneous change in the current
cannot occur in an inductor.
• The equivalent resistance and time

Req  2  40 10  10

L 2
   0.2 sec
Req 10
• The expression of inductor current, iL(t) as,

  t
i L (t )  i(0 ) e
 20 e A t0
b) The current in the 40Ω resistor can
be determine using current division,

 10 
i0  i L  
 10  40 
•Note that this expression is valid for
t ≥ 0+ because i0 = 0 at t = 0-.
•The inductor behaves as a short circuit
prior to the switch being opened,
producing an instantaneous change in the
current i0. Then,

5t 
i0 (t )  4e A t0
c) The voltage V0 directly obtain using
Ohm’s law

V0 (t )  40i0
5t 
 160e V t0
d) The power dissipated in the 10Ω
resistor is
p10 (t ) 
10t 
 2560 e W t0
•The total energy dissipated in the 10Ω
resistor is

W10 (t )   2560e 10t

 256 J
•The initial energy stored in the 2H
inductor is

1 2
W ( 0)  L i ( 0)
 2 400   400 J
• Therefore the percentage of energy
dissipated in the 10Ω resistor is,

100  64%
First-Order and Second-Order Response of RL
and RC Circuit

• Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

• Step Response of RL and RC Circuit
• General solutions for natural and step response
• Sequential switching
• Introduction to the natural and step response of RLC
• Natural response of series and parallel RLC circuit
• Step response of series and parallel RLC circuit
Step response of RC circuit (The complete response)

• The step response of a circuit is its behavior when the

excitation is the step function, which maybe a voltage
or a current source.
Consider the conditions below:
1. At t < 0, switch is at ‘a’.
2. At t=0, the instant when the switch is
moved from ‘a’ to ‘b’.
3. At t > 0, switch is at ‘b’.
•For t ≤ 0, v(t)=V0
1 du
For t > 0,  dv 
RC u V
V  vc (t )  Ri (t )
 ln vc (t )  Vs   ln V0  V 

dvc (t ) RC
V  vc (t )  RC t  vc (t )  V 
dt   ln  
RC  V0  V 
1 dv (t )  
dt 
vc (t )  V  V0  V e
 t RC
RC V  vc (t )

dt 
dvc (t )  V  0  V e  t

RC vc (t )  V  t RC
vc (t )  V (1  e )u (t )
• The current for step response of RC circuit

i (t )  C
 V   t RC
  e u (t )
Step response of RL circuit
Consider the conditions below:
1. At t < 0, switch is in a opened position
for along time.
2. At t=0, the instant when the switch is
3. At t > 0, switch is not open for along
•iL(t)=0 for t ≤ 0.
 For t > 0,
V  RiL (t )  v(t )

V  Ri L (t )  L
diL (t )
iL (t )  V
R 
 0 V
R e t R L

t R L
V L diL (t ) iL (t )  V
R (1  e )
 iL (t ) 
R R dt
R diL (t )
dt  V
L R  iL (t )

R diL (t )
 dt 
L iL  R
•Thus, if we have some finite value of
i(t) ie. I0
iL (t )  I 0 t0
 V

 I0  R e
 t R L
diL (t )
vL (t )  L t0
 V  R I 0 e t R L
First-Order and Second-Order Response of RL
and RC Circuit

• Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

• Step Response of RL and RC Circuit
• General solutions for natural and step response
• Sequential switching
• Introduction to the natural and step response of RLC
• Natural response of series and parallel RLC circuit
• Step response of series and parallel RLC circuit
General solutions for natural and step
• There is common pattern for voltages, currents and energies:

v(t )  V f  V0  V f e  t

i(t )  I f  I 0  I f e  t

W (t )  W f  W0  W f e 2 t 
The general solution can be compute

x(t )  x f  x0  x f  e  t
Write out in words:

the unknown  the final   the initial   the final 

    t
 var iable as a   value of the   value of the  value of the  e time cons tan t

       
 function of time  var iable   var iable   var iable
 
When computing the step and natural responses of
circuits, it may help to follow these steps:
1. Identify the variable of interest for the circuit. For RC
circuits, it is most convenient to choose the capacitive
voltage, for RL circuits, it is best to choose the inductive
2. Determine the initial value of the variable, which is its
value at t0.
3. Calculate the final value of the variable, which is its
value as t→∞.
4. Calculate the time constant of the circuit, τ.
First-Order and Second-Order Response of RL
and RC Circuit

• Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

• Step Response of RL and RC Circuit
• General solutions for natural and step response
• Introduction to the natural and step response of RLC
• Natural response of series and parallel RLC circuit
• Step response of series and parallel RLC circuit
First-Order and Second-Order Response of RL
and RC Circuit

• Natural response of RL and RC Circuit

• Step Response of RL and RC Circuit
• General solutions for natural and step response
• Sequential switching
• Introduction to the natural and step response of RLC
• Natural response of series and parallel RLC circuit
• Step response of series and parallel RLC circuit
•Assume that v  Ae st

As st A st
As e 
2 st
e  e 0
 2 s 1 
Ae  s 
 0
 RC
LC 
characteristic equation
•Characteristic equation is zero:

 2 s 1 
s   0
 RC LC 
•The two roots:

1  1  1
s1      
2 RC  2 RC  LC
1  1  1
s2      
2 RC  2 RC  LC
Parameter Terminology Value in natural
s1, s2 equation
s1     2  0

s2     2  0

α Neper frequency
2 RC
Resonant radian

0 frequency 1
0 
The process for finding the overdamped
response, v(t) :
1. Find the roots of the characteristic
equation, s1 dan s2, using the value of R,
L and C.
2. Find v(0+) and dv(0+)/dt using circuit
3. Find the values of A1 and A2 by solving equation below

v(0 )  A1  A2

4. Substitute the value for s1, s2, A1 dan A2 to determine the

expression for v(t) for t ≥ 0.

 
dv(0 ) iC (0 )
  s1 A1  s2 A2
dt C
•Example of overdamped voltage
response for v(0) = 1V and i(0) = 0
Underdamped voltage response

•When ωo2 > α2, the roots of the

characteristic equation are complex
and the response is underdamped.
Example of underdamped voltage
response for v(0) = 1V and i(0) = 0
Critically Damped voltage response
•A circuit is critically damped when ωo2 =
α2 ( ωo = α). The two roots of the
characteristic equation are real and
equal that is,

s1  s2    
2 RC
•The solution for the voltage is
t t
v(t )  D1t e  D2 e
•The two simultaneous equation needed to
determine D1 and D2 are,

v(0 )  V0  D2
 
dv(0 ) iC (0 )
  D1  D2
dt C
Example of the critically damped
voltage response for v(0) = 1V and i(0)
The step response of a
parallel RLC circuit
•From the KCL,

iL  iR  iC  I
v dv
iL   C I
R dt
•Because v  L
dv d iL
•We get L 2
dt dt
L diL d iL
iL   LC 2  I
R dt dt
d iL 1 diL iL I
  
dt RC dt LC LC
•There is two approach to solve the
equation that is direct approach and
indirect approach.
Indirect approach

•From the KCL:

1 t v dv
L  0
vd 
 C
 I
•Differentiate once with respect to t:

v 1 dv d v
 C 2  0
L R dt dt
d v 1 dv v
   0
dt RC dt LC
•The solution for v depends on the roots of
the characteristic equation:

v  A1 e  A2 e
s1t s2t

 t
v  B1 e cos d t
 B2 e sin d t
t t
v  D1t e  D2 e
•Substitute into KCL equation :

 
iL  I  A1 e  A2 e
s1t s2t

 t
iL  I  B1 e cos d t
 t
 B2 e sin d t
  t   t
iL  I  D1 t e  D2 e
Direct approach

•It is much easier to find the primed

constants directly in terms of the initial
values of the response function.

