Gas Movers and Pumps

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Pumps, fans, blowers, and compressors are all devices that move fluids across an adverse pressure difference,

i.e., from a
region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure. The fluid may require the higher pressure to overcome frictional
losses in subsequent piping, to participate in a high-pressure operation such as a chemical reactor, or to serve as the
drive medium in a hydraulic or pneumatic system. Or the objective may lie on the inlet side of the device where it is
desired to maintain vacuum in some region, in which case the pressure on the outlet side may simply be atmospheric. In
any of these cases there may or may not be a change in net velocity.
The two broad categories of fluid to be moved are liquids and gases. Liquids are moved by pumps; gases are moved by
fans, blowers, and compressors. The main differences between the moving of liquids and the moving of gases are that
gases undergo significant changes in volume and temperature if the rise in pressure is appreciable. Along with liquids
and gases, there are more complex fluid media, such as liquidgas mixtures, liquids that partially vaporize, gases that
condense, slurries that consist of a liquid containing solid particles, and gasparticulate mixtures, all of which may
require special handling or special equipment.
Fluid movers fall into two general types: kinetically driven and positive displacement. Kinetically driven devices impart
internal velocity to the fluid, and then convert this momentum to pressure at the exit. Positive-displacement devices trap
incremental volumes of lower pressure fluid and transport it forcibly into the region of higher pressure.
Gas movers
Four types of device are used for moving gases. Depending on the pressure range and pressure change a gas may be
moved by a
Vacuum pump
Vacuum pumps create an internal zone of low pressure into which the gas in a region of sub-atmospheric pressure is
induced to flow. A single stage of vacuum pumping discharges to atmospheric pressure. With multiple stages, the
discharge of intermediate stages is to sub-atmospheric pressure.

Large fans are usually centrifugal, operating on exactly the same principle as centrifugal pumps. Fan impellers are
mounted inside light sheet-metal casings. Clearances are large and discharge heads low from 130 to 1500 mm water
gauge. Sometimes, as in ventilating fans, nearly all the added energy is converted into velocity energy and almost none
into pressure head. One difference between pumps and gas equipments recognize the effect of pressure and temperature
on the density of the gas entering the machine. Gas equipment is ordinarily rated in terms of standard cubic meters. A
volume in standard cubic meters is that measured at a specified temperature and pressure regardless of the actual
temperature and pressure of the gas to the machine.
Blowers and Compressors
When the pressure on a compressible fluid is increased adiabatically, the temperature of the fluid also increases. The
temperature rise has a number of disadvantages. Because the specific volume of the fluid increases with temperature, the
work required to compress a unit mass of fluid is larger than if the compression were isothermal. Excessive temperatures
lead to problems with lubricants, stuffing boxes and material of construction. The fluid may be one that cannot tolerate
high temperatures without decomposition.
For a given gas, the temperature ratio increases with increase in the compression ratio. In blowers with a compression
ratio below about 3 or 4, the adiabatic temperature rise is not large, and no special provision is made to reduce it. In
compressors, however, where the compression ratio may be as high as 10 or more, the temperature rise becomes
excessive. Also, since actual compressors are not frictionless, the heat from friction is also absorbed by the gas, and
temperatures well above the isentropic temperature are attained. Compressors are therefore cooled by jackets through
which cold water or refrigerant is circulated. For multistage compression, inter-stage coolers are used. Often, an aftercooler is used to cool the high pressure gas from the final stage.

Fans generally add only a small amount of pressure to a gas, generally no more than 20 kPa (60 in. of water). Fluid
compressibility can be ignored in the calculations. Typically, fans pull vapors from a slightly sub-atmospheric region and
discharge to atmosphere or they pull from the atmosphere and discharge to a space that is slightly above atmospheric
pressure. For example, in the former case, they may be removing unwanted vapors; in the latter, they may be supplying
fresh air.
Blowers and compressors impart significant positive pressure to gases. Such devices may have several stages, where the
suction pressure of the first is atmospheric and that of subsequent stages is higher. In these devices it is necessary to take
account of change in density with pressure and also the heat evolved by work done on the gas. Most manufacturing plants
use fans and blowers for ventilation and for industrial processes that need an air flow. Fan systems are essential to keep
manufacturing processes working, and consist of a fan, an electric motor, a drive system, ducts or piping, flow control
devices, and air conditioning equipment (filters, cooling coils, heat exchangers, etc.).
Fans, blowers and compressors are differentiated by the method used to move the air, and by the system pressure they must
operate against. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) uses the specific ratio, which is the ratio of the
discharge pressure over the suction pressure, to define fans, blowers and compressors.

