Principles of Business Communication: Preeti Tak

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Preeti Tak

Francis J. Bergin provide guidelines for choice of content and style

of presentation adapted to the purpose of the receiver of the
They are also called the seven Cs of communication.
They are:


Every communication must be complete and adequate.
Incomplete messages keep the receiver guessing, create
misunderstanding and delay actions.
Every person should, therefore, be provided with all the
required facts and figures.
For example, when factory supervisor instructs workers to
produce, he must specify the exact size, shape, quality and cost
of the product. Any assumptions behind the messages should
also be clarified.
While answering a letter, all the questions raised in the letter
must be replied.

In business communication, you should be brief and be able to
say whatever you have to say in fewest possible words without
sacrificing the other C qualities. Conciseness is desired
because of the following benefits:
1. A concise message saves time and expense for both sender
and receiver.
2. Conciseness contributes to emphasis; by eliminating
unnecessary words, you let important ideas stand out.

3. When combined with a you-view, concise messages are

inherently more interesting to recipients as they avoid
unnecessary information.

Clarity means getting your message across so the receiver will
understand what you are trying to convey.
You want that person to interpret your words with the same
meaning you have in mind.
Accomplishing that goal is difficult because, as you know,
individual experiences are never identical, and words have
different meanings to different persons.
Here are some specific ways to help make your messages clear:

1. Choose short, familiar, conversational words.

2. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.
3. Achieve appropriate readability (and listenability).
4. Include examples, illustrations, and other visual aids, when

The term correctness as applied to business messages means
right level of language and accuracy of facts, figures and words.
If the information is not correctly conveyed, the sender will lose
Transmission of incorrect information to superiors will vitiate
decision making process.
Transmission of incorrect information to outsiders will spoil the
public image of the firm.
To convey correct messages, grammatical errors should also be
You should not transmit any message unless you are absolutely
sure of its correctness.

1) Consideration means that you prepare every message with the
recipient in mind and try to put yourself in his or her place.
2) Try to visualize your readers (or listeners)with their desires,
problems, circumstances, emotions, and probable reactions to
your request.
3) Then handle the matter from their point of view
4) This thoughtful consideration is also called "you-attitude,"
empathy, the human touch, and understanding of human nature.
(It does not mean, however, that you should overlook the needs
of your organization.)

1. Consideration underlies the other six C's of good business
2. You adapt your language and message content to your
receiver's needs when you make your message complete,
concise, concrete, clear, courteous, and correct.
However, in four specific ways you can indicate you are
Focus on "you" instead of "I" and "we."
Show reader benefit or interest in reader.
Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.
Apply integrity and ethic

Courteous messages help to strengthen present business
friendships, as well as make new friends.
Courtesy stems from sincere you-attitude.
It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of
"please's" and "thank-you'd."
To be courteous, considerate communicators should follow these
suggestions regarding tone of the communications.
Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative.
Omit expressions that irritate, hurt, or belittle.
Grant and apologize good-naturedly.

1) Communicating concretely means being specific,
definite, and vivid rather than vague and general.
2) The following guidelines should help you compose
concrete, convincing messages:
Use specific facts and figures.
Put action in your verbs.
Choose vivid, image-building words.


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