Analysis, Specification and Estimate On Road Works

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Specification , Analysis and

Estimate on Road Works in


Er. A.K. Sahoo,

Assistant Executive
Mob: 9938177044
Email: [email protected]

Introduction :
What to do with Engineering Specification ?
Functions and composition of layers/
Road/ Building Construction Equipments
How you do analysis of Rate
How to measure an Item
Estimate framework
Q&A Session

Different Layers of a Road/ Highways
Suitable Road Materials as per MoRT&H, MORD
-Property of individual road materials like Aggregate, Sand,
Bitumen, Earth
-Properties of Mix/ Layers / components in Road
Road Machineries- MoRT&H/ MORD
- For different activities/ Road Components
Manpower requirements
- MoRT&H Data Book/ SOR/AoR(State Govt.)
Supervision and Measurement : Engineer-in-Charge / IS code
Other overhead expenses/ Miscellaneous Expenses, Road
Safety aspects

Types of Road and Governing Codes/

Road Classification

Flexible/ Back-Top Pavement:

Rigid/ Concrete Pavement
Semi-Rigid Pavement
The roads are again grouped as :
Single lane (3.5 m),
intermediate lane (5.5 m),
Double lane (7m with kerb or 7.5 m without kerb) and
multiple lanes (addl. 3.5 m for each lane) depending upon the
width of Carriageway.
On village roads, the width may be restricted to 3 m.
Roads are broadly classified as Rural Roads and Urban
Rural Roads - National Highways, SHs, MDRs, ODRs, VRs

Types of Road and Governing Codes/


To design and construction of the roads, Standards

prescribed in Indian Road Congress (IRC) Specifications and
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H)
specification are to be observed. Some of the IRC
Specifications frequently used for road construction are :
IRC 37:2012 Guidelines for the design of Flexible Pavement
IRC: SP-20:2002: Rural Roads Manual
IRC 81:1997 & 81:2001- Guidelines for Strengthening Road
pavements using Benkelman Bean Deflection Technique.
IRC 58:2011 - Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements
for Highways
IRC 15:2002- Standard Specification and code of Practices for
construction of concrete roads
IRC 86:1983 Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads
in Plains
IRC 73:1980 Geometric Design Standards for Rural (Nonurban)-Highways
IRC 64:1990 - Guidelines for capacity of Roads in Rural Areas

Types of Road and Governing Codes/

IRC : SP-20:2002 is to be adopted for formation of
road, construction of culvert and minor bridge in
village Roads and ODR having projected traffic
intensity less than 450 commercial vehicle per day
The input and parameter for appropriate design of
the pavement is based on traffic and soil strength.
IRC 37:2012 specification is used for designing
flexible pavements which includes bituminous
surfacing, granular base and granular base with
sub base courses conforming to IRC Standards or
to Section 500 and 400 of the Specification
for Roads and Bridge Works, Ministry of
Road Transport and Highways.

Cross Section of a Road

Layers of Flexible
Pavement(Bituminous Road)

Typical layers of a conventional flexible

pavement includes seal coat, surface course,
tack coat, binder course, prime coat, base
course, sub-base course, compacted sub-grade,
and natural sub-grade

Factors governing Thickness of the BT


Strength of S/G Soil : Soaked CBR value

Traffic Loading: CVD-> MSA [ use formula in IRC : 37]
Design Life of Pavement 15 Yrs for NH/SH -20 Years for Urban/ Expressway
Properties of Layers/ Mix response to fatigue and rutting / cracking if s.t.
ply loadings

Sub grade

The sub-grade is the foundation of the pavement structure, on which the

subbaseis laid. Intransport engineering,sub gradeis the native
material underneath a constructed road, pavement or railway track. It is
also calledformation level.

The top soil or sub-grade is a layer of natural soil prepared to receive the
stresses from the layers above. It is essential that at no time soil subgrade is overstressed. It should be compacted to the desirable density,
near the optimum moisture content.