Blowers can achieve much higher pressures than fans, as

high as 1.20 kg/cm2. They are also used to produce
negative pressures for industrial vacuum systems.
Rotary Lobe
Two straight mating lobed impellers trap the gas and
carry it from intake to discharge (Figure 5). There is no
internal compression.

Centrifugal compressors
Centrifugal compressors are dynamic machines in which the rapidly
rotating impeller accelerates the gas (Figure 7). The process flow
propagates from axial to radial (perpendicular to shaft centerline) into
a stationary diffuser converting velocity to pressure.
The heart of a centrifugal compressor is its impeller (sometimes called
the wheel). The principle of operation is similar for centrifugal
compressors, blowers, and fans and the impeller design is similar to
that of a fan. Since the gas leaving the impeller has significant velocity
the casing design employs a diffuser (static vanes) to reduce velocity
and gain static pressure, as shown in Fig. 27. (This technique is also
sometimes used with centrifugal pumps.)
Centrifugal compressors, like centrifugal pumps, at a given speed and throughput generate a constant head rather than
constant pressure. When the same compressor is operating with a different gas, the compressor will produce the same
head but not the same differential pressure. For this reason, low molecular weight gases (less than 10) are not practically
handled by centrifugal devices because to achieve a reasonable pressure, the required head is too large for any
industrially available centrifugal compressor; a reciprocating compressor is normally used instead.

Two-lobe blower

Centrifugal compressors are extremely popular because most are close to being oil-free. Although oil that is used in the
compressor can create an aerosol, the special sealing systems used in most centrifugals reduce oil contamination to very
low levels. Centrifugals are also popular because of the very large capacities that are possible with a single compressor,
combined with fairly high pressures with multiple stages. Centrifugals are economically attractive when flows are high,
and they are the only choice in many high-flow/ pressure situations.
If other compressors are available that will meet the same pressure /flow requirements, centrifugals are preferred when
the process requirement allows for a fixed pressure ratio and requires oil-free gas. If centrifugal and reciprocating
compressors have similar costs, the centrifugal is selected for its reliability advantages and lower life-cycle costs. It
should be kept in mind that centrifugal units often have higher installed costs than reciprocal and screw compressors for
the same pressure /flow range, and they are inflexible to changes in pressure ratios, i.e., their capacities drop
significantly as the discharge pressure rises.
Axial Compressors
Axial compressors, as shown schematically in Fig. 28, operate with a rotor fitted with successive rows of blades, which
move the gas forward. Between the rows of rotating blades are rows of static blades, which remove swirl and keep the
flow axial. The space between rotor and barrel becomes progressively smaller, causing the gas to speed up and acquire
kinetic energy. The blades are aerodynamically shaped to achieve maximum thrust and minimum drag. Axial
compressors are typically 810% more efficient than centrifugal compressors.

Kinetically Driven, Ejectors

The gas-driven ejector is the non-rotary member of the kinetically driven family. Ejectors continue to be a common
means of creating and maintaining vacuum, chiefly because of their low capital cost and the absence of moving parts.
They are used not only for vacuum but in other applications where it is desired to combine two streams of different
pressures into a single stream of intermediate pressure (the devices are sometimes call thermo-compressors).
The principle is to create a zone of very low pressure by raising a high-pressure motive stream (e.g., steam) to supersonic
velocity. Suction gas or vapor is drawn into this zone where it combines with the motive fluid. The mixed stream, also at
supersonic velocity, is slowed down and its pressure recovers to a level intermediate between that of the motive and
suction streams.
A two-stage ejector system is shown in Fig. 30, in this case using a pre-condenser and an inter-condenser to reduce the
vapor load, as can be done for a condensable motive gas like steam. The method of control is shown, whereby a bleed
stream of external or higher pressure gas is allowed into the suction stream. Ejectors are sometimes configured up to six
in series.
Steam jet ejectors offer a simple, reliable, low-cost way to produce vacuum. They are especially effective in the chemical
industry where an on-site supply of the high-pressure motive gas is available. Ejectors are considered an alternative to
mechanical vacuum pumps for a number of reasons:
No source of power is required other than the motive gas;
Because they have no moving parts, they are reliable vacuum producers;
They are easy to install, operate and maintain.
The two major functions of ejectors are follows:
Thermocompressors are ejectors applied to recompressing spent steam and process fluids. They are used in applications
where it is desired to combine two streams of different pressures into a single stream of intermediate pressure.

