The Many Faces of The World

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The Many Faces of the World

What can they tell us about the people who made them?

Masks are a universal cultural

link being found in most
nations all over the world.
Masks connect us through the
commonality of the power of
the human imagination. They
form a silent language which
is understood all over the
world and which defines the
essence of human expressions
and emotions at various
levels- spiritual, religious,
and material.

While it is perfectly
acceptable to enjoy masks
from many cultures as rich
colorful works of art, one
can gain a deeper
understanding by
considering how masks
are used in a particular
culture and the meanings
or traditions that wearing
the masks brings.

Masks were used before

recorded history. On a
cave wall in southern
France is the 15,000year-old drawing of a
masked dancer wearing
animal horns. Ice age
hunter probably wore
this mask to
communicate with the
spirit world they
believed in to help them
find food.

In general, masks have several

important social functions: (1)
to conceal ones identity (as in
masquerade party); (2) to
frighten or amuse (as in
Halloween); (3) for ritual (as in
religious or magic ceremonies)
or (4) for performances ( as in
actors and dancers). Most
nations all over the world have
a cultural past which includes

There are three basic types of

masks: the helmet mask, which
covers the wearers entire head; the
face mask, which covers the face;
and the headdress mask, which sits
on top pf the head.

Although today masks are

worn mostly for fun, some
have serious uses. The surgeon
wears a mask to protect her
from getting germs, the soldier
a gas mask to protect him from
poisonous fumes; and a
football or hockey player
wears one to avoid injury to
his face.

A mask may also be

any 2-d or 3-d
representation of a
face, like an Egyptian
mummys face
depicting the face of
the deceased. One of
the most famous is the
death mask of the boy
king, the Pharaoh

A mask can also

be make-up that
covers and
disguises the face
like that of a
mime or and
actor in Japanese
kabuki theatre.

Here are some of the many masks used in different

parts of the world and the reasons for wearing them.

United States of America

Native Americans
have a rich history in
mask making. They
wore masks in many
of their ceremonies.
Mardi Gras French for
Fat Tuesday, a
celebration held annually
in New Orleans,
Louisiana. Parades,
dances, and parties mark
the occasion.


Halloween is
celebrated in the
USA like in many
other countries.
Masks are a big part
of Halloween.

African masks often
represent the spirits
of dead ancestors.
Masked family
members act out
special rituals to
pass on sacred
teachings from one
generation to the
Tribal gatherings, festivals and other ceremonies are also occasions
for which masks are worn.


These masks and costumes can be traced back to the commedia

del arte of the 16th century. It is a traveling show of musicians,
acrobats, actors, and poets.

This mask is from the
Himilayan country of Sikkim.
It represents the Lord of the
Dead, Mahakalla, who is
featured at the New Years
Festivals. As in other cultures
that have such a character,
Mahakalla took the souls of
the dead from the world of
the living to the world of the
dead. By acting out these
myths each year, adults pass
the story on to young people.



These are the masks of

comedy and tragedy. They
are used to symbolize the
modern theatre but
originated in the Greece
islands, where theatre was a
very important part of life
thousands of years ago. All
major seasonal festivals
were occasions for masked
performances. The Greeks
used the masks for a simple
reason: to enable the
audience to see characters
on stage more easily.


When a native of Bali,

a tiny island in the
South Pacific, is
performing a sacred
temple dance, it is
believed that the gods
being portrayed are
attending the

In northeastern India there is
a three day spring dance
festival held in honor of the
gods Shiva and Surya. Shiva
represented by this mask, is
the creator and the destroyer
of the universe; Surya is the
goddess of the sun. Stories
about the gods are acted out
in ballet like dance dramas.

The beautifully hand carved
wooden masks of Japans
theatre were first used about
600 years ago in religious
plays that were only seen by
priests and nobility. Today
anyone can attend the plays.
Artists carve the delicate
masks out of lightweight
wood. Old people, gods,
goddesses and goblins are
among the characters in the


This false face mask is an example

of a kind of mask made by the
Native Americans of what is now
Canada and United States. It was
used to chase away the evil spirits
that were believed to have entered a
persons body and made the person
sick. The design of the mask was
carved removed without killing the
tree. It was thought that the spirit of
the tree would enter the mask and
make it more powerful. Horsehair
hairs and animal teeth were
sometimes added to the mask.


Throughout Mexico, The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos), is

celebrated on November 1st and 2nd each year.

In a Halloween like spirit of fun, the souls of the dead

are invited to return to earth to enjoy their family and
friends again. People in parades wear masks.

The use of masks

today still get our
attention, even
though the focus
has gone from
the performing
arts and religious
ceremonies to the

However, whether it is made of wood or metal or

fabric- the mask still continues to be a source of
mystery and fascination and gives us a way to
escape from our busy everyday lives that are
seeped in technology and automation.

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