Right of Accretion
Right of Accretion
Right of Accretion
Article 1015-1023
Definition and Reasoning (Art. 1015 and Art. 1017)
When shall it take place (Art. 1016 and Art. 1018, Art. 1023)
Rights (Art. 1019-1021)
Exceptions(Art. 1021, 1022)
Things to remember: Rule of ISRAI
Rule: Apply Institution if proper; if not, apply Substitution
if proper; if not, apply Representation if proper; if not, apply
Accretion is a right by virtue of which, when
two or more persons are called to the same
inheritance, devise or legacy, the part
assigned to the one who renounces or cannot
receive his share, or who died before the
testator, is added or incorporated to that of
his co-heirs, co-devisees, or co-legatees.
Requisites if Accretion:
Plurality of subject, (Person entitled to succeed)
Unity of object, (property to be distributed)
Vacancy of share (one of the heirs dies before the
testator, or renounces the inheritance, or is
Acceptance of the vacant portion by the person
entitled. (Accretion is a right that can be accepted
or repudiated by the person entitled).
Accretion is a right based on the presumed will of
the deceased that he prefers to give certain
properties to certain individuals.
Reasoning is that the decedent intended to give
the property to nobody but the co-heirs on a
testamentary succession.
Article 1017
The words "one-half for each" or "in equal shares" or any others which,
though designating an aliquot part, do not identify it by such description as
shall make each heir the exclusive owner of determinate property, shall not
exclude the right of accretion.
In case of money or fungible goods, if the share of each heir is not
earmarked, there shall be a right of accretion.
Rule of earmarking applies: earmark is when specific things are to be
given. No earmark, accretion applies; earmarked, no accretion.
Reasoning is that the decedent intend to specifically give specific things
to specific person.
Alluring have a land. Barbie, Caterpillar and Dora called at the will of
Alluring in equal share, gay friends of her. If Caterpie renounce his share,
will there be an accretion?
Yes, since the mere fixing of aliquot parts does not necessarily make the
property determinate or specific, for we still cannot ascertain which
particular section or portion of the land.
Alluring have a land divided in Three parts. Barbie gets the North-east part
, Caterpillar gets the North-west part and Dora the southern part as they
are called at the will of Alluring, gay friends of her. If Caterpie renounce his
share, will there be an accretion?
No, since there is a distinct description of the property, resulting to an
earmarking of the testator, to be acquired. Legal succession shall be
Article 1020. The heirs to whom the inheritance accrues shall succeed
to all the rights and obligations which the heir who renounced or could
not receive it would have had.
Self Explanatory. Exception is when testator provides otherwise.
In testamentary succession, if the testator provides otherwise.
Example if with in testamentary succession provides that No accretion
shall take place in any circumstances.
There can be no accretion with respect to the legitime. (Art. 1021 Par 2)
Art. 1022. In testamentary succession, when the right of accretion does
not take place, the vacant portion of the instituted heirs, if no substitute
has been designated, shall pass to the legal heirs of the testator, who
shall receive it with the same charges and obligations.