     
A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 , D1 , D2
•The primed constants could be find

and diL (0)

iL (0)
•The solution for a second-order
differential equation equals the
forced response plus a response
function identical in form to natural
•If If and Vf is the final value of the
response function, the solution for the
step function can be write in the form,

Function of the same form 

i  If   
as the natural response 
function of the same form 
v  Vf   
as the natural response 
Natural response of a series RLC
•The procedures for finding the natural
response of a series RLC circuit is the
same as those to find the natural
response of a parallel RLC circuit because
both circuits are described by differential
equations that have same form.
Example 1 (Step response of parallel RLC)

The initial energy stored in the circuit is zero.

At t = 0, a DC current source of 24mA is
applied to the circuit. The value of the resistor
is 400Ω.
1. What is the initial value of iL?
2. What is the initial value of diL/dt?
3. What is the roots of the characteristic equation?
4. What is the numerical expression for iL(t) when t ≥ 0?
1. No energy is stored in the circuit prior to
the application of the DC source, so the
initial current in the inductor is zero. The
inductor prohibits an instantaneous
change in inductor current, therefore
iL(0)=0 immediately after the switch has
been opened.
2. The initial voltage on the capacitor is zero
before the switch has been opened,
therefore it will be zero immediately
after. Because

di L thus di L (0 )
vL 0
dt dt
3. From the circuit elements,
1 10
0 2
   16  10 8

LC (25)(25)
1 10
 
2 RC (2)( 400)( 25)
 5 10 rad / s
4   25  10
2 8
•Thus the roots of the characteristic
equation are real,

s1  5  10  3  10
4 4

 20 000 rad / s

s 2  5  10  3  10
4 4

 80 000 rad / s

4. The inductor current response will
be overdamped.

 
i L  I f  A1 e  A2 es1t s2t
•Two simultaneous equation:

 
i L (0)  I f  A1  A2  0
di L (0)  
 s1 A1  s 2 A2  0
 
A1  32mA A2  8mA
• Numerical solution:

 24  32e 20000t

iL (t )   80000t

  8e 
for t0
Example 2 (step response
of series RLC)

• No energy is stored in the

100mH inductor or 0.4µF
capacitor when switch in the
circuit is closed. Find vC(t) for t ≥
•The roots of the characteristic equation:

 280 
280 10
s1      
0. 2  0.2  0.10.4
  1400  j 4800 rad / s
s 2   1400  j 4800 rad / s
•The roots are complex, so the voltage
response is underdamped. Thus:

 1400t
vC  48  B1 e cos 4800t
 1400t
 B2 e sin 4800t t0
•No energy is stored in the circuit
initially, so both vC(0) and dvC(0+)/dt
are zero. Then:

vC (0)  0  48  B1

dvC (0 )  
 0  4800 B2  1400 B1
•Solving for B1’and B2’yields,

B1  48V

B2  14V
•Thus, the solution for vC(t),

 48  48 e1400t
cos 4800t 
vC (t )   1400t

  14 e sin 4800t 
for t0
Series RLC circuit- The Complete Response

Step response of series RLC

BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Series RLC circuit- The Complete Response

Using KVL,

v  Ri  L  vC
• The current, i is related to the capacitor voltage
(vC ) by expression,

dv C
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
Series RLC circuit- The Complete Response

Differentiate once i with respect to t

di d 2 vC
 C
dt dt 2
• Substitute into KVL equation,

d vC R dvC vC V
  
dt L dt LC LC
BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
Series RLC circuit- The Complete Response

Three possible solution for vC are,

 
vC  V f  A1 e s1t
 A2 e s2t

vC  V f  B1 e t cos  d t

 B2 e t sin d t

  t   t
vC  V f  D1 t e  D2 e

BITS Pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

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