The load-bearing strength of subgrade byCalifornia Bearing Ratio (CBR)

test ,falling weight deflectometer(FWD) backcalculationsand other

The sub grade should be compacted to 97% of the dry density achieved
with heavy compaction modified proctor density as per IS:2720 (Part 8) .
For Expressways, National Highways and State Highways, the material
used for sub grade construction should have the dry density of not less
than 1.75 gm/cc.

Sub-base is often the main load-bearing layer of the
pavement. Its role is to spread the load evenly over the
The materials used may be either
unbound granular,
orcement-bound. The quality of sub-base is very
important for the useful life of the road.
Material comprise natural sand, moorum, gravel, metal,
laterite crushed stone etc. and
Should have liquid limit and plasticity index of not more
than 25 and 6 respectively
Should have CBR value minimum of 20% for cumulative
traffic upto 2 msa and 30% exceeding 2 msa.
Where stage construction is adopted for pavements, the
thickness of sub-base shall be provided for ultimate
pavement section for the full design life.

The sub-base course is the layer of material beneath the base
course and the primary functions are to provide structural
support, improve drainage, and reduce the intrusion of fines
from the sub-grade in the pavement structure.If the base course
is open graded, then the sub-base course with more fines can
serve as a filler between sub-grade and the base course .
A sub-base course is not always needed or used. For example, a
pavement constructed over a high quality, stiff sub-grade may
not be needed.
For drainage consideration the granular sub base should be
extended over entire formation width in case of the sub grade
soil is of relatively low permeability.
The thickness of sub base in the extended portion should not be
less than 150 mm for traffic less than 10 msa and 200 mm for
design traffic of 10 msa & above.

To achieve the stipulated CBR value jobmix formula (using

gravel, gravel with sand, quarry dust etc) adopt MORTH
specification 5th revision

GSB Specifications
Granular Sub-base (GSB) materials conforming to
clause 401 of MORT&H specifications for road
and bridge works is recommended.
The sub-base material should have minimum
CBR of 20% for cumulative traffic up to 2 msa
and 30% for traffic exceeding 2 msa.
The material should be tested for CBR at the dry
density and moisture content expected in the
The thickness of sub-base should not be less
than 150 mm for design traffic less than 10 msa
and 200 mm for design traffic of 10 msa and

WMM/WBM- Base Course

The base course is the layer of material immediately
beneath the surface of binder course and it provides
additional load distribution and contributes to the subsurface drainage It may be composed of crushed stone,
crushed slag, and other untreated or stabilized materials.
The recommended minimum thickness of granular base is
225 mm for traffic upto 2 msa and 250 mm for traffic
exceeding 2 msa.
For heavily trafficked roads, use of WMM base laid by paver
finisher or motor grader is recommended.
Where WBM construction should be adopted in the base
course for roads carrying traffic more than 10 msa, the
thickness of WBM shall be increased from 250 mm to 300
This course/ layer must not crack under influence of traffic

Base Course- WBM/WMM

Granular base comprises water bound macadam (WBM),
wet mix macadam (WMM) or other equivalent granular
open graded mix: low fine content but after compaction
, the voids content remain fairly high @ 15-20 %.
where road carrying traffic more than 10 msa, the thickness
of WBM base shall be increased from 250 mm to 300 mm (i.e.
4 layers of WBM grade II and III each of 75 mm compacted
thickness) with corresponding reduction in the sub base
thickness keeping the overall pavement thickness unchanged
For heavy traffic road use WMM
WBM in layers of 75 mm thick of grade II & III used
Built up spray grout (BUSG) shall also be used for base in a
single course in pavement

Binder Course :BM/DBM

Lower part of road surfacing s.t. higher shear stress & tensile
stress from action of traffic load.
Contributes to the strength of pavement. Also provides an
even and well regulated surface upon which the wearing
course can be laid.
This layer provides the bulk of the asphalt concrete structure
hence dense graded mix are used. Fine content is high
compared to open graded macadamgood load spreading
characteristics & high resistance to deformation.
It's chief purpose is to distribute load to the base course.
The binder course generally consists of aggregates having less
asphalt and doesn't require quality as high as the surface
course, so replacing a part of the surface course by the binder
course results in more economical design.
For traffic load < 5 MSA, BM may be used.

