Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and Innovation
2. Need for Creativity and Innovation in
Role of Creativity and Innovation in the
Dynamics that underlie Creative Thinking
What is Creativity?
Creativity is a function of knowledge, curiosity,
imagination, and evaluation. The greater your
knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more
ideas, patterns, and combinations you can
achieve, which then correlates to creating new
and innovative products and services.
But merely having the knowledge does not
guarantee the formation of new patterns.
Then the embryonic ideas must be evaluated
and developed into usable ideas. In other words,
there really is a process.
What is Creativity?
To help you master that process, you first
must understand three important levels of
creativity, which are discovery, invention,
and creation.
Discovery: The lower level of creativity is
discovery. Just as the name implies, it's when
you become aware of or stumble upon
something--discover it. For example, there is
art called "discovered art." It might be a rock
with a unique shape or a piece of wood with
an interesting pattern. If you have ever
purchased a piece of natural stone or wood
art, that art was discovered art. Many
What is Creativity?
Invention: A higher level of creativity is
invention. For example, Alexander Graham
Bell invented the telephone. But you have to
ask yourself, "Would the telephone have been
invented without Bell?" The answer is yes.
Eventually the telephone would have been
invented because the science was there. It
might have taken longer, but it would have
happened. So while invention is higher than
discovery, it's something that is going to
happen. If you don't invent it, someone else
What is Creativity?
Creation: Creation is the highest level of
creativity. For example, the stage play
Othellois genuinely a creation. Elizabethan
drama would have gone on without
Shakespeare, but no one else would have
writtenOthello. Similarly, there are things
that only your organization can create! The
key is tapping in to what those things are.
What is Creativity?
You might discover a tool, a technology, or a
process that you didn't know before. You
purchase the tool for your staff, and that
discovery helps everyone work better. After
some time, that discovery may also spur an
innovative idea of how to apply the discovery.
You may then use that innovative idea as an
inspiration that yields something never seen
before, something created by your company
that helps you and your customers. That's
how the three levels of creativity can work
Strategic Importance of
For both established organisations as well
as new organisations, innovation and
change become important in a dynamic,
changing environment. When a company
fails to innovate and change as needed, its
customers, employees and the community
at large can all suffer. The ability to
manage innovation and change is an
essential part of a managers
Types of Innovation
Three basic types of innovation
(i) Technical
(ii) Process and
(iii) Administrative
Technology and
Process Innovation
Process innovations are changes which affect
the methods of producing outputs. For
example, manufacturing practices such as
just-in-time, mass customerisation,
simultaneous or concurrent engineering are
all innovations.
Administrative innovation occurs
when creation of a new organisation
design better supports the creation,
production and delivery of goods and