Three Ways To Channel Spirit

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Crystal Anne Compton, 2016 - 2017. Compton Enterprises LLC.

All rights reserved.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written
permission from Crystal Anne Compton is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be
used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Crystal Anne Compton with appropriate
and specific direction to the original content.
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3 Ways To Channel Spirit


My name is Crystal Anne Compton and I have

been a spiritual teacher for many years, and also a
professional intuitive, for even longer than that.
Therefore a large part of what I do necessarily involves
navigating, interacting within, and channeling the world
of Spirit.

Channeling is not a scary thing or even an overly

mysterious thing. In fact, channeling is a wonderful and
quite common thing. Many (and I do mean many!) famous people have channeled,
whether they called it such or not.

For example, Beethoven channeled intricate pieces of beautiful music, while

Albert Einstein channeled the theory of relativity using a technique I call Active
Imagination. Songwriters have channeled songs; writers have channeled novels; poets
have channeled poems.

As spiritual people, it's important to know that we have access to the channel
through which all inspiration flows. This channel is called our spirit, and nothing can take
our spirit from us -- nothing. Our spirit is always active, always exchanging information
with the Source that created it. Our spirit is the mechanism through which we can begin -
- today -- channeling truly inspired, divine, and even celestial information.

This instructional e-book will dive into why channeling is so very important, and
will also teach you three simple and easy ways to start channeling energy and
information for yourself. As with all sacred practices, proceed into channeling with
reverence, openness, and while also maintaining a high vibration.
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3 Ways To Channel Spirit

Also, if you would like to learn more about me and the various spiritual and
metaphysical subjects I teach, please visit my website at or
my online spiritual community
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3 Ways To Channel Spirit

The Simple Truth About Channeling

(And How To Do It)

People tend to think that channeling is a mysterious thing that "some people do" --
people who are gifted, or psychic, or mystics. These fancy individuals tend to be people
other than us.

Sure, those types of people channel, but the reality is that all people can and
should channel. This includes you.

Channeling and prayer are similar. I only mention this because you've probably
done your fair share of praying. If you have prayed, then you can also channel.

Prayer is an outward transmission, from us to Source (or to our emissaries, such as

angels and guides), while channeling, directionally
speaking, originates from Source/our emissaries and
is transmitted into -- and through -- us. Both
processes use the same faculties to do what they do,
and each process is as simple as the other.

The reason people think they can't channel is

because they doubt themselves -- a lot. They censor
what is coming through and then measure it against what they think is so-called
"common-sense". That wasn't my angels, they say, that was me. I'm making it up.

It's actually easy to make that mistake. Much of channeled information is

transmitted telepathically, and appears in our own voice. This means it arrives in the
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center of our head -- vis-a-vis the pineal gland -- and appears much like one of our own
thoughts. It's easy therefore to misidentify what's coming through and think it must
originate within us.

Spirit messaging and our own imaginative processes feel very similar, yet they are
most definitely different. Spirit messaging -- and in specific, channeled communications -
- are clearer, they feel inspired, and in fact have a good deal more heft and resonance to
them than our own imagination.

Channeled information often streams into our

awareness when we are in the midst of doing
something, and is disguised as a hunch, a good idea,
or an inspired "a-ha!" thought. Channeled
information can be all those things -- but make no
mistake: It doesn't come from you. It comes from
Source, and often, your angels and guides. (Well, it can come from your Higher Self,
which is the I Am you, therefore entirely you -- but that's not what I mean. A channeled
transmission directed into you by your Higher Self does not originate from monkey-
mind, human-flesh-suit you.)

And so my biggest task with you, dear student, is to demystify channeling. You
can do it. Everyone can do it. We came into this world with a fully functioning
mainframe, if you will, and we have all the parts necessary to stay in contact with all of
our emissaries, to include our angels and guides. The most difficult thing about being a
channel is realizing you can be one. The next most difficult thing is being disciplined
about it.

Channeling also requires observation -- watching your thoughts, paying attention

to your environment, being interested in what is happening. Channeling often comes as a
byproduct of meditation -- and calls for keeping a disciplined practice. You must show up
every day, or every other day (whatever the case may be), no matter what. Channeling
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happens in the quieting of the life and the mind, two things that in this day and age are
decidedly hard to do.

But not impossible.

Spirit and your emissaries want you to hear them. They also get very excited if
you do the aforementioned things and truly commit to a relationship with them. When
you do this, their communications tend to move beyond just you, to other people and

A speaker, well, he speaks. He meditates in his sacred space, perhaps using

crystals or essences, modifying his breath and altering his brain function. And, when
sufficiently altered, he creates the bubble of silence into which Spirit can enter and
commune with him. He waits, a recorder nearby. When he senses (in his body, through
reading his own energy and the energy of the room) that the frequency has shifted, and
indeed the vibration has risen, he turns on his recorder and sets his consciousness aside.
He goes extremely passive, extremely neutral, and becomes extremely willing.

When the words come into his mind, he speaks them. Sometimes he does not
know he is speaking them; sometimes his consciousness is so
completely detached from his bodily faculties (because he made
sure to relax to an almost trance-like state during meditation) that
he has no idea what the body is doing or saying. When the session
is over he turns off the recorder, concludes the session, and reviews
the tapes. Perhaps he transcribes them, compiles them, and shares
them. Perhaps he simply accepts the personal energy or guidance
and uses it.

And this is a critical point: the more you heed what is given -- after showing up for
the interaction in a disciplined fashion -- the more they will give you. It is how it works.
If you want to channel, channel. Show up every single day. Be willing. Have your pen,
your paper, your recorder, and create the space.
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An energy channel will go through her rituals or practices to free space in her
body. This is necessary as the energy is often routed through the body vessel before
expressing outwardly, whether into a room, a person, or so on. The body vessel must be
clear and unobstructed to the best of her ability.

Here is where it is excellent to dance, to jump on a rebounder, to laugh from deep

in the belly, to contort using yogic poses such as kundalini asanas. Manipulating the inner
and outer of the body vessel insures the patterns jostle, shift, and release. This creates the
channeling space needed within her, and this space -- which carries a frequency -- begins
to express outward from her. It fills her field, her grid, the room, and beyond. This space
is where Spirit steps in and begins routing energy through her grid pathways, saturating
the body vessel, and spiking out from the channel, into the intended person or space.


The easiest way to channel -- at least in the beginning -- will

always be writing. It will be doing whatever you need to do
(i.e., through meditation) to get into the Receiver Position,
which requires becoming altered to some degree, and

Waiting in your bubble of welcome, until they come.

And in the silence of that welcome, it will be time ask a question. I recommend
starting simply at first, with questions such as "Who are you?" or "What should I know

The more disciplined you become with your practice -- meaning the more you
show up for the interaction and also heed their guidance -- the more sophisticated your
questions will become, as well as the answers they give. Yet for now, when the moment
has come, ask a simple question and then keep your mind clear.
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A mistake here (one I've made before) would be to start running all possible false
answers through your consciousness, or worse, to start doubting that Spirit is even there.
If doubt is present, do what you can to eliminate it, and if you cannot eliminate it then
close the session. Truly, you must be 100% confident that this thing you are doing is a
thing that you CAN do, before you try doing it.

This means you must not anticipate, predict, second guess, or censor. Especially in
the beginning, when the answers are more prone to
seem nonsensical. They are nonsensical because you
are akin to a rusty pipe that has not been used in a
long time, if ever. And now, with crystal-pure water
suddenly flowing through the pipe, a lot of other
things come along with it, such as particles and
debris and a whole lot of detritus that has nothing to
do whatsoever with the pure water. The pipe has to clear before the water can become

You are the pipe. Give yourself time to clear.

Now, during your channeling session you may only receive the color pink. Maybe
you saw it in your mind's eye or in a flash of anomalous light in the room. That is perfect,
write it down, or say it into your recorder: Pink.

After all, this pink could indicate that the Archangel Metatron has joined you, or
Archangel Chamuel (leader of the Pink Ray). The color pink can represent so many
different things; it would be a shame if you did not write it down, or worse yet discounted
it out of hand.

Write whatever comes. Be thankful, oh so grateful, for anything and everything,

even the seemingly inane things. It's all part of a process, and not only are you showing
up, they are showing up too. And they will continue to show up, as long as you do.
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3 Ways To Channel Spirit

Your session is over when you feel ready to stop, or when you feel their energies
recede. Sometimes the body vessel burns out due to too much running of high vibration;
the body will tell you clearly when it has had enough. Honor that.

To close the session always demonstrate your gratitude. This is important.

Gratitude lends the momentum to that which you are attempting to manifest. If you want
to manifest an angel relationship, for example, then start by being entirely grateful for
your angels in the first place. This insures you will stay connected to them.

Close your session by putting your journal or your recorder away (preferably in a
ceremonial fashion or in a nice place, for example an ornate box or velvet bag, etc.). Your
channeling session is over. You will pick up another day -- hopefully tomorrow.

Until then you will think of other questions to

ask Spirit (many of these, by the way, will be
inspired by Spirit). Write them down throughout
the day. I like to keep a small notepad in my
purse for this very thing. Get excited about the
next session; anticipate how wonderful it will
be. The energy of the positive anticipation is
highly magnetic and will do its part to insure that what you anticipate is given to you.

Then, the next day (or whatever day you've designated) --- show up. That's all you
have to do. Get into the right frame of mind, create your silence and your allowance, wait
for their messages, document them or route their energy, and then close your session with
a prayer of gratitude.

Rinse, repeat, day after day, month after month.

I am telling you, if you can do this -- if you can be this disciplined -- you will soon
be channeling all manner of high vibration beings and energies, and your Lightwork will
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expand exponentially. The difference between now and a year from now will be
miraculous, if you keep at it.

Yet, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Just start. Make the time, get your tools together, and go for it.


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3 Ways To Channel Spirit

Who Is Crystal Anne Compton?

Crystal is a popular spiritual teacher with clients and students all over the world. She is
known for her easy and attractive teaching style, and prides herself on making
metaphysical concepts and dynamic spiritual growth obtainable for each and every
person. Click here to learn about her classes.

Crystal also has two podcasts, The Lightworkers Lab Podcast, and The Crystal Clear
Podcast, both of which focus on enlightenment, vibration, and metaphysical
understanding, and which can be found on iTunes or Google Play. Please subscribe!

You can also find hundreds of Crystal's free videos on her popular YouTube channel.
Please subscribe!

Last but not least, Crystal is also the founder of a quickly growing online spiritual
community called The Lightworkers Lab. The Lab is comprised of spiritual people
seeking to raise their vibration, expand their consciousness, and create happier, more
spiritually connected lives. Click here to learn more about the Lab.

Crystal Anne Compton, 2016 - 2017. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or
duplication of this material without express and written permission from Crystal Anne
Compton is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear
credit is given to Crystal Anne Compton with appropriate and specific direction to the
original content.

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