The 8 Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga

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What Is Yoga And Its Benefits

Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga is a systematic

method for self-realization. When the Self is
realized, no disease remains in the body and
mind. There is no suffering, no fear, no doubt,
only pure bliss. Practice of Ashtanga Yoga
comprises eight limbs or steps:


Yamaimplies discipline and there are five

specific practices of yama that the yogi imbibes
into his conduct and lifestyle:

Ahimsa(non-violence) This means not

harming anyone including your own Self. Non-
violence is practiced not just in action but with
words and thoughts as well. You become gentle
and kind to everyone including your own self
and your body.

Satya(truthfulness) Be truthful in your

words, thoughts and deeds. Say only what you
truly mean and mean whatever you say. This is
not just about being truthful to others but to
your own self as well. Be truthful in your yoga
practice, with your diet and in every other
YogPro aspect of your life.
Asteya(non-stealing) Practice non-stealing
and non-covetedness. Be content with what
you have and do not envy what someone else
has. Concentrate on your own yoga
practiceand do not compare yours with anyone
elses. Also, never take what does not truly
belong to you.

Aparigraha(non-possessiveness) Do not
hoard your possessions. Be generous and share
with others. When you share, your blessings
multiply and you attain greater happiness.

Brahmacharya(continence) The literal

translation means chastity or the sublimation of
sexual desire. But in truth, it means practicing
moderation in everything; including diet, sleep,
sex and everything else. This helps one in
exercising greater control over the senses

NiyamaImplies observances that are meant

to be practiced daily. There are five niyamas:

Saucha(purity, external and internal) Keep

your body clean and treat it like a holy temple.
Cleanse your mind of all negative thoughts,
judgments, and criticisms. Release all grudges,
anger, hatred, disappointment and other
negative feelings from your heart.

Santosha(contentment) Accept the
uniqueness of your life and of your Self. Be
content with what you have and never compare
your life with anyone elses. Trust that you can
create whatever you desire and that there is no
need to envy what someone else has.

Tapas(austerity) Live a life of great personal
discipline. Work hard to purify yourself and you
will definitely reap tremendous benefits.

Svadhyaya(study of scriptures) Our life is a

reflection of the beliefs and impressions we
carry in the subconscious. Feed the
subconscious with inspiring and positive
information and your life will definitely
transform. Make time to read something
inspirational every day. Also, try to surround
yourself with optimistic and inspiring people.

Isvarapranidhana(surrender to the
Supreme) Let go of the ego and surrender to
the Divine. Trust that your life is unfolding day
by day for your highest good. Work hard and do
your best at everything but surrender the desire
for specific results.

AsanaThis is the physical practice of yoga

comprising of specifically designed postures.
Each asana serves to strengthen and rejuvenate
not just the external organs but the internal
ones as well. Asanas help build a strong body in
which a strong mind, a compassionate heart
and an iron will can reside. The practice of
asana also challenges the mind as the belief
that we cannot do certain postures is only
because of a limitation of the body and not of
the mind. The body is perfectly capable of doing
the postures but the mind makes it believe that
it cannot do certain things.


PranayamaIn yogic philosophy, it is believed

that life is sustained through Prana. Prana is
life force that pervades all of creation. An
individual dies when prana leaves his body. It is
not possible to revive a clinically dead person
by putting an oxygen mask on him. There is
something more subtle than oxygen which is
present in this Universe and that is prana. When
an individual has an abundance of prana, he
appears healthy, lively and charismatic.
Through the practice of certain breathing
techniques or pranayama, the flow of prana can
be controlled. When prana is controlled, the
mind becomes stable and the body becomes
healthy. Practice of pranayama is an integral
part of any yoga practice. Even during the
practice of asanas, the focus is always on
YogPro proper breathing as this directs prana to the

Pratyahara(withdrawal of senses) This

implies disconnecting the mind from the
constant misleading stimulations of the senses.
For instance, during the practice of yoga, your
mind might lead you to focus on a pain in the
Pratyahara is the practice of disconnecting the
mind from the focus on the pain. This is done by
bringing concentration back to the in-flow and
out-flow of breath. The idea is to become a
witness to all the thoughts that run through the
mind and not fight them or resist them.
Therefore, the mind is compelled to go inwards
and not run outwards, where it finds a million
reasons to be miserable and unhappy.


Dharana(concentration) Dhar means to

hold or to retain. The mind is concentrated on
one idea or word to the exclusion of all other
words. During the practice of asana, dharana is
practiced by focusing the mind completely on
inhalation and exhalation. When practitioners
achieve a high level of mastery over the
practice of pratyahara, it becomes easy to
achieve a deep level of concentration or


Dhyana(meditation) Dhyana comes from the

Sanskrit word dhyayi which means to
contemplate or meditate. A combination of
Pratyahara and Dharana bring about a state of
Dhyana in which all thoughts are directed
towards the Supreme.


Samadhi(the state of pure bliss) Samadhi is

the highest state of consciousness any
individual can attain. It is the merging of the
individual Self into the Supreme Consciousness
or Universal Soul. This is the ultimate goal of
yoga because, in Samadhi, all thoughts,
distractions and suffering cease to exist. In
Samadhi, the mind is completely transcended.
The only thing that remains is pure
consciousness and the individual becomes
established in the true nature of the Soul, which
is pure bliss. Practice of the seven steps
highlighted above leads to the experience of

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