Vacuum Producers: Ejector-based systems are particularly appropriate as primary vacuum producers, particularly
where motive steam is almost always available. They are applied in processes such as crystallization, deaeration, drying,
cooling, high vacuum distillation and deodorization.
Ejector systems range from the simple, single-ejector stage to very complex systems with as many as six ejectors in
combination with intercondensers.
Multistaged ejectors often promote economy by including intercondensers between some of the stages to reduce the load
to the following stages. Sometimes precondensers, booster condensers and aftercondensers are also used.

Condensers may be barometric or surface. The size and type of condenser selected is a function of air-vapor ratios,
cooling water temperatures available, steam and water costs, and contaminants in the suction vapor.
Barometric condensers cost less to buy and install. They have many advantages. However, users should be aware that
the barometric condenser is a direct-contact design. The cooling water is mixed directly with the vapor to be condensed.
If there are any environmental considerations concerning the process fluid, it should not be mixed with cooling water.
The shell-and-tube condenser keeps cooling water separate from the process fluid. No contamination can occur; thus,
the condenser water is cooled and reused. On the other hand, the shell-and-tube design may require more maintenance
due to the possibility of scale or solids buildup on the condenser tubes.

Ejector Operation: In operation, a high-pressure motive gas enters the steam chest at low velocity and expands through
the converging-diverging nozzle. This results in a decrease in pressure and an increase in velocity. Meanwhile, the
suction fluid enters at the suction inlet. The motive fluid, which is now at high velocity, entrains the suction fluid and
combines with it.
The two fluids are then recompressed through the diffuser. Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy; thus, velocity
increases and pressure decreases. The mixture reaches its maximum velocity and lowest pressure at the Venturi throat
(Fig. 2). The fluid then is charges at an intermediate pressure, which is higher than the inlet suction fluid pressure, but
much lower than the inlet motive fluid pressure.
Ejectors, particularly when multi-stage, use large quantities of steam and water. Mechanical vacuum pumps use much less
energy than ejectors for the same service. Jet ejectors require very little attention and maintenance and are especially
valuable with corrosive gases that would damage mechanical vacuum pumps. For difficult problems, the nozzles and
diffusers can be made of corrosion-resistant material.

Liquid Ring compressor

Liquid Ring compressors utilize squirrel cage fan
type impeller which is placed eccentric inside a tube
(Figure 4). A compatible liquid is introduced into
the chamber along with the gas to be compressed.
Because of the centrifugal force and the shape of the
internal cavity, the liquid forms an eccentric shape
producing regions of changing volume. The liquid
must be separated from the compressed gas after the
compression process and recirculated.

Suction Lift and Cavitation

A common concern with most pumps is the possibility of vaporization in the pump inlet. Not only does the appearance of
a gaseous phase reduce the capacity of the pump but the possible subsequent collapse of bubbles as pressure recovers
(cavitation) may severely erode surfaces in the device. Because this consideration is common to almost all pumps.
This pressure has the specific designation of net positive suction headavailable or NPSHa and is defined as the
difference between the pressure at the pump inlet and the vapor pressure of the liquid at the temperature at the pump inlet.
If the suction pressure is only slightly greater than the vapour pressure, some liquid may flash to vapour inside the pump,
a process called cavitation, which greatly reduces the pump capacity and causes severe erosion. If the suction pressure is
actually less than the vapour pressure, the re will be vapourisation in the suction line, and no liquid can be drawn into the
pump. To avoid cavitation, the pressure at the pump inlet must exceed the vapour pressure by a certain value, called the
net positive suction head (NPSH).The value of NPSH increases with pump capacity, impeller speed and discharge
pressure. For a pump taking suction from a reservoir, like that shown in Fig.8.5, the available NPSH is calculated as,

For the special situation where the liquid is practically non-volatile (pv=0), the friction negligible (hfs=0), and the pressure
at station a' atmospheric, the maximum possible suction lift can be obtained by subtracting the required NPSH from the
barometric head. For cold water, this maximum suction lift is about 34 ft (10.4 m)