Dense Bituminous Macadam(DBM)

DBM is recommended for road designed to carry
more than 5 msa.
DBM binder course may be preceded by a 75 mm
thick BM layer. when this is done, the thickness of
DBM layer will be suitably reduced.
10mm BM can be taken as equivalent to 7 mm
DBM shall be constructed in two layers when it is
more than 100 mm

Wearing/ Surface Course : BC/

SDBC/open grade premix carpet,
surface dressing
Surface course is the layer directly in contact with traffic loads (running
surface of road) and generally contains superior quality materials.
They are usually constructed with dense graded asphalt concrete(AC) for
traffic > 5 msa.
If open graded coarse aggregate mix to be used in wearing course, in
order to make the surface water proof, a surface dressing is required.
Design to withstand the direct effect of the traffic loading.
Provides an even and weather resistant (durable) surface to minimize
uneven settlement.
The functions and requirements of this layer are:
It provides characteristics such as friction, smoothness, drainage,
Also it will prevent the entrance of excessive quantities of surface
water into the underlying base, sub-base and sub-grade.
It must be tough to resist the distortion under traffic and provide a
smooth and skid- resistant riding surface.
It must be water proof to protect the entire base and sub-grade from
the weakening effect of water.
Mastic asphalt maybe used at bus-stops and intersections.

Seal Coat:
Seal coat is a thin surface treatment used to waterproof the surface and to provide skid resistance.
Tack Coat:
Tack coat is a very light application of asphalt,
usually asphalt emulsion diluted with water. It
provides proper bonding between two layer of binder
course and must be thin, uniformly cover the entire
surface, and set very fast.
Prime Coat:
Prime coat is an application of low viscous cutback
bitumen to an absorbent surface like granular bases
on which binder layer is placed. It provides bonding
between two layers. Unlike tack coat, prime coat
penetrates into the layer below, plugs the voids, and
forms a water tight surface.

Design concepts of IRC 37 Flexible

The IRC: 37-2001 based on a Mechanistic
Empirical approach,
the design life of pavement . is, till
the fatigue cracking in bituminous surface
extended to 20 per cent of the pavement surface
rutting in the pavement reached the terminal
rutting of 20 mm,
whichever happened earlier.
The IRC: 37-2012 based on a Scientific cum
Mechanical approach,
the design life of pavement . Is, the same

Design concepts of IRC 37 Flexible

These revised guidelines aim at





materials like cementitious and reclaimed

asphalt materials





modified version of FPAVE developed under

the Research Scheme R-56


Flexible pavements include pavements with
Bituminous surfacing over:
(i) Granular base and sub-base
(ii) Cementitious bases and sub-bases with a crack relief
layer of aggregate interlayer below the bituminous
(iii) Cementitious bases and sub-bases with SAMI inbetween bituminous surfacing and the cementitious base
layer for retarding the reflection cracks into the bituminous
(iv) Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) with or without
addition of fresh aggregates treated with foamed

New elements of IRC 37 2912

(i) Incorporation of design period of more than
fifteen years.
(ii) Computation of effective CBR of subgrade for
pavement design.
(iii) Use of rut resistant surface layer.
(iv) Use of fatigue resistant bottom bituminous
(v) Selection of surface layer to prevent top down
(vi) Use of bitumen emulsion/foamed bitumen
treated Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements in base

New elements of IRC 37 2912

(vii) Consideration of stabilized sub-base and
base with locally available soil and aggregates.
(viii) Design of drainage layer.
(ix) Computation of equivalent single axle load
considering (a) single axle with single wheels
(b) single axle with dual wheels (c) tandem axle
and (d) tridem axles.
(x) Design of perpetual pavements with deep
strength bituminous layer.

