HIV Awareness Survey Questionnaire

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Republic of the Philippines


Magsaysay, Alicia, Isabela
A.Y. 2019 – 2020
As part of the research study entitled “PREVENTION THAN CURE: A Study About the
HIV Awareness of High School Students from the School of Our Lady of Atocha, Inc.,” the
following survey questionnaire aims to assess the awareness of the respondents regarding HIV.
Kindly answer the following questions to the best of your ability to ensure accurate findings. All
information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Age: ______ Sex: Male Female Grade level: 7 8 9 10 11 12

Instruction. Shade the circle of your corresponding answers.
A. Basic Knowledge
1. Have you ever heard of AIDS or of 6. Can a person infected with HIV look
HIV? healthy?
Yes Yes
No No
2. If yes, through which sources did 7. Have you ever heard about
you hear about HIV or AIDS? Voluntary Counseling and Testing
(Choose three) for HIV?
Radio Yes
Television No
Billboard or Hand bills 8. Have you ever heard about
Newspaper/Magazine Antiretroviral drugs for HIV/AIDS?
Family Member Yes
Doctor or Nurses No
Infected persons 9. Antiretroviral drugs can cure
Community Leaders HIV/AIDS.
School Yes
Church No
Friends 10. Antiretroviral drugs can prolong the
Other (Specify): life of the people infected with
________________ HIV/AIDS
3. If you heard about HIV or AIDS Agree
from a family member, who did you Disagree
hear from? 11. Are you aware of any programs from
Parent the Municipality of Alicia that are
Siblings intended to help prevent infection
Other (Specify): with HIV/AIDS?
_______________ Yes
4. Can someone die from AIDS? No
Yes 12. If YES, have you had any direct
No contact with any of these local HIV
5. Is there a cure for AIDS? prevention programs
Yes Yes
No No
B. Advanced Knowledge HIV attacks the heart muscle and
leads to cases of cardiomyopathy
1. What does HIV stand for?
7. Testing for HIV is most accurate…
Human Internal Virulence
Immediately after you think you
Homosexual Integration Virus
may have contracted the virus
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
About 2 – 4 weeks after you may
Hidden Integration Virus
have contracted the virus
2. About how many people are
About 3 – 6 months after you
currently infected with HIV
may have contracted the virus
About 2 – 3 years after you may
4 million
have contracted the virus
25 million
8. The Risk of HIV transmission is
37 million greatest
50 million Within 3 months after initial
3. AIDS is a sexually transmitted infection
6 months to 1 year after initial
True infection
False 2 – 3 years after initial infection
4. What is AIDS in reference to HIV? An HIV infected person is prone
AIDS is a disease immediately to the same rate of infection,
contracted upon HIV regardless of time after infection
AIDS is a late stage HIV 9. Condoms are approximately how
AIDS and HIV are both viruses effective in preventing HIV
AIDS and HIV are both diseases transmission
5. HIV can only be transmitted sexually 69%
True 36%
False 57%
6. What does the HIV virus do to the 98%
human body? 10. The majority of the world’s HIV
HIV directly causes a fatal infected population resides in…
pneumonia infection The Middle East
HIV targets and attacks genital The United States0
and reproductive organs Sub-Saharan America
HIV targets and attacks the South Asia
immune system

1. Social awareness prevents spread of HIV

2. Once infected with HIV, can patients transfer the
virus at all stages?
3. HIV spreads by sharing food or utensils
4. HIV spreads by being near HIV infected people
5. HIV spreads by shaking hands with HIV infected
6. HIV spreads by hugging HIV infected people

7. HIV spreads by spreads by mosquito bites

8. HIV spreads by sharing needle with HIV patients

9. HIV spreads by blood transfusion

10. HIV spreads from infected mother to child

11. HIV spreads by sexual contact with infected
12. HIV spreads by saliva

13. Condoms prevent the spread of HIV

14. There is definitive treatment for HIV

15. Abstaining from sex prevents spread of HIV

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