Cavitation is a phenomenon that adversely affects the performance of a centrifugal pump and it must be avoided during
normal operation. The onset of cavitation in a pump, at any given speed and flow rate, is brought about by a particular
combination of temperature and pressure at the pump suction flange. The absolute total head is called the Net Positive
Suction Head or NPSH. The letter P tells us that NPSH, by definition, can never be a negative number.
Vapour Pressure is the pressure acting on a body of liquid in slurry pumping mostly water at which the liquid boils at
a particular temperature. By varying the pressure, we can make the liquid boil at virtually any temperature: the lower the
pressure, the lower the boiling temperature. This explains why at altitudes, high above sea level, water boils at below
1000C and food takes longer to cook.
At atmospheric pressure and on the point of boiling, tiny spheres of water convert to vapour bubbles thereby expanding
their original volumes 1600 times. If the vapour bubbles then move to a zone of higher pressure, they immediately
implode, with considerable force, back to their original liquid volumes. In an open vessel, all these implosions simply
dissipate quietly through the boiling liquid surface into the surrounding ambient. In a closed vessel on the other hand, the
implosions generate loud, localised pressure shocks, which cause intermolecular cracks on internal metallic surfaces,
gradually dislodging small solid particles and finishing up with sponge-like cavities. This is cavitation damage and the
process causing it is cavitation. This type of damage does not usually occur on rubber surfaces because there are no intercrystalline boundaries and rubbers simply absorb the shocks.
Water passing through a centrifugal pump is similarly subjected to low and high pressure zones. The lowest pressure
exists at the eye of the impeller. If this pressure falls below the vapour pressure, local boiling takes place, generating
masses of tiny vapour bubbles within the liquid just past the leading edges of the pumping vanes. These bubbles implode
and can cause damage as soon as they are swept downstream to zones of higher pressures only to be replaced
immediately with new ones.
The continuous procession of new vapour bubbles produces what appears to be a stationary cloud of vapour at the
impeller eye, throttling the flow of water. The end effect is a drop in flow rate Q and of total head H and a reduction in
pump performance, which is as much as any surface damage the reason why a pump should operate under conditions
sufficiently free from cavitation.

NPSHa and is defined as the difference between the pressure at the pump inlet and the vapor pressure of the liquid at the
temperature at the pump inlet, both pressures expressed as head (meters) of liquid. In the example the available NPSH
(m) is equal to

The risk of cavitation in systems can be reduced or prevented by:

Lowering the pump compared to the water level - open systems.
Increasing the system pressure - closed systems.
Shortening the suction line to reduce the friction loss.
Increasing the suction lines cross-section area to reduce the fluid velocity and thereby reduce friction.
Avoiding pressure drops coming from bends and other obstacles in the suction line.
Lowering fluid temperature to reduce vapour pressure

A pump is any device that transfers a liquid from a region of lower pressure into one of higher pressure. This movement
may or may not be accompanied by a change of velocity but that effect is incidental. Generally it is possible to ignore
changes of density except for great changes in pressure or for liquids containing a gaseous phase. In pumps, the density
of the fluid is both constant and large. Pressure differences are usually considerable, and heavy construction is needed.
Some considerations in choosing a pump are
Pressure rise to be effected
Liquid flow rate
Range of flow rates
Required accuracy of flow rate
Liquid viscosity
Suction-side pressure
The positive-displacement family of pumps is so named because there is a direct connection between pump action and
liquid motion, with no reliance on an uncertain conversion between kinetic energy and pressure. Kinetic energy plays, at
most, a subsidiary role in the action of these devices. Some of them are primarily used for moving highly viscous liquids,
where it would be difficult to generate kinetic energy in the first place. Some are used for developing high pressure,
which would require extensive staging in a kinetically driven device. Some are used to achieve high accuracy of liquid
delivery rate with no need for a flow meter to monitor the rate.
To transport a liquid through pipes energy has to be fed to the liquid. The energy is needed to overcome the dynamic
friction losses in the pipe. Also energy is needed to compensate differences in level between the beginning and the end of
a pipe (lift energy). Basically a pump is a piece of equipment to feed energy to a liquid flow. Pumps, fans, blowers and
compressors comprise the largest group of energy-absorbing turbomachines with which the mechanical engineer might
work. Two types of pumps can be distinguished:
Pumps capable of lifting water from one free surface to another: open pumps or Archimedean screws (fig. 3.1).
Pumps capable of feeding energy to water in combination with a closed pipe: centrifugal or impeller pumps.