Design life
Expressways Design life is 20 Years
NH and SH, Design life is 15 Years
For MDR, design life of 10 to 15 Years
For ODR, Design life is 10 Years
For Concrete Pavement Design Life is 30 years
Stage Construction
Reason : Cost constrains
a) Base and Sub base are designed for Full design life
b) Bituminous layers for Less years,
but not less than 5 years in any case

Clarifications: (based on MORTH Rev. 5, 2013 and IRC 37,

1.Wearing course: SDBC shall not be used as per MORTH Rev.V
2.Thickness of Bituminous base shall not be less than 50mm

Clarifications: (based on MORTH Rev. 5, 2013

and IRC 37, 2012)
1.Wearing course: SDBC shall not be used as per MORTH Rev.V
2.Thickness of Bituminous base shall not be less than 50mm
3.BC shall be used in 30mm, 40mm, 50mm based on the design
2 to 5 msa

: 30 BC

5 to 10 msa

: 30 /40 BC

10 to 100 msa
>100 msa

: 40 BC
: 50 BC

4.Wherever 30mm BC is provided instead of 25mm SDBC, 5mm

shall be reduced in DBM thickness provided the thickness of

Clarifications: (based on MORTH Rev. 5, 2013

and IRC 37, 2012)
5. For widening / formation / strengthening using CBR
method, BM shall not be used.
6. Interpolation







catalogue is not permitted

7. For all the design IITPAVE software should be run and
output should be enclosed
8. For new formation/ rebuilding GSB shall be laid in two
1. Filter layer at bottom
2. Drainage layer at top
9. CBR of select subgrade shall be 8 or more

Shoulder Construction
Structural support to various layers of the
pavement besides providing additional space for
overtaking maneouvers , parking disabled
vehicles and movement of slow moving vehicle
(Scooter, three & two wheelers)
Earthen and paved shoulders
1.5 m wide paved shoulders may be provided on
either side of two lane road and
for 4 lane it was the policy of Government of
India to construct paved shoulder in conjunction
with four laning.

Paved Shoulder

Pavement along the slope

Special care for flexible pavement on

expansive soils
Expansive soils swell very little when compacted at low densities and high moisture
but swell greatly when compacted at high densities and low moisture. Hence, where
the probability of moisture variation in the subgrade is high, it is expedient to
compact the soil slightly wet of the field optimum moisture content (+2 per cent)
determined on the basis of a field trial.
Experience shows that generally, it is not practicable to compact expansive soils at
OMC determined by Laboratory Proctor Test. It is, therefore, necessary to study its
field moisture density relationship through compacting the soil at different moisture
contents and under the same number of roller passes.
A minimum density corresponding to 95 per cent of the standard proctor density
should be attained in the field and recommended moisture content should be. 1-2 per
cent wet of optimum moisture content.

Blanket Course

An impermeable blanket course of at least 225 mm thickness and composed of

coarse/medium sand or non-plastic moorum having PI less than five should be
provided on the expansive soil subgrade as a sub-base to serve as an effective
intrusion barrier. It must have very low permeability. The blanket course should
extend over the entire formation width.

Alternatively, lime-stabilized black cotton sub-base extending over the entire

formation width may be provided together with measures for efficient drainage of
the pavement section.

Rigid Pavement : Concrete Road

Rigid pavements have sufficient flexural strength to transmit the
wheel load stresses to a wider area below.
Compared to flexible pavement, rigid pavements are placed either
directly on the prepared sub-grade or on a single layer of granular or
stabilized material. Since there is only one layer of material between
the concrete and the sub-grade, this layer can be called as base or
sub-base course.
In rigid pavement, load is distributed by the slab action, and the
pavement behaves like an elastic plate resting on a viscous medium.
Rigid pavements are constructed by Portland cement concrete (PCC)
and should be analyzed by plate theory instead of layer theory,
assuming an elastic plate resting on viscous foundation.
Plate theory is a simplified version of layer theory that assumes the
concrete slab as a medium thick plate which is plane before loading
and to remain plane after loading. Bending of the slab due to wheel
load and temperature variation and the resulting tensile and flexural

