Mishkin PPT Ch21

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The document discusses monetary and fiscal policy using the IS-LM model framework. It explores factors that can shift the IS and LM curves and how changes in monetary and fiscal policy can impact aggregate output and interest rates.

The document mentions that changes in autonomous consumer expenditure, planned investment spending unrelated to interest rates, government spending, taxes, and net exports unrelated to interest rates can shift the IS curve.

The document states that changes in the money supply and autonomous changes in money demand can shift the LM curve.

Chapter 21

Monetary and
Fiscal Policy in
the ISLM Model

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Factors that Shift the IS

A change in autonomous factors that is
unrelated to the interest rate
Changes in autonomous consumer expenditure
Changes in planned investment spending
unrelated to the interest rate
Changes in government spending
Changes in taxes
Changes in net exports unrelated to the
interest rate

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FIGURE 1 Shift in the IS Curve

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Factors that Shift the LM

Changes in the money supply
Autonomous changes in money demand

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FIGURE 2 Shift in the LM Curve from an

Increase in the Money Supply

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FIGURE 3 Shift in the LM Curve

When Money Demand Increases

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Response to a Change in
Monetary Policy
An increase in the money supply creates an
excess supply of money
The interest rate declines
Investment spending and net exports rise
Aggregate demand rises
Aggregate output rises
The excess supply of money is eliminated
Aggregate output is positively related to the
money supply
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FIGURE 4 Response of Aggregate Output and

the Interest Rate to an Increase in the Money

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Response to a Change in
Fiscal Policy
An increase in government spending raises
aggregate demand directly; a decrease in
taxes makes more income available for
The increase in aggregate demand cause
aggregate output to rise
A higher level of aggregate output increases
the demand for money

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Response to a Change in
Fiscal Policy (contd)
The excess demand for money pushes the
interest rate higher
The rise in the interest rate eliminates the
excess demand for money
Aggregate output and the interest rate are
positively related to government spending
and negatively related to taxes

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FIGURE 5 Response of Aggregate Output and

the Interest Rate to an Expansionary Fiscal Policy

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Monetary versus Fiscal Policy

Complete crowding out
Expansionary fiscal policy does not lead to a rise
in output
Increased government spending increases the
interest rate and crowds out investment
spending and net exports

The less interest-sensitive money demand is,

the more effective monetary policy is
relative to fiscal policy

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Summary Table 1 Effects from Factors

That Shift the IS and LM Curves

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FIGURE 6 Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal

Policy When Money Demand Is Unaffected by the
Interest Rate

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Targeting Ms versus Interest

If the IS curve is more unstable (uncertain)
than the LM curve, a Ms target is preferable
If the LM curve is more unstable than the IS
curve, an interest-rate target is preferred

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FIGURE 7 Money Supply and Interest-Rate

Targets When the IS Curve Is Unstable and the
LM Curve Is Stable

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FIGURE 8 Money Supply and Interest-Rate

Targets When the LM Curve Is Unstable and the
IS Curve Is Stable

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ISLM Model in the Long Run

Natural rate level of output (Yn)
Rate of output at which the price level has no tendency
to change

Using real values, so when the price level changes,

the IS curve does not change
The LM curve is affected by the price level
As the price level rises, the quantity of money in real
terms falls, and the LM curve shifts to the left until it
reaches Yn (long-run monetary neutrality)

Neither monetary or fiscal policy affects output in

the long run
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FIGURE 9 ISLM Model in the Long


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FIGURE 10 Deriving the Aggregate

Demand Curve

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Deriving the Aggregate

Demand Curve
Aggregate demand curve: relationship
between the price level and quantity of
aggregate output for which the goods
market and market for money are in
As the price level increases, output falls.

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Shifts in the Aggregate

Demand Curve
ISLM analysis shows how the equilibrium
level of aggregate output changes for a
given price level
A change in any factor except the price level,
that causes the IS or LM curve to shift,
causes the aggregate demand curve to shift

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FIGURE 11 Shift in the Aggregate Demand

Curve Caused by a Shift in the IS Curve

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FIGURE 12 Shift in the Aggregate Demand

Curve Caused by a Shift in the LM Curve

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