Archimedean screw
The Archimedean screw is used in situation that large quantities of water have to be pumped from one free surface level
to another with a level difference of a few meters. A typical use of Archimedean screws is drainage of polder areas to
pump out large volumes of storm water (fig. 3.6). The screw can also be used if water is polluted with debris as wood,
plants and other floating objects. The capacity of the screw is dependant of the head H (difference between fluid
surfaces), the slope of the screw with the horizontal, the diameter of the screw D and the diameter of the casing d, the
number of blades and the pitch S and the rotating speed of the screw n.

A positive displacement pump works following the principle of figure 3.7. Several types of displacement pumps are
available all working following the principle that a fixed amount of fluid is encapsulated and pushed to the pressure side
of the pump. Another example is shown in figure 3.8. Displacement pumps are mostly used for difficult fluids like very
high viscous fluids or for applications a high pressure is needed. More or less constant volume flow is produced with a
range of pressures

Impellor pumps
Impellor pumps are by far the most used pumps. Most important
reason is the broad application possibilities in combination with
relative low maintenance and high efficiency. The impellor pump has
an axle in a bearing with one or more (multi stage pump) impellors
with a number of blades. The principle is that the rotation of the
impellors accelerates the fluid and flings the water in the house,
which is connected to the pipes. Figure 3.10 gives a principle drawing
of an impellor pump. The axle can be motored with all kinds of
engines varying from conventional combustion engine to solar power
driven motors.

Working principle impellor pumps

The rotation of the axle accelerates the fluid adding kinetic energy to the fluid. Within
the house or diffuser of the pump this kinetic energy is partly transformed to static
pressure, increasing the head of the fluid. At the suction side of the impellor the fluid
accelerates as well and pressure at that point will be lowered, following the laws of
Bernoulli. Energy is conserved and at the suction side of the pump the pressure of the
fluid will be partly transformed to kinetic energy. This requirement is expressed in the
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) of a pump. At high volume flows, the NPSH will
increase, because the kinetic energy at the suction side will be higher due to the higher
fluid velocity.
When the pressure in a liquid drops below the vapor pressure, a portion of the fluid will
evaporate. Excess velocities due to the flow around the blade leading edge cause a local
pressure drop, which may lead to such partial evaporation. This phenomenon is called
cavitation. Extensive cavitation can impair the performance or even interrupt the flow.
Therefore the approach flow conditions at the suction nozzle are an important criterion
for the layout and selection of a pump.
Principle of the centrifugal pump
An increase in the fluid pressure from the pump inlet to its outlet is created when the
pump is in operation. This pressure difference drives the fluid through the system or
plant. The centrifugal pump creates an increase in pressure by transferring mechanical
energy from the motor to the fluid through the rotating impeller. The fluid flows from
the inlet to the impeller centre and out along its blades. The centrifugal force hereby
increases the fluid velocity and consequently also the kinetic energy is transformed to
pressure. Figure 1.1 shows an example of the fluid path through the centrifugal pump.
In general, comments related to pumps will also apply to fans, blowers and compressors.

Centrifugal pumps consist of one or more impellers, attached to a rotating shaft and
surrounded by a casing . Fluid enters through a suction pipe into the eye of the
impeller and is thrown outward through the action of centrifugal force. A volute,
sometimes augmented by diffuser vanes collects the discharged fluid converting part of
the velocity head into pressure head. The impeller is fitted with guide vanes or blades
that convert the energy of rotation into velocity and pressure head and guide the flow.
Centrifugal pumps operate at relatively high speeds and are usually direct connected to
the prime mover. They are compact, have no internal rubbing parts, possess high
reliability, and can move fluids containing solids. They can handle high volumes and
relatively high pressures with impellers in series on a single shaft or with pumps
connected in series. One disadvantage of the centrifugal pump is that it is not selfpriming; the casing must be filled before pump action can begin.
An important consideration in the design of centrifugal pumps is to ensure that the
pressure throughout the flow field remains above the vapor pressure of the liquid. If
this condition is not met, the liquid will vaporize and form bubbles that subsequently
collapse releasing enormous energy and causing pitting, erosion, noise and a reduction
in efficiency.