Layers of Concrete

Road Machineries/

Earthmoving Operations :
Motor Grader:

A grader, also commonly referred to as a road grader, a blade, a

maintainer, or a motor grader, is a construction machine with a
long blade used to create a flat surface during the grading process.
In civil engineering, the grader's purpose is to "finish grade" (to
refine or set precisely) the "rough grading" performed by heavy
equipment or engineering vehicles such as scrapers and bulldozers
Graders are commonly used in the construction and maintenance
of dirt roads and gravel roads. In the construction of paved roads
they are used to prepare the base course to create a wide flat
surface for the asphalt to be placed on. Graders are also used to
set native soil foundation pads to finish grade prior to the
construction of large buildings. Graders can produce inclined
surfaces, to give cant (camber) to roads.
In some countries they are used to produce drainage ditches with
shallow V-shaped cross-sections on either side of highways.

Earth Moving Operations : Bull Dozers/

A bulldozer is a crawler (continuous tracked tractor)
equipped with a substantial metal plate (known as a blade
) used to push large quantities of soil, sand, rubble, or
other such material during construction or conversion
work and typically equipped at the rear with a claw-like
device (known as a ripper) to loosen densely compacted
Bulldozers can be found on a wide range of sites, mines
and quarries, military bases, heavy industry factories,
engineering projects and farms.
The term "bulldozer" is often used erroneously to mean
any heavy equipment (sometimes a loader and sometimes
an excavator), but precisely, the term refers only to a
tractor (usually tracked) fitted with a dozer blade.

Earth Moving Operations :

Excavators are
heavy construction equipment
consisting of a boom, stick, bucket
and cab on a rotating platform
(known as the "house")

Earth Moving Operations :

A tractor is an engineering vehicle specifically designed to
deliver a high tractive effort (or torque) at slow speeds, for the
purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture
or construction.

Compactors / Rollers : Embankments and SubGrade

A road roller (sometimes called a rollercompactor, or just roller) is a compactor type
engineering vehicle used to compact soil, gravel,
concrete, or asphalt in the construction of roads
and foundation

Chip Spreaders

Bitumen Pressure
Gives uniform, unbroken and prescribed quantity of hot
bitumen or emulsion. These units can be supplied as a
module to suit mounting on customer's truck chassis or can
be supplied completely along with standard truck chassis.

Hot Mix Plant

Hot mix asphalt (HMA) paving materials
are a mixture of size-graded, high
quality aggregate (which can include
reclaimed asphalt pavement [RAP]),
and liquid asphalt cement, which is
heated and mixed in measured
quantities to produce HMA.
Statutory requirements for setting HMP
may be followed.

WMM Plant
This central mixing plant for granular base and sub base
production provides higher productivity with close control on
quality of mix and production costs.

Dust Suppression System :

Water Sprinkler

Paver Finisher
A paver (paver finisher, asphalt finisher, paving
machine) is a piece of construction equipment used to lay
asphalt on roads, bridges, parking lots and other such places.
It lays the asphalt flat and provides minor compaction before
it is compacted by a roller.

Batching Plant for Concrete

Roads, Culverts, Bridges and

A concrete plant, also known as a batch plant or

batching plant, is a device that combines various
ingredients to form concrete. Some of these inputs
include sand, water, aggregate (rocks, gravel, etc.),
fly ash, potash, and cement.
There are two types of concrete plants: ready mix
plants and central mix plants.
The center of the concrete batching plant is the
mixer. There are three types of mixer: Tilt, pan, and
twin shaft mixer. The twin shaft mixer can ensure an
even mixture of concrete and large output, while the
tilt mixer offers a consistent mix with much less
maintenance labor and cost.

