Namig Binary Compound Acids: Prepared By: Richelle Lopez Instructor

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Namig Binary

Compound Acids

Prepared by:
Richelle Lopez
Acids Derived from Binary

Certain binary hydrogen compounds, when dissolved in

water, form solutions that have acid properties, because of this
property, these compounds are given acid names in addition to
their regular ide names.\
Binary acids are composed of Hydrogen and one other
nonmetallic element

For example:
HCl = it is a gas and is called hydrogen chloride
= but its water solution is known as hydrochloric acid
To express the formula of Binary Acid
Write the symbol of hydrogen first.
Followed by the symbol of the second element.
Example: HCl, HBr, or H2S

To name Binary Acids:

Write the prefix hydro- followed by the stem of
the second element and add the suffix ic.
Write the word acid.
Example: HCl H2S
Hydro chlor ic acid Hydro sulfur ic acid
(hydrochloric acid) (hydrosulfuric acid)
Names and Formula of Selected Binary Acids
Formula Acid name Formula Acid name
HF Hydrofluoric acid HI Hydroiodic acid
HCl Hydrochloric acid H2S Hydrosulfuric acid
HBr Hydrobromic acid H2Se Hydroselenic acid
Naming Binary Compounds is Summarized
Usually end
in -ide
Two Metal/Nonm Hydrogen/Nonm
nonmetals etal etal

Use prefixes
to indicate Metal with Metal with
number of one type of varying types In H2O Not in H2O
atoms for cation of cations
each element

1. Name metal 1. Use prefix 1. Hydrogen

2. Stem name Determine the hydro-, 2. Stem name
of charge of the suffix ic of
nonmetal, cation 2. Add word nonmetal,
-ide acid -ide

1. Choose
1. Use roman
ous or ic
after cation
ending on
2. Stem name
2. Stem name
Naming Compounds
Containing Polyatomic
Polyatomic Ion is an ion that contains two
or more elements
compounds containing polyatomic ions are composed of
three or more elements and usually consist of one or more
cation combined with negative polyatomic ion.

In naming the compounds containing polyatomic ions is

similar to naming binary compounds. The cation is named
first, followed by the name for the negative polyatomic ion.
Many polyatomic ions that contain oxygen are called
oxy-anions and generally have the suffix ate or -ite.
ate form contains more oxygen atoms than the ite form.
2- -
Sulfate (SO4 ) Nitrate (NO3)
2- -
Sulfite (SO3) Nitrite (NO2)

To indicate more oxygen than in the ate form we add the

prefix per- (short for hyper- meaning more.)
the prefix hypo- meaning less (oxygen in this case),is used
for the ion containing less oxygen than the -ite
Names, Formulas, and Charges of Some Common
Polyatomic Ions
Name Formu Char Name Formul Char
la - ge a - ge
Acetate C2H+3O2 -1 Cyanide CN 2- -1
Ammonium NH43- +1 Dichromate Cr2-O7 -2
Arsenate AsO4- -3 Hydroxide OH- -1
Hydrogen HCO3 -1 Nitrate NO3 -1
- -
Hydrogen sulfate -4
HSO -1 Nitrite NO2 - -1
Bromate BrO 3 -1 Permanganate MnO
3- 4 -1
Carbonate CO-3 -2 Phosphate PO2-4 -3
Chlorate ClO2-3 -1 Sulfate SO2-4 -2
Chromate CrO4 -2 Sulfite SO3 -2
Oxy-Ions and Oxy-Acids of Chlorine
Anion Anion name Acid formula Acid name
ClO- hypochlorite HClO Hypoclorous acid
ClO- 2 chlorite HClO2 Chlorous acid
ClO- 3 chlorate HClO3 Chloric acid
ClO4 perchlorate HClO4 Perchloric acid

Four of the common negatively charge polyatomic ions do not use

the ate-ite system.
These exceptions are: - 2- -
Hydroxide (OH ), Hydrogen sulfide (HS ), Peroxide (O2 ) and Cyanide
(CN )
Naming Bases
bases contain the hydroxyl group, OH, in
combination with metal ion. Hydroxides are
named by indicating the name of metal ion
followed by the word hydroxide.

NaOH Sodium hydroxide
Ba(OH)2 Barium hydroxide
Cu(OH)2 Copper(II) Hydroxide or
cupric hydroxide
Naming of Hydrates
A hydrate is a substance that contains water molecules
as a part of its crystalline structure .
Hydrates are named by indicating the name of the
compound first exclusive of the water followed by the
term hydrate with a prefix or a number representing
the number of water molecules present.


BaCl2 12 H2O Barium chloride dodecahyrate or

barium chloride 12-hydrate

CuSO4 5 H2O Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate or

copper (II) sulfate 5-hydrate
Practice Exercises:

1. Write Formulas for these compounds

a. Sodium nitrate NaNO3
b. Barium hydroxide Ba(OH)2
c. Silver carbonate Ag2CO3
d. Potassium nitrite KNO2
e. Calcium phosphate Ca3(PO4)2

2. Write the name of each compound

f. Ca(HSO4)2 Calcium hydroxide sulfate
g. Sn(NO2)2 Tin (II) Nitrite
h. KHCO3 Potassium hydrogen carbonate
i. BiAsO4 Bismuth (III) Arsenate
j. KMnO4 Potassium permanganate

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