Centrifugal pump schematic

Running in series or parallel

Centrifugal pumps operate within ranges of head and velocity. Operating outside of these ranges may require using a
specialty pump. Other options for handling high-head or high-flow applications include using pumps in series or parallel.
When running in series, the heads are added, and the total capacity is equal to that of the pump with the smallest capacity.
In parallel, the capacities of the pumps are added, and the head of all pumps will be equal at the point where the
discharged liquids recombine. Parallel pumps are used for a variety of reasons, including cost (two smaller pumps may
cost less than a larger one), an increase in the size of an existing plant, or to compensate for a process with varying
capacity. Note that pumps operated in parallel must have similar head characteristics to avoid potential operating

Gear pumps
Gear pumps are primarily used for high-viscosity liquids. Two or
more gears trap liquid in the space between the gear teeth and the
casing wall and convey it from inlet to outlet. The simplest gear-type
pump uses a pair of mating gears rotating in an oval chamber to
produce flow. As the gears rotate, the changing size of the chambers
created by the meshing and un-meshing of the teeth provides the
pumping action. Another design uses an external rotating ring with
internal gear teeth that mesh with an internal gear as it rotates. As the
inner gear rotates, the tooth engagement creates chambers of
diminishing size between the inlet and outlet positions to create flow.
All gear-type pumps have a fixed displacement. These pumps are
relatively inexpensive compared to piston and vane-type pumps with
similar displacements, but tend to wear out more quickly and are not
generally economically repairable. Gear pumps are widely used in the
polymer industries, where viscosities of thousands of pascal-seconds
are encountered and where pressures of tens of megapascals are
required to force these liquids through pipes and vessels. The concept
of the gear pump is illustrated in Fig.16.

Screw Pumps
Screw pumps are related to the gear pump in that they
act by pushing liquid along the inner surface of the
casing, in this case the screw barrel. The most common
embodiment is a single screw in a single barrel but
other models make use of two (or more) screws in
parallel intersecting barrels, where the screws may corotate or counter-rotate. Screw pumps with a single
screw and those with co-rotating twin screws are not
true positive-displacement pumps because liquid is able
to flow back along the screw channels.
Screw pumps can still pump against significant
pressures in spite of the backflow tendency. As
viscosity increases the backflow tendency decreases,
which is why single-screw and co-rotating twin-screw
pumps are widely used for viscous liquids. The two
types of screw pump are illustrated in Figs. 17 and 18.
Figure 19 shows a counter-rotating twin-screw pump.
In this diagram the screws are fully Inter-meshing and
as such make the pump truly a positive displacement
one. There is no reverse flow along the screw channels;
rather, the screws form discrete pockets of liquid,
which are carried down the barrel to the high-pressure
exit. The only backflow is through clearances between
screws and between screws and wall. Counter-rotating
screws can also be made less than fully inter-meshing,
in which case there is backflow in the channels.

Peristaltic Pumps
Peristalsis is the mechanism by which muscular
contractions move materials through various passages
in the body. The peristaltic pump mimics this process
by trapping and moving liquids through a flexible
tube. The advantage is that there is no contact between
pump mechanism and the liquid. This type of pump is
restricted to low-pressure applications.
Figure 21 shows the principle.

Comparison of Devices for moving fluids

Positive displacement machines, in general, handle smaller quantities of fluids at higher discharge pressures than
centrifugal machines do. Positive displacement pumps are not subject to air-binding and are usually self-priming. In both
positive displacement pumps and blower the discharge rate is nearly independent of the discharge pressure, so that these
machines are extensively used for controlling and metering flow. Reciprocating devices require considerable maintenance
but can produce the highest pressures. They deliver a pulsating stream. Rotary pumps work best on fairly viscous
lubricating fluids, discharging a steady stream at moderate to high pressures. They cannot be used with slurries. The
discharge line of a positive displacement pump cannot be closed without stalling or breaking the pump, so that a bypass
line with a pressure-relief valve is required.
Centrifugal machines, both pumps and blowers, deliver fluid at a uniform pressure without shocks or pulsations. They run
at higher speeds than positive displacement machines and are connected to the motor drive directly instead of through a
gear-box. The discharge line can be completely closed without damage. Centrifugal pumps can handle a wide variety of
corrosive liquids and slurries. Centrifugal blowers and compressors are much smaller for a given capacity than
reciprocating compressors and require less maintenance.
For producing vacuum, reciprocating machines are effective for absolute pressures down to 10 mm Hg. Rotary vacuum
pumps can lower the absolute pressure to 0.01 mmHg and over a wide range of low pressures are cheaper to operate than
multi-stage steam-jet ejectors.

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