RMC for Road Work

Other Equipments

Dowel Bar inserter

Stone Crusher Unit
Concrete cutter
Transit Mixer
Bitumen Boiler
Texturing Machine

Tentative output of road


Specification :Road Proper

Cleaning and grubbing road land as per approved Drawing &
Technical Specifications and as per Clause - 201 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface as per
Technical Specifications and as per Clause 501.8.3.2 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Re-working of scarified bituminous surface suitably after
supplementing base materials with sand and compacting finished
surface as per Technical Specifications and as per Clause 501.8.3.2 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).
Excavation for road work in soil with hydraulic excavator of
0.9cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers,
trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements
of lines, grades and cross sections and transporting to the
embankment locations with all lifts & leads up to per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Clause 301 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest

Specifications: Road Proper

Excavation for road way in ordinary rock with hydraulic excavator of 0.9cum
bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side
slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections and
transporting to the embankment locations with all lifts & leads up to per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Clause - 301 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Excavation for road way in hard rock (requiring blasting) by drilling, blasting
and breaking, trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of
lines, grades and cross sections and transporting to the embankment locations with all
lifts & leads up to per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as
per Clause - 301 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Compacting the original ground supporting to embankment / sub grade as per
Technical Specifications and as per Clause - 305.3.4 of MoSRT&H Specifications for
Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Sand filling in Road work & foundation of structure as per approved Drawing &
Technical Specifications and as per Section - 2100 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road
& Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Providing G.S.B. with Coarse graded Gr-i stone screaning materials & coarse sand
(for bellow 2.36mm size) as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as
per Clause - 401 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Providing G.S.B. with Coarse graded Gr-ii stone screaning materials & coarse
sand (for bellow 2.36mm size) as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and
as per Clause - 401 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest

Specifications: Road Proper

Providing G.S.B. with Close graded Gr-ii stone screanming

materials as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and
as per Clause - 401 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Providing G.S.B. with Close graded Gr-iii stone screaning
materials as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and
as per Clause - 401 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Providing Wet Mix Macadam using crushed stone aggregates
as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per
Clause -406 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).
Providing & Laying B.U.S.G. of 37.5mm thick in one layer
using tack coat 3.0kg/10 sqm 25mm to 40mm size B.H.G.C.B.
metal of 0.45cum & 12.0kg of penetration grade of bitumen with
0.12cum of 12mm size B.H.G.C.B. chips as key stone per 10sqm
and laying & spreading as per Technical Specifications and as per
Clause -506 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).

Specifications: Road Proper

Providing & Laying B.U.S.G. of 75mm thick in two layer using
tack coat 3.0kg/10 sqm 25mm to 40mm size B.H.G.C.B. metal of
0.45cum & 12.0kg of penetration grade of bitumen in one layer
with 0.12cum of 12mm size B.H.G.C.B. chips as key stone per
10sqm and laying & spreading as per Technical Specifications and
as per Clause -506 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Providing Surface dressing with 60 / 70 penetration grade of
bitumen and 13mm nominal size crushed stone chipping as per
Technical Specifications and as per Clause -510 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Providing and Applying Primer Coat with bitumen emulsion on
prepared surface of granular base including cleaning the road
surface and spreading primer @ 0.60kg per sqm using mechanical
means as per Technical Specifications and as per Clause 502 of
MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Specifications: Road Proper

Providing Tack coat on prepared surface with bitumen
emulsion as per Technical Specifications and as per
Clause -503 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Providing 50mm thick Bituminous Macadam using
crushed stone Gr.-2 materials & 60 / 70 penetration grade
of bitumen as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Clause -504 of
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Providing 25mm thick S.D.B.C. using crushed stone
Gr.-2 materials & 60 / 70 penetration grade of bitumen as
per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as
per Clause -508 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road &
Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Specifications: Road Proper

Providing dry lean cement concrete sub-base for concrete
pavement using concrete mixer placing and leveling in hand
guided semi mechanism method and finished as per approved
Drawing & Technical Specifications in accordance with section 601 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).
Providing cement concrete pavement of m-30 as per
approved drawing adopting hand guided semi mechanism
method including cost of materials and as per approved
Drawing, Design & Technical Specifications complete as per
clause - 602 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Providing 40mm to 90mm, size hard stone metal other than
granite in filter media including spreading in uniform
thickness, hand packing, rolling with HRR or ramming with
rammer to proper level, grade & camber with sand to fill up
the interstices for finished item of works as per direction of
Engineer In Charge.

