Wi-Vi Technology

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Under the guidance of Presented by

Mr.R.Naresh naik,Mtech R.Sreehari
Basic Principle
Advantages and disadvantages
Future scope
Wi-Vi stands for wireless vision.

Wi-Vi is used to detect the humans behind the wall.

Wi-Vi is a three antenna device with two transmitters and one

receiver.Signals transmitted are similar but inverse of 1 st antenna.

Earlier operation to detect humans behind wall used antenna

array and UWB frequencies made them bulky.
What WI-VI can do?
Detect the Number of Moving Humans in a Closed
Determine the Relative Locations of Moving Humans.
Eliminate the reflections from static devices.
Enable communication through wall carrying wireless
Identify Simple Gestures from Behind a Wall.
Wi-Vi construction
Wi-Vilike any other system essentially
consists of a Transmitter and a Receiver.
A Wi-Vi system constitutes- Two transmitting

antennas and Single receiver.

Basic Principle
WI-VI is Based on the principle of RADAR and SONAR
imaging(doppler effect).
RADAR is an object detection system which uses

radio waves to determine the range, altitude,

direction, or speed of objects.
Its similar to the way radar and sonar work but

without the expensive ,bulky gear and restricted

frequencies that radar requires.
Key Idea


Figure1 :Key idea for working of WI-VI

The key idea behind this technology is the reflection of the signals which is similar to
that of RADAR and SONAR imaging.
Transmitting signals are low
power Wi-Fi signals.
The two antennas transmit

almost identical signals,except

the second antenna's signal is
the inverse of the first
resulting in interference
These 2 transmitted waves are going to reflect off the wall and come
back to the receive antenna.
Any static objects that the signals hit including the wall create
identical reflections, they too are cancelled out by this nuling effect.
Only those reflections that change between the two signals, such as
those from a moving object, arrive back at the receiver.
As the person moves through the room, his or her distance from the
receiver changes, meaning the time it takes for the reflected signal to
make its way back to the receiver changes.
The system then uses this information to calculate where the person is
at any one time.
All reflections from static objects are cancelled out, and the
only thing registered by the device is the moving human.
Tracking Multiple Humans
Number of distinct curves at the same time corresponds to
the number of humans

100 100
80 2 80 1
60 60 2
40 40
Angle (degrees)

Angle (degrees)
20 20
0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
-80 1 -80 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -100
Time (seconds) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (seconds)

Figure 8 output for two Humans Figure 9 output for three Humans
Advantages of wi-vi

Wi-Vi requires only a few MHz of bandwidth and

operates in the same range as Wi-Fi.
Wi-Vi can perform through-wall imaging without

access to any device on the other side of the wall.

Wi-Vi employs signals whose wavelengths are 12.5 cm.
Extend human vision beyond the visible
electromagnetic range, allowing us to detect in the dark
or in smoke.
High efficiency.
Disadvantages of wi-vi
Low resolution.
Short range of communication.
We cannot detect humans behind walls thicker than


1. Military purpose
2. Firefighters check for humans
3. Personal Security
4. Gaming
Future scope

Wi-Vi could be built into a Smartphone or a special

handheld device.
Evolution of seeing humans through denser building

material and with a longer range.

High quality images.
Wi-Vi, a wireless technology that uses Wi-Fi signals to
detect moving humans behind walls and in closed
rooms. In contrast to previous systems, which are
targeted for the military, Wi-Vi enables small cheap
see-through-wall devices that operate in the ISM band,
rendering them feasible to the general public, without
carrying any transmitting device.
Wi-Vi system uses Wi-Fi to see through walls Gizmag
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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