Specfications: Road Proper

Providing compacted granular materials in shoulder
by using moorum having required P.I. value with sand
admixture if required as per approved Drawing &
Technical Specifications and as per Clause - 407 of
MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest
Construction of embankment with excavated
earth as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Clause -305 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest
Earth work in embankment obtained from borrow
pits with carriage by mechanical means as per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per
Clause -305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road &
Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Specifications:CD Work
Earth work in excavation in hard soil for foundation of
structure as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Clause - 301 & 304 of MoSRT&H
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
P.C.C.M-15 Grade in foundation bed using 40mm to
10mm size crushed stone aggregates mixed by concrete
mixer, laying in layers and compacting by vibrator & all leads
and lifts as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications
and as per Section - 1700 & 2100 of MoSRT&H Specifications
for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
P.C.C.M-20 Grade in Substructure of CD work using
40mm to 10mm size crushed stone aggregates mixed by
concrete mixer, laying in layers and compacting by vibrator
& all leads and lifts including frame works etc as per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per
Section -1500, 1700, 2100 & 2200 of
Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Specifications: CD Works
Laying of NP3 Hume Pipe of 900mm dia. for pipe culverts as per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section -2900
of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
R.C.C. M-20 grade in Foundation Raft of CD work as per
approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section
-1500, 1700 & 2100 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
R.C.C. M-20 grade in Sub-structure of CD work as per approved
Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 &
2200 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest
R.C.C. M-20 grade in Deck slab of C.D. Work as per approved
Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 &
2300 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest
R.C.C. M-20 grade in Road Kerb / Dirt Wall / Wing wall of
Culvert as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as
per Section -1500, 1700 & 2200 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road &
Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Specifications :CD Works

R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D.

work as per approved drawing & technical specifications and as
per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for
Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Steel reinforcement works using HYSD as per approved

Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section -1600 of
MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Providing Weep Holes as per approved Drawing & Technical

Specifications and as per Section 2700 of MoRT&H Specifications
for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

R.C.C. M-30 grade in Railing of Culvert / Bridge for rails

panel in 2 ties as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2200 of MoRT&H Specifications
for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).

Rigid PavementDesign Period and Strategy

for 4lane NH through PPP
Rigid pavement shall be designed for a minimum design period of 30
The stage construction shall not be permitted.

The Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) shall rest over Dry Lean
Concrete (DLC) sub-base of 150 mm thickness.

The DLC will meet the minimum cement and compressive

strength requirement as prescribed in IRC:SP:49. DLC will extend
beyond the PQC (including that in shoulder, if any) by 0.5 m on
either side.

Below DLC layer, a properly designed drainage layer Granular

Sub Base (GSB) of 150 mm thickness shall be provided throughout
the road width. It shall be designed to obtain a drainage coefficient
of not less than 20 m per day.

References for detailed

For specification in detail please refer
MoRT&H specification [5th Edition] Orange
Pocket book for Highway Engineers( 2nd
edition), MoRT&H.
Pocket Book for Bridge Engineers , MoRT&H
IRC 37-2012 for design of flexible pavement
IRC: 58-2011 for Design of Rigid Pavement
Many relevant IRC/ IS codes

Any Queries ?
[email protected]
We shall follow MoRT&H Guidelines /
MORD Specifications, IRC Codes for
design and construction Procedure.
IS Codes and MoRT&H Data book for
culvert design.
With this we shall move to Analysis
and estimate